I've met a couple of nice people who added me and commented on my profile saying that they added me because we have similar tastes in games.
But I'd not accept one that didn't bother to leave a comment on my profile first, too much chance that they are a beggar or scammer.
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You don't get the "My father is sick and my mother is gone, my house is on auction and life is miserable. Still I managed to save my 'so so powerful computer'. Plz give me a very expensive game so I can forget my horrible situation." version of beggars around there?
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Yup. I tell those types about my goldfish. He has AIDS and it's his wish to get COD Black Ops 2. The sadder they get, the sadder my goldfish gets until they just give up. :)
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secret of the magic crystals right? ;)
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I never knew there are actually people that add other people on Steam to beg for games. Jesus...the world we live in... Good thing it never happened to me.
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Aww man got nothing XD
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I've had it happen to me for all sorts of stuff on all sorts of sites. I'd be super hard pressed to even ask for something from someone else...and even then I probably would not. If I actually did, it would only take one No, to end it. Pestering someone isn't going to help. It's rude and annoying. Not to mention totally the wrong way to go about things.
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is easy, they are mostly kids (stupid ones), also they really dont have anything to lose, even if they get banned they would just make another account and beg with that one
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A 12 year old german kid added me once, keep asking for games. Then saying how he is poor and can't afford any games, and his parents work very hard... next day he mentions that it's his birthday... saying that his parents couldn't afford to give him any present.
Days later he sends me a trade offer with the old Steam Trading Card beta access, saying it's worth a lot and he wants a game in exchange. After that I deleted him.
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The answer could be a variety of things: sense of entitlement, being treated like they're special and of course they deserve whatever their hearts desire, failure in logic/common sense, or just general assholery.
For some reason, the recorded chat made me giggle. Most likely due to the absurdity of it.
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That is also what happens when a creep try to talk to girls on the internet xD
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reading your comment... with a appropriate voice actor... and your mokou avatar.... seem can't get more fitting that that
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I'm newbie contributor, so I've yet to get much of this (at least for Steam). Does this happen a lot?
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can you block em or steamgifts put em on a blacklist (like if enough people voted against them or something?)
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Absolutely, that's the good side of their existence. How to create a blacklist :
First, you must ask support for authorization to have/use one.
once permission is granted, you can write down user profiles on a list, which you can host on pastebin or google docs for example.
the list should only mention user profiles, as in "http://www.steamgifts.com/user/DavidSarif". You can also add their Steam ID.
the list must not have any mention of the offense or reason why the person is in your blacklist, as it is against the "no calling out" rule. I've seen blacklists that mention the gravity of the offense, I have no idea if it's actually allowed or not.
the list must be displayed in the description of the giveaway
note that blacklists can only be used on private giveaways and group giveaways, excluding very large groups - such as S.Gifts group.
it is a good idea to keep a separate list with reasons why people have been added to your blacklist, be it only to keep track of them and to be able to tell them why if they sometimes ask why they're on it. That secondary list should be kept private as it would break the "no calling out" rule if you were to show it.
after that, if a blacklisted person wins your private / group giveaway, you can ask support to reroll.
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You're soooo kind for telling everyone about this. nao giff meh gumz. Were me gum? HEY FUCKER WHERE IS MY GAME! Sooooo my game?
Does it go like this?
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The same happends with homeless people. They are all nice and i give them a bit of money. then the 3rd time he asks after a few days, i din't have money and he calls me an asshole lol. Welp safe to say i din't give him anything ever again :D.
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I don't get why you accept all random people as friends. I get at least 5 people adding me per day (I assume it's my level and that being lvl85 means I can just throw games at anyone), but I will ignore anyone who don't fit in these categories:
1: Friend
2: Friend of a friend
3: At least lvl10, at least 50 games in list.
4: Public profile.
The rest I just ignore, because getting harassed daily for free games is annoying.
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Have you noticed that beggers mostly go:
1) Say nice things to the other person
2) Ask for a free gamez
3) Expect free game
4) If you don't get game tell the other guy to F-off/Be as rude as possible
5) Expect a free game again
There are obivously exceptions every now and then but they mostly do the same thing, this time I did not made fun of the guy, srry about that but... know what? I'll send him a friend invite and see what I can do :)
Here's the first/second chat
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