If you want to remain friends with him, I'd start by apologizing to him for calling him a sociopath.
After that, if he's important, be sure you're treating him the way he'd like to be treated as a friend. Ask if you're unsure.
If it doesn't matter that much to you (and it sounds like it does, so this may not even apply), then let it go and move on. You'll make other new friends and learn from your mistakes with past friends. Consider it a learning experience -- different people expect different things when it comes to friendship, and you will find friends whose needs align with your own eventually. EDIT: Even if you decide to just move on, I'd still apologize for insulting him like that.
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... and? You know people can have multiple friends, right?
I've had periods of time when I barely spoke or saw my best friend, but we are still friends anyway. Sometimes life gets in the middle that's all, it's not like he's forced to play with you and only you.
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Wait... what's wrong with sociopaths? I wouldnt mind of anyone calls me that, giving the fact it's true... I dunno how claiming something that's true makes it "bad" or anything... And seriously, the guy probly just needed some space for a while... I personally have 1-2 month breaks from my best friend, where we write like 1-2 setances per week... You're worse than a jelious boyfriend if you keep nagging him like that, which will just make him less willing to communicate again... Just saying
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Dota was life, then they ruined it with Dota "2"...
I can't play Dota again without thinking of the abomination :/
One of our more prestigious newspaper made the mistake yesterday that they talked about Dota 2 and linked original Dota's trailer (made by some random guy)
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So.. you've missed lots of fun. I've only played for 3 years, but that's 3 different expansions with the help of some private servers.
But yeah, it can get boring too... on higher levels there's not much else to do than raid once per week, and shitchat in world/trade rest of the time. Or farm gold. Which is pretty useless because there's not much stuff you can buy for gold that's actually useful. ._.
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I take back the whitelist...How can you play anything after WoTLK? :D
Nii saast lihtsalt
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I played for like 5 years and then they told me that, ok now all you did is even more pointless, what irked me the most was that barren was a fly-zone, I spent ages running around and fuck me
Sorri :D
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I did, but they ruined all my fun by letting other people do it 10 times easier and fast. Where's the fun in that?
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when people meet new people they get excited and want to spend a lot of time with them. This includes relationships or friendships. Your friend is probably just excited about having a new friend. Give him time. The great thing about being friends with someone, is that you don't have to communicate every day to continue a friendship. After everything gets settled down, then talk to him nicely (no name calling) and tell him how you feel. Tell him that your feeling kind of left out. It may feel sappy to talk about your feelings, but its necessary when you have a good friend. I'm not blaming you, just trying to explain that there is always two sides. Good luck!
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Well this is only your side of the story, but assuming everything you said it 100% accurate (sorry, but that's unlikely) then your friend is a douchebag. If you still consider him your friend, keep talking to him about it.
Otherwise, I'd just drop that dead weight. Maybe he'll realize what an asshole he was to you. If not, it isn't your problem. Move on with your life.
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I (kind of) had this same thing happen this girl and i were friends and she was a kind person but i noticed she started to change a bit so i tried to help steer her in the right direction. I knew what was causing it. (some not so good people) But when i asked her about it and voiced my concern she told me to fuck myself. Here we are two years later and shes now a total bitch.
Advice: If you really feel he's changing its already too late.
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I got some advice from another friend, and talked some more to the friend in question. He blames it on social anxiety, even though I know he doesn't have it, from the fact that he goes out in public constantly, and has over 20+ contacts he skypes with regularly. Needless to say, I just decided its best to move on Thanks for the help guys
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Make new friends yourself. If you only have a few friends, you may get clingy, which may have driven him to find new friends since it might have been suffocating for him. Not saying you were, just a a very real possibility that happens all the time. Abundance mindset > scarcity mindset.
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Full disclosure: I'm bad at social interaction.
That said, if you want to remain friends with the guy, I'd first apologize for calling him a sociopath (unless you seriously think he is one), then ask if he's willing to sit down and have a serious chat about what happened, feelings, expectations, etc. If he agrees, make sure you've got time, then just be serious, open, and honest about what you and he want/expect from your continued friendship.
I should probably say that this is what I'd recommend if you're both at least a few years into adulthood. If you're teenagers, I've got no idea, sorry.
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As someone who's been on both sides of that debacle, here's the deal: people change. That's not what you want to hear, but even tight relationships fray. If he's been a friend for a long time then take a break (and this is mainly for yourself). Do what you want for a while. If he is a good friend, perhaps in time you two will mend things. If he remains aloof, then it's not worth your time. After all, if he refuses to balance all his friends, then you are low man on the totem pole. Seek out more positive, open people, if you can, who will be up front about their moods (without being a jerk). For me and my friends, I say when I'm not in the mood or if I'm going to play with someone else. But, it is polite and we continue to talk amicably. Just because someone is otherwise occupied, does not mean they can respond so rudely (if what you said is correct).
So, take a break, maybe a week or two. Check in afterwards, with civility. If he's curt or unresponsive, you know the situation. I.e. bail. Also, don't stress over it too much. Waste of time.
Edit: The social anxiety bit is still possible, even with what you know of his social behaviors. It can be something people hide and force themselves to function with (which works, temporarily). If he's for real, ask him if you can help in any way. But, even if this is all true, it doesn't account for the interaction with the new person. I'd say if you were an online friend and the other was someone he saw irl, then that could explain it, but otherwise, it could just be a crock of sh*t. Sorry :S.
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Man, that's difficult. Obviously I don't know the nuances, but I feel like they've got to be fairly self absorbed not to be considerate enough to at least explain what's going on to someone that, at least used to be, a best friend, and someone they spent a lot of time with.
I think it's your right to be annoyed if you're just blown off like that. It makes it seem like he was just using you to keep himself occupied cause he had nothing else going on, rather than genuinely being a friend. Sure, some people may never have had decent enough friends to realise that that's a problem, but he should at least acknowledge that may have been the case if it was that he found other stuff that occupied his time.
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Apologize for calling him a sociopath, and say you'll respect his decision. Play offline or play online with unknown people (MMORPGs are nice, just don't get down to Tibia) and you'll be fine sooner than you think, trust me.
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He wasn't your real friend. Move on, get better friend, and maybe friends.
Also take a word from people above, you should apologize to him for calling him sociopath.
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So, I have this friend, who I have known for a REALLY long time. And we played a lot of video games together, and were really just close friends. However, recently he made a new friend, which he introduced me to. But after that, he stopped playing games with me, and only hung out with, and played games with the new friend. I messaged him once every few days, asking if he wanted to play something, and skype, but he never responded, except for one time when he said he was going to be out of the house all day, only for me to find him playing league of legends with the new friend 45 minutes later. This went on for about a month, until I got sick of it and confronted him, asking him why he didn't want to play anything, or skype with me, and he says because I never want to play League of Legends and that's what he's been in the mood for, even though I messaged him multiple times asking if he wanted to play it. And he said it was because I only ever said "Hey, Hello, What's up, Want to play something" etc. etc. And I asked him why he didn't ask why I was messaging in the first place and he responded with "you're right. I don't have an excuse.. just do it". So I kind of overacted and called him a sociopath, and here we are. So what do you guys suggest I do? Confront him more, or just forget him, or something else? Keep in mind this was one of my best friends. What should I do?
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