Not sure if ignoring it and marking as not received will get me flagged as not activating a gift.

9 years ago

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If they creator doesn't provide you with a working key/gift of the game you're supposed to mark it as "not received."

That's what giveaway feedback is for. :P

EDIT: And no, you won't get flagged for not activating for making not received. You'd get flagged if you mark it as "received" but never activated it.

9 years ago

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Thank you. I have to wait a few more days to mark it then. Edit: Will the creator get flagged if I marked it as not received?

9 years ago

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Yes, it will be a visible red mark on their giveaways page and they'll lose a GA slot.

9 years ago

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don't worry. if the guy keeps doing that, he will be suspended.
you won't.

9 years ago

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Mark as not received. It will not affect your statistics. Let the creator sort it out himself.

9 years ago

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If you didn't receive it, then marking it as not received is exactly what you should do.

9 years ago

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