Is HB gonna get dethroned?
Me too! :/ Thats why I thought that someone would take the opportunity !
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Wisdom is pouring :P thanks for the inside info :)
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They have to come up with a monthly eben that joke G2A run a "monthly" for some months
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In terms of bundles, Fanatical have a decent variety of good ones (despise the mystery madness). As for individual purchased GMG is WAY batter than HB IMHO.
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Fewer developers and publishers willing to devalue their games by bundling them has led to an overall decline in bundle quality everywhere, not just at Humble.
Personally speaking, I'd like to see bundles go away entirely. Perhaps then people would appreciate more the games they purchase, myself included.
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Well the ones to blame for it is totally grey sites and resellers. Wish they could find a way to avoid keys being exploited like this without affecting trading though
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Well the ones to blame for it is totally grey sites and resellers.
I disagree, they're only a small part of the problem. Developers and publishers who regularly bundle their games, as well as entitled customers/gamers who refuse to pay more than a dollar or two for a game, are also to blame.
Games in general (at least in the PC gaming market) have lost their value to customers thanks to bundles. "I'll wait for it to be bundled."
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customers/gamers who refuse to pay more than a dollar or two for a game
The thing is:
Everyone tries to get the best value. Developers wouldn't bundle at all if they didn't get some value from it. Quite many people still buy games full price because they really want some games. Buying lots of games at a heavy discount sounds better for small developers than buying just a few full-priced games, as I believe in such a case most people would just buy AAA stuff and indie studios would suffer. Developers seem to think the same, as they're still bundling. But it's hard to predict what would happen if X or Y, it's more of a wild guess... I suppose we'll see what happens, if suddenly bundles do vanish.
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Developers seem to think the same, as they're still bundling.
Except they're not doing so in anywhere near the same capacity as they once did. Instead, we're seeing "over the hill" (so to speak) games being bundled and re-bundled, along with some (subjectively speaking, of course) very low quality games, and only occasionally with one or two new or halfway decent games added into the mix.
It's become clear to me that more and more developers (at least those with a decent quality game and reputation) are steering away from bundling more than ever. The evidence I'd cite is the lower quality (overall, yet there is the occasional exception) of a lot of the bundles we've been seeing lately, along with more and more articles and complaints about resale/trading of games, the grey markets permanently devaluing games once they've been bundled, etc.
as I believe in such a case most people would just buy AAA stuff and indie studios would suffer.
Hmm, I tend to disagree, though not entirely, with that prediction. I believe there's enough of a market for good indie games that the cream would rise to the top (Factorio and Oxygen Not Included, for example - they've sold plenty without ever being bundled). We'd certainly see more low-quality developers go under, but I'm not sure that's such a bad thing.
Edit: Also, sorry for the late reply. I wanted to give your comment due consideration prior to replying.
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i would argue that people that "wait for it to be bundled" would never buy the game in the first place
And I'm convinced many would simply wait for a proper sale (sure, there might also be an increase in pirating), and purchase fewer games as a result of paying more. I'm basing my opinion on my time as a "pre bundle era" game buyer. The result could be more high quality games and fewer of the trash games we see today (which are not only surviving on bundles, but thriving on them).
I'd be very interested in seeing what would happen in a world without bundles.
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Perhaps then people would appreciate more the games they purchase, myself included.
Agreed on that, despite grey markets are making financial problems / less income for devs, us calling a game a tier 1 or something we got for a buck reflects on how we value them too. So, so many great games forgotten in our libraries just because they were cheap :|
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Just a moment's thought, and one can easily guess that we'd have a much cleaner and trash-free storefront if bundles disappeared. There'd be no incentive for someone to even pay a dollar for some trash game when that dollar could be better spent toward a nicer game someone might actually play.
You're 100% correct. All too often we (again, myself included) will buy something just because it's cheap, and not (for the reason we probably should) because it's good.
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The downside is we'd have a lot less giveaways. I'm not saying you're wrong, I have way more games than I could play and I wish I'd skipped a few. But bundles aren't without merit and being able to trade / give away games is a pretty cool thing.
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But bundles aren't without merit and being able to trade / give away games is a pretty cool thing.
One would just have to buy better games to trade/give away. shrug
And yes, there would be fewer giveaways, but they'd be better ones.
I guess it boils down to one's own preference and whether or not someone would rather win one really nice game they'd love to play, or 100 crap IG/DIG games to bump some number on their Steam profile (and yes, I'm quite guilty of buying a lot of that trash myself)..
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For now because of the monthly bundle, its still reigns but the gap was narrowing. However, with so many mystery bundles from fanatical, for me its widening again.
I think bundles will still be around. I've been buying them since the C64/amiga days and was always excited by bundles when they were available from Ocean and suchlike.
They're so common now that bundles are no longer exciting any more and just feels like any other day. Maybe if they fell out of fashion they could make a come back like vinyl :)
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I'd like a proof that HB declining has anything to do with IGN. I haven't seen any change of quality when IGN bought them, and I'm pretty sure its decline woud have come sooner or later anyhow. It's just easy to accuse IGN, but I'm not sure IGN is directly involved in the day to day of HB.
I think the fact there are not good bundles anymore in many people's opinion is just that (not all, but) many of the good indie games have been bundle previously, so people just see rebundles or bundles with games they don't want. But I'm pretty sure a newcomer to bundles would find many things to buy.
(Tzaar's explanation is also plausible, but I don't think it's just that)
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What are you doing, bringing logic and reason to an emotional fight?
But seriously, bundles are still amazing, just not for people who have been buying bundles for years. The current Horror bundle on Humble seems to be really good. Fanatical currently has an amazing bundle with Deus Ex and Jagged Alliance 2 for $2.50, adds KOTOR and Age of Decadance for $2.50 more, Deus Ex Human Revolution for another $3, and Kingdom Come for another $5.
For those who want bundles of new games, there's Humble Monthly, and it's still great. The current bundle features Slay the Spire and Squad (all time low prices of ~$10 and $18 respectively) plus another 4 games - if you're interested in the early unlocks, it's a great deal, particularly if you subscribe during a promotion to get the monthly price down to $8-9.
What's definitely declining is PC gamers' appreciation of how good we have it with bundles. We have $13 bundles with 6+ great games and people still complain, while Switch owners are happy when they can pick up a single game for $45.
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Other then the Humble Monthly, good bundles on any store are mostly a thing of the past atp.
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Bundles had their day, they got attention to indie devs, and helped support charities. But that is mostly in the past, many of the former indie devs have been bought up by large corporations, the market place is much different then in was back in 2010 when humble was founded. Heck humble itself has been bought up.
The next innovation is coming to video games. Video games as a service. As companies are phasing out single game sales in favor of a subscription model (IE: EA Access or Xbox Game Pass) you'll find less and less titles available/ New games will be exclusive to whatever gaming provider you subscribe to.
Smaller companies will be forced to join larger video game streaming services as they take up more and more of the market. these companies will pressure for exclusive rites as well further limiting sale, and potential games that can be put into bundles in the first place.
with the changing market places bundle sites will be fhased out. but who knows, perhaps in another 10 years the market will shift again and they'll make a comeback.
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I don't think it will go full-on subscription model. You have casual gamers that this type of thing wouldn't appeal to at all and they're still a substantial part of the market.
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The next innovation is coming to video games. Video games as a service. As companies are phasing out single game sales in favor of a subscription model (IE: EA Access or Xbox Game Pass) you'll find less and less titles available/ New games will be exclusive to whatever gaming provider you subscribe to.
I shudder at this vision of the future (and even more so at cloud gaming where access to all these games you have played or want could simply vanish into nothingness one day). People don't want to pay for a dozen different monthly subscriptions just like they don't want to deal with a dozen different digital distribution platforms today. There will come a point where it will become too much & people will get just fed up with it. Look to the North American video game crash of 1983/1984 for what happens when things get out of hand.
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The latest bundle is pretty good - at least the first 2 tiers, which is surprising, because they've been complete garbage for a long time.
My guess is IGN saw a lot more revenue potential in Monthly than in regular bundles, and the value you're getting there is outstanding really, can't imagine anyone saying they're bad.
That being said, a lot of people seem to forget even before getting acquired by IGN, the bundles were going downhill pretty fast.
On a side note - the book bundles (especially tech ones) are fantastic - better than ever imho.
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which bundle site is better then Humble even with Humbles diminished returns it's still the best bundle site..
only other ones are on the shallow end of the gene pool
Indiegala has been going strong for a long time, but it's no where near the quality of Humble Bundle and in fact has pulled back quite a bit on the bundle offers, used to be 2 - 3 new bundles a week.. now it's like 1 - 2 new bundles a week, and sometimes non..
Fanatical - is either hit or miss,, will offer really nice bundles occasionally, but seems to be moving towards Mystery bundles which are a mixed bag.. you can get really good stuff, or complete crap..
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Its been a while since HB has been declining
Really? The current Horror bundle seems to be great. The Crusader Kings 2 bundle was amazing. Every Humble Monthly is a fantastic deal for those who want the early unlocks - Slay the Spire has an all time low price of ~$10, Squad of $18, and you get both plus 4 more games for $12 (or less with subscription).
I think what's been declining is PC gamer's perspective of how good we have it. You can get Slay the Spire + 5 other games for $12 on PC, where as on Switch or PS4 it's $25 and has never been on sale.
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Humblebundle is a bundle King and i dont see better site at last for now. For me next one is fanatical. Indiegala never was about quality, more about quantity. In my opinion, bad opinion about HB and generaly bundles come from:
1) General changes on the market. Developers are less wiling to put their games into bundle. Part of this is that many PPL wait with purchase on bundle. Also when they will put game in bundle many buyers are so called trader which decrease possibility and game price for long time after the bundle ends. Also many of Indie games was already bundle many times -it was easier on start to find good unbundled games. All of this decrease bundle quality and how often you can release realy good bundle.
2) Customers perspective. As we are used to bundles and this is psychologia effect. Also we already have part of games and huge backlog.
3) Some criticism is 'trendy' on forums. Like hate for IGN or epic. I dont say that some of this criticism is not based on some valid reasons but sometimes it is out of control.
Anyway there are still great bundles like crusader kings 2 or preaty good horror bundle. Also some monthly games are not bad:-)
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The problem is just "mimimi" people who cry every week. Sometimes good bundles, some not interested. But qualitatively still the best.
Sure bundles like every 2 week or week bundle would be cool, but you must see the background. So many bundles CAN'T be always the best AAA mega ultra good games or awesome games.
I'm happy with that, sometimes it would be cool to have more, but Life goes on. And we have so many good bundle sites or sales. Video games can be very very cheap today, no worries. ;)
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Its been a while since HB has been declining (thanks a lot IGN) and I thought that it would be time for HB to leave it's place as the No. 1 bundle site but I don't see other sites putting a lot of effort to surpass HB.
Fanatical gone mad recently with all those Mystery bundles (which I totally understand as people see it as a form of gamble and a good chance for them to get rid of many unwanted keys)
Indiegala is still indiegala whatever that means and excpet them there are sites like groupies etc with a lot fo sovelwere as usual
I would expect (mostly from Fanatical) to put a lot fo effort now to make a bigger name for themselves (even have a little less profit for a small amount of time?) In order to take the throne from HB which has really changed the recent years.
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