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Let me know if you encounter any bugs, but no spoilers for others please.
You can add me on Steam if you can't explain the bug without spoilers.
Just post a comment here or on my Steam profile if you add me for that.

The countdown on the site is for the giveaway end dates.
The links at the bottom are just for attribution.
You don't have to interact with these for the puzzle.

I probably won't give any hints here, unless only very few manage to find the giveaways.
You can take a look at previous puzzles of mine and their solutions, if you don't even know where to start.
Now what is this exactly???

I will add a solution for this one as well, once it has ended.

1 year ago*

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thats one hell of a puzzle, thanks!

1 year ago

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Thank you! Special Puzzle♪ ♪ ((o'Θ'o)) ♪

I don't have much time right now, so I'll continue when I have time to spare.🧩🔫ヽ(Θ´; )ノ≡ヽ( ;`Θ)ノ🎮📺

1 year ago

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Bump for solved.

1 year ago

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Bump for solved! Amazing puzzle, very cool!

1 year ago

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Once again, top level puzzle. Thank you! :)

1 year ago

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What effort invested in the puzzle
Bim bam Bump😊

1 year ago

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No clue, found a bunch of things that didn't lead anywhere so I wasted my time basically.

1 year ago

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Great puzzle ;)

1 year ago

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4/4 bump!
I liked it

1 year ago

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Bump for first one found

Update 4/4
Thanks for a nice puzzle. Turns out I was chasing too many red herrings and the solution was way more simple than I thought

1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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15 days left bump

1 year ago

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Bump for solved and also just really fun.

1 year ago

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Beautiful puzzle as always. And just like always I have no idea where to start because I'm a dummy and I'll be very interested in the solution at the end. Kudos to all the solvers and to you for the genius puzzle and all the work.

1 year ago

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completely missed this (not that i know where to even click) ...

but... you've made all this for us??

1 year ago

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Excellent puzzle, great execution. Thanks very much!

1 year ago

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Bump for just found this. Currently stuck at one very frustrating place but all things considered this was/is very fun :-D

Is adding you on steam only for definite bugs or could I also add you to find out why my "obvious" solution to the last outstanding puzzle is wrong? ;)

1 year ago*

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Go ahead, you can add me. I'm pretty busy with work right now, so just send me a message even if I'm offline and I'll reply asap.

1 year ago

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Bump for all done. The last puzzle that eluded me suddenly worked the way I expected after getting the "you did everything right".

This is really fun and while it hurts my chances to win anything I really hope more people will play this :-D

1 year ago

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10 days remaining bump

1 year ago

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5 days remaining

1 year ago

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2 days remaining

1 year ago

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Bump for solved, Thanks !

1 year ago

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4/4 solved, bump!

Loved this one more than the last one from December last year to be honest.

1 year ago

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Is there any chance you could tell us which games? I personally don't like to spend a lot of time on something if it ends up for games I already own or have no interest in. Regardless it's kind of sad this thread didn't get bumped more I'm just seeing it now.

1 year ago

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View attached image.
1 year ago

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Thank you that's very kind. they don't really interest me but I might do the puzzles I can find anyway. Really nicely made puzzle :)

1 year ago

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Apart from the easy puzzle I can't find the other three. There are just too many possibilities with not enough hints to point me in the right direction. Ah well...

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Bump for solved, great puzzle :)

1 year ago

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An extra visibility bump because you put so much effort into it :)

1 year ago

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Another gem of a puzzle, thanks!

1 year ago

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