If you see in my profile you can see I gave away 7 games. If you calculate the sum of the value of these games it does not correspond to the "Value" of my sent gifts. I tried reading various FAQ, support topics but I didn't find the section that explains the mechanism of the "Value". What am I missing? Could you please explain me so I can understand how it works? Thank you very much. : )

12 years ago*

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Bundle games give a max value of $30 until you give away some non-bundle games.


12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Bundle games only count according to a specific formula. See cg's posts regarding bundle value for details.

12 years ago

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Ah, thank you very much. : )

12 years ago

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Yup yup, no worries.

12 years ago

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Also, you can regognize those by the * behind the name. Those giveaways together go to a max of 30 indeed.

12 years ago

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If you are giving away things to be generous, just give anything and don't worry about it. :)

But if you are only looking to maximise your contributor value, look for the "*" when you create a giveaway - these are the bundle games, and only count for bundle contributor value...

Bundle games are not bad to give away; many people do not buy the bundles so you will make them happy. And later, when you give away the non-bundle game, it's like an extra 20% contributor value "free." Sorry if that doesn't make any sense, other people explained it better. :)

12 years ago

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"If you are giving away things to be generous, just give anything and don't worry about it. :)" and "But if you are only looking to maximise your contributor value, look for the "*" ".

I do it for both motives.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Bluewave256.