Hello lads,
I have been checking my entry history and out of 31 entries for GTA V a solid majority was marked as "Not received". The problem is that there are currently NO steam keys for GTA V (only for Rockstar club) and people are constantly getting banned, while trying to point out the fact to new users (I agree that calling a giveaway fake before it ends is kinda iffy, but ...)

I believe something should be done about it.Óne way would be disabling all key giveaways for GTA V or perma banning people who do those and after a week are marked as not received

7 years ago

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Should Grand Theft Auto V be removed from steamgifts

View Results
Yes - the amount of fake giveaways is over the roof
No - but it should be manually checked if the creator of the giveaway owns it
No - there could be keys later on, why risk missing it?
No - but there should be harsher punishments for those who create fake giveaways
No - but the key giveaways should be auto delete
Who cares?

Not necessary in my opinion. GTA V giveaways usually come in sets of 3 so those people get to promote their amazing YouTube channels exactly once before they run out of slots.

7 years ago

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But it's not just GTA V, there are more, and then someone has to monitor each and every single giveaway.

7 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim!

7 years ago

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A warning should appear when creating a giveaway for GTA V saying that Steam keys do not exist for it. I'm not sure how easy it would be to do that for only one game though.

7 years ago

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It could probably be done manually by mods by editing the description which is not a bad idea

7 years ago

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But you are not allowed to give away a not-steamkey. Even you write in the description "THIS IS NOT A STEAM KEY" you better should delete the giveaway.

7 years ago

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I don't think he means the description of giveaways, but a description of the game.

7 years ago

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On the store page? There are. On humble you will see something like

Grand Theft Auto V is provided via a Rockstar Games Social Club key. For key redemption, a free Rockstar Games Social Club account is required to play.


Delivery: Rockstar Social Club Key



The buyer just must learn to read.

7 years ago

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They mean add a note when selecting the game on the create a giveaway page.

7 years ago

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we already have this

Please enter Steam redeemable keys, or gift URLs from Steam, Humble Bundle, or IndieGala.

if ppl can't read or don't want read - u can't do something with it (╯ ° □ °) ╯ (┻━┻

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I'm aware of that, I was just pointing out what they meant as you didn't seem to understand it.

7 years ago

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If they can fast change games with a * if they give reduces points, it should be fairly easy to just add something like that to a game as well, at least that's what I assume.

7 years ago

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but there should be harsher punishments for those who create fake giveaways

how u know its a fake?
For example, u made giveaway for GTAV and u actually could (and want) to buy this game in steam store for giveaway. U set high level, or even use sgtools.. but damn - u see winners profile and u understand that u can't make reroll and u don't want to give this game to this person. Result - +1 not recieved.

Its a fake giveaway?

7 years ago

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With that logic there can't be literally any punishments ever on this page. Simply "I didn't want to give it to him" would be enough.

7 years ago

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we have punishment -1 giveaway slot
So if new user make fake giveaway with 3 copies GTAV - he will get 3 Not recieved and he can't make giveaways in future

7 years ago

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which would let him still enter giveaways and not create ones, which he/she apparently never intended to. Also there are people who are level 3 and just create a single GTA V giveaway to promote youtube channell / steam group / guides and - giveaway slot won't hurt them at all, yet it would still be worth it with 7-9k entries as a promotion (there was literally one like that an hour ago)

7 years ago

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Yes. You can't just decide that you don't like the winner and abandon the giveaway. If they haven't played by the rules, you can ask the admins to confirm that they have served their penalties, but otherwise, lottery rules apply.

7 years ago

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You can't just decide that you don't like the winner and abandon the giveaway.

yes, u can't. But u will never know if someone just don't like winner. Giveaway creator will keep silence and thats all. And all winner could do - mark as not recieved

7 years ago

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Right, and regardless of the underlying reasons, if someone cancels a giveaway after it finishes, I would consider it a fake giveaway.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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yeah, if the ga ended and you don't deliver, you will get in trouble. maybe not at first, but repeated behavior will be noticed and you will get suspended. maybe even perma-suspended if you keep doing it.

but as long as the ga didn't end, there's nothing wrong with deleting giveaways. points are even refunded.
you could spend all your slots creating/deleting nonstop. the only one losing is you. ^^

7 years ago

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If somebody wants to create a fake GA and can't do it for GTA V... they'll just pick another game.

When there are stronger punishments people will just create a fake steam profile, link it to SG and create a fake GA to promote whatever they want.

It's not going away.

On the other side of things... What if I want to give away GTA V. Buy it on steam. It activates on Steam, as it's got achievements. So what do I get? Must be a steam key...

7 years ago

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Must be a steam key

It's a steam gift. And those can't be stored in your inventory anymore.

7 years ago

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As Sundance85 said... also ppl can't just connect Steam to SG, there are terms, I agree with that if GTA V gets removed, there will be next game ; BUT harsher punishments eliminate much users from spamming fake GA

7 years ago

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perma banning

Ban, definition: To officially prohibit, forbid, or bar.
Suspend, definition: To temporarily delay, block, or hold in place.

Suspensions are temporary (though they may be indefinite, and thus effectively permanent), while Bans are permanent.
This relates to the definitions of the specific words, not any particular usage of SG, though SG does utilize both terms as indicated.
Putting aside the overall quirk of substituting of 'ban' for 'suspension', "perma banning" is an unnecessarily redundant phrase.

When in doubt, suspension is actually the word one should default to.

As far as your arguably less important topic, users already get roughly three strikes on fake giveaways- not just by the initial limit on giveaway slots, but by staff actively eyeing abuse patterns and taking action where they suspect intentional abuse. For games that outright cannot be given away, temporary removal from the giveaway list already exists as an established option, so we don't need to argue over other ways of resolving such issues. However, as GTA V is a game which can be purchased through Steam, it can be given away, so this thread is baseless in its argument. (On that note, how would one even follow-through with the 'manually check ownership' poll option?)

I'd agree to a warning to new users that giveaways may be fake, but past that all we lose is points, and that after conscious decision to do so. More users'd probably favor the chance at GTAV, however unlikely, than have it delisted due to its unlikeliness of being legitimately offered. Any arguments for actions other than those, is just an unnecessary burden on everyone involved. As far as harsher penalties- a one-strike-you're-out system goes against the established leniency of the SG rule-breaking system. The current arrangement for fake giveaways- a 5 day suspension with an eventual risk of a permanent one- is already well-balanced and reliable. Anything stricter than that is based in a personal disdain on the topic, which is silly, given that, again, you don't have to enter such giveaways to begin with.

As Manipulator notes above, those who intentionally are abusing the system would find ways around anything you'd devise, anyway.

7 years ago*

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It doesn't bother me all that much, but I do agree that I'd like to see harsher punishments for creating fake giveaways, even if you then delete said giveaway.

7 years ago

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just buy gta 5, you won't see it again.

7 years ago

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This is the best solution.

7 years ago

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It's not like 5€ yet... I'm still waiting for good sale ;D

7 years ago

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Not my point - my point is it always wastes 50p of about 7-9k people and about 10 of them are getting banned for calling it fake. Also the option for steam key has no place on steamgifts since those keys don't exist - it would be the same as creating steam key for Mass effect 3.

7 years ago

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it "wastes" less than 4 hours of point generation, literally nothing at all. of course, if people valued their points that much, they could stop entering GTA 5 giveaways since "they are all fake".

users creating fake giveaways are already punished and it's as good as banning them. their 3 unsent wins means they have no more slots, so those accounts are dead.

7 years ago

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Mully just think about what you just said - there is no possibility to see if the GTA V giveaway is a steam gift or steam key. NOT ALL of GTA V giveaways are fake, but all GTA V steam key giveaways are. Enter 6 giveaways for 50 points and you have a whole day of points down as well.

There is also a lot of people creating those giveaways and then deleating them just because they know they will get the exposure from it without being punished in any way

Also think about people who do not know about those keys being fake - a lot of new users are entering those and by seeing "all giveaways I have entered were fake" Steamgifts is loosing potential users.

7 years ago

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if they delete them then what's the problem?
you get your points back and the guy loses a slot.

and if all GTA key giveaways are fake, why do people keep entering?

7 years ago

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I give up, you are just refusing to look at it from the other side
a) you don't see if it is a key or gift
b) GTA V has been abused for last 2 years at least with over 90% being fake
c) nothing is ever done about it
d) there are thousands of users that don't know about it being fake in every giveaway
e) terrible advertising for steamgifts for new users
f) not being able to create giveaways for people who never intended to create a single one is just a great way to promote themselves / youtube channells

By removing the ability to create key giveaway / auto deleting them Steamgifts would not lose a single giveaway, would be more user friendly and it would be a step in the right direction

7 years ago

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a) you don't see if it is a key or gift

It doesn't make a shite of difference. A user can choose to select gift and need no further input or they could use the key field to send the winner a message. Neither option inherently makes a giveaway fake/real.

7 years ago

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How so? If there would be a gift indicator people would enter. If there would be a key indicator people would know it is not a steam key as those never existed. It would eliminate those who are just trying to promote themselves without proper research

7 years ago

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But there isn't an indicator as you pointed out and you weren't actually suggesting it's implementation. The options themselves aren't the issue and it isn't worth the time/effort required to chance it for a handful of games - especially when at any point down the line they could choose to generate keys for the games in question. The issue is the users. In most cases the giveaways are fake and would be created regardless of what options were presented to the creator.

Also your earlier example of Mass Effect 3 is a dud comparison. GTA V doesn't have keys but is available on the platform whilst Mass Effect 3 never has been so you can't make a giveaway for it in the first place, key, gift or otherwise.

7 years ago

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you're just blowing this issue out of proportions.

7 years ago

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The points are free so it's not really wasted. The 10 people getting suspended for calling it a fake are breaking the rules, of course they should get a suspension.

End of the day, just ignore GTAV giveaways and then you don't have to worry about the fake giveaways that pop up.

7 years ago

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I mean if they clarified the "no calling out rule" and made it okay to post comments on a giveaway questioning its legitimacy then this problem would be pretty quickly solved. I understand why we don't want this in the forums and why we want to discourage people from making assumptions about particular users, but the entire community would benefit from being able to ask a simple question of the giveaway creator in the actual comments without risking a suspension.

These people are counting on people subscribing and joining their groups and stuff and then just thinking they didn't win. Nobody goes back and checks on giveaways that have ended so they have absolutely nothing to lose - no bad rep moves over to their promoted channel or group or whatever. If we allowed people to warn each other in the comments of the giveaway then they would risk people actually paying attention and their guides and channels and such would quickly lose their audience.

7 years ago

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There are so many threads who ask for harsher punishments for fake giveaways or not activating gifts and even cg already created a poll about it. 1 year later still nothing happened...

7 years ago

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If people are being banned just by pointing that out, the mods in this place have really reached the complete bottom. Many people are not aware of these things and it's a good thing to notify them, that is in no way calling out. Multiple times I've seen people give away The Sims 3 here and asked them if the key was really for Steam and not Origin, and all of those times they immediately deleted the giveaway because they were not aware that only Steam keys could be given away.

Saying "this giveaway is fake" is completely different than asking "is this key really for Steam?", and if people are really being banned for the latter as you suggest, the moderation needs a serious intervention.

And I disagree that there should be harsher punishments, they already lose a giveaway slot, and all we lose is points.

7 years ago*

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all of those times they immediately deleted the giveaway because they were not aware that only Steam keys could be given away.

Anyone using the site agreed to it's rules, you can't just come along and then claim ignorance. Anyone that didn't read them only has themselves to blame.

7 years ago

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I'm pretty sure people only get banned for saying something is fake.

7 years ago

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There is always the one game like that. GTA V is actually old news now, the new king of mistakenly and purposefully fake giveaways is undoubtedly the king of player base fleecing itself, CAPSLOCKISMYONLYNAME'S LootboxGrounds. So far this year there have been like two actually delivered keys for it out of 20+.

7 years ago

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Just wondering, why do Steam Keys not exist for GTAv?

7 years ago

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Because its main platform is Rockstar Social (or Pass or whatever it is called), so Steam is just like any store that carries copies for it. You have to use Rockstar to launch it.
Same with UPlay games, Steam keys do not exist because there would be no point.

7 years ago

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Steam keys exist for several Uplay titles, they just aren't as common.

7 years ago

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I have been checking my entry history and out of 31 entries for GTA V ... there are currently NO steam keys for GTA V (only for Rockstar club)

Kinda off-topic, but if you knew keys didn't exist, why did you enter 31 times?

7 years ago

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Maybe that at that time I was not awared of it? Also you don't see if it is a steam gift - which exists - or steam key - which doesn't

7 years ago

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Well there's one user who created GAs for 3x GTA, 3x PUBG, and 3x CoD WWII
as well as another GA for PUBG a week ago, and NONE of them have been delivered...
seems suss..

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Well, since over 70% is ok with the situation or doesn't care I am closing it up :)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Ascate.