For $1000, I expect him to be right at the end of the game production stage. There's no need for money until you hit a restriction - time, expertise, tools, resources, etc.
The time isn't an issue. No-one cares when it's released.
The expertise - if that is an issue, well, I'm not funding him to go to programmer's school, you know.
Tools? Just what precisely does he need $1000 for? That should buy not only a half-decent laptop but enough development environments and libraries to cover any eventuality.
Resources - if you don't have a sound, put in a placeholder sound and carry on coding. If you don't have a graphic, put in a placeholder graphic and carry on coding.
But what I actually suspect is that he's just angling for money on something that most programmers could knock up in an afternoon, even if they had to hand-draw the graphics or hire something to do it for them (the last spriter I hired would have made that whole screen as individual tiles for about $40 within 24 hours).
Sorry. This is why I avoid 99.9999% of Kickstarters. Your friend has no product, but wants $1000 minimum. Kickstarter is about investing in the people as much as the product. I don't trust him to ever get me anything I couldn't get in a million other places or write myself. And at the end, it says the final game will be given away anyway. Call me back when he's finished it and given it away to everyone, and chances are I still wouldn't want to play it.
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There may be good projects to back, but this is just horseshit.
He says what the money is going towards but it's all retarded and are lies.
1.) 198$ is going towards Gamemaker studio.
2.) 400 dollars is going to music, 400 DOLLARS!? less than half that you can make your own music and fx in about 10 minutes.
3.) 120 dollars is going towards voice acting... Dude, it can go without voice acting, in fact, it should; but if you want it THAT much, you could go on a gaming forum and ask for voices, people like to just be in a game's credits.
and the extra 280 goes towards Advertising... Advertising what? Why the fuck would anyone care? It's not big name, or even indie standard, no one gives a shit.
Plus a catch all. so you're asking for 1000 MINIMUM, and focus on the word MINIMUM, this guy is already paying more than he should, WAY more than he should, and is obviously just embezzling the money.
This man looked at the generous people in kickstarter and decided to make a little pocket change.
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not really. It's better to learn something like C++ or C# as that is what ~99% of today's game engines and toolsets use for coding stuff. There are great tools such as CryEngine, UDK, Unity to get into game development, nobody cares if you did something with GameMaker.
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You must be kidding! CryEngine is bad. I prefer using Unity.
C++ and C# aren't good for beginners. They don't even understand what a variable is, which is (one of the most) important things. It's very easy to learn, but you need to begin somewhere: Gamemaker.
It doesn't matter what you said, you don't need to sell your game. Gamemaker games are perfect for freeware.
Edit: I think you see the bad points in Gamemaker. The crappy games you see on their website (YoYoGames) are so bad. It's pretty stupid that people publish those very bad games. You can make a lot of better ones than those.
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they don't understand what a variable is? wow. I mean, that's what you learn in school, it's... easy.
Still imho if you plan on continuing game development for a longer period of time starting with a proper game engine, be it UDK or Unity or maybe even Lithtech, is still better than GameMaker...But my opinion might be screwed by the fact that I never tried using GameMaker but stepped straight to UDK :/
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This project looks - well to be nice - "not good". There is no real concept, no idea, no demo, no nothing. I get nothing in return for giving money to some random guy I don't even know, so he can write in his resume that he is able to creat a game with game maker....seriously?
Is it just me, or does this sound like a really bad idea and like this guy really has no idea how "the industry" works? Like Kunibert already said: He should start learning things about some actual game development. This project will get him nowhere.
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he should first write at least a complete story or something like that
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So if he made the first one with no problems, why does he now need $1,000 for a sequel? It really seems like people are making stories for a kickstarter just to make money and if the said project never finishes...well you're out of that money.
Damn, I should make a kickstarter for bionic elephants with rockets up their asses. All I need now is a few thousand of your dollars!
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Still not gonna happen and that is why:
If I were you I'd be a real friend and tell him that this is a bad idea. He is just making a fool of himself.
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This seems like the sort of stuff that makes people hate Kickstarter to be honest...I mean I played around with game development when I was 12-13 and had something come out of it that looked better then this.
Not to be mean or anything but...yeah doesn't look to great.
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He wants a thousand bucks and doesn't even bother to write a script for a 98 second movie? He has a game that - "for some reason" - throws out errors and - I might add - is ~45MB big while looking and sounding like something sub-NES? He.... you know what, there's no reason to list everything again. This is not a serious project. This looks like a random idea that will be abandoned quickly.
And if I may ask... he's not really a friend, is he? It's actually you, right?
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I think most people here can do a better game with a 1$ budget.
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Not giving out his real name on the project would improve his resume. Nothing after the link will unfortunately.
The $198 for GameMaker is because he needs the HTML5 module as well. This game is going to be so popular he might as well make it web based!
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don't think it's worth a 1,000 dollars
how many programs does he need?
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I would have more fun with a plastic bag than that game.
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I can make that in 3 hour tops with that same engine (I have it, with the extra modules, legitly.) and with the same style and release it in Steam Greenlight to have a million of thumbs down.
Heck even this guy I really know makes these top quality games in that same engine without having to ask for money.
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Sorry but your 'friend' strikes me as delusional.
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I learned how to make games in game maker in high school. It's not very hard and very few things produced with it will help a recent college graduate land a job in programming. You can get much better game maker games for free off the game maker website. The intro video looks very unprofessional and thrown together. I get he needs the money to make a better quality project, but even the base of this whole endeavor looks shaky. Also if its 8-bit style why does it need voice acting? Just find collaborators to help program, some indy/underground musicians to borrow some tracks from (or have create new songs for the score) and some aspiring voice actors to do voices. It's cheap and easy. Also $280 will buy you very little advertising on the internet. This should be hobby to make a few dollars in advertising revenue, not a game with a $1000 budget that you plan on charging money for.
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so my friend is making a sequel to a game that he made while he was in college. he is fresh out of college now and is trying to make this game to improve his resume not to make a profit so check it out.
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