Earlier today, I won 2 giveaways: There Was A Caveman and Max Payne 3. I redeemed both keys, marked them as received, and wrote a thank-you post for Max Payne 3. However, I was interrupted, and forgot to write a thank-you for TWAC. Later, I started playing the game, and that reminded me that I hadn't posted a thank-you yet. I tried to, but discovered that I couldn't because I had been blacklisted by the GA creator... whoever he or she was. I asked someone to check the GA page for me, but they couldn't get in because it was a whitelist/group giveaway(I don't know what group).
So, if whoever created that giveaway is reading, I am very grateful for the game- it was on my (mental) wishlist, and it's very fun so far. Whether you leave me on your blacklist or not, it's important to me that you know I appreciate your generosity.

P.S. Here's a quick GA for 1+

EDIT: Apparently there's a way to check all the info I was missing, as per the links given by the first couple posts in this thread. Thanks for that.

9 years ago*

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He was Beryllinthranox.
You can check it here.

9 years ago

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You just reminded me say thank you for the GA I won today.
Thanks! :)

9 years ago

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Maybe he is doing something like "You only win once (YOWO)" where you get blacklisted the moment you win the game D:

9 years ago

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cute :p

sounds like a simple misunderstanding. hope he sees this ♥

9 years ago

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Hello it's me! Glad you like the game :)
It's been my practice to BL people not saying thanks for a game they won. I hope you don't take it personally. I really appreciate you making a thread like this! Get in :D

9 years ago

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Thank you for your forgiveness! (TωT)

9 years ago

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