Nah, you shouldn't be sorry that you have a social life. You should be ashamed!
Just taking the piss, mate :D Enjoy your time amongst human beings, most especially that portion with friends, drinks and music.
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there were friends, there were drinks and there was music. the friends still exist and the music can be conjured up again but the drinks... they mysteriously metamorphosed into empty glasses! it was so shocking that some of the friends even lost the ability to walk straight
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Well, congratulations on learning rl again.
Take it slowly, you don't want to overload your system :)
"back at the turn of the millennium"
That made me think "he's young" then I realized how long ago that actually is :(
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just a tad later getting home than I'd predicted
Concrete Jungle
Environmental Station Alpha
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
I'll add more in the morning.
or possibly afternoon, I might sleep for the rest of the morning, 'tis 2am
edit: and a few more...
Five Nights at Freddy's 3
Action Henk
Grim Dawn
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(this was the case for some time due to depression and anxieties)
I'm really happy to read that you're able to overcome these difficulties and get out and about:) I added you to my WL a long time ago and I think you should check out GAs under group because there might be some blue-hearted ones for ya to take a gander at:)Also apparently I just aged 60 years in the span of a sentence.
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I've been checking the blue hearts fairly regular since discovering and bookmarking this helpful thread, I've likely already entered some of yours (and had already whitelisted you, likely from noticing that I was on your whitelist)
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what's it: those who care don't mind and those that mind don't care. and all that... or something, i think the word "matters" is supposed to fit in there somewhere >.<
very freaking awesome to hear that you're growing as a human rather'n as a pink-haired... is that a Redguard?
please to be continuing living and expanding your real life (as it's arguably, th'only one that matters)(not to diminish the significance of what can be had in these sorts of realms, but y'know), we aint goin' anywhere ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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not a Redguard, good guess but wrong series. it's a human noble Qwerty Cousland from Dragon Age: Origins in Dragon Age 2 Style parody
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also netflix is worrying that I don't love it any more and suspects I may be seeing other programs
Netflix just released season 3 of Black Mirror and I highly recommend it sir/madam, if it interests you. Glad things are going good for you too. :)
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I've been on/off SG almost since I joined, and there was a stretch of time when I almost didn't visit at all for nearly 2 whole years. A lot of my SG friends from that time aren't around anymore and now that I'm more active again, I do miss them. I think I understand what you mean with having to balance online and offline time, it can be challenging but it's only natural. Having an offline social life is definitely a good thing, though. Online communities can only go so far. So I'd say you should treat it like any other hobby or activity. Make time for it by scheduling your online time if necessary, or just sneak in a few mins between different tasks if you want. You'll find the balance that works eventually.
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[Created] 2 days ago
[Only] 18 comments
This thread needs a major bump!
I have to admit that I had to stop reading your text somewhere in the middle due to reasons.
Don't feel sorry, we're still here, it is never too late to answer in here.
Take this hug with you!
Moon Flower opens its arms.
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You mean you manage to live among the living? Congrats.
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I'm glad to see you back, rayvio, and that you are doing well.:) I missed your puns!:)
Have a wonderful day.:)
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It's good to develop social skills as they are useful in online gaming xD
But seriously - It's good for you!
No need to apologize for absence - you just missed some drama :D
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Hopefully you can keep at it. Staying at home all the time sucks a lot.
The most I've been doing is taking my dogs on walks once in a while, and that just started during the summer. Just wish I could get myself to do something more. =\
Anyway, bump.
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0 Comments - Created 22 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
336 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Fluffster
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294 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by GraVe23
223 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Kingsajz
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1,204 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Fluffster
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1,445 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Fluffster
90 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Gangooo
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139 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by timmyfromspace
I looked at my stats this morning and was shocked at what I saw!
my chances to win average an all time low
my luck per month has dipped down to 3 less wins than expected
I haven't been added to any whitelists or blacklists for close to a month
and then it all becomes clear. my comments per month has dipped from a peak of 245 in April down to 42 in September (was THAT the question then?) and only 8 (now 9) so far this month!
I threw my mind back over the last few weeks, then months and have come to a terrible realisation. it is with great shame that I have to confess that I have been... oh I can barely bring myself to admit it... expanding my offline social life
ok in all seriousness now, it's a good thing that my confidence is up and I'm more active and don't spend days at a time without leaving my flat (this was the case for some time due to depression and anxieties) but it does also make me slightly sad. I miss having more time online for some interesting chats (and working through my steam backlog of course) and feel bad for unintentionally shunning online friends. also netflix is worrying that I don't love it any more and suspects I may be seeing other programs
a year or so ago I never would have expected this. for most of my life it's been the total opposite, too much time at the computer and far too little time spent on walks, in pubs or on courses... and far too much time in bed. ah my poor bed, gone are the times when we spent the whole morning together or even into late afternoon, now I find myself often in bed even before 1am and sometimes up as early as 7am!
and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I haven't been reading or replying to discussions as often and that I haven't posted giveaways as often (I've even had to buy less bundles as I'm spending more money on things like bus fares and drinks and fresh air tax (ok that last one is more of a prediction than a fact otherwise known as a lie). I'm not sorry that I have a social life, I think I'm actually getting closer to that scary fantasy of being Happy, but I am sorry that it's so difficult to balance these two important parts of my life. I love the internet. back at the turn of the millennium while everyone else was out getting completely ratarsed I spent the night chatting online in chat rooms because it was slightly less scary than facing people in person (and much, much cheaper than going out on that night!) and the internet has been a huge help in developing my long neglected social skills. I have no intention or desire to abandon my online life, but it seems it will take me some time to adjust and balance the offline life with the online
... I was only planning to write a quick joke about how quiet I've been and instead I seem to have dropped a massive wall of text. oh well, I've got a bus to catch soon so I don't have time to attach any giveaways but I will do so later, when I get home in maybe 15 hours or so... long but fun day ahead! walking group, some volunteer work and then some time with friends, drinks and music
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