Do you often abandon games and never return to them?
Man, I do this way too much lately. Mine's connected a bit with stress, but I'm not sure what else. Mine's not just focusing, it's also concentrating when I DO want to play it. It's starting to really effect me while gaming, too :s Hopefully you can get yours figured out soon, though.
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Mine is I'm just not able to play anything I want for very long. For example, I've been playing CS:GO for quite some time, and I love it, but I can only stand it for a few games. It only just started doing this a month ago. Whether it's new, or old, I just can't play it for very long. Before this month, I could play one game for hours in one sitting, but now I can barely play for two. I don't have anything else to do in life besides playing games right now, so it really sucks :s
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Sounds like gaming burnout to me (the same thing happens to me when I have too much spare time and not enough to do). Spend some time doing other things (don't you have a book in your shelf that you've been meaning to read for ages now, but never got around to?) and you'll soon find that you'll be able to binge on games again.
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I don't own any books :s I'm not a fan of reading.
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It was just an example. Take an evening tango course, watch a TV-series that you think look interesting, but you've not got around to yet, learn jujutsu (this one is painful), take up programming, basically anything that can get you away from gaming for a while makes games all the more fun to play.
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I don't like dancing, I get too ancy and fidgety when I watch tv for too long, I am never gonna learn jujutsu, I would not be good at programming due to my memory and stupidity. I would have to resort to something in my house, since I do not like going outside, and I don't have anything to watch on tv. I am very picky with what I do :s And all I wanna do is play games Dx
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Check some of the local game clubs and see if you can't get people to come over and play boardgames or pen & paper RPGs?
I get too ancy and fidgety when I watch tv for too long
This one I can relate to. I can hardly watch TV-shows or movies, I just get restless after about 20min (there have been exceptions, but they are few and far between)
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But... that involves people, and people scare me ;~;
And yeah, I used to watch a bunch of tv and movies, before I got into gaming, but now I just can't. Once in a while if I feel like it, I will. But that's hardly ever.
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You're a girl and they are geeks, they'll be more afraid of you than you of them! (This might not actually be true, and it's questionable if it ever has been true).
Not to sound pushy, but your last comment actually makes me think it would be a good idea for you to host board game nights or some other simple low effort social gathering.
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xD But I have no idea how to meet people. The only people I know here are my boyfriend's friends, and I barely ever hang out with them (Even when I do, it's not exactly comfortable). I don't know how to meet people, and I dunno if I wanna start xD All of my friends are online, and that's all the social I need :D (Sometimes even THAT is too much for me .-.)
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Geeks are easy to talk to. Just talk about computer games and they tend to open up (though you might have to start the conversation, as a lot of geeks seem to think it's taboo to talk about games with girls).
And this reminds me a lot of a conversation I had with an RL friends who I got to know back in high school. You basically had to drag her out the door to get her to socialize, otherwise she would stay indoors and play Fallout. But you could generally tell from her tone when talking to her that when forced to socialize she became noticeably more optimistic about life (well, a day or so after socializing, as she, like many other diehard introverts, found social activities exhausting)
Everyone is of course different, but I'm getting a serious sense of déjà vu from this conversation ;)
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Pick shorter games ?
Or figure out what's the motivation killer - if it's all games related, just take a break from gaming for a few weeks.
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This is actually not a bad idea. Also, pick one game per genre and play them in parallel: I am playing Bully and DiRT Rally at the moment, but they don't collide, so to say. Bully and Saints Row 4 though? No go. ;)
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This is what I'm doing. I have a couple of games I'm playing at the moment and whatever I feel like playing I play. So for example if I want to play a strategy game, I pick Civ V, EU4 or CK2. When I want a shooter I play Borderlands etc. It's actually a pretty good system. But sometimes it can still be hard to keep being motivated, but then you should just stop playing for a bit. (I really recommend a hobby, for me that's playing guitar)
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Usually real-life activities take up time and interest in video games, depending on their urgency.
Maybe ease up a bit. Play a game for the fun, not to finish it. Maybe take a day off and just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Or maybe you're like me, expecting an upcoming game and not wanting to play anything else in the mean time xD
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Maybe you don't like that games.
Life is too short to play boring games :c
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I'm a completionist with the attention span of a goldfish, so I have to force myself to play only 1 game per system at a time, so that I actually get through games. Although, sometimes I can put down games for long periods of time altogether due to other commitments such as work and real life. Or, I plain just don't feel like playing games... D:
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I do abandon plenty of games (mostly when the story does not really engages me too much) but I'm always returning to them at some point. The completionist in me demands it (in most cases)!
Maybe you need to figure out what in gaming engages you the most? Is it playing with friends or against other people online or immerse yourself alone in a new universe? Do you like puzzling and/or deep story ?
I abandoned Fallout 3 and Skyrim for example at some pont because as much as I like the open world of both, the story behind it wasn't engaging me at all, so I explored most of the map and when that was mostly done I didn't even recalled what I was supposed to do in the first place because the story was not presented in a way that it was getting my interest.
Perhaps, like suggested above, try shorter games and play in short bursts or take a little break from gaming.
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Basically I just wanna see new perspectives on things, I guess. So, I tend to play only like 10-12 hours of every game, because after that I got the idea of the game-world (except if it is written as brilliant as Portal 2 for example).
Just live with it imo :)
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Most of the time I do this is because I'm too emotionally tired and I don't wanna build up more stress. It's not like games stress me out, but when I have a bad couple of days, the last thing I want is to repel an enemy army, or be called a fag by a thirteen year old assholes. If you feel like dropping something, do it and don't blame yourself.
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Might be that you're suffering from some light gaming burnout. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us.
Save those games that you "really" want to play until you feel the urge to sink your teeth into something big, and just stick with games that won't bother you much if you drop for now.
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I try to work on multiple games at once. Around 3 or 4 so that I have something different based on what I feel at the moment. One thing that really helps me stay focused is achievement hunting. I used to do that as well... half beaten games or some that only made it past the intro. I've only been chievo hunting for a short while but my completion rate shot from like 27% to 51% and I have been slowly uninstalling games I finish and freeing space on my PC. It might not be for everyone though...
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Lots of good input by now, but I'll throw in mine. I think it's probably a combination of things, some or all of these:
I have 2-5 right now, and my solution is to rotate to games when I get burned out on movies/Netflix and books, then pick a couple of games in different genres, install only them, play them when I have time switching between them if I'm losing interest. If I find myself ready to move off of one game and completely disinterested in going back to the other, I step back and evaluate whether I maybe just don't like that game, in which case I'll either look up a walkthrough to speedrun the game to check it off my list, or just move it to an "uninterested" category in Steam, abandon it forever, and move on to the next one. Occasionally there's a game that I just can't play "right now" and I'll move it to a different category to come back to - Morrowind is like that for me, similar to Zogg's comments above.
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Sleep better.
but you need a good game to continue.
oh the days where i could stay up all night and play Diablo1
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It happens to me a lot, and I hate it.
Everyday I think "I will finish that game". Then I return home, after work, at 19.
Read emails, threads, social media, catch up with friends, girlfriend, then search stuff on Internet, search GAMES (omg) and then I look to my library, then I look to the clock, the again to library and "I don't know what I should play now, and if I will play or just do nothing, or watch something, or whatever". time passes, and then nothing.
BUT, like @jbmccune said up there, that list, is good, cause I've notice that it help in this situation. Because is common for me in the last years to pass by this situation.
The world has more than games for us to enjoy, so, not a big problem if I can't play all I would like for now.
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Widen your genre, like RTS, RPG, Simulation, etc.. When you get bored on those new genre/game, you probably back to your old genre/game feeling refreshed.
I've read this tips on some blog post, and it's actually worked for me ._.
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Try to play with a younger family member and try to play the game like you're the biggest badass that ever played it. Yes it most likely isn't really true, but you have to believe it and try to do that to entertain your younger family member who sits there with you laughing at the best gameplay ever (who needs youtubers if they get to watch you play?!).. Another thing that I suggest is go for a walk, do other stuff, in real life don't just sit there, don't force yourself to play the game because you won't ever enjoy it that way anyway, take a break from gaming, maybe a week or two, go on a vacation and don't take any device that lets you play games! As soon as you get back from vacation, if playing ANY game isn't the first thing to come to your mind, you probably lost interest in games entirely meaning it's time for you to find a job, get married, start a family and all the other usual stuff people normally do outside the virtual world.
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So, for the last few weeks I've been having a hard time focusing on a specific game, I have a huge backlog but I used to pick up a game I liked and played it to the finish, but now I'll get halfway into a game and just kinda lose interest in it, even if it's a game I really enjoy like XCOM, Metal Gear or Dark Souls, I just find myself unable to feel motivated. The last game I manged to to play all the way to completion was Deus Ex: Human Revolution, since then I just abandon games.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this problem?
PS: It's really late/already dawn and I didn't sleep yet, so I I'll be going to bed and only return later but please post your suggestions. Thanks guys.
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