Everyone, at this point, already knows about brazilian corruption scandals, right?
Well... there's no fun at impeachment... TIL NOW!

Today someone released something freaking awesome!

So, I'm here to bring the best of brazilian impeachment to the world!
I'm here to deliver to the world the IMPEACHMENT GAME!

Did I said very best? YES! Heres why:

* Those breaded chicken drumstick is how  "Dilma's people" call who wants she and her communism bullshit out.
* PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores), well, it is one of the communist political (or corruption if you prefer) organization on Brazil.
* The guys running with beard is Lula (our ex president that still try to run this country thru Dilma). The guy running with glasses is a japanese federal policeman who got famous arresting almost all corrupted politicians who got caught. The guy with suit is a famous journalist. The guy running with an acoustic guitar represents artists who got money from government and now they support them... and other celebrities!
* The "*não vai ter golpe*" speech is what Dilma says daily to make people believe that her impeachment is a "coup d'état" and people is trying to take away her stay in power. Poorly translated it means that "there will be no overthrow" (she refuses that impeachment against her is legal - differently when she support impeachment of one president in the past). Looks like impeachment is ilegal only against her.
* The mini games are people delivering documents to "immunize" some future prisons, Dilma writing her (poor) speech, the federal policeman going to a Lula's apartament bought with public money (of course he denies), corrupt politicians of an opposite political organization carrying drugs to helicopter, Dilma cycling (this she did every single morning but she doesn't do anymore), the skating guy is one important politician doing manuevers to avoid corrupt accusations, and things like that.
* Those flying icons are, mostly, things that Dilma used to catch people's votes, like government monetary incentives delivered in cards, houses, hidden calls, hidden files and things like that.
* Oh, almost forgot, the dilma is running in the middle because next monday the impeachment will be voted and people will be separate by a wall.

Now you have (almost) everything to fully enjoy this game (and eventually see how fun it is to mock ourselves with our daily bullshit).
Biased poll to incentivate people not care. Here's a gib and sorry for bad english. :D
PS.: the reason why this game is funny is already written on comments.

8 years ago*

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Who cares?

View Results
I don't care.
Neither do I.

Bumpy :3

8 years ago

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Well, I do care. First, because I vote and I care about democracy, this fairy tale which grants me some less miserable life with the least dignity. I couldn't be happier in a civil war state as I don't manage guns, sorry. I've voted Dilma in the last elections because I couldn't see a better option. A big problem imo is the brazilians are never committed to the vote in a party from deputies to president, they always vote different people for the Houses... and that's how we always have to face coalitions before and after elections, and by doing so, some opportunist fucks prevail, like PMDB, a party with no scent, no ideology at all, that is always trying to benefit no matter the situation because it can elect so many deputies. Too coward to assume an ideology and to fight for it, imo. A party that could be the president party in case impeachment succeeds.

Secondly because the president has no crime imputed to her, you (or rather the game dev) can cry all you want about her speeches, but she's no thief, no corrupt, most probably because she's not a pro politician at all. Oh well, she had an electoral campaign, You're not really telling me she and her party are the sole beneficiaries on the Petrobras case, as some stupid guys that lose their time watching TV try and force me to believe. Big media is compromised, all over. Like Lula said in his recent interview, big media in Brazil is the opposition party. PT is not the source of all corruption here, it didn't start with this party and it doesn't end as the party ends.

Rousseff is under some tough times as the world economic crisis is still developing and affecting us right now, she had to make some adjustments to cover the government expenses, still I'm not enough of an orthodox to point her as a criminal (nor are the lawyers advocating against her financial sins). Neither are some of her opponents, as some declared they'd do the same maneuver by sometime in their mandates as representatives (Geraldo Alckmin is one of them). Therefore in case her impeachment succeeds, a huge amount of impeachment cases would fill the courts all over the country, pointing out the same (or close to) lame motives to impeach.

Third, I see the impeachment itself as a sordid tool to take the power without going through elections; last polls showed the VP would be voted by less than 2% of the people in an election. So most brazilians don't know Michel Temer, who is to be our new president in case impeachment succeeds. I'd rather support general elections, but as Dilma is not resigning (the actual president can call for new elections in case she resigns), I wouldn't support Temer.

Fourth, I dislike the plans for change on work legislations under this I hope not said new government. It's being hard enough to fight the Congressmen which are expanding the neo-liberal's sacred institute of outsourcing right now, which is already happening in Brazil in some areas together with "privatizations", but not in the biggest scale as the outsourcing bill intends. Outsourcing is no guarantee of better services to the community. Even if most are at first, it does not last for long, since profiting is the main goal. If you ever worked in one of these companies here or close to its workers you should know about the mistreating of their employees in their work routines, and ever after the contract is ended.

I've learned to be not so idealistic when it comes to politics. also to put party attitudes into perspective before judging it. I think the PT era is not the best of worlds, still, it could always get worse. I don't trust most of its political opponents and I utterly dislike religion members getting elected as representatives.

TL:DR Eu não como mortadela e foda-se o Cunha, o Temer e o dev desse jogo tosco :D

8 years ago

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Well, that escalated quickly.

8 years ago

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Quando vejo jogos assim isso me lembra...
"O melhor do brasil é o brasileiro" hauhauhauhauha

8 years ago

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world economic crisis is still developing

come on, we're in the middle of the greatest recession since D. João went back to Portugal with all the gold reserves. The only other relevant countries experiencing GDP retraction are Russia, Ukraine and, of course, Venezuela


she effectively did worse than her predecessors, making sure that Brazilian companies with decades of expertise -- such as CESP -- gave up their concessions, and handed one of our most strategic assets -- hydroelectric power generation and distribution -- over to the chinese. Kudos!

PT is not the source of all corruption here, it didn't start with this party and it doesn't end as the party ends

partly true, yes, but they did take it to dimensions that had never even been dreamed of before. It managed to corrupt even Swedes and Norwegians, in what is arguably the greatest embezzlement scheme in human history

Big media is compromised, all over.

The so-called independent media is in PT's pockets. Just consider what Lula has said about telling Mino Carta what to publish. Talk about impartiality...

O que mais me surpreende nisso tudo é ver fluminenses, quem mais está sofrendo com o que o governo do estado fez em conluio com a união, ainda defendendo essa laia toda. Vamos perguntar aos aposentados e pensionistas do estado o que acham, que tal?

8 years ago*

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I don't see how this supposed new government might change its view on privatizations, as PMDB (and even more its intended coalition parties for the new government) never opposed to it? Well, as far as I can remember, except for some distinct members in the party when it comes to specific public areas, that is. Also the party really doesn't show support to any regulation of the media, which counts the most for building the daily campaign for public support (label it all as ineffective!) in order to privatize.

The party was also responsible for not approving a political reform, mainly due to Cunha's role as deputy president, as you might remember. Ah, before those votes, this might have happened as well.

On economics, the crisis would be felt some time. GDP retraction wasn't felt for some time. I might point out my problem is with capitalism itself first. I'd point out the difficulty in having bank and church profits and big fortunes taxed in order to make entrepreneurship flourish as the biggest of the problems in recent governments. The lobbies are really powerful in that matter. Big media buys its opinion and supports it as their own as they're the biggest announcers. I don't think that's ever changing with PMDB on command. They might do (as they signal now, hand to hand with FIESP) as most governments worldwide do: make the labor rights more "flexible".

Are you really implying CARTA CAPITAL (Mino Carta that old pal?) has the same reach as the biggest magazines and TVs? That's biased to say the least. "Independent media" mostly opposes to big media by showing what they don't show or rather showing it differently, the absolute majority of these operates on the web, still a restrict space. CARTA always had a leftist view. Most governments support magazines by announcing on them - that's what explain the humor changes, mostly, but not all. You can't really state that independents are that agreeable to the government views, let's be honest here. Again, as government won't have the balls to propose regulate the media ("the red danger to the freedom of speech!" is always there....... ha) we'll stay like this for some time. PMDB isn't changing that, some of its members are dearly linked to big TV and radio station owners to the day.

Those Lula chats weren't supposed to come out to the public, let's not forget that. Some chats were shown, some were not. That was a clear case on how big media can influence the public sector through politicized public servants. A big danger to what is painted as democracy to us shows in this impeachment case itself now - most TVs are airing the impeachment votes next Sunday, as you're aware, that's a way to put pressure on the House members and making their view prevail.

About the investigations, some public money was rescued, claps to that, still, so much more wasn't due to the investigators considering bribe only the campaign funds destined to members which were elected. Some weren't even investigated, even when the confessors came up with specific names. How come? Half-justice in politicized investigations won't make this country any way better in my opinion. Worse, it's a way to cover up corruption as well. The norse judges might agree on the subject.

PS: eu não sou fluminense. Mas estou curioso. Com a presidência e a vice nas mãos do PMDB, o que te faz pensar que Pezão e Paes vão romper com a União?

8 years ago

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Bye Bye Dilma

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bumpity Bump the Brazilian Impeachment Game!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Da bump!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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bump. it is happening.

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8 years ago*

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IMPEACHMENT IS ON BABY! GTFO DILMA! (gib is ending: 1h left)

8 years ago*

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Good riddance.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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not going to change much, just another ass will become president


8 years ago

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I think you're right! one step at time... eventually, every single corrupt politician will fall, whenever people like it or not.

8 years ago

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Hey Vini, today on National Belgian news they showed the session of the Brazilian parliament today about the voting for the impeachment. It looked like a civil war zone with threats, lamentations and parliamentarians calling on to God and the people. After a couple of minutes I couldn't follow anymore. Can Brazilians get out of this proverbial maze aka understand this all?

8 years ago

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in fact, that is their daily meeting (if you are talking about parliamentarians voting meeting). it is a mess like that every single day. besides the fact they were voting seriously, they decided to dedicated every single vote to "family, kids and this and that" and they turned it into a circus (to be honest, we already were expecting something close to that). this country is very close to a civil war between comunists and capitalists. some parliamentarians called (in public) their comunist (specially landless movement) people to attack (with guns and whatever else they got) whoever vote in favor of dilma's impeachment.

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by vinirockman.