
I just want to know how does the happy hour work because I've been wanting to buy the heart Attack Bundle since it came out, but been waiting for the happy hour to do so. Now It's on its last day and Im wondering if it is even going to happen.

So does anyone know if this bundle wiill get happy hour eventually?

sorry for bad english... dont be a grammar nazi when english is a second language D:

10 years ago

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Usually it happens on the last days or day. I'm not sure if it happens on all bundles, but if you wanted a bundle you should have get it before price increased.

10 years ago

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Well, actually Happy Hours don't normally happen in the very last day unless they increase the duration.

Give it few more hours just to be safe.

10 years ago

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I never considered Indiegala's Happy Hours to be of any use for me and from what you wrote I don't think it will help you as well.
What happens in Happy Hours is a price raise of the bundle, but you are getting it cheaper per the bundle; Meaning: buy more, pay less.

In other words, unless you want several copies buy it before the Happy Hours.

10 years ago

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English is also my second language. Can I be grammar nazi then? ^^

En cuanto a tu pregunta, no sabria bien si va a suceder, creo que usualmente dura 24 horas la "happy hour", asi que yo no apostaria a que va a pasar con este bundle. De todas formas yo lo pensaria dos veces antes de comprarlo, no tiene muy buena pinta que digamos. Pero esa es mi opinion nomas.

10 years ago

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