Minion Masters?
Actually playing it even atm xD it's sort of hmm cute is not the right word but pretty.
It is a card game but not a traditional one ^^
I like the premium boost hihi xD it's nice :3
And maybe it was indeed a lesser item in humble, but they also gave a couple of awesome games so that kind of makes it up for me ^_^ (but that's just my silly opinion hihi)
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It is a card game but not a traditional one ^^ :)
I've got high hopes for MM, about to load it up for the first time myself. :)
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I really like it, specially the win music xD
Only thing is with my ADD it gets repetitive fast for me personally :$
But I sure will tend to follow the updates and play it some more.
Oooh Magic, I know the RL card game but never played the video game :o
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Battlegrounds suffered from limited cards to build decks from (and is graphically dated, by now), but it was an utter blast. :)
A pity nearly every other M:tG video game release has been.. wanting. :X
I think the Microprose game and the unofficial tabletop simulator, Apprentice, were the only other decent ones ever released. :/
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Well, there's a decent handful of 'drop your minions and watch them move and fight on their own' games (though never enough for my tastes, of course ~.^), but basically none that play as organically as Battlegrounds did (other than perhaps MM), with nearly all of them relying on preset columns and rows to manage minion movement within. Battlegrounds, by comparison, actually played heavily off moving your champion around and positioning your units, which made defensive (ie, non-moving) units all the more key to the gameplay.
But yeah, my appreciation for Battlegrounds is high- s'why I've been anticipating MM for a while now :)
[Though I had an issue getting my game key through e-mail originally, so I didn't get an opportunity until recently (Their staff was really helpful when I contacted them about it, digging up the keys assigned to my email and giving them to me directly. ^.^)])
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I never played that many card games tbh. Well besides the patience etc :P but not strategy card games.
I'm still such a game noob xD
But I'm trying to catch up!
I do hope they release achievements over time ^_^ I like Achievements to show I also do really play!!
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You mean 'newb', I think. Newb(ie) is a newcomer who is unfamiliar with the field and simply lacks experience, while noob/n00b is an internet slang insult, indicating someone who is incapable or unwilling to learn, and its usage is synonymous with calling someone incompetent and/or stupid. Put another way, a noob is a perpetual newb. :P
card games
I'm a bit obsessed with them (be they strategic, traditional, or otherwise). I've boxes of tabletop card games, and I play every digital card game I can find. :)
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Pretty sure with my brain cells I am a noob :P
Or at least half a noob. It's not that I'm not willing to learn etc, it's just that my brain doesn't allow me o_o
I'm more a sucker for hack and slash, rpg, platformers and visual novels related games with a lot of plot xD
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It could be a great game! I'm not denying that. I will certainly keep an eye on it :) And I agree, Humble has definitely made up for it with some of the other games.
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Great, thank you for the clear explanation :) I think I'll leave it in my Humble library for now. Might activate it in the future if it turns out to be good :)
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I've played a couple of EA titles, namely ARK: Survival Evolved and Dungeon Defenders 2. Neither of them really amazed me but maybe MM will be the first ;)
And thanks for the info!
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Premium Upgrade includes:
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Thanks for the breakdown. I guess the real question is, can you buy anything worthwhile with the in game currency? ;)
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If it was just going into the backlog
It would be best to hold off on redeeming the premium content, to get the most value out of the double gold for a year
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I don't want pay2win content, double XP and gold and shit...
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Completely free now..
Everyone will have one.. Nice, HB...
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Yeah, that's true... but it still doesn't belong in HB Monthly (IMO) :)
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I'm confused by that. Humble Monthly has a pretty well established tradition now of including DLCs for games, including F2P games.
As far as that goes, this is one of the most notable they've included.
Besides, just 'cause a game is free to play, doesn't mean a $20 retail purchase for the game is meaningless. =O
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Just my opinion. I'm sure there are a lot people that are happy about it. Humble certainly has a hard job pleasing everyone. I'm sure that if they gave away some paid DLC for a F2P game that I play and love I wouldn't be complaining ;)
Maybe I shouldn't complain in this case either. I was just a little disappointed by the whole bundle. Nothing really excites me, so I guess MM was the easy target ;)
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Objectively, it's probably one of the best bundles so far. The four games Rhllor mentions below are all very high interest titles (on SG/Barter/etc), and even the throw-ins (which every Monthly has had) seem to be above average this month.
As you say, Monthly isn't going to appeal to everyone each month- unless you're a very generalized gamer or one that won't be bothered by getting a lot of titles to put up on SG/trade/etc, Monthlies are probably best based on the concept of 'is this preorder game enough to make the bundle worthwhile for me?'. If you've any doubts about the preview item, it's not too likely that the rest of the games will bring the bundle up to a level you can appreciate. :X
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Very well put and that 's basically how I'm gonna approach Monthly from now on. If I really want the preorder game then I'll probably subscribe for that month. Then the unlocks are just a bonus :)
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Humble Monthly has a pretty well established tradition now of including DLCs for games, including F2P games
Did I miss something? In which other monthlies did they include DLCs for F2P games?? When did they include a DLC without also including the base game?? O,o Monthlies, 12€ blind bundles, not the cheaper ones...
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In which other monthlies did they include DLCs for F2P games??
Cthulu Realms comes to mind pretty quickly.. :)
When did they include a DLC without also including the base game??
And no, you're changing the topic there. ^.^
I wasn't indicating that they ever released DLCs without base games, just that DLCs themselves are common inclusions in Monthlies, and sometimes the base game included with them also happens to be free. :)
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Sooth, don't take it as an attack :S I lost interest for monthlies time ago and wanted info. I checked the past HB monthly threads but didn't find info by myself.
Indeed I missed that one. Eww that bundle even included a game that was given away for free in mmogames (just around 1000 keys but enough for not being able to create a giveaway for it here).
So monthlies have a possibility to have a pack for a free to play game instead of a game... Well, that is a big downside for me. Thanks for the info.
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Sooth, don't take it as an attack :S
I.. didn't? =O
Remove any expectations of even mild hostility, and reread my last comment. :)
Here, I'll go add emotes =O
Better? :P
(>'-')> <('-'<) ^('-')^ v('-')v (>'-')> ~(^.^)~
Cthulu Realms was definitely a bit unusual, in its low retail value, but this one is really the same as any $20 game that someone might not like (at least as far as the SteamGifts community is concerned, where such DLCs can be put up for CV). In general terms, however, yeah, it's definitely something to keep in mind as a possibility.
Personally, there's definitely some Steam-enabled MMOs/games with a free first episode/etc with Steam-listed DLCs that I'd like to get my hands on, so I can't say I don't see merit in the model. A content or gameplay expansion in any game is a bonus, and in such games it often has a more notable effect than DLCs for more general games.
Rather, keep in mind the breadth of other perspectives on Monthly inclusions- for example, for me, Payday 2 was a scammy inclusion into Monthly. You get a base game that's just a demo (to the point that it should be free-to-play, and them charging money for it is scammier by far than any game that actually lists itself as free-to-play), and an incomplete handful of DLCs for a game with an obsession with them- all of which were, as I recall, part of the game's GOTY package (which, mind you, only comprises a portion of the game's DLCs), meaning you'd end up rebuying them anyway, if you wanted to commit to further DLC investment in the game in the future.
In other words, you get a non-game and a buncha DLCs you'd have to rebuy. To me, that was a ripoff.
So I can respect the "free games don't appeal" perspective as a parallel to my own in that regard, even if I don't personally find it an agreeable notion. Everyone has their own ideas of what has merit, and in that regard, knowing what a service may offer and making careful decisions off of those facts is the best approach.
I mean, take the Yogcast bundles- those are a terrible deal for most people, but some people enjoy them (charitable appreciations aside, I mean for the exclusive cosmetics/etc they often drop).
So, I'm not going to say you don't have a right to be personally irritated or dissuaded due to the free-to-play-game DLCs, but I do want to note that they're not universally disfavored inclusions. :)
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I got that bundle, I didnt like it either :S Too many DLCs on it instead of games :S What if I don't like Company of Heroes? What if I don't like Payday? I ended up with a lot of useless dlcs (well, I did giveaways here). I unsubscribed after that one. Luckily it seems they changed the way they select the games now, and try to search for games that are less known but still good, so even people with large libraries can get games they don't own yet. And I feel it is the way to go. Because even if I would like a bundle full of Square Enix/Namco/<big publisher name here> games on it, chances are that people already got them in a sale. I like discovering games I would have never discover by myself. But... but.... I hate mobas, and mmos, and those games based on microtransactions even more T_T
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Ooh, I thought the same, first I got an email today from the developers with my free key, then Alienware Arena released second free key, I was like "wtf is this, HumbleBundle made a really shitty deal with developers on this one". I didn't know their key gave Premium Upgrade, as it only says "Minion Masters" on claiming page and that I already have that game, as I had a free key even before developers started giving them away everywhere. I guess Premium Upgrade does compensate it. ^_^
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You've got a good point here. Maybe it wasn't made clear to HB, but it should definitely say "+ premium upgrade" on the key page. Maybe they didn't want to tell HB that they'd already given away 1000s of free copies ;)
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Lets be honest. It's only a matter of time before they start giving away free premium upgrades as well :D
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I personally don't think that's too likely- that's out of character for both the company, and the game format, which relies on such purchases.
You're probably too used to the habits of low-tier games, which rely on trading cards and frequent promotional giveaways to retain interest in them. This developer (creator of the Forced series of games) is an established and thus-far respected developer. Anything is possible, and they'll certainly do bundles/etc like this to try and draw interest in the game [For example, Card Hunter had a $12 tier promo once as well, but has never done any other promos in its (4?) years of being active], but they're unlikely to diminish their sales model by giving away pay components in the manner you're suggesting. :)
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Remember that it's still a paid game for now. Paid game with in game purchases. The developer has only hinted that it might be F2P in the future.
Regardless, I probably did have lower-tier game companies in mind with that comment. I know of the forced series. It's not really interested me but I know that it's quite popular. It was more of a joke really.
If this helps them establish a player base and make the game good, then good for them :)
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Remember that it's still a paid game for now. Paid game with in game purchases. The developer has only hinted that it might be F2P in the future.
Yeah, but it's probably not going to be too relevant? The Premium Upgrade is still a separate purchase for the game (and possibly EA-exclusive), so whether the game goes F2P or not, it likely isn't going to affect the value of this DLC.
That said, we still believe it's a wonderful game and if you buy Minion Masters during Early Access it comes with the Premium Upgrade DLC. This upgrade will make your experience much more premium and we have increased its value even more during Early Access.
No way of predicting how it'll all turn out, though the fact that the developer has taken such care with things so far is promising that things'll turn out in a way that won't be too discouraging to anyone.
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I agree that statements like that are very promising. Ultimately, whether the game goes f2p or not, if they can do enough to make the game enjoyable and engaging then I will play it. I'll give it a shot in any case. If I love it, then the premium upgrade will certainly come in handy :)
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I feel you man. Last month was my first month and I only got this one because I forgot to unsub!
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Even if you totally take out this game... that bundle is still great.
The historical lowest price for Dragon dogma, flood and Mordheim is > 10 IIRC
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I'm not in love with the other games but they're are certainly good for a lot of people. I'd rather they just didn't include it all tbh. Makes Humble monthly feel cheap ;)
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Agree, it adds useless drama
According to isthereanydeal:
escapist 7,81€ (ignoring dlcs)
dd 11,99€
mordheim 11,53€
Flame in the Flood 9,99€
ignoring everything else.
and yet people act like they got scammed
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There's this.. disturbing stigma against F2P games by many players, where they seem to find their inclusion in something to have a negative value, no matter what the quality of the rest of the package, or of the component itself, is.
Of course, given how many players inherently assume F2P means P2W and throw fits the first time a F2P game is challenging (even if it's entirely not P2W), I've pretty much given up on sensible reactions to the format. :P
"F2P? You mean vegetables?
"You realize that some people like vegetables, right?"
"What? No, that's impossible."
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I have this stigma that you're referring to, but it's got nothing to do with the P2W aspect. It just makes the game feel cheap and lacking in some way. I don't know where exactly I got this from. I can't really help it.
BTW, I love vegetables! :)
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I don't understand what you're saying? Even if we consider the base game F2P (as we mostly have been, this thread), the DLC is still valued at $20.
Put another way, it's a DLC. Are the other DLCs in the monthly bundle (and in previous bundles) valueless as well..? o.O;
Really not sure why the basic presentation of a game has any bearing on the actual content being given away.
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No, I mean.. I really don't understand what you're trying to say. :P
Were you actually snubbing it because the base game might go free to play/has been given away free? If so, I don't know how to respond to that, since to me the base state of the game really doesn't have any bearing on my judgements. (In fact, DLCs for (respected) F2P games are often far more valuable, since they're typically rarely bundled and typically even go on sale less frequently and to lower amounts.)
Well, either way, Humble has a habit of throwing in DLCs, and has done so for a few F2P games now, so I think it's something people should account for in their considerations toward purchasing the bundle. :)
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The 2500 rubies can let you to buy any Hero to play :)
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Good luck to them. I hope it turns into a great game!
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For me the import question is: Will we be able to make GAs for this game or is Steam API unable to distinguish between Base game and Premium Upgrade ?
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Meh... I would have rather made a GA for Dragons Dogma but region lock makes that tricky and now there is another "useless" item :(
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There are two different possible giveaway entries:
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The problem is if Steam API is unable to distinguish between base game and Premium (which is possible as ambidot pointed out that you can't see Premium in other peoples libaries) I doubt that they will add it here on SG.
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I got this game when the developer was giving away free copies so was rather disappointed to see it as one of the Humble Monthly unlocks. The developer has also stated that it could become free to play in the future. Make of that what you will...
Anyway, please can someone tell me what exactly I'll get if I redeem the Humble Monthly version if I already have the free version in my library? Thanks :)
EDIT: Alienware Arena is now giving away free copies of the game. OK, so it doesn't include the premium upgrade, but it kinda confirms my opinion of it being out of place in Humble Monthly.
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