Sweet Goodies and bonuses await


Please help us spread the word on this - especially if you've already bought McDroid

Edit: If the game is greenlit everyone who pays a minimum of $1 will get the steam key. https://indiegamestand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1923#p1923


12 years ago*

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I'm still asking the devs if we get steam keys if they get green lit on their green light page. Ima throw 3$ for it since I like coop games like this

12 years ago

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Yeah, they said everyone would get a steam key. Here's where the developer said that. https://indiegamestand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1923#p1923

12 years ago

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I've read different, Dev says you must bta igs price so you get steam keys but i'm not sure so i'm confirming it on their green light page before the deal ends

12 years ago

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Flimgoblin [author] Feb 5, 2013 @ 2:10pm
Jumpy Ghostface: If you've paid enough for a Desura key you'll also get a Steam key if (when!) we get greenlit.

Flimgoblin [author] Feb 5, 2013 @ 2:10pm
MrHanMan: Yep. If (when! confidence!) this gets greenlit all previous Desura purchases get a steam key too.

12 years ago

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It truly is an amazing game. I paid $5 to help support the developers. If the 1600 people that already bought the game gifted one copy to one of there friends we'd be at the 3000 mark.

2000 purchased - 2 new droid skins and 1 new music track

3000 purchased - and they’ll unlock this crazy new alien: the crawler slasher which comes from the unholy union of the new glow-mutator and your crops.

5000 purchased - they will give IGS users the Pet Bot “Lazer Head” - a helper bot that stays with you from level to level that you can upgrade. pic.twitter.com/sKSZ1WwS

12 years ago

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So... is it worth to get this game? Is it fun?

12 years ago

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It is worth the price. You can try the demo on there main website. http://www.mcdroidgame.com/. But for $1 you really can't beat that. If the game makes it on steam, you'll get a steam key and can create a giveaway on here if it's a game you didn't find fun.

12 years ago

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^, I like the idea but am strapped at the moment..

12 years ago

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Bought BTA , going to download soon :)

12 years ago

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bought and got it

12 years ago

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Worst goals they could put there. IMO it's like saying "if we don't get enough sales, we won't care so much about the game" - because these goals are features, that they've chosen, not us and they already got some ideas or maybe even prepared content.

12 years ago

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errr no? just like kickstarters bonuses, they are extra content, not extra features left out

12 years ago

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I understand what you mean to be honest. Like if it doesn't sell they won't create the new content. It's a great game despite this though.

12 years ago

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I would have to agree with that.

The enemy, weapon, skins and pet bot are most likely all thought out and ready to be created. As for the music track, I'd be surprised if it wasn't already finished and just wasn't used in the game.

In otherwords, only an hour left until we see the next game!

12 years ago

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Darn, don't have the money now to get it :(

12 years ago

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looks like i missed it. fuuuuuuuuuu

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by parkour86.