(cook a soup from it)
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I won't give any advice on what you should do, but if it was me I'd lock the door to the room that the dove is in and let it become the new master of it, since im afraid of them, but that's probably not the best idea on what to do in your position
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Could it be somebody's? Anybody breeds pidgeons in the zone?
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+1 prob some1's pet, better shleter him for today and see if someones looking for a pigeon tomorrow.
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I also had this thought but I don't know anyone who can have pet pigeon adjacently. I'll look for ads of course.
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Don't forget to check online ads too (for somebody looking for lost pets or selling/breeding pidgeons) and pet shops (they might know somebody who has pidgeons). Online forums about birds can be helpful too.
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I bet you rubbed that dove on your unmentionable regions ಠ_ಠ
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Most likely a pet. If no one comes to claim him, keep him (or eat him, I heard that you can cook a lot of delicious recipes with doves).
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Unfortunately I don't have such opportunity. And lol no, I'm not going to eat it.
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just bump, I don't know enough to offer any advice.
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Yeah, I hope too. I need to attach it somewhere until Tuesday. Thanks ^^
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dam its nice, looks a bit like a turtle with wings though. maybe its a turtle afterall
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It is :) It's also an English noun describing a specific animal.
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Ork shouting "for dove!" must be a frightening spectacle. Thanks :)
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Some day you will see space cat sexy budgie on your table :) It's all about statistics.
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That's sad. I think, you shouldn't give them too much water.
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Have you called a local very or wild life place? Many places will take in wildlife at no charge if they are hurt and usually will examine them for free.
Many years ago I seen a bluejay that was attacked by a cat. It was hurt and stayed under the deck. I got my hands on it and took it to the vet. They didn't charge me anything, told me what it needed and said that they could not find anything wrong with it other then some small punctures that they couldn't do anything for, all they could do is let it heal.
I had an extra bird cage (at that point I had 4 cockatiels and 2 budgies and I think a couple of love birds (the last 2 I wanted to deep fry, damn those things were loud)
I was told that if it survived the night, it should only take a few days for it to get strong enough to be released. So I took it home, put it in the cage, and kept an eye on it. Sadly the next morning I found it on the bottom of the cage dead. I know it didn't flop around the cage or anything like that as I could hear anything that would have happened, and it was covered for the night.
So ya, if you can call local vets and see if it would cost anything for you to bring it in and have it examined. At the very least they might be able to suggest what you can do for it. Also if they have an e-mail account you might be able to send them some pictures of it to ID it before hand.
To me it looks like a white dove, like one of the ones that they use for weddings and stuff like that, that they release and they fly back home so that they can be released again for another wedding or what not. That could explain why it seems so tame.
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I'm afraid it's impossible in our country :/ I can call local vets but I'm not even sure that they know much about pigeons. Thank you for recommendation. I'll try that if other variants don't work. Also I doubt they work on weekend.
Maybe it was used for weddings but shouldn't it have some label or ring in such case?
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Sometimes they might have a metal band on their leg, some times they don't. You would clearly see it, if they had it, it would be lose on their leg near their foot. Just small enough not to go above the knee, and not fall off the foot but big enough to stay move around a little.
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Ya I figured it was a toss of a coin if it had one or not. I believe in the US and Canada its a requirement if they fly free sometimes, but not 100% on that.
I knew a few people with pet birds who had bands on their legs, just in case they ever got out. But none of my birds ever had bands and over the years I have had at least 13 or 14 of them, I actually lost count. lol
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Someone beat me to Hatoful Boyfriend reference. Still, I suggest booting up the game and seeing if your new friend takes a liking to the virtual fowl.
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Today I came into my room at home and saw... white pigeon on my table (attached photoes can be found below). It didn't want to fly away and wasn't really frightened by me or other people. It pecks a bit when you take it in your hands but nothing more.
It looks very young, but I think it should be able to fly already. I didn't see any signs of fracture or any other damage. Also it looks like some special species to me. It doesn't look like other pigeons in our town for sure. I didn't see if it's ringed, so I'll check tomorrow once more. I wonder if he/she is just too young or stressed or maybe ill (I hope not)? I've never had any birds before so my description can be not accurate enough.
It's becoming cold outside (around +5°C). Evening was close when I discovered the bird, so I put it in the box with some water and corns/bread for this night. I'll check his flying possibilities inside flat tomorrow :D
I already called one person and he will look if he can take it after Monday. I'll search tomorrow for other variants like local dovecots or something else. Do you have any other suggestions? Any ideas of what is a breed? Thank you in advance! Here's random GA [ENDED].
UPDATE: I found a new home for our little friend :) The person has worked with pigeons during many years already. He has his own big three-storey dovecote. I hope my dove/pigeon will be ok there :)
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