I have tried both but that was some years back so i need to try them again. What would you play if you were me? Is the one game overall better than the other or both have their advantages?

7 years ago

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What should i play next?

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Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm

I can't say a lot of RO2, but the few time I played It was very addictive. I recommend RO Ostfront 41-45. There's a Russian server that has around 30-50 people on weekends. Maybe daily I'm not sure. And "Darkest Hour" mod seems to be popular.

I saw Insurgency and I didn't like the same style as in CS-GO. Weapon mechanics might be real but you still have the small maps like Valve's game.

7 years ago

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To say the truth i dont have RO eventhough its on my buy list for a really long time but i have to clear my backlog first.
Yes its true that insurgency have really small maps but that makes the gameplay feel a lot different and i am a fan of games that try to innovate. By any chance did you try Rising Storm 2 Vietnam?

7 years ago

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Nope, seems ok, I saw It on Twitch, the thing I dislike about It is the COD running style, but despite that seems like the gun mechanics are fine, looks like a semi-arcadey FPS. Both Red Orchestra games have been free on Humble Bundle. Ostfront 41-45 was one of the few games I bought on trashy G2A and It's worth every penny imo and really cheap on Steam Sales. It sucks that not many people play It nowadays since It's an old game. I started pretty late on this platform.

7 years ago*

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I will propably grab it when i find a really good deal as long as i can find a server to play. Thanks for the recommendation.
Yeah starting late pc gaming is really a shame as year by year the games get worse while all those old gems are dieing.

7 years ago

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The Darkest Hour still receives updates despite its age. Which is really impressive considering it's only a mod.

7 years ago

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Indeed. Idk about their player base number but seems solid for the few things I read.

7 years ago

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80 playes online max. I think finding a server wont be impossible.

7 years ago

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maybe you should check "squad". only heard the best

7 years ago

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I am following this game since the day it got released but its still on EA and i am bit sceptical about it considering its price. Anyway thanks for the reminder:)

7 years ago

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You should check out day of infamy by the guys who made insurgency, Haven't played it in a while but it was a lot of fun. http://store.steampowered.com/app/447820/Day_of_Infamy/

7 years ago

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I have heard a lot about it but i never checked it out. Seems promising plus its on sale right now...

7 years ago

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Keep an eye out for Escape from Tarkov. Super realistic from what I have seen in youtube videos.

7 years ago

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I am following this game for a while as it seems really appealing.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It just doesnt appeal me.

7 years ago

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As someone who played both (56 hours in Insurgency, 420 hours in RO2/RS), I would definitely recommend RO2/RS.

Insurgency is a fine shooter, but there's a point when it becomes boring and you stop returning to it. RO2/RS is extremely realistic and addictive. After you invest several hours and the game stops being about the single question "How the hell can you tell who is on your side and who is the enemy?", the overall experience becomes very involved and gripping. The sounds, the music, everything blends together to create something that feels like a real battle. There are some epic maps, especially in the RO2 part of the game, but most normal-sized maps are fun too because the immersion effect grabs you from the very first minutes. Some reviewers talk about the game giving them PTSD and I can see how it can be true (the most horrible thing in the game is probably to be burned alive by a flamethrower).

However, aside from disturbing memories, the game can also give you a riveting experience of fighting until the last drop of blood, desperately holding under heavy MG fire with your comrades shouting in anguish and dying all around you, and then returning to the real life and feeling relieved and grateful that the war is over but also determined to do anything you can to stop another war like that from becoming a reality.

TL;DR: Insurgency feels like a fine game. RO2/RS feels like a war.

7 years ago

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Yeah thats what i wanted to experience the most as i wanted to take some time off cleaning my backlog. Thank you for the recommendation. Indeed i downloaded ro2/rs.

7 years ago

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You couldn't put It any better.

7 years ago

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Red Orchestra 2 was pretty bad...
Though I only really played through the singleplayer campaigns.

7 years ago

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I tried it for a while so it isnt that bad at least for me but the optimization was terrible, i had to tweak a lot of settings to remove the choppy experience.

7 years ago

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Mm, well, I'm sure the multiplayer stuff might be a little better.
But what I played in the singleplayer, movement was goofy/finnicky at times, and the AI was actually THE worst.

7 years ago

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Yeah the movement is a little bit off but i can bear it. About the AI i have no idea as i havent tried it yet.

7 years ago

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Tom Clancy Wildlands, play in Extreme mode as the AI is realistic enough. If you finish the storyline, you may progress with Tier and weekly challenge rewards. Also if you love pvp, there's a Ghost war 4vs4 too.

7 years ago

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