Which theme would you like to see for December?
SG username | Number of achievements | Hours of Playtime | Games beaten |
Cece09 | 352 | 235.1 | 15 |
aquatorrent | 192 | 215.3 | 14 |
DarkRainX | 118 | 176.4 | 5 |
Radicalutopian | 184 | 128 | 6 |
samwise84 | 66 | 111.3 | 4 |
Moony1986 | 241 | 103.6 | 13 |
axolotlprime | 60 | 96.5 | 2 |
mrstasilo | 159 | 90.2 | 5 |
RiderOfPhoenix | 57 | 86.9 | 1 |
Naitas | 176 | 79.7 | 9 |
Ninglor03 | 135 | 71.1 | 11 |
krol7 | 133 | 68.6 | 5 |
ngrazer | 24 | 66 | 3 |
Xeloses | 110 | 65.4 | 3 |
EyeofArrow | 70 | 62.4 | 2 |
Zlia | 40 | 58.5 | 1 |
LupoSilente | 34 | 56.1 | 1 |
Droj | 99 | 52.5 | 5 |
Kappaking | 8 | 49.1 | 1 |
rurnhani | 157 | 42.4 | 3 |
Thexder | 84 | 40.4 | 3 |
sunmi | 74 | 38 | 3 |
Mitsukuni | 130 | 35.5 | 5 |
jimmy09172000 | 78 | 32.8 | 3 |
Slide95 | 35 | 30.3 | 1 |
Gellax | 50 | 30.1 | 4 |
quijote3000 | 18 | 29.7 | 1 |
Pinajet | 95 | 29.6 | 4 |
LaVolpe99 | 65 | 28.7 | 3 |
amst4d | 61 | 28.5 | 2 |
lav29 | 80 | 28.4 | 2 |
Mikoy7 | 90 | 28.1 | 3 |
moemustaine | 134 | 26.4 | 5 |
Vikost | 19 | 25.4 | 1 |
salemSamwise | 59 | 25.2 | 2 |
Heprer | 37 | 24.5 | 1 |
kiseli | 47 | 23.8 | 2 |
Noxco | 85 | 23.2 | 3 |
aklgupta | 35 | 23.2 | 1 |
LightX | 12 | 22.5 | 1 |
Roleri | 76 | 22 | 1 |
EleonoraFalcon | 30 | 20.6 | 1 |
kinkami | 13 | 20.2 | 1 |
RayOfLight3 | 11 | 19.9 | 1 |
Bacs | 60 | 19.8 | 1 |
AlohaHawaii | 14 | 19.6 | 1 |
Kokkol | 39 | 18.6 | 3 |
Blueaquapearl50 | 48 | 18.6 | 2 |
GuilDer90 | 12 | 18.4 | 1 |
cassioht | 42 | 18.2 | 2 |
Millsshogun | 22 | 17.9 | 1 |
CharlesNonsens | 14 | 17.4 | 1 |
Zelrune | 20 | 17 | 1 |
freshduke | 27 | 16.6 | 1 |
Arthur13 | 30 | 15.2 | 1 |
ZPE | 6 | 14.3 | 1 |
jesuswarjesus | 35 | 13.9 | 3 |
ThePonz | 25 | 13.6 | 2 |
alexan310 | 29 | 13.6 | 1 |
Ellemby | 22 | 12.7 | 1 |
xymjak | 27 | 12.5 | 1 |
juhaszandor | 21 | 12.2 | 1 |
SilentBlood | 50 | 12 | 1 |
VicViperV | 59 | 11.8 | 3 |
Metalhead8489 | 32 | 11.6 | 3 |
Lucifera | 47 | 11.6 | 1 |
valsept | 31 | 11.2 | 1 |
ManlyMeatMan | 13 | 11.1 | 2 |
Valmar666 | 24 | 10.1 | 1 |
GauFF | 84 | 10 | 1 |
AiKirika | 5 | 9.9 | 1 |
momololo | 55 | 9.8 | 1 |
Gelweo | 151 | 9.4 | 5 |
KoRayven | 41 | 9.2 | 2 |
Naturefusal | 35 | 8.8 | 1 |
Rinocap | 43 | 8.5 | 2 |
Epaminondas93 | 16 | 8.5 | 1 |
AnuPatel | 16 | 8.5 | 1 |
NeverOnline | 0 | 8.1 | 1 |
SpiderDen | 36 | 7.6 | 2 |
Whoosh | 14 | 7.4 | 1 |
RaisinCookiesAreGood | 18 | 7.3 | 1 |
Aldcoran | 15 | 7.1 | 2 |
arthur2652 | 12 | 6.8 | 1 |
Dzsoksz | 9 | 6.4 | 1 |
BlackStark | 17 | 6.4 | 1 |
Pit0n | 20 | 6.3 | 1 |
SolubleCrow | 27 | 6.3 | 1 |
Wildstorm | 27 | 6.2 | 1 |
Kyrrelin | 24 | 6.1 | 1 |
cgrcyhn | 15 | 6.1 | 1 |
Akuburanir | 13 | 6 | 1 |
digitaldictator | 5 | 6 | 1 |
ViddaX | 12 | 5.8 | 1 |
Filipi | 0 | 5.7 | 1 |
GabbyGabe | 14 | 5.4 | 1 |
adam1224 | 18 | 5.3 | 1 |
LordSpyMaybe | 30 | 5.2 | 1 |
damianea103 | 33 | 4.9 | 1 |
tungmapu | 0 | 4.9 | 1 |
Kvasirion | 190 | 4.5 | 1 |
andreeeeeww | 19 | 4.3 | 1 |
FattalCZ | 8 | 4.2 | 1 |
Ivannes | 17 | 4.2 | 1 |
AlvinCanCabbage | 10 | 4.1 | 1 |
doubleomurfy | 57 | 4 | 1 |
Sylom | 10 | 4 | 1 |
sweetcuppincakes | 12 | 3.9 | 1 |
RikkiUW | 24 | 3.9 | 1 |
pilo | 30 | 3.9 | 1 |
PapaSmok | 15 | 3.8 | 2 |
Blando | 13 | 3.8 | 1 |
Patzl | 10 | 3.8 | 1 |
scigant | 78 | 3.7 | 1 |
DarkX | 8 | 3.7 | 1 |
robocub | 18 | 3.6 | 1 |
Dux80 | 25 | 3.6 | 1 |
aleluist | 57 | 3.6 | 1 |
Riil | 1 | 3.4 | 1 |
eeev | 23 | 3.4 | 1 |
Arcsurvivor | 22 | 3.3 | 1 |
Khayta | 6 | 3.1 | 2 |
mjy | 7 | 3 | 1 |
Zinzinneke | 12 | 3 | 1 |
itekin7 | 16 | 2.9 | 1 |
escollo | 32 | 2.6 | 1 |
driedmangoe | 11 | 2.5 | 1 |
MouseWithBeer | 21 | 2.3 | 1 |
roflanWozmak | 11 | 2.3 | 1 |
nanji | 4 | 2.1 | 1 |
Zarddin | 0 | 2.1 | 1 |
MandalorTheDesperate | 20 | 1.8 | 1 |
droha | 12 | 1.7 | 1 |
Devirk | 19 | 1.5 | 1 |
RiseOfValhalla | 6 | 1.5 | 1 |
DecadentHamster | 10 | 1.3 | 1 |
JadeNic | 600 | 1.2 | 6 |
GinaTonik | 6 | 1.2 | 1 |
xxxka | 3 | 0.7 | 1 |
Tristar | 100 | 0.5 | 1 |
mulchand | 100 | 0.3 | 1 |
Total | 7030 | 3278.9 | 287 |
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AiKirika - 76561198287468787
Akuburanir - 76561197992752428
Aldcoran - 76561198062660320
AlohaHawaii - 76561198054397620
AlvinCanCabbage - 76561198296872531
AnuPatel - 76561198345906612
Arcsurvivor - 76561198107078391
Arthur13 - 76561198023788861
Bacs - 76561198080104233
BlackStark - 76561198415650031
Blando - 76561198116517331
Blueaquapearl50 - 76561198211520780
Cece09 - 76561198140547710
CharlesNonsens - 76561197990245665
DarkRainX - 76561198967999484
DarkX - 76561198104124095
DecadentHamster - 76561197997410612
Devirk - 76561198043240987
Droj - 76561198162768792
Dux80 - 76561198113664675
Dzsoksz - 76561197995708376
EleonoraFalcon - 76561198138675700
Ellemby - 76561198022783458
Epaminondas93 - 76561198205498640
EyeofArrow - 76561198030464920
FattalCZ - 76561197995868245
Filipi - 76561198009106967
GabbyGabe - 76561198001080350
GauFF - 76561198225895948
Gellax - 76561198352939969
Gelweo - 76561198118982727
GinaTonik - 76561198328917542
GuilDer90 - 76561198135241383
Heprer - 76561198046535688
Ivannes - 76561198118726910
JadeNic - 76561198034339992
Kappaking - 76561198075351784
Khayta - 76561198101776626
KoRayven - 76561198064274333
Kokkol - 76561198128535425
Kvasirion - 76561197978098202
Kyrrelin - 76561198036297204
LaVolpe99 - 76561198376046355
LightX - 76561198120285206
LordSpyMaybe - 76561198001148159
Lucifera - 76561198049840570
LupoSilente - 76561197999386018
MandalorTheDesperate - 76561198095168726
ManlyMeatMan - 76561198012473463
Metalhead8489 - 76561198069420656
Mikoy7 - 76561198054907249
Millsshogun - 76561198075996214
Mitsukuni - 76561198036913791
Moony1986 - 76561198249392362
MouseWithBeer - 76561198063952731
Naitas - 76561198054939035
Naturefusal - 76561198031807383
NeverOnline - 76561198122258825
Ninglor03 - 76561198007224367
Noxco - 76561198047132749
PapaSmok - 76561197982447568
Patzl - 76561198079289651
Pinajet - 76561198020728219
Pit0n - 76561198048088552
Radicalutopian - 76561198031335027
RaisinCookiesAreGood - 76561198346109096
RayOfLight3 - 76561198052900321
RiderOfPhoenix - 76561198886227993
Riil - 76561198021502172
RikkiUW - 76561198129771193
Rinocap - 76561198044604507
RiseOfValhalla - 76561198146147354
Roleri - 76561198184693922
SilentBlood - 76561198054273498
Slide95 - 76561198444127759
SolubleCrow - 76561198423956440
SpiderDen - 76561198050400321
Sylom - 76561198028338018
ThePonz - 76561197993524388
Thexder - 76561197989280149
Tristar - 76561197982136630
Valmar666 - 76561198203134216
VicViperV - 76561198071754116
ViddaX - 76561197989187753
Vikost - 76561198028825869
Whoosh - 76561197966778988
Wildstorm - 76561197989463326
Xeloses - 76561198163759050
ZPE - 76561198007145340
Zarddin - 76561198078894531
Zelrune - 76561198201613371
Zinzinneke - 76561197972799925
Zlia - 76561197999536618
adam1224 - 76561198025823574
aklgupta - 76561198242625678
aleluist - 76561198032550800
alexan310 - 76561198283330113
amst4d - 76561198012567993
andreeeeeww - 76561198023327915
aquatorrent - 76561198132503739
arthur2652 - 76561198064851272
axolotlprime - 76561198051261596
cassioht - 76561198094715296
cgrcyhn - 76561198346821141
damianea103 - 76561198113581790
digitaldictator - 76561198025473646
doubleomurfy - 76561198041749780
driedmangoe - 76561198837489101
droha - 76561198110922738
eeev - 76561198020386807
escollo - 76561198071731888
freshduke - 76561198034335591
itekin7 - 76561198419226853
jesuswarjesus - 76561198060501227
jimmy09172000 - 76561198353873501
juhaszandor - 76561197998619018
kinkami - 76561198237246036
kiseli - 76561198040188513
krol7 - 76561197998466535
lav29 - 76561198271692078
mjy - 76561198026492008
moemustaine - 76561198025889911
momololo - 76561198146857313
mrstasilo - 76561198148948422
mulchand - 76561198028260044
nanji - 76561198027120088
ngrazer - 76561197993897227
pilo - 76561198434441192
quijote3000 - 76561198014144429
robocub - 76561197992633946
roflanWozmak - 76561198076853598
rurnhani - 76561198078209394
salemSamwise - 76561198078006018
samwise84 - 76561198100730699
scigant - 76561198451823771
sunmi - 76561198333940820
sweetcuppincakes - 76561197970536949
tungmapu - 76561198426034921
valsept - 76561198046155690
xxxka - 76561198329951470
xymjak - 76561198027967076
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Huh, looks I'm first here ;)
I'll play Yakuza 3 Remastered. It has Adventure and Story Rich tags.
BTW, there is a mistype in heading - "November is" :P
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Name | Subcategory | Win Type | Status |
Cat Quest | Tag Fantasy | Group | Completed |
Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom | Games with kings | Group | Completed |
Beat Hazard 2 | Tag Colorful | Group | Completed |
Pesterquest | Tag Story Rich | Group | Beaten |
The Signal From Tölva | Games with 42 achievements | Group | Completed |
Minoria | Tag Adventure | Whitelist | Completed |
Jotun: Valhalla Edition | Tag Hand-drawn | Group | Beaten |
Little Dungeon Stories | Tag Card Game | Whitelist | Beaten |
Path to Mnemosyne | Tag Dark Fantasy | Group | Completed |
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Game | Theme | Status |
Tower of time | Tag Fantasy | Beaten |
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oh wow there was so many comments didnt realise we only had 1 theme
Forgotten Faces
Frightened Beetles
LEAVES - The Journey
LEAVES - The Return
Mushroom Cats
QP Shooting - Dangerous!!
Puzzle Kingdoms
Puzzle Quest
100 hidden frogs
FRAMED collection
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate Jigsaw (Halloween 4)
Story Rich
Death end re;Quest
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning
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Well get ready, I still have some 90+ nonograms to go for Khimera, and then I'll see if I can make some progress with Galactica, but hey at least I won't bother with trying the speed run for Relicta, so there, not as much work as could have been. :P
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How dare you threaten me! XD I still got a couple more hours for qp shooting, that's like 30 hours there. Completed puzzle quest today so that's a bonus 20. Starting puzzle kingdoms so that should add a decent amount + if I manage to somehow win again this month, I doesn't fail as its a win
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Oh I don't really care either, just thought I'd see if I could finally top the leaderboard after all these years. Its been a few months since I've put proper effort into playing some long games, so just decided to get a couple out of the way before I hit that wall and barely play
Good luck with your games btw
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Well, that's 291 nonograms (99 in the main story, 192 in the extras), plus a boss battle with more nonograms, so it probably was over 300 in the end, nothing too difficult, but well, there's just a lot of them.
On other news I just finished with Battlestar Galctica, so I'm done with all my games for this month \o/
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Name | Subcategory | Won From | Won on | Status |
Evergarden | Tag Abstract | BlackPrimus | Dec 25, 2019 | ✅ |
The Signal From Tölva | Games with 42 achievements | Starmada | Jun 13, 2018 | ✅ |
Bubble Blowout | Games with mushrooms | Xarlor | Oct 22, 2017 | ✅ |
The Far Kingdoms: Awakening Solitaire | Games with kings | Eiion | Jun 21, 2019 | ✅ |
Top Hat | Games with hats | Irdra | Sep 25, 2017 | ✅ |
Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!! | Games with hearts | GediKnight | Jan 1, 2021 | ✅ |
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 | Tag Abstract | Gelweo | Jul 21, 2021 | ✅ |
This Strange Realm Of Mine | Games with poems | GediKnight | Dec 3, 2019 | ✅ |
Commissar Catlov | Games with cats | GediKnight | Nov 13, 2021 | ✅ |
Colorgrid | Tag Colorful | burntreynolds444 | Nov 13, 2021 | ✅ |
Save the Dodos | Games with dodos | Lancelot0001 | Nov 14, 2021 | ✅ |
Youropa | Tag Abstract | Starmada | Dec 25, 2020 | ✅ |
Heaven's Vault | Tag Story Rich | Aydaylin | Nov 21, 2021 | ✅ |
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Game | Subcategory | Status |
Dead by Daylight | Tag Atmospheric | Beaten |
Children of Morta | Tag Fantasy | Beaten |
Kingdom: New Lands | Tag Atmospheric | Beaten |
The Suicide of Rachel Foster | Tag Story Rich | Completed |
Book of Demons | Tag Dark Fantasy | Beaten |
Neon Abyss | Tag Adventure | Unfinished |
DbD is beaten so I'll finish some DLCs.
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Here we go! Tackling a bigger game to start, so just listing it and my recent PA win for now. I'm hoping to add more later on if time allows.
Game | Category | Status |
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders | Fantasy tag | Beaten |
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered | My 42nd win :) | Beaten |
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I was very happy that I got to use it for that game, since I won it from a pagywosg giveaway from the September event :)
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Managed to finish the main story and most of the postgame content for Ni No Kuni in under a month :)
I made a big push to try and 100% it, but I'm just not going to have enough time in the next couple of days to grind out those last few achievements. Regardless, I'm still pretty satisfied with myself on how much I managed to tackle in one go.
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I'm going to start with all of these 100 hidden games I have made it my goal to win.
Game | Subcategory | Status |
100 hidden aliens | Tags: Hand-drawn | Completed |
100 hidden birds | Tags: Hand-drawn | Completed |
100 hidden cats | Tags: Hand-drawn | Completed |
100 hidden cupcakes | Tags: Hand-drawn | Completed |
100 hidden snails | Tags: Hand-drawn | Completed |
100 hidden snails 2 | Tags: Hand-drawn | Completed |
The Medium | Tags: Adventure, Atmospheric, Story Rich, Psychological | Playing |
Edit: Just won and added The Medium
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Game | Category | Status |
Tales of Zestiria | Fantasy | Unfinished |
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Welcome to the event, we're glad to have you! The game you entered is not one of your wins as far as we can tell.
Sadly you have at least one unplayed win (Close to the sun with adventure tag) that fit the current theme and since the whole event is about playing wins, we expect you to play this first before you enter your regular backlog games. We hope you enjoy your games, event and have a great month.
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Since i havent got the chance to play oxenfree, i'll do that this month.
I'll edit the post and add more games later as usual.
Game | Subcategory | Status |
Oxenfree | Tag Adventure | Completed |
Camp Sunshine | Tag Adventure | Completed |
Sunshine Manor | Tag Adventure | Beaten |
Lilly and Sasha: Guardian Angels | Games with mushrooms | Beaten |
Unpacking | Tag Atmospheric | Completed |
To The Rescue! | Tag Hand-drawn | Beaten |
Epic Quest of the 4 Crystals | Tag Story Rich | Completed |
Ruvato: Original Complex | Games with cats | Completed |
The Sacred Tears TRUE | Tag Card Game | Completed |
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition | Tag Story Rich | Completed |
Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant | Tag Story Rich | Completed |
Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star | Tag Story Rich | Completed |
Her Story | Tag Story Rich | Completed |
Zwei: The Arges Adventure | game ID has 42 | Beaten |
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Driftland: The Magic Revival is tagged as Fantasy, so I'll go with that. ^_^
(It's also marked as being 42 hours long in its "Main + Extras" HowLongToBeat time but let's keep it simple with the tag. XD )
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Fuf, took me until the very last moment, but done. Maybe I shouldn't have left only 1 week for a lengthy strategy game... sorry about that. T.T
Game's pretty nice. In particular I like how the players basically build the map- it is made up of many floating islands with a bottomless abyss around them, so everything happens on them and you have the power to move them around. Moving them into optimal positions is kinda like assembling a jigsaw puzzle that then has impact on both the strategy side and the tactical side down the line. Other than that, the game is... I guess I'd kinda describe it as "Dungeon Keeper, but in the sky" gameplay-wise. So your units all have "free will" and you mainly nudge them with orders (that they don't always follow like I want them to, but overall it wasn't too infuriating when they derped themselves to death). Story is... eh... standard fantasy story, and the balance is questionable at times. Nonetheless I liked the game a lot. :D
(It's a real shame that not a single person on my friends list played it beyond idling for cards though...)
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I idled (manually, not with an auto-idler) a few (single digit number of) games back when cards first came out and were valuable but other than that I don't idle games either. Don't really feel like a few extra pennies (or more likely an overly cluttered inventory since I don't see a point in selling cards that are worth 1 cent each) are worth the hassle.
I mean, I generally don't really mind what others do too much, but if it's a SG win they're idling and then abandoning forever, it's kinda disrespectful isn't it? It happens way too often. :/
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I am not judging, really. ;D It's just that I don't understand this very well, but that's just because I don't sale cards. I use them only for making my badges, so once I play that game, I get the cards. Also, I lied. I have idled two games. Old versions of BloodRayne as they got replaced and I intend to play them instead. ;)
Yeah, idling SG wins is sad. :/ And it upsets me a little when I see those little gems that don't get played, oh well, have to play them all myself. XD
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Game | Theme | Status |
Automachef | Games with puzzles | []() |
Bunnyrama | Games with rabbits | []() |
Construct: Escape the System | Games with 42 achievements | Completed |
Family Man | Adventure tag | Beaten |
Super Rude Bear Resurrection | game ID has 42 | Beaten |
Swag and Sorcery | Colorful tag | Completed |
The First Tree | Atmospheric tag | Completed |
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Game | challenges | Achievements | Status |
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova | Tags: Adventure | achievements | Complete(100%) |
Glass Masquerade | game with puzzles | achievements | Complete(100%) *DLC only. |
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition | Tags: Card Game | achievements | Complete(100%) |
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when counting dlc they just do the main game, other wise it cant keep track as they don't have their own achievement/time page. I mean you are still doing the main game right? Does it have like an end game achievement or any sort of end game as you don't need to worry about anything to do with the dlc and just focus on the main portion then
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well when it comes to dlc wins you can add them in as the main game. So assuming you still need to finish that just add the main game on. If not still add it to the event (remember to mention you won a dlc). From there I'm not sure, never played Magicka to know how it plays. I did a quick look at the achievements, it looks like something there must be near the end, but it looks like its mainly hard difficulty. Another look makes it seem like Wurstmacher is the last boss so: Is that the wurst you can do? should be totally fine to make it count as beaten
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As cece said DLC's can't be entered on the site, even have a FAQ entry about it. Has always been like that. Honestly haven't tried it with standalone DLC's but I would think as long as you can play them without the main game it should work. Otherwise just stick to the main game and if that does not have the DLC achivements make a screenshot. That should always work ;)
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Game | Subcategory | Achievements | Playtime | Status | Notes |
Catherine Classic | Story Rich Tag | 1/50 BtE | 1.8h BtE | Unfinished | - |
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster | Games with rabbits | 0/23 | 0h | Unfinished | Pigs vs Rabbits wars. |
Sudoku Universe / 数独宇宙 | Abstract Tag | 76/76 | 22h | Beaten | Adding some math... |
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Game | Category | Achievements | Playtime | Status |
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - GOTY Edition | Tags: Adventure, Atmospheric, Dark Fantasy | 0(3)/34 | 0.0(2.1) h | Unfinished (barely started, I'm going on with it) |
Death's Door | Tags: Adventure, Colorful, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy; Rule 42: 42nd win | 0/24 | -.- h | Unfinished |
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Planescape: Torment (Story rich, Fantasy, Dark fantasy, Adventure, Atmospheric)
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Game | Link | Hours of Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
Haimrik | Achievements - 25/25 | 4.0 | Adventure | FINISHED! |
Twisted Lands Trilogy: Collector's Edition | --- | 9.6 | Adventure (also hand-drawn, atmospheric, there are pocket watches to be found in HO scenes) | FINISHED! |
Shenmue I & II | Achievements - 21/55 | --- | Story Rich | --on hiatus-- |
maybe | soon™ | --- | --- | --- |
Total: 25/59 |
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I’ll be playing:
Adventure tag - Goodbye Deponia from Deponia: The Complete Journey.
The 3 game compilation has ending achievements for each.
For the 3rd game, the ending achievement is "Huzzah – he's off now for real”
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I start with one this month ^_^
Game | Subcategory | Notes | Status |
Betrayer | Tags: Adventure, Atmospheric, Story Rich | - | Beaten |
Still Life 2 | Tags: Adventure | - | Unfinished |
LEGO® Batman™ 3: Beyond Gotham | Tags: Adventure | - | Beaten |
Black Mirror I | Tags: Adventure, Atmospheric, Story Rich | - | Unfinished |
A New Beginning - Final Cut | Tags: Adventure, Atmospheric | - | Completed |
Eternal Step | Tags: Adventure, Atmospheric, Story Rich, Fantasy - Game ID has 42 | ID is 374240 | Unfinished |
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Would King's Heir:Rose to the Throne count as a game with "kings"?
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Trying to at least beat Oxenfree, SIMULACRA and Queen's Quest 4 this month.
As well as Niche (playing appreciated win)
Game | Category | Achievements | Playtime this month | Status |
Oxenfree | Tag Story Rich | 4/13 | 5.2h | beaten x1 |
Niche - a genetics survival game | Games with rabbits | 9/31 | 10.3h | retired |
SIMULACRA | Tag Story Rich | 10/24 | 4.4h | beaten x1 |
Queen's Quest 4: Sacred Truce | Tag Fantasy | 21/24 | 4.3h | beaten |
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INSOMNIA: The Ark - Tag Atmospheric [not a win].
Ed. Completed. Achievements are broken and not awarded at the moment, here's some screenshots from final locations:
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S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster. A game with rabbits, it has to be this one, a war between rabbits and pigs.
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Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna). Tags: Atmospheric, Adventure, Story Rich and Puzzle. Plus: It has the Female Protagonist tag, which maybe should be added at an event that honors Alice. What do you think? :)
Sleeping Valley. Tags: Adventure, Abstract and Puzzle.
Fantastic Checkers 2. Well, Alice through the looking glass has chess elements, also this game has been haunting my backlog for years and this is a good opportunity to play a few matches to get it off the 'never played' list.
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I finished Never Alone, gave up on Sleeping Valley (bad game) and played a few matches of Fantastic Checkers 2 (bad game II).
I'll add Tick Tock Isle now with the Adventure tag and Book of Demons with Dark Fantasy.
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Game | Category | Achievements | Status |
Millie | Tag Adventure | 3/14 | Unfinished |
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light | Tag Adventure | 0/12 | Unfinished |
Two Digits | Games about math | 13/13 | Completed |
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Game | Category | Status |
Demon Hunter 5: Ascendance | Atmospheric Tag | Complete! |
Depths of Fear :: Knossos | Fantasy tag | "Beaten" |
Island Farmer - Jigsaw Puzzle | Games with Puzzles | Re-Complete! |
The Path | Story Rich Tag | Postponed |
Turok | Adventure tag | Beaten |
Underhero | Colorful tag | Beaten |
Depths of Fear: I'm on the second-to-last boss. That might not be enough playtime to count, but I'm planning to delve into the endless dungeon in hopes of 100%-ing the game.
Island Farmer: Puzzle game about rearranging blocks to reproduce a given image.
The Path: No achievements, will provide a screenshot gallery for played proof.
Depths of Fear has defeated me. I beat the game and enjoyed it very much, but the endless mode is too buggy to be fun. It's not buggier than the regular mode, but it was less frustrating when a bug only meant restarting the level rather than the entire game.
Island Farmer was cute and fun to complete. Then the dev added four more levels (and associated achievements) less than a week before the end of the month, so I had the pleasure of completing it again! :P
The Path is getting rolled over to next month.
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Twilight City: Love as a Cure
game ID has 42: 428270
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I'll be trying to finish Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth3 V Generation. It's tagged as Adventure.
edit: Just won The Crown of Leaves so I'd like to add that game to this event under adventure tag as well.
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Hello :
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Games with rabbits
One of the two playable races
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I'll finally get around to tackling Hyper Light Drifter. I've only heard good things :)
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Hello sam, hello everyone.
Game | Won from | Category | Status | Achievement | Notes |
Lethal League Blaze | missingtexture | Games with hats | Beaten | Clear Skies | I'm surprised to see there is not colorful or hand-drawn tag attached to it. So i'm going with hats since some of the characters have hats and at least one of these hats is mentioned in storyline. |
Driftland: The Magic Revival | kordivan | Fantasy tag | Beaten | Side to Side | - |
Not For Broadcast | Cece09 | Story Rich tag | Beaten | Let's Make Tomorrow Better | For your information, game is in early access and 3rd/last episode is to be released. |
Hiveswap Friendsim | Ayce | Adventure tag | Beaten | Screenshot | - |
Elex | Amarhan | Dark Fantasy tag | Beaten | Visionary | I had to play ~9 hours offline because of internet problems. |
Forager | Cece09 | Fantasy tag | Completed | - | - |
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Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Games with cats
Remember Me
Tag Atmospheric
The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines
Games with hearts
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I'll play Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered. (Adventure tag).
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I have just finished Pixasso, but it seems I can't enter this game on the events page :/
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I'd love to add it but it seems that it's not working. I have grabbed all entries from the steam database that they are showing and this game is not one of them. Had that happen with a lot of those super small indie games in the last few weeks/months. Sometimes it just takes time until they add it properly -_-
I'll see if there is something to be done, though I honestly doubt it. Will get back to you about it if I find a solution.
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Game | Achievements | Hours of Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
Afterparty | 12/23 | 6.2 | Adventure | Beaten |
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West | 50/58 | 11.6 | Adventure | Beaten |
The Uncertain: Light At The End | 23/30 | 5.3 | Adventure | Beaten |
85 | 23.1 | 3 |
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It's been ages since the last time i participated, few times in 2017, so why not try to beating more wins again :D
Game | Category | Status |
Undead Horde | Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, Atmospheric | Completed |
Figment | Tags: Adventure, Hand-drawn, Atmospheric | Completed |
I hope i added games to the site properly ^_^
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Antihero - Games about Victorian Era
I'm wondering if this counts as "Victorian Era"? Otherwise I'll look for something else to enter with.
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Basic rules for gifters:
1) GA needs to be invite only
2) GA should be finishing in the first week of the following month, somewhere between the 1st and the 7th.
3) Eligible are all people that have beaten a game in that months event. You can find a list of eligible people under the leader board post in the event thread.
4) After you made the GA, send me the link so I can add it to the event page and list your game in the event thread. . (you can send it to me on steam or discord if you want, will give you my ID if that is the preferred method)
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Vampyr Not a win - Adventure, Atmospheric, Story Rich, Dark Fantasy Beaten
The Office Quest Adventure, Story Rich Completed
Switchcars Win Nº42 - Unfinished, I dont think Im going to make it, is hard, and depends a lot on your luck
question, the games "not a win" are submitted on the page events or just inform here? or just the won games go to the page event?
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Title | Theme | Won on | Status |
Syberia 3 | Tag Adventure | 2021-10-27 | Completed |
The Walking Dead | Tag Adventure | 2021-11-28 | Beaten |
Hello, first time joining this event :D
question: does this count because i finished the game last night before commenting here? do i also add the game to website after commenting here?
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Congrats on beating a win for November is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Alex Hunter - Lord of the Mind - Beaten
Adventure tag
Proof: Ending scene with bonus chapter unlocked https://imgur.com/a/2vKtJCi
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Game | Achievements | Playtime | Subcategory | Status | Notes |
Rabbit Hole 3D: Steam Edition | 13/18 | 8.2 H | Games with rabbits, pocket watches, cats, hats, hearts, dodos, caterpillars, mushrooms, tea party, kings, queens, Games about math, puzzles, poems, Victorian Era, courts | Unfinished | 64 mins, 5/18 achievements before the event |
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Poll format: New Year New Me - Tags:Addictive/Cooking/Dating Sim/Difficult/Economy/Education/Exploration/Family Friendly/Level Editor/Life Sim/Music/Nature/Relaxing/Romance/Runner/Sandbox/related to sports;Games won in the first quarter of a year;Games with no achievements or >= 1 achievements done before;Games with character customization;Games where you can choose between characters;Oldest 10% untouched wins;Any unplayed game but you have to complete it
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Poll format: Wait, It's All Summer? - Tags:Agriculture/Clicker/Colorful/Emotional/JRPG/Mature/Pirates/Rhythm/Sailing/Sexual Content/Walking Simulator;Games with tropical setup/natural disasters/murder mystery/parasols/fry pans/sunglasses/balls;Games where you cannot complete achievements without playing at least twice;Games where it's not possible to get a specific achievement anymore (servers are down/timed event/impossible to play with Garry etc);Game tag doesn't make sense;Oldest win you haven't finished
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since there are still 2 themes, i'll try to put another one.
Poll format: Happy Birthday Wikipedia! - Tags: Education/Party Game/Story Rich/Historical/Narration/Text-Based/Tutorial/Dynamic Narration/Word Game/Documentary/Typing/Visual Novel/Co-op/Local Co-Op/Online Co-Op/Co-op Campaign;Games with encyclopedia, party, or cake;Games where you have to type;Games where you have to look up for information online;Games that are released on 15th day, January, or 2001;Games with ID 15, 01, or 2001;Co-op games
15th january is actually wikipedia day. i ran out of ideas midway so any input is appreciated.
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oh, that's a good idea!
EDIT: added! I hope i didnt miss any tag. I ended up including local co-op too to focus on the collaboration part.
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Christmas season is rolling up on us fast and we want to do something special again this year. So like last year we will have some special advent GA's on each of the advent Sundays in December. Since we know that the community likes to be generous too we will accept up to 5 additional GA's on each of the dates below.
GA's should start at 1st of December and end on the specified Sunday. If you want to contribute, please let us know below.
Dec 5th: aleluist 5x
Dec 12th: naitas, mrstasilo, Noxco, Gelweo, RiderOfPhoenix
Dec 19th: axolotlprime, rurnhani, cece (2x), Noxco
P.S.: There also will be some normal GA's that will end in the first week of January, this is just an added bonus
All special GA spots have found a home. Yay!!!
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Perfect timing! I was looking for a way to give back to PAGYWOSG (thanks for the motivation!!) and this might just be it!
How'd this work? Is there any restriction regarding what can be given away? The games I have are 1 from an old Humble Bundle and 4 from the last Humble Choice (don't worry, they are the good ones). I'd love to be able to offer something else but I'm not able to make purchases outside of Steam, which restricts my gifting to my own country... but a friend gifted me 3 months in Choice, so I can offer this.
Let me know! If it's OK, I'll take the 5 places for Dec 5th.
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This works basically like the normal GA's for the end of month. Only difference is that for the advent edition the GA's end on the advent Sundays. So you would create GA's that start at Dec 1st and run through to Dec 5th in your case. People that have finished a game by that time get the links to these (and of course any later dates). It's just a special oppourtunity to give some more back to the community.
We did a whole advent calendar 2 years ago, but it was just too much work to keep everything in check on top of the event, the christmas season and playing some games myself.
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Hi sam! I'd like to take one spot from 12th and the last spot from 19th, if that's okay. :)
Also is it too early to show interest in next month's normal giveaways? I'd like to make three normal ones as well.
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Over the last month I made a list out of the user responses of the PAGYWOSG events fron January 2017 till October 2021 and determited how often a game was (attempted to be) played by the participants. Out of it came an interesting and surprising list and an idea to make a little quiz out of it.
Till 28th November 0:00 UTC you can make a list of 5 games you think are the most played games in these events and reply with it here. You will get the number of participations with this game as points, so if a game was played 30 times, you get 30 points. The person with the highest score will get a wishlisted game from me :)
A few notes:
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Ok heres some guesses haha
I thought maybe Pixel Puzzles Ultimate Jigsaw but I feel like this has been only a certain person posting it each month recently ;)
Edit: swapped out Hollow Knight for Rime. So indecisive.
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Yeah i don't remember it awhile ago, but it feels like its all the time recently.
Not to mention it's hard to finish so would pop up a lot !
Otherwise I have no idea. I guess if someone was keen they could actually scrape the webpages and get the info. I'm interested to see if one of my guesses are close though :D
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I definitely feel like those are some good choices. I feel like I have to pick a popular game and hope it was played as idk if I could pinpoint any indie type games. Also idk if anyone else is quite as crazy as moony here. I mean if someone wants to scrap apart every single event then I guess they deserve that win
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Yeah my guesses were kind of taking these into consideration:
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I forgot to think about it because the game I started with was a time-consuming game that was unexpectedly difficult to get achievements for.(Θ`*)ゞ⌛
That's right... five Steam titles.
In the beginning, I remembered how many mice I had malfunctioned in clicker games.
Secondly, some of the retro-inspired designs run over me... Huh? Cucumber?
I'm sorry, but I've decided that anyone who claims to be "my wife" is a fraud. Do not leave your savings account or credit cards with your wife. That's all I can say.
I think Crusade for Cucumbers is wonderful.
(But I don't have the VR equipment for the human world at hand.)
🦋🐌🐞 🔫ヽ(Θ`ヽ≡ 🥒🏡 =͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞💣 🦗🦠🐝
"live cucumbers"? 💀☠⛵ It is a sea creature. They weren't salty cucumbers! What a shame!┐(´Θ`)┌
The DLC on talking passionately about cucumbers is for humans who lack things to talk about cucumbers because they are everyday scenes.
(。ŏΘŏ)ooO(🥒>💰 or 💰>🥒 and 🍤+🥒=...)
This is the kind of agenda that causes factional strife in Kappa Shrimpers.
I think I have forgotten the subject matter in taking such things so seriously.
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Come to think of it, I still haven't picked five games.
The games I'm playing this month are... "challenging", and I'm stuck with them.XD...
So without much time to think about it, I decide to choose.
-Aegis Defenders
-Bomber Crew
-Sanctum 2
-This War of Mine
I think that if a series has had "free distribution" in the past, there is a good chance that there are many people who have tried it.🔍
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Of course, that would be the leading cause.(*p'Θ'q)yup
And I was busy answering questions from people who were having problems with their corner of the Internet.
Furthermore, I was playing other games.
It's time to get permission to use the time compression technology on Earth.⌛🌏Time to go back.
We are still waiting to hit the reset button again and again until humanity chooses the P route.👾🐙👽∑(´Θ`)
The last line is a joke.(人Θ'o)
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Hmm let me guess
Was thinking of putting ni no kuni, but im not sure whether the first or the second one that is being played the most...
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Ok, here goes nothing:
FRAMED Collection
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Ok, I'm curious now, so you'll provide the list once the month is over, right?
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Ok my best guess with only two month experience in this event is:
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I didnt understand (becouse my english is basic) when you say "(attempted to be played/The game has not to be finished by the user to count)", if we have to chose games that werent completed/beaten by participants only (the unfinish ones only excluding the completed/beaten ones)
So, my list are this one for the top 5 unfinish games from all events
Styx: Master of Shadows
Shenmue I & II
A Story About My Uncle
This War of Mine
Snake Pass
BUT, if my english is making jokes on me, and you want as to guess the most popular games, the top 5 of most played (and dont care about finished or unfinished), then I´ll chouse this ones:
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
AER Memories of Old
11-11 Memories Retold
Yes, i´m lost here, hopes that its ok to make two lists (I wont edit the comments, and will participate with the only one list of course)
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Looking through old posts definitely helped with this
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Styx: Master of Shadows
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First thanks a lot for all the participations. You all did really well!
I already prepared for giving away a game to two of you but then RayOfLight3 got a last minute win with nearly the hightest possible points!
So congrats to Ray, I will add you on Steam :)
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hey I was wondering why Niche was removed from the games I submitted. I entered it under games with rabbits, and there are at least rabbit-like creatures in the game.
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Hi, so firstly I don't do the game approving, I only approve them when done.
Secondly we did talk about this and while I played it I couldn't remember the Rabbils. Why didn't you offer the info when applying though? I mean, we really can't look for everything considering how many games there are. But pls do enter it again and post the link this time too as reference :3
Have fun playing it. Tip: Try keeping the gen from Adam until the end. You'll need it for the best ending :3
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Oh sorry, I didn't know that you were only responsible for the completed game approval.
And I submitted the game before I started playing so I didn't know about the rabbils either.. I just thought that judging from steam screenshots some of the animals you breed can have traits that make them look like rabbits and added that to the description of my application. But if that's not enough, I get it.. was just weird seing it declined without any notice as to why.
But I'll add it again with the link now, and thanks for the tip.. I'll probably have to look at some guides, because I was really struggling keeping my animals alive long enough 😅
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No problem, I don't think we ever announced the roles we have :3
Yeah, as I said it's sometimes hard to find a middleground even more so without any sources to go by. So linking it is always a good way.
Yeah, I get it. I failed at it soooo much! And I kinda abandoned it after getting home once xD
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You succeed more than you failed though, dont get yourself down just because of a few mistakes :)
I always appreciate you (and sam of course) taking your time for this event. Thanks a lot :)
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Yeah, it's not like he is stabbed or anything, he obviously deflected it! It's one of my favourite scenes of entire Gintama:
(Sorry for the quality. Studio is pretty strict about copyright issues so there are not a lot of clips. )
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Are you sure you dont want to see this?
I should have saved some of the screenshots that I took... i had an unfiltered pink bear with an orange pillow, hahah.
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Guys we need more theme suggestions for January or do I have to make more than one? 😂
And I'm still taking guesses for the most played games 😊
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As long as it is still November (according to the countdown at the top of the page) you can enter with any game that fits this month's theme, now whether or not you'll be able to beat the game before the time runs out is a different matter, I don't know the game so I can't comment on that.
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Since that last part wasn't taken not of. As long as its a win and it fits the theme no one cares where the game came from or why you are playing it. Feel free to play it for like 10 other events if that's how you feel.
Good luck with the game anyway, you plan to get any of the dlc?
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How do you handle games that add achievements during the month? For instance, I beat Island Farmer this month and then the dev added four more achievements. I went ahead and got those too, but would I have still been able to claim completion if I hadn't because it was 100% at the time I claimed it?
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The timezone is based on UTC. You can click the link with text "countdown until the event ends" to see if it is already over or not.
You might want to not submit your entry this late in the month though since most giveaways will be over by the time they are approved (if you are into them, of course).
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sadly I see you unlocked achievements today so it would be invalid. You need to be 6 hours earlier. However you should be able to submit it for this month, just add the bit you played at the start of november to the before stats
I'm lucky as the event starts and ends at midnight for me
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Hi ithamore,
We've done away with the different timezone rules months ago (if I remember correctly it was even a change mouse introduced) , since frankly we were tired of having to calculate for every late entry if it was still in time in their timezone or not. The event starts at midnight UTC on the first of the month and ends at 11.59pm UTC at the last of the month. As others have pointed out already we have big countdowns for start and end of the event in the OG post. I will check your entry once I get to my pc, but if the ending was achieved after the event was closed we cannot count it for Nov but as cece said it might be eligible for Dec.
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Thanks for the clarification. It was comments like this that were confusing me: "Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for November for the next couple of days (till the November thread is closed)."
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Thanks. That works awesomely. I'll edit it for the 2.7 hours and the few achievements I had before the event. (I actually only had to click edit and submit, since the previous stats were saved but just not showing yet.)
I'll still want to add at least one more pre-2017 released game, so I'll have some more active participation and maybe get more than one win in. I haven't more than one in a long time.
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Well that simply means for people that did not have time and/or forgot to update their entries in time, since the website closes automatically once the time is up. We usually have one or two people that forget to set their games to beaten/completed even though they have beaten it in time. For those the thread stays open a while so that they can tell us and we fix it by hand.
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1,080 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Xzares
156 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by lostsoul67
16,597 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Gamy7
406 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Vodeni
31 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by OneManArmyStar
434 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Vodeni
208 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by dingbat
31 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by adam1224
6,578 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by kittenpurrgirl
1,661 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by WaxWorm
14 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by Oppenh4imer
20 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by AlexSaysSG
2,669 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by VernoWhitney
28 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by steveywonder75
The event officially opens at 00:00 UTC, any playtime/achivements before that won't be counted.
Countdown until event ends
Congrats to everyone who participated in October! The stats are the following:
Hope to see you all again this month :)
Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for October for the next couple of days (till the October thread is closed).
The theme for this month is
Down The Rabbit Hole (156 years with Alice)
(Thank you to Mitsukuni for the suggestion!)
Tags: Adventure, Atmospheric, Story Rich, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Colorful, Hand-drawn, Narration, Abstract, Psychological, Dystopian, Card Game
Games with rabbits, pocket watches, cats, hats, hearts, dodos, caterpillars, mushrooms, tea party, kings, queens *
Games about math, puzzles, poems, Victorian Era, courts *
Games that have achievements with Alice in Wonderland references *
Rule 42: Games with 42 achievements, 42 HLTB time, game ID has 42, 42nd win, 42 inventory slots *
* Please provide some kind of explanation/proof (screenshots or link to some proof) in the notes or it will be rejected.
No win that fits the theme or played them all?
Please use the "Note" section when submitting the game to inform me of this situation.
You can submit this months games you are going to play here:
Who can participate
Anyone who does not have any unactivated wins, multiple wins or a VAC ban. You can participate even if you don't have any SteamGifts wins, see the "Have already completed all your wins?" below as it applies to this scenario too.
Extra Rules:
If it gives you one bundle of games with one steam ID then it depends. Do they each have achievements of their own (including an ending achievement)? Then go ahead and play them separately. Though make a note in the notes section, so we know what to look for. Non achievement games or games that play continuously (e.g. all entries play through without an ending between them) are not allowed atm since we do not have a good way to track them separately.
Theme for December
Five Years Of PAGYWOSG
Winter Wonderland
The Longest Night
Since we only got 1 theme suggestion I revived the second and third place runner up from last year.
Theme for January
Do you think you have a good idea for a theme for January? Leave it in the comments bellow. If I get more than 1 suggestion I will list them in the poll next month and the one with the most votes will become January's theme.
Everyone who beats at least one win this month will get the chance to win:
Ghost of a Tale by samwise84
Baba Is You by samwise84
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI Platinum Edition by samwise84 region locked
Tropico 6 by samwise84 region locked
Darksiders Genesis by samwise84 region locked
Caveblazers by aquatorrent
Murder by Numbers by mrstasilo
Spooky Station by mrstasilo
Project Wingman by Cece09
Wingspan by Cece09
Warstone TD by Naitas
Tales of the Neon Sea by Naitas
We Happy Few by Naitas
Moonlighter by axolotlprime
NeuroVoider by axolotlprime
State of Mind by axolotlprime
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder by Gelweo
Iconoclasts by AlvinCanCabbage
Age of Wonders: Planetfall Deluxe Edition by AlvinCanCabbage
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire by Vikost
Tacoma by salemsamwise
Sonic Adventure 2 by VicViperV
Doom 3 by rurnhani
Lovecraft's Untold Stories by GuilDer90
The Watchmaker by GuilDer90
Do Not Feed the Monkeys by GuilDer90
Have already completed all your wins?
Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)
Useful links:
Steam group - please don't bother requesting to join unless I told you to do so, you will get denied.
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script
BLAEO website - BLAEO application thread
Source code of the website.
Steam Library Filter
Previous months:
2021: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October
2020: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2019: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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