I've been on this website for a year now, and I gotta say thank you to all its users! I typically don't get involved in online communities, I guess the facelessness of it all makes me a little uncomfortable, but I'm sure that you're all very nice. On steamgifts I usually just enter polls, giveaway games and sometimes get lucky and win a giveaway. Because I mostly do polls I figured it would be appropriate that I create my own poll.

Anyway, I'd like to give back to this community with this train! CHOO CHOO
I apologize that it isn't as long as I wanted, I made a mistake when I was making the giveaways.
It's all bundle games, I'm a student and I'm poor... sorry

I do have a question though, what's up the with steamgifts community and potatos? I stopped using the site for a few months to focus on school then bam potato everywhere.

Trickle has added this giveaway, so thanks to them!

9 years ago*

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Do you ever get involved in online communities?

View Results
I don't use the Internet
I don't just get involved, I become the community!
I realize that answering this poll is a paradox and it can only mean I'm involved
I hail from the secret potato society and I've successfully integrated with human society
My favorite flower is chocolate
I'm only here for the train, CHOO CHOO!

happy cakeday

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Hurble burble

9 years ago

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Happy factory day ;) And don't be sad - some wise dude recently told me that it's not about the value of gifts but about the fact that you have decided to give something from yourself :)

9 years ago

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Happy cake day hobonateor & Trickle! :D

9 years ago

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A happy cake day. Have a bump.

9 years ago

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Happy cake day

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks and happy cakeday

9 years ago

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Bump :)

9 years ago

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Happy Cakeday

9 years ago

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happy cake day

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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happy cake day and bump :)

9 years ago

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Happy Cake day!

9 years ago

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I don't often get involved with online communities either. I usually find them a waste of time and when I do get involved they usually fall apart eventually and I'm left sad and alone. But, SteamGifts has been great so far and I can't imagine it going defunct in a while.

(Also noticed that the added giveaway was the first time I found out I've been blacklisted ... guess I made someone mad somehow. So I do so apologize for whatever I did, I'm often sarcastic and it doesn't always go through well on the internet)

P.S. Happy Cake Is A Llie day!

9 years ago

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have a good one, thanks

9 years ago

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Happy cake day!

9 years ago

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Happy cake day!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Happy cakeday!! :D

thanks for the giveaways ;)

9 years ago

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happy cake day

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by MadamePasghetti.