Its ok to feel this way, and there are definitely worse ways to express anger than this. You'll do fine.
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Oh yeah there is. I hate violence so I will never get physical or ruin property. I'll just be mopey for some time and then move on. Thank you for your support!
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Sounds like you're in a tough spot and really need a break. To be in a place like this fucking sucks, but you're doing the right thing, get that stuff off your chest. Just don't let these negative things get the better of you and change you in a negative way, stay focused and keep your head up. You're still breathing, so you got a future - something or someone out there is waiting. Sounds kinda like some pretentious yaddayadda, but that's how life works... without the downs, there wouldn't be ups. Take care and best of luck.
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I don't know you but you seem like a lovely person. She clearly has her own problems, its best not to make them yours. You did the right thing. As cliche as it sounds... Focus on yourself. It seems like your future is cloudy so make plans! You never know what will come of it!
From my experience, I was in a shit 4 year relationship with an immature guy. For a good year I tried to make it work but I was falling out of love with him... Tbh, it wasn't love now I look back. I studied psychology at university... Depression hit me. I stopped going to classes, only worked and dreaded seeing my boyfriend. I was going to end it 3 or 4 times and thats when steam became a big part of what I did. I met Wallister(Ally), I'm on medication, and I want to move out of my shitty little town and now know I want to be a nursery teacher. I'm doing this for me and I'm happy. Don't think love is dead. Because it can show up in the weirdest time with a cup of tea and a charming accent ;)
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I can understand where that anger, and even loneliness from being "too truthful" (in a world of lies and deception) comes from, I've been there myself, it really is suffocating, to say the least, feels like drowning, nothing you can do about it. And I say it in he most positive way possible, you don't need to do anything! Just deep breaths, whatever everyone does is not a reflection of you, but rather themselves, and if she did treat you like that, even though you did you're best, then that is pretty self explanatory, just wanna leave this comment here saying that I don't think it's your fault, I don't even think it's anyone's 100% fault you feel like that, it's too much at once, I can understand that for sure, just let it be known, accepting people for who they really are is super hard, since most human beings are assholes, live and let live dude, don't stress yourself too much over it, be happy for the good things, appreciate them, even though in such times they are hard to see, they really exist, and they are everywhere, deep breaths, think, look for them, hope never really dies :)
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I'm actually going to catch a bus to the other side of my city and walk home tomorrow so I can take in the sights, good and bad. It'll be refreshing and relaxing. I don't want to vent anymore. Thank you for your words though :)
I will get through it for sure, it is just hard to acknowledge it at the moment.
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That's the problem with hot bitches, (you said she was adorable?) they are psycho 90% of the time because from the day they turned 7 years old the world has been kissing their ass, pandering to them, and turning a blind eye to their bad behavior because of their good looks, it's just how it works, it goes to their heads, and the sad thing is she probably won't change because another thirsty dude is just around the corner and will be willing to put up with her horseshit because of her good looks. Good on you for dumping her man, just move on even though it hurts, it's better this way, a better girl is right around the corner
If you need some in depth advice I know about two great guys, listen to Patrice O'Neals Black Phillip Show he will cheer you up and give you confidence, and listen to Coach Corey Wayne this guy is insane and will give you the know how, understanding of relationships and confidence as well so you can avoid this garbage scenario in the future. He has tons of videos. Good luck man
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She is a bit like that for sure, but not completely that bad. Like, I still feel there is the good in her, but maybe she had an f'd up ex or something that made her more feral, because there are some things she does that I don't feel the actual psycho people would do. That's part of the reason I stuck with it for so long, like trying to get a cat to understand you don't want to hurt it, only to care for it, but it is scared and keeps scratching you. I am glad to be done with it though. It is less stress on me.
I suuuuuper appreciate your recommendations in that second paragraph. I will definitely be watching them. Thank you very much!
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Sounds like you made the right move in splitting with your girl. But given the host of issues you list, a good part of your unhappiness is clearly you. Maybe it's time to take a break and get away for a weekend. A change of scenery could do you some good.
We've all been there. Take a break, soldier through, and remember that life has its ebbs and flows ... and if things are bad now, there's a good chance you'll soon see improvement in at least one facet. All the best to you.
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Honestly, it might seem weird, but I usually do not like people and taking a break is what I always do. That said, I am a huuuuge romantic and love all the cheesey lovey dovey stuff so I totally want a faithful companion by my side.
There's a lot of other factors I didn't want to post and I won't post, but I definitely have my eyes set on my happiness and know how I need to get there. It's just a matter of actually getting there and meeting my goals.
Thank you for your positive thoughts!
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I'm of a similar mindset, so I don't think you're weird ... I KNOW you are weird, because I am, too. Best wishes to you!
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I'm trying to understand with all these things you mentioned why did you end up dating her? How long did you know her before you became boyfriend and girlfriend?
From the second paragraph you sound really depressed, mad, and just have a bunch of emotions running high. With all these feeling it honestly seems like being single may be a good thing. Take as long as you need to find the peace and happiness within yourself. Learn to love yourself. Focus on you for now and eventually things will come together. I really hope the best for you.
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She asked me out at work. She was pleasant the first day, a real charm actually. Second day she was good. Third is when it started coming out of her. As time went on, things got worse and worse. I kept wanting it to work, so I stuck with it and kept dealing with the shit as it piled and changing myself for her every-time the shit hit the fan. She was great to other people. The act she put on for the other people, what she could be, is what I wanted, but not how she was. I kept hoping it would be though. I finally just got tired of it.
Yeah, dealing with the breakup and realizing all the crap I went through, all the time wasted, and how stupid I was can take quite a toll. I totally love myself. I believe I am at least fairly attractive (I know people have different opinions). I know I am a very nice, considerate, and giving individual. I like to think of my dorky-ness and slight awkwardness as part of my charm (not a flaw), and I am proud of my work ethic. It's just I'm having to bring myself back from "everything I do is wrong" and it is....eye-opening how stupid I was being. I'm not happy at my situation though and I am trying hard to change it. I will be fine eventually. Thank you :)
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I'm not going to give you any advice, since I know sometimes you just need to let it out, and there isn't anything anyone can say to make that pain go away. But it's going to be alright, things can change and get better, you will feel love again.
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Thank you. I really just wanted to feel like I was talking to someone even though I wasn't, but everything said by everyone here is appreciated, by you too, so thank you ^_^
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Hah, and I just looked at this on Imgur
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Haha that is actually a pretty funny coincidence! It was uploaded via iphone so I know it isn't her :p
Thank you for the giggles. I hope that person will be ok though...
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Get away from the shitty people in your life. If someone's constantly stressing you out or making you depressed etc then it might be time to stop hanging out with them for a bit. Right now the break up might seem terrible, but some day someone will come who's better than her, you just have to never give up hope and keep looking. Hopefully things start to sort themselves out for you. I wish you the best of luck!
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Thank you! That is actually why I happily have no (in person) friends. They stressed me out a lot and so I figured I was better off alone, and I haven't regretted it since. I just really like relationship stuff so I feel I try too hard to keep a relationship when it is already "past expiration."
There are some positive possibilities that have shown up recently, mostly about a new job, so I am feeling better, plus everyone that commented has been nice. I didn't want comments originally, but they have actually helped. Thank you for the push to be positive and hopeful. I appreciate you taking the time to comment what you did :)
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Ow man, you've had a really bad time. But keep up being your good you: you seem to be quite a good and clever person, and people like you mustn't change because of shitty people or shitty environments (like this whole freaking world); even if it's so damn hard there are people worth to know and life is worth to be lived fully. You simply have to fight, and keep your head up, like (as it seems to me) you're already doing. And it's been a good idea to vent this whole thing out, keeping this stuff inside is always bad and you need people like us (even if we are random people ><) who can try to cheer you up or simply listen to you.
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Thank you very much! I actually have an interview in like 10 minutes for a job so I am actually feeling better because this new job will help in some areas.
I want to be immortal to experience all life has to offer, but I gotta do what I can with the life I can use up so I fully plan to live my life :)
I am definitely feeling better though. You are all random people, but you all sent messages that you didn't have to send, and it is very much appreciated. Thank you very much again for your message!
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So I've just found out about this thread. From what I've read it seems like my previous relationship. Everybody is different and everybody needs to go through the break up in their own way but I can at least tell you what helped me when I've broke up with my previous girlfriend.
First of all I wasn't scared to admit I still love her but on the other hand it was better for me to part away from her. It was better for my sanity, for real. Although she had her positive sides she had her dark sides as well and it was driving me insane, literally. So a break up was a punch in a face for me but on the other hand it was a massive relief as well.
Second thing is to date with other girls as soon as possible. Yes, some people will tell you he has found consolation in other arms quickly but to be honest, these are not your friends at this time. It's not about finding consolation as they call it but it's about coming back to normal life as soon as possible instead of punishing yourself for relationship that was a failure anyway. It's good for your sanity, you'll find out there are plenty of girls that have similar virtues as your ex.
Thirdly, and this is advice for life in general also, make sure that people around you are positive people. Really this is a massive boost to your energy and motivation when you see active people who always want to do something new, who always accept everything that happens in life and try to solve the problems instead of hiding from them. Sad truth is negative people will sink you down, demotivate you.
Learn. Yes learn from your previous relationship - don't treat it like a waste of time. Time you've spend together has given you some experience and knowledge of what to do or not do in your future relationships. Don't clam up however just because you've been hurt - it won't solve anything and you will be just like your ex-girlfriend. Stay positive and find yourself somebody who will support this in you. Speak up your mind, an honest conversation is a way to solve many problems in relationships.
Well, that's all I have to say. Stay strong, life is full of surprises wether you believe it or not. Keep your head up high and if you'll need a talk, you know where to find me :)
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Oh I will start to get better now, promise. I just needed to get it off my chest. I really appreciate you being there for me. You're a great friend to me :3
I am sorry that you had to go through something similar and hope you feel better about it now. I am of course here if you need me :)
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You are still quite young believe it or not everyone expects to have all their shit together by now i.e work and relationships but the reality is it not so easy and it can take years or even a lifetime for people to feel they have got to where they should be.
I know I am still feeling much like yourself and I am 30.
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Yeah, it would be nice if it was easier, but I just gotta do what I can now.
Things will turn around for the both of us, of that I am sure. So I will, and I hope you keep going strong until you reach the light at the end of the tunnel :)
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It can, and did, make me feel better. Thank you very much :)
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Take the Tis-100 GA and get off this thread. I don't want you to read or comment. I only want to ACT like I am venting to someone.
I just broke up with my girlfriend. She was a royal pain in my ass. Everything offended her. Everything embarrassed her. Everything pissed her off. I could compliment her and she would get whiny because it made her feel ugly somehow. I could ask her to do something for me, like take a picture with me, but no, because it made her feel ugly and embarrassed. Everything I wanted to do with her was shot down, and yet, she wanted me to get drunk with her and do all these other things with her or else she would feel restricted. That's fair. She drove like an egotistical prick. She was childish as fuck. Just a really childish bitch that acted like nothing was ever her fault, and always turned things into my problem, always found a reason to make every situation a reason to be pissy at me and never cared to do anything for the relationship. I was always the one to apologize, always the one to change how I was around her, always the one at fault, never her. I'm sitting here bitching about her....and I am still hurt over it. The good part of her was really good. She was into games and had future plans. She was really adorable. Her laugh was amazing. She was goofy. She loved animals. But fuck, the rest of her personality was such a turn-off. She would be perfect if she wouldn't be so freaking childish. I really wanted it to work between us. I tried my hardest to make it work. I changed things for her, but she never did the same for me. It felt very one-sided. I felt like another one of her dogs, a fun plaything that she expected to do tricks while she did nothing for me. She was so inconsiderate too. Such a lovely relationship to have after being two-timed by the previous person. I'm starting to feel like there is no one true love, just one doomed love that lasts longer than the rest of your doomed life.
Everything is so fucking suffocating. I can't stand where I live. I hate where I work. I can't stand the people around me (excluding you close Steam Friends of mine). I feel like every choice I make is the wrong choice and I will never get anywhere in life. It's so fucking annoying and I can't take it. All the people I knew turned into shit-heads. The people who want to know me are pathetic. The world is an ugly place run by ugly people and it is so hard not to become ugly as well. I don't know what to do. I used to game to cheer me up but even that is now nothing but bullshit, empty promises, lies, shady practices, shut downs, pathetic people sending death threats, disappointment. It's too much right now. I have no future.
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