It's Christmas and my birthday!

So here's some Skyrims for you:
Skyrim! [OVER]
Skyrim! [OVER]
Skyrim! [OVER]
Not Skyrim! [OVER]
Also, you might want to look here for the solution (when I get to it).

Hint 1: You should look at it from one side... and then another side.
Hint 2: The size of the grid is chosen to make the puzzle a bit easier.
Hint 3: The order of symbols can be deduced from the attachment to the puzzle. what(how)
Hint 4: Did you notice that both the first row and the first column are blank? Yep, only standard stuff here.
Hint 5: It's as simple as 0 and 1!
Hint 6: The answer to the puzzle has 18 symbols... 6 of them are not in any way related to the game given away.

Have fun.

12 years ago*

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Thank you for Skyrim, since you said there's one in this thread.

12 years ago

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very hard guy .......................

12 years ago

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hahaha, that was epic, thanks

12 years ago

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Thanks man :D

12 years ago

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Less than 7 hours left!

12 years ago

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Giveaways over, thread will close soon. Anyone interested in the solution to the puzzle should check out the dedicated puzzle thread.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Alek2ander.