So I was looking on my account on enhanced steam, and it said how much money i spent on the steam store, so I wondered how much money i spent on bundle games from various bundle sites and how many games I got from the bundle site. I calculated the totals for the bundles I bought and figured some people would be interested in the info.

'Games' in this case are full games that I could redeem on steam, no amount of dlc was counted as a game for these calculations. Repeats were included in the amount of games for example bastion was in two of the bundles i bought and it was added twice to the number of games.

---The main bundle sites

Indie Gala $36.94 spent, 113 games as of January, 32.7 cents per game

Humble Bundle main bundles $42.8 spent, 142 games, 30 cents per game

Humble Weekly Bundles $44.96 spent, 89 games, 50.5 cents per game

Humble Bundle main + weekly $87.76 spent, 231 games, 38 cents per game

Groupees $71.25 spent, 173 games, 41.1 cents per game

Bundle Stars $39.48 spent, 82 games, 48.1 cents per game

Indie Royale $26.77 spent, 31 games, 86.4 cents per game

---Some less popular bundle sites

Flying Bundle 7.50 spent, 13 games 57.7 cents per game

Bundle in a Box $3.93 spent, 9 games 43.7 cents per game

Stacksocial, $1.00 spent, 3 games 33.3 cents per game; half life 3 confirmed

Grand total: 276.62 spent, 655 bundle games, 42 cents per game

So as most people would expect, Indie Royale is the most costly bundle for steam games, costing more than twice as much of the lowest cost bundle. On the lowest cost side of the bundle sites is indie gala, but a large portion of my indie gala bundles were bought via the group buys steam group. Past that is the humble bundle main + weekly bundles giving the best value, but the more recent average cost/game of their bundles should be much higher than my total average since my purchase history includes several bundles where you could buy the one dollar tier and get the second week bta games and that no longer happens.

Bonus: Humble Bundle Main website bundles before and after having to pay the bta for second week games, HIB9 was the first according to Wikipedia

Pre change: $21.46, 92 games, 23.3 cents per game, over 13 bundles, only 2 bta

Post change $20.34, 50 games, 40.7 cents per game over 6 bundles, 5 bta and that I have mostly beat the average for these bundles as low as possible

11 years ago*

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Thanks for sharing, indeed curious, but HB and IG have done big changes on their strategy, so probably there would be much differences if you could stop it before their changes. Creating two thresholds.

11 years ago

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I suppose I could make a split for when humble bundle stopped giving bta games to early buyers, and although I could do one for when the humble weekly bundles started to cost $6 flat for the bta, I only bought the bta 1 time before it was set to a fixed value, so I figure there wouldnt be a huge difference for that one.

I know that Indie gala has recently added a tax to eu countries, but since I am from the US, this wouldn't have affected me directly.

11 years ago

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IG mainly stop giving extra copies for early buyers, then restricted to bta, then made more expensive for "group buys" happy hours with inflated price,...
Didn't know that last change.

11 years ago

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Thanks for sharing the news about HL3

11 years ago

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One stat is missing: 655 games in total. ~620 games have 0.0 hrs :D

11 years ago

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gotta save up unplayed games for retirement

11 years ago

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Early retirement maybe

11 years ago

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Very cool. Love stats!

11 years ago

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And you'll most likely never play any of those game ever! See this is how I see bundles now. It's a great way to sell the game to someone who was never going to buy it. They see $5 for 6 games? Oh cool I'll buy it! Most likely that person isn't going to play any of those games. It's such a cheeky move.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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My stats:
Indie Gala - $216.71
Humble Bundle - $191.09
Indie Royale - $152.37
Groupees - $177.76
Bundlestars - $48.07
Other - $22.77

Total Spent: $808.77 since May 10, 2010

Indie bundles are the quickest way to separate money from my wallet.

11 years ago

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Half life 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

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Where are you seeing this data? Nothing much at all is added to my account page with Enhanced Steam.

11 years ago

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Welcome to the club. This is one of the most un-intuitive add-on I've ever seen.

11 years ago

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Could be using Chrome. Vast difference between the Chrome and Firefox implementations of the add-on for now.

11 years ago

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He took the info from all his purchases and added it up manually.

Unless you're talking about the Steam info from Enhanced Steam. Then it's right on your account page on the right. (On Chrome at least, it is.)

11 years ago

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the only data I saw from enhanced steam was how much i spent on the steam store, which i found by logging into it then going to account details

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by qetc.