rachellove - it would be good if they come back?
Hmm. 22 days offline on Steam, so it's possible she did cut ties with all SG users. Still, it's reasonable to assume she still has a friend or two she keeps in touch with, so the possibility she'll hear about it isn't nil. And she'd likely get pointed to this thread when contact was established, or if she returned to the site, so the sentiment is still appreciable despite a present lack of attentions by her.
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The language comes across as coy and insistent, which lets either of your or my interpretations be equally likely. As you noted, the broken English hurts it a lot, as does the simplicity of phrasing and lack of depth of content. Of course, given the first element, the latter two may have been difficult to achieve well even if the OP had attempted to put more effort into it.
Especially given the broken English, it's not good to jump to any conclusions- but there's certainly no shame in pointing the dubious bits out for clarification, especially since we can only judge what we're given, and have to accept that as truth until indicated otherwise.
And, of course, as you and I both mentioned, there may be reasons the thread is less-than-ideal even if the OP's intentions are entirely pure, and his presentation improved.
Still, at heart it's a positive-minded thread, so let's not get too negative about the potential issues involved unless they actually become a concern worth our attentions. ^.^
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Rather than "these are reasons I miss her" or "boy, wasn't she great", the OP's phrasing comes across either as brown-nosing or being needy. I'm with Seme- the sentiment is fine, but the presentation is definitely lacking.
Of course, even with sentiment, encouraging the posting of "SG users we miss" threads targetted only toward single users may be problematic, if it ends up being conducive to the spamming of such threads. I mean, should everyone start making a thread for Rachel now? How about making one for SadChicken? What about all the others people mention in passing in the day-to-day conversations on Steamgifts?
Nods of respect are fine, especially within comments, but I'm not sure it's suitable for making threads on, given how easily that can escalate- and even if it doesn't, how negatively that may come across to users that weren't "nominated" for such thread creations.
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Personally, I just don't get the point of the thread, given its shortcomings, but we all have our moments of dubious impetuousness. And this is one of those topics that could easily have been embraced by the community more than it was: it'd be silly to jump to negativity toward someone for making a judgement call of that sort, given that it's so easy to assume it would work out, and do so in a manner positive for all involved.
It's not like they made a bigoted joke or something- we can assume the attentions here were based in respect and appreciation.
It's possible to point out the potential flaws in the topic and its presentation without having to attack the sentiment or its provider. :)
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It's not BL complaint, not a calling out, nor complaining about bundle system / removed games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Whatever was the reason OP posted this, thinking about Rachel made me smile at for that this is immediately better than neutral, and that's just enough for me. :)
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Nope! It's her decision, not yours. If she doesn't want to return, then no, it wouldn't be good if she would come back. Sorry, but that's the truth. :/
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As if she's reading this. And please, immediately, study English.
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You might want to look up the definition of bullying.
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Unless some users in the community change their opinions on the work she was doing, I doubt it.
That doesn't mean to say I think those who had an opinion of what she was doing are incorrect in their stance, just that it was a clear reason she left.
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There's a discussion somewhere in that regard, and that's what I picked.
I was also very confused, annoyed and sad at the way things went.
But I can't fully understand all the goings on, unless you read every single thread and every single comment to fully grasp it.
Still, it's sad indeed.
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I'm going to assume she didn't take the decision to leave SG lightly, so even though she is missed, I don't really think she's coming back any time soon. Although I could be wrong, but either way it's her decision and only she know what's right for her...
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Just close the thread OP.
Nothing will come out of it except more people pointing out your english.
To them I say get over it. In some languages the same word is used for "she" and "they". It's understandable what is meant and they made a good effort.
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I'm not a native english speaker but I believe that "they" is the "politically correct" word to refer to a person whose gender is not known to you ;) So instead of saying "he or she" or just "he" and possibly offend a female, you use "they".
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I liked Rachel's bundle charts very much, but other than that I didn't know her so I don't care all that much if she comes back or not.
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I've to say is strange to look to the end of sg page and not see her name in the commentaries. Don't know her since don't talk with members from here but there are people that we get used to see they comment every day and is always strange when those names disappear.
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As noted, "they" is the conversationally correct way to refer to an unknown gender (grammatically correct is still mostly sticking with "his or her" at the moment, in spite of non-binary genders having become much more visible), and presently both the conversationally and grammatically correct way to refer to someone who is intersex, androgyny, or otherwise gender-neutral.
In other words, it's a silly thing to nitpick at..
And the collective will not tolerate you looking into its existence any further. You have been warned.
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The singular use of "they" is only used in general statements where you don't know the gender of whom the statement applies to. As far as I know it's not common practise to use it to refer to a specific person. Also what kind of person ask someone to come back when they don't even know their gender :o It was a terrible attempt at humor, I admit, and I didn't mean any disrespect to the original poster, I'm sure I make many grammatical mistakes myself :D And the intent of his message was actually sweet, but as others have said it's up to Rachellove.
Sure, sure, I ain't looking for no trouble mister :p
Edit: I actually was thinking about the Borg when I made that remark :D
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In all honestly? No. Not because of this thread anyways. This is kind of weird. Let people make their own decisions.
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it doesnt look like he is banned / suspended or left any comments ... or anything, how did you find this person
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you act like someone is holding her hostage in a basement somewhere in southern siberia and not letting her come back...
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on SG?! never...
we are all here to give, what CV? what is that?
i just bought SG premium
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ah, i have lifetime sub...
there was a sale at Nov 2013 ;)
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I can't fathom what reason people had to be so angry or offended by topics informing people of which bundles were released with other useful information about the current bundle offerings.. Some people will get butthurt about anything it's quite baffling and makes me sad for the future of humanity moving forward..
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hurt is cause other people tried to "make" other people from making similar thread. does that make sense? anyway, ugly stuff
not cause of the threads themselves.
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Rachellove - we would be good if they come back. ;)
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