The blacklist feature on this site is completely ineffective for restricting users with poor contribution level or history of rule breaking from entering one's giveaways. For every user blocked, there are countless others who will slip through with the same attributes. I did not have this realization in the past, so have many users on the list for these reasons. Unfortunately I also didn't use user tags until recently, so can't tell which users were added for these reasons, and which for more valid reasons like being rude and offensive to others, or posting hateful comments towards specific groups, minorities etc.

I think it's time to reduce the size of my blacklist. I'd like to remove anyone who is blacklisted and requests me to do so, with very few exceptions. Here's how you can help me if you're on the list:

  • If you cannot access this giveaway it means you're on the list. How to ask to be removed? Feel free to add a comment on this thread (if you don't mind the spotlight), or as a bump + wink in any of my threads on the forum. This will do: Bump ;-)
    If you prefer to do it privately (understandable), just open Playing Appreciated group chat, click the little arrow near my name and then Send Message. I may be away, but if I'm connected to the chat I will see your message eventually. There's a small chance I'll decide to keep you on the list, but I will at least explain to you why. Another option to reach me is via the Discord.
  • Please don't add me on Steam for this reason. The methods above should be sufficient.
  • If you were added because you took a key from this thread (or tried to activate and it was already used), and you didn't say anything, I will most likely contact you before removal.

Thank you for helping!

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Hello! Would be glad to be removed. Don't know why I'm on your blacklist, but it probably was because of me being hateful towards somebody :)

7 years ago

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No idea either, so will give you the benefit of doubt :-)

7 years ago

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Fre‎e Game Bump™

Game Fre‎e Key
Broadsword: Age of Chivalry Taken by Ronaan85340
  • If you to‎ok the key, please (1) activate it on your ac‎count, and (2) reply to let me know so that I can remove the link (otherwise your email ad‎dres‎s will remain visible). Note that entries are monitored using SGTools, so if you got the link, I'll know about it :-)
  • Please don't take the key if you already own the game or are not interested in it.
7 years ago*

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Thumbs up for green table giveaways

7 years ago

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I don't think I'm on your blacklist but I just have to say that you put a lot of effort in excluding people, and before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I'm just saying I'm slightly impressed by the meticulous diligence in this effort. I'm a lazy bum myself and this comment is just a product of boredom. Carry on, nothing to see here

7 years ago

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Most of my GAs are accessible to everyone except rule breakers. The key drop above initially had some additional filters, but once no-one entered, I removed them. And yes, it does take more effort, but I'm amused but what I see on the dashboard, so worth the effort for me :-)

7 years ago

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Oh damn, I didn't even follow any links but now that I have I see that your are a lot better at entertaining yourself than I am :D

7 years ago

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Yes, I find satisfaction in knowing exactly who the thankless ninja is, and leaving their username and email address posted on the web. See above ^

7 years ago

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I got curious and decided to check if I'd pass the test which I didn't. I assume its because I haven't done enough invite only giveaways and this got me wondering why you see invite only as a good thing, or even a requirement at that?

7 years ago

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I updated the filter to only check for rule breaking, so you definitely should be able to pass. Initially it also checked for ratio (won up to 10 times than gave), but I removed this part after I saw that there are no takers.

7 years ago

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I guess we're talking about different filters, but anyway its not important, I was just curious about your stance on invite only. I'll stop spamming this thread now :P

7 years ago

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friendly neighbourhood bump!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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BUMP for help!

7 years ago

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just bump.

7 years ago

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Have a bump

7 years ago

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Bump for Blacklist POOOOWAAAH

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump ;-) for blacklist

7 years ago

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Removed! :-)

7 years ago

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Bump, fortunately not on blacklist

7 years ago

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Hmm... I'm appeared to be in your blacklist too. I don't sure you can remember how i ended up there (me neither) - so it's up to you to decide now.

7 years ago

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Not sure either, but you're not there anymore :-)

7 years ago

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Thanks for the GA and bump.

Was so happy to get off one blacklist, but I am not an it in the first place ;-<

7 years ago

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I appreciate not being in your BL, so welcome to my WL. :-)

7 years ago

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Thank you! :-)

7 years ago

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Love the name of the game used for the check. ;)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Bump ;-)

7 years ago

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Removed! Please read the last bullet in the OP, and do leave a comment the next time you get a link from that thread (regardless of whether you take a key or not). Thanks! :-)

7 years ago

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Yay! i'm not blacklisted... yet

7 years ago

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View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago

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Not blacklisted, so heres a bump! Also you inspired me to go through my own list lol Cleared about half of it. So thank you

7 years ago

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quick bam :^)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Here comes the bump :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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