for puzzles - try this:
for whitelist - try reading FAQ, as it's explained there together with other important stuff :>
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group ones are fgor closed groups. private ones are for this puzzle: and public one -- is, well, public but for high contributors only.
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you are a special entity on SG, win without boundary, consume all GA before you. , the worst nightnare of unlucky one
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we have almost the same :D
89 won 10530 entered
0.842 %
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Hmm same ratio here 0.31% 56/18,666 enter mostly smaller giveaways, not sure if the entered page display everything of the past does it?
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(45/10020 = 0.45%)
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I took my a while to work it out as it use to just be on the profile page =P
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According to my "Entered" page I have 185 results, I assume that's how many times I've entered something?
I won 3 so far... so thats 3 out of 185 which is 1.62%
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I don't care per hundred.
Edit: Not meant being rude, it's my personal preference.
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I know, but my numbers are valid too. As you see I wrote 0,00749 and not 0,00749%...
Also it is easier not putting the numbers in per cent. I see many people actually having problems calculating with per cent. :-/
Edit: In math you usually don't use percententages, except in lower grades. Probabilities are usually in an interval of [0, 1] rather than [0, 100].
Edit2: I'm a bit excentric and braindamaged from studies I guess, that's why I didn't choose to put it in percentage.
Edit3: The facepalm IS rude!
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I edit because I am often unsatisfied with my posts.
It is not easy to select the correct wording in a foreign language. In addition to that I likely come up with something I forgot to mention.
Guess how often I wrote these 3 sentences before posting. 6 times x-D
Edit: Rewording. :-D
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That was only additional info I guess. Sometimes I hate it. I only wrote 3 Reviews on Steam but sometimes I kept editing 2 weeks later. x-(
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Being a mechanical engineer, percentages are very often used. In any statistical work you're doing, or reports to the public, percentages are very often used. They are valuable as an informative value to relate to other values, seen easily at a glance. Just because you haven't covered something in school for a while, doesn't mean something isn't used.
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That is interesting. Thank you for sharing.
I didn't mean to say that it isn't used in general. I am only a bit err... nit-picky maybe?
In math it usually is easier to eliminate variables.
My experience is related on math in university, coding, computer science. I guess I forgot to unwear my blinkers. :-D
I also wanted to point out that I have chosen on purpose not using percentage and that my number is valid. (Though I shouldn't have after seeing this discussion). ^^
You know things like "calories" bother me. In reality it is "kilocalories", not to mention that the standard is "joule" respective "kilojoule" since 1980s. (Those Tic Tacs have 2000 calories! >:-( rage).
I saw once (not long ago) a discussion on Steam where someone didn't understand that x * 100% = x * 1
. That's one of the reasons why I said that some have problems calculating with %.
If you, eeev or another person think I was ignorant, please accept my apologies.
(But that facepalm still is hurtful)
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That's valid. By the way, the easy way to differentiate is Calories, with a big "c" is almost (should be by convention) kilocalories. There are many different forms of conveying information. I just thought that percentage was easier to view and compare all the data together as it had a common factor of being pp hundred, Vs. a ratio in the strict sense, not that your method was wrong.
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Unluckily that is not how it works in the EU (personal experience). I mean that with the big 'c'.
It is an EU-law to put in the joule values. But the industry always keeps writing those values tiny. The calory values are plastered around on the packages and are not necessary. In ads they always only talk about calories.
Not to mention the questionable methods of "portions".
And those weird information you can find on a product.
An example on a soft drink:
It contains 0,5l.
The package states:
250ml contains:
Energy: 87 kcal, 375 kJ, 4%* of your recommended daily intake.
Same with Fat, Saturated Fat, Carbohydrate, Sugar, Proteins, Salt.
*Blah blah 8400kJ / 2000 kcal
Who cares 250ml? You usually drink the whole bottle.
An average Joe won't even be able to calculate all this in his head and not know what his real recommended daily intake is. He also doesn't know that sugar is a carbohydrate too.
That was an easy example (it isn't that hard to calculate times 2), there are some that actually will puzzle you much.
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