Tripwire has a shit DLC policy
Their moderators abuse their power to ban people who criticize the above policy.
That's what the OP is complaining about, I believe. Of course, I don't have the whole story, so it's possible his accusations are false/overstated.
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You're bringing your butthurtness on a different forum and expecting what exactly?
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So they banned you for what now? You need to reword this...
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For asking in tripwire forums a weapons DLC that has explusive weapons and its not overpriced
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It's made by the community and a part of the money goes to the ones who made them, and so what ? It's still exclusive content sitting and stalking you on the screen in game (a game that we have to pay to play) that you have to pay (overpriced btw) for to access to it.
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The game when it was released had almost nothing so say thanks for what you have and 19.99 isn't much
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Post exactly what you said. Otherwise people have no idea wtf you're going on about.
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"It's made by the community and a part of the money goes to the ones who made them, and so what ? It's still exclusive content sitting and stalking you on the screen in game (a game that we have to pay to play) that you have to pay (overpriced btw) for to access to it." is what I kinda said, with a metaphor of a mom saying to his kid she has a surprise/gift for him, and actually he has to give her money.
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I don't like dlc anymore than I suspect you don't but I have no idea what you just said :)
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Nobody forces me ? It's an exclusive part of the gameplay that you have to buy or it sits on the screen and provokes you, and the devs always said they would only add cosmetic dlc to the game via the skin. I had no problem with them. Gameplay is not cosmetic, and the others players and myself have paid for that game, so they should not be free to do what they want like some say. And what I'm avoiding ? I couldn't copy and paste what I said world per world because it got deleted, but here you get it.
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I never buy dlc for killing floor and I don't feel like I am missing anything important. They are not exactly making money on the game anymore since it is old as tits and anyone that ever really wanted it probably bought it ages ago. If you expect the game devs to both have a living AND make dlc for this game, it is going to cost money. Would you rather have just dlc skins? People complained about that, you know. We all want more guns and maps, which they are delivering on. If you are the minority that dont want the stuff if it means you have to spend money, don't buy it. How does the game provoke you, exactly?
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I don't understand how people can use the argument of 'the devs obviously can't put these out for free' when Team Fortress 2 exists. Before it went F2P, they released over nine huge content updates, each one bigger than the 8 dollar weapon packs Tripwire is doing. And guess what? Every time they did that, more people bought the game, and Valve didn't go bankrupt trying to support it for free!
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Alright, well then what about all the free content updates to Awesomenauts with only cosmetic DLC? Or Bioshock 2 adding its DLC and achievements to Steam for free after release? Free Costume Quest and Stacking DLC? Free content updates and additions for Don't Starve? Surgeon Simulator adding a new operation? Zeno Clash adding an entire new challenge mode? I could go on, and don't even get me started on the countless devs that have added Steam workshop tools for free after release.
Releasing new content, if it's good content and a good game, will get more people to buy the game.
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Not in Killing Floor's case. Those previous games you mentioned are part of very different situations. Most of them are small indie games that need more people to buy them. Killing Floor already sold most of its copies that it is ever going to sell. At this point, the company cannot survive on making content for the game without getting money in return for it. The company would benefit much more in just making a Killing Floor 2, but they would rather just make DLC to make the fans happy. This isn't like EA where they sell dlc that should of been part of the original game, this is a smaller company that could either make it in business or go out of it. They cannot keep working on a 4 year old game like they can expect a lot more sales. Those previous games you mentioned that gotten free DLC, yah... that was near release where they haven't sold the majority of their copies. Killing Floor, unlike the games you mentioned, is old as tits in the game business and already released plenty of free dlc.
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The entire base of that argument is based on a huge fallacy. How is Killing Floor not a small indie game? The only other game Tripwire had when it came out was Red Orchestra, which was an incredibly niche game that was already three years old at the time. Oh, and they supported that with free updates for most of that time, too, so there goes that argument. Also, based on the fact that Killing Floor is currently 12th top seller, I'd hardly say that it's sold as many copies as it's going to sell. I would like to see some semblance of data backing up any of what you're saying.
And then you go on to contradict yourself. You say that they're not a small company that doesn't need to keep pushing, but then you say they're not a big company so they can't afford not to keep pushing. So there's this magic middle ground, where if you're not too small, but not too big, suddenly the rules from both of the other extremes don't apply and you're forced to release paid content to keep your games afloat?
And for your final point of those games being new when they got their DLC, that's just plain wrong. Please do some research before making a claim like that. Bioshock 2 got its PC DLC for free years after its PC release for one. Awesomenauts is nearing its 1 year anniversary, Sanctum continued getting content over a year after release, and they even changed it so that weapons became free later on, and you can find countless other examples of games continuing to get free content years after release.
So, long story short, my argument is that every single one of your arguments is just plain wrong and you bothered to do approximately 0 seconds of research before making a single claim here.
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"kinda what I said"
If you can't post exactly what you said, well then you obviously know that what you said is something that should have resulted in you getting banned. If you feel so adamantly that what you said wasn't a bannable offense you should have no problem posting it as backup for why you made the topic in the first place. Otherwise this is all pointless.
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I've been with Killing Floor since it came out, and since then, the devs have said that paid DLC will only be cosmetic. That is, until they suddenly decided to change their mind and release paid weapons that have a pretty big impact on a game like this. In the first weapon pack, they added a ranged weapon for the berserker, which until then only had melee weapons and still does without buying that pack. It's annoying to me how the devs suddenly changed their mind, especially since they did add other weapons in for free.
It'd be like if all of a sudden, TF2 released a sniper rifle for the Pyro and the only way you could get it is buying it from the store.
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It's a good analogy except that the pyro doesn't try to kill you in this game, and instead tries to help you; TF he's possibly trying to kill you.
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What happened with Rising Storm? I havent played RO2 in a while
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thats what i thought too....they added maps and stuff and the old stuff is still there.....i dont see a problem
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why cant u just play on servers that only do the original maps. seems like ti would solve al your problems.
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What a shame, they were a pretty respectable company, after the flop that was Red Orchestra 2 (to this day i cannot do ANYTHING with it), i guess they got kind of desperate for money, and started to include a lot more DLC. Problem is, when that DLC has an influence in multiplayer, and the only way to get it is by paying money, you're basically sticking a finger or two up the users that don't feel like paying another extra bucks just to be on the same level and no one else has a true advantage.
Oh, and i suggest you to edit the title, i honestly couldn't make out what you were on about until i fully read your quote on an earlier post.
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I think the reason why he's angry is, because they unfairly banned him. It's almost as if they're shushing him up, so he can't reach the many incompetent users. So, he's not whining...
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i went to a restaurant and paid for my drink and got some free mints and some free bread....THEN i saw all this food THAT THEY WANTED ME TO PAY FOR!!! like seriously WTF are they thinking...they even had pictures of it on the table and on the "menu/temptation device" other people around me were even going as far as to eat this food in front of me. i kinda said a few things and they kicked me really confused
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This is why I don't go to restaurants anymore. Bars are better, some of them give you free nuts. Nuts are great.
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No, dude I payed for RO2 and I want to play RO2 not that crap. It's not a different game they made RS and RO2 in one so it's not my fault. The background and the song made the game amazing and created a very realistic theme not the Japanese doodling goddamn awful.. Heroes of Stalingrad was in the title and now is the Rising Dirt.
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its not possible to play on a server that only hosts the original maps? cause this sounds like a non issue if you just stop complaining and start thinking
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5 new maps and 10 new weapons don't constitute for a new game, and certainly not worth the full 13 euro price tag.
If it was a totally new game I'd have no problem, but they merged it with RO2 and constantly advertise it in your face with the new background and tease you with a pointless 1 class game.
In other words you have the game installed but all the classes are held hostage because f@ck you, pay us.
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New weapons
Free updates
Events every year
Weapon pack are 50% at release
You have to pay for weapons
The only thing you can do right now to get the weapons is to play with someone who got them. Ask someone to throw the weapon to you and try it, idk. But yeah, pretty shitty of Tripwire team. I can't complain though, we get 4 +/- FREE massive updates every year.
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I'm thinking the same,he is just complaining because when KF came out tripwire said the Dlc's will be ONLY cosmetic (like new my opinion the golden weapon packs are included in "cosmetic") anyways as you see the case is not as they declared.
Main picture - Tripwire goes low (even though the are adding AMAZING new updates EVERY year...i have to say that they are my most favourited game company,even if they suck ATM)
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They make everything available to everyone for free except cosmetic stuff and a few guns in a cooperative game, it's not PVP... I don't really have an issue with this personally, they need to make money somehow.
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Well they could also NOT have included weapons that weren't even made by them, of which the sales wouldn't go to the community who made those. But then people would still complain for something else.
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The only thing i complain about is the way they did it...
They said they'll do ONLY cosmetic DLC's(i can understand the golden weapon dlc's - purely cosmetic.)
but they added new guns as dlc,which they say they WONT do that.
I don't care though,i love that company and it stays as my FAV game company...just dont promise things for free..
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Dunno what's the problem with wep packs in coop game. If it was a competitive multiplayer, then yeah, it is not that good, if someone has upper hand thanks to his wallet, but since in KF you are playing versus AI together with other players, I do not see a problem with someone having bonus weps.
Dunno what's wrong with a company trying to raise some more money as long as buying it is voluntary. From my point of view, the new weapons are mostly about bringing more entertainment than giving players too much of an upperhand (not to mention the point I stated above).
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The point of the game is to shoot zombies with weapons. And now you have to pay with real money to play with these weapons. I had nothing against skins, and the only thing bothering me with golden weapons was that it was given advantages because we could hold two of the same weapon, and it's now fixed (even if they had to fix it before releasing it..)
Also, I did read someone who says that the $ weapons doesnt really give anything more because they're almost the same as others. When he's basically wrong, I would take his example of the Tommy VS AK-47 and say taht Tommy has nothing to do with AK : the ironsight is more clear and the recoil is WAY weaker. Anyone owning that DLC can't be honest if he doesnt agree on the fact that Tommy is kinda awesome and AK is bullcrap, and that they have nothing to do with eachother.
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The weapons are tiered. The AK is t1, the tommygun is already tier 2. Thats how its balanced. And the tommy gun is actually terrible compared to the AK anyway, it just lacks damage, which they countered with its 50 round mag.
Even calling the AK crap proofs that you dont even understand the balance of the game.
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Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Give some gamers a fish and they will accuse you of being a monster, tormenting them, unfair practices. When they find out it costs 99c for the hook they will then swear and fall on the ground crying.
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I'm a huge KF fan i play it more than every other game i own. BUT, 3 euros for ful game right now and 3 euros for DLC community pack is too much! It cant be the same price
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Mrs Foster and golden weapons are cosmetic... the community weapons are paid for reward the community devs, yeah its overpriced but alike preview events when sales came all dlcs will be with 75% of discount you will see, just wait a several days.
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Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed but I don't find it the biggest deal.
Though if they really wanted to sell the weapon pack to give money to the developers I think they should just have made it free and then the golden weapon pack money goes to the community developers instead.. there may need to be a bit of twerking here and there on that idea but I think they could have still made it free while supporting the community developers.
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You have been banned from all Killing Floor discussions until 6 Jul 2013 @ 9:01pm.
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Players asking for new weapons since ages for a game they've bought. TripWire only providing overpriced weapons packs dlcs with exclusive weapons, when they actually said they would only release cosmetic $DlC. And that's what happen when you point it and say it's bs.
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