Google 'Humble Order Resender' and click on the first link that pops.
Send your orders to your e-mail.
Pretty sure it gives you direct gift links to all of them..?
It's been a while since I used it, so it may just link to your orders directly- in which case, no, not aware of any way to easily copasta humble keys.
Plus side, using my method ought at least give you all the game names in a single easily copiable list, so that at least saves you some time on that end.
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hi thx for your response
the problem for me with clicking and redeeming all is i wont be able to easily tell the diff between the ones ive used before and the ones that are still available for trade, it would require me to keep a separate log of used and unused
perhaps ill have to just copy and paste manually from the unredeemed keys page after all
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This requires Notepad++, I did it in Firefox, in Chrome it should work almost the same:
Result is something like this:
<h4 title="Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power">Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power</h4>
<h4 title="Lux Delux">Lux Delux</h4>
<h4 title="Shattered Planet">Shattered Planet</h4>
<h4 title="Pix the Cat">Pix the Cat</h4>
<h4 title="Broken Age">Broken Age</h4>
<h4 title="Dropsy">Dropsy</h4>
<h4 title="Penarium">Penarium</h4>
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Are you trying to copy the list of games that you still have keys for from humble into a text file? So when you copy them you end up with this, but with a space between each line:
Poker Night at the Inventory
Humble Telltale Bundle
click to redeem on Steam
Puzzle Agent
Humble Telltale Bundle
click to redeem on Steam
Nuclear Dawn
Humble Weekly Bundle: Iceberg Interactive 2
click to redeem on Steam
And you just want this:
Poker Night at the Inventory
Puzzle Agent
Nuclear Dawn
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You can use the small, free program AutoHotkey and create a script that will remove the lines of text that you do not want.
Download AutoHotkey and then create a new AutoHoykey script. I just right click on the desktop or in a folder, go down to "New", and then select "AutoHotkey script". Leave the text that is in the new script there and just go down a line. Paste the following text into the file and then save and close it.
loop 1
Send {up}
Send {shift down}{up}{up}{up}{up}{shift up}
Send {BS}{BS}
Run the script by double clicking the icon or right clicking it and selecting "run script" (this will not do anything yet, it will just launch the script so you can use it). Copy your list of games from Humble into a text file. You should now have a text file with 3 lines of text for each game with a blank line between each line. If that is correct then this script should work.
Go down to the bottom of your text file and click just to the right of the last game in your text file so that your cursor is right next to the name of the game. Now you can hold the control key and press the spacebar to run the script. This will delete the 5 lines of text above the line that you are on, leaving you with just the name of the games.
You can keep clicking control space to run the script for each game or you can edit the script and change the number after "loop" to whatever you want and it will repeat the script that many number of times. After editing the script (and saving) you will have to reload it by closing the running script from your taskbar and running it again or right click on the script in the taskbar and click "reload this script".
Warning: The script is just pushing keys on your keyboard. It will continue these actions until the script ends. If you click off of the text file while it is running it will still continue the key presses, but not inside of the text file. This means if you click on your desktop it will be pressing the up and delete keys on your keyboard on your desktop icons. For this reason, I would keep the number of loops in the script somewhat low, probably 10 or less. Also, don't allow the number of loops to go past the last game you need to edit in the text file because it will continue running the number of times your told it to which will keep deleting the top lines of text. When you get towards the end, it is best to just set it back to 1 loop, reload the script, and finish it 1 at a time.
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AutoHotkey is a really good program and can be used for other things as well. I use it often for changing a long list of file names if the titles need to be edited in the same way.
It also comes in very handy if you have a game that doesn't let you rebind keys or locks certain keys. With AutoHotkey, you can rebind any key on the keyboard (or mouse) to a different key making the most stubborn games easy to fix.
For example, there was a game that required me to use the space bar to jump and I could not rebind it in the game. I play with the arrow keys and I wanted in on my right control key. All you have to do is create a script with 1 line of text:
Now, the right control key pushes the space bar.
Another example is when I was playing Lucius and it wouldn't let me bind anything to the buttons above the arrow keys (delete, end, page down). So I used autohotkey to bind all those keys to the number keys 1 through 6. Then I could bind the controls inside the game to the numbers 1-6, but i actually pressed the keys above the arrows to use those keys. Here is the script I had for that, pretty simple:
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hi there
that is a bit over my head
however i bet some others that come across this page could find that very useful
thanks for sharing and including details
ps, i may give it a go on the weekend, as for now brain is mush and not retaining what i just read
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Not a problem. I was expecting you probably wouldn't want to do it, but I decided to post it anyway. Someone might want to try it. It may sound confusing at first, but if you understand how AutoHotkey works, it's pretty simple. You just find out what keys you need to press to delete the lines of text you don't want and then tell AutoHotkey to press those keys for you over and over so you don't have to do it. It can make a lot of things so much easier.
Also, if you do use AutoHotkey, you need to make sure that your text file has the same number of lines to be deleted between all the games in the list because the program is just deleting a certain number of lines. This will only be a problem when you copy and paste each new page of games from Humble into the text file.
I have found what you need to do is, copy each page of games from Humble starting at the first game name and then ending with "click to redeem on steam". Make sure to end on the last "click to redeem on steam" and don't go down any farther on the page where it has other buttons (library, purchases, keys).
Then after pasting each page into the text file, you will have to hit enter twice to add a blank line before copying and pasting the next page from Humble.
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wow...i actually understood all that you said there, very clear write up thx
ill try on weekend
part of what u described is similar to when i have to keymap the buttons on my usb playstation controller i use, bcs im not dextrous enough with my left hand to use wasd on the keyboard effetively, so i use a mouse in right hand, playstation controller in left hand and drop both to type as needed
and the program is joytokey for that
thx again, kudos on the good instructions
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Your welcome. If you try it, make sure to either test the script on a new text file or have your file saved before you try it just incase it doesn't work right an deletes the wrong lines of text.
I use a playstation controller when I want to play a PC game with a controller. It's actually a PS2 controller with a USB adapter that I bought a long time ago when I wanted to hook my PS2 guitar hero controller up to the computer. I use the program Xpadder, which I think does pretty much the same thing as joytokey.
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Paste-special HTML is probably your friend, depending on how the page is formatted.
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i have a few pages of unredeemed keys
and when i try to copy them it copies the text for the game title, the bundle title and click to redeem on steam
so then i have to edit and delete all the extra text when trying to make a list to post for trade
is everyone on here doing so manually or is there a better way?
thanks in advance for your help
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