I can happily agree. Even South Park had all the makings to be a disappointment, but it turned out pretty great IMO.
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I have actually been greatly disappointed by Tropico 5 and several other games.
Tropico 5: Really not as great as I had expected. Graphics still seem the same. Some new gameplay mechanics, but the AI is still silly. Also, the economy, as usual, is a bit hard to manage. THEN AGAIN, I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT I EXPECTED. So that's my mistake.
Space Engineers: Lack of proper dedicated servers (they're coming, I know, but still), lack of objectives (it's too sandbox-ish; no goals to meet), lack of optimization (which results in low FPS).
Everquest Landmark: By far the biggest disappointment on this list. No optimization at all whatsoever (switches automatically from GPU [GOOD] to CPU [NO; DON'T DO THAT, YOU IDIOT]), materials take forever to gather, recipes make no sense (why the hell do I need aquamarine in an iron pickaxe?!), etc.
But that's just my opinions. If you like these games, good for you.
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In the case of Landmark it is way to early to judge that sort of stuff since it is still early beta. Optimization tends to be one of the last things done for a game's development, not much point sooner beyond making it playable since stuff always changing and undoing it. At least on my comp I am surprised how well it runs at this early point, mid range 5 years old, but it varies patch to patch. Although it does start chugging after playing awhile, clearing the cache helps a bit.
They have lowered material costs in multiple patches and have stated before they are higher than will be later. If want resource gathering to be faster try grouping, you get some resources every time someone else harvests and it builds up fast. Although with a good tool it tends to go pretty fast. Also people are pretty generous, head to a swap meet claim and will probably be a chest full of tools of all tiers you can take for free. Building refiners can help too, get more product from same amount of material.
I will not say it is perfect, far from it, but it is also nowhere near finished and many things are the way they are now simply as place holders. For example resources being on the surface due to no caves yet, which should be here in first form in a few weeks.
It is somewhat unusual to get into a MMO no NDA or time limit as early as did here. The whole development of Landmark/Next is unusual. At this point it is just a building game and nothing else, still fun to just run, jump, and grappling hook around and see the stuff people built. My favorite view is Old Growth Forest, any, at sunset but seen some great structures.
TL;DR, it is early beta and way to soon to judge conclusively on anything since major features not here yet it is all subject to major changes in coming months.
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I have seen Betas that were far better optimized. Also, their lack of optimization is really extreme. I've heard reports of people with high-end machines having issues.
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That is somewhat standard that I have seen in other betas, performance varying wildly between machines and high end ones often not being used fully and thus performing worse than they should or having more driver issues. It probably could run better as is but just should not expect much when it is barely 2 months in beta. Probably cannot expect much focus on optimization beyond a base level of low setting playable until water, caves, and glass are mostly complete.
Many games use public beta as marketing and stress test with the game mostly finished and stable, Landmark is a proper beta with all that entails save for the NDA so all the issues are in the open. As some have put it, you are seeing the sausage being made which is not pretty when compared to the finished product.
Sorry if sounding like a Fanboy or making excuses I just tend to play devil's advocate when it comes to games and thus argue the opposite side, which is usually positive I rarely end up on the negative due to that (gamers are such a negative group).
Again it is not perfect and going slower than I would like but it is about as functional as can be expected, if you want a near release product take a break for around 4-6 months (based off the current blueprint).
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Right, because it's better when games are rushed and publishers force devs to publish and stick to an unattainable street date? Like with Battlefield 4? You know, that game that still is rife with issues normally reserved for beta builds, months after its' release? That game that caused lawsuits to be made against EA for promising shareholders an unrealistic release date and pushing DICE into a position where their reputation has turned to molten shit, and people are flocking away from the game, promising to never buy a DICE game again?
Yeah, much better.
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Stop putting fucking words in my mouth,the month before it was suppose to be released,they said it was coming soon. Release dates on almost every site said it comes out in late April,UNTIL it actually got to May and the developers said "whoops,we're pushing it back to February 2015". They had PLENTY time to announce that,because it's a huge time difference,yet they announced it was going to be pushed back the month of the release date.
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That changes nothing about what I said. Yes, the communication they did was shit. Absolute bullshit, I agree. And I also really want this game to come out. But again - that changes nothing about what I said. If anything, the fact that they waited so long to push it back and let us know about it shows that they were likely under a great deal of pressure from the publisher (or other parties with a vested interest) to try and rush the game and get it out, ASAP. The request for more time took a while for them to hammer through the suits that run the money and consequently, we got to know about things way too late.
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now thats a valid point. I cant imagine myself playing a game that has bad cars reflections.
Thats definitely a no go.
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Space Engineers :p laggy as hell and graphical/resolution settings don't make any difference at all (and I have a decent PC)
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-10000000. It says right in the description of the game "EARLY ACCESS". It just got out of Pre-Alpha and is now an Alpha game. Why the hell would you buy it and then complain about the bugs? Deal with it, the developers of that game are doing a great job optimizing and updating the game. There's about 2 updates every week.
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Meh I know that its early access but it looks like its a game from 2004 and I still can't run it. I don't really care tbh it's just a bit disappointing that I get 15fps while trying to play it. I don't care that much.
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... You really are thickheaded, huh?
Have you ever heard of "optimisation"? And do you know that optimisation cycles are usually only run on finished code?
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That is a lesson for you: Don't buy Early Access (or whatever they call it) games! Don't support this kind of business model!
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I have plenty of EA games like Starbound, Pixel Piracy, Prison Architect, Gnomoria or Craft the World and they all run perfectly with no problem whatsoever, I couldn't even describe why is it Early Access (if not for the continuously added content)
I also have Endless Legend EA, and it has some fps issues but its a really beautiful looking game and I understand that it needs optimization. (it still runs at 32-40 fps and not 15 like Space Engineers...)
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Melody's Escape and FRACT OSC have disappointed me quite a bit since I bought them both at full price. I guess that's just what I deserve, they're some of the first games I've bought in a long time at full price.
(The Floor Is Jelly is disappointing me with its nonexistant dev communication and lack of Steam release date.)
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so everyone likes titanfall?
Just wondering if i should get it lol
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Havent got any games yet, still waiting for GTA V...
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Bound By Flame, that developers always make the same mistakes.
Thief, they knew it was gonna be like this.1 month of hype then everyone realizes it's kinda boring after 2 hours.They made a smart decision, giving the game to AMD Rewards.Otherwise it's impossible to make much money from it since it didn't sold that much.
Elder Scrolls Online, well I disappointed a lot.I was expecting something more than Skyrim with MMORPG features but this is even worse than Skyrim alone.
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, I always wanted to try a Ninja Gaiden game.Wasn't expecting it to be this shitty.They kinda tried to make it hard like Dark Souls II but this is not how you make a game hard -_-
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, well they promised a lot.They tried to accomplish so much at once, they kinda failed.Not all features all bad, but most of them are failed.They should've added less different features but made them perfect, it'd be awesome.
Well there are a lot more games that disappointed me this year, but I'll let others mention them.I'm too lazy to write them all -_-
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Omg yes yes yes I was about to post something to this effect omg yes thank you so much.
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Please, for the love of all that is holy, if you've never played any other iteration of Ninja Gaiden, try to find a friend who owns the XBOX and play the original, at least until the second boss of that game. Those older Gaidens were all fucking epic in every way, some of the finest, if not the finest fighting systems in a 3rd person game of that kind, ever.
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I'm afraid I don't have any consoles and neither my friends around me(possibly because they cost 2 month's full salary in my country).That's why I waited so long to try a Ninja Gaiden game, since it released on PC.I won't judge the entire series based on one game of course, but Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z was so awful that I wanted to punch developers on the face.
Well let's hope for a better Ninja Gaiden game to get a PC release ^^
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The two series I want to see released fully on PC - the Ninja Gaiden series, and the entire Metal Gear series. That would make my day. Heck, that would make a great many days for me :)
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How could you not like ESO's copy pasted dungeon design ?
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Dark Souls 2. Just a little bit speck of disappointment, mainly because the first one is just too great that it outshines the successor.
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I'm cheap, so I'm always far behind on games. I don't think I played any 2013 games until the end of the year, and I don't think I've touched a 2014 game yet.
It looks like I own 2 2014 games (Thief and Octodad), but haven't touched them yet.
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Transistor - I expected it to be longer than what it is now.
Daylight - First unreal 4 game out and it is disappointing technically
Hawken - I expected more again on this game. I don't know, It just didn't hook me
Blackguards - Terribly mediocre
I'm waiting for at least 2 months or until amd releases better drivers for watch dogs before shit talking on the game.
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+1 for Blackguards, I waited that game so long ... such disappointment :(
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I hope Transistor get a 25%/50% discount on Summer Sale. (Yeah i know i'm kinda dreaming...)
So we can get it for a solid price. :)
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Life(technically it's an expansion). This year's Life is pretty disappointing so far - Graphics seem to have been downgraded, the bills mechanics' are broken(so many, needs fixed asap!), controls are sluggish and at times completely unresponsive, sleep mechanic is also broken. So many bugs. Here's to hoping a patch is coming in Q3 this year!
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You're just making excuses for the developers. This year's Life isn't an expansion. Its just another shitty annual release, where they put in old features and pretend we're supposed to be excited all over again. I get the place all to myself and I can sleep as late as I want on Sundays? What is this, 2003?
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Dark Souls 2 definitely. It is one of the better games released in some time, but still I feel disappointed even though I've already played closer to 100 hours. When I'm done with my SL1 playthrough, I think that will be it for this game. Quite sad since I played DS1 for boatload of hours.
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from what i could see, watchdogs dont look all that nice anymore :/
no seriously... nvm i dont know how to add a link, im still kinda new here, oh well :=D
edit: lets try again edit2: nvm i give up
edit jr: i give up, again
edit 817: i made it i made it!!! :o
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ofc because, technically the game isnt out yet :P but ill most likely wait for reviews anyways, before even thinking about purchasing it :P
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To make a link, type [what you want the link to say] (the URL), and leave out the space between ] and (. Simples.
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Come on now, the first Silent Hill movie was pretty fukkin dark and cool.
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Perhaps you had certain expectations from the movie because of the games, and certainly there's a lot of fans who were griping about similar issues as you are, here, but if you judge the movie (and let's just pretend the second one doesn't exist :P) as its' own thing - which you should - it was pretty good, and achieved its' goals of setting the right atmosphere, tone, and pacing quite well.
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What are some games that came out (or will come out) this year (2014) that have disappointed you (whether you played them already, or just from previews and such)?
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