When I saw that there were more images than letters in the code I gave up instantly.
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Here you go. http://imgur.com/Ftcrk. Now give us the answer.
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I don't remember the exact ending time I set. :-) But the approximate duration is mentioned. And I've added the entry counter, I'll update it every now and then.
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Okay, I know how to solve it, but it'll take a while.
Wish me luck.
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I can't figure it out. I know the names and locations of all the pictures and descriptions, and I tried tracing the path between the destinations to see if letters were formed, but I still can't get it. :(
BTW, shouldn't it be base squared times height, not area sqaured times height?
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I like this puzzle. I find it odd that I've been to 70% of the locations shown.
Kinda freaky.
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having problems in understanding if letters are small or caps.. =( maybe thats the ambiguity?
Anyways i give up(xD) as for a hint..
maybe we need a map and then trace the places to get the letters.. there are 5 paragraphs for 5 letters/numbers. the 4th one for example gives a 3. second one gives a triangle so maybe an A? and third gives a V. 5th one is kinda hard.. Y or 7 or something. you find out.. i am out. xD nice puzzle!
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Oh man I forgot about the Fukushima explosion. I was thinking it was Chernobyl. It cant be Three Mile Island since it was pretty isolated.
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Hogwarts is a fictitious place, and therefore is on no map. (Actually, it is real, but it is unplottable nevertheless.)
As for the second part, well, only one place really fits. Both when thinking outside the box, and inside the box.
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3 days remaining, and so far only 4 people have reached the destination. (Don't forget to pick your free ticket, if you are eligible. :-))
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1) There are 5 paragraphs (not counting the info at the top and "Dear diary").
2) Each paragraph describes a journey.
3) In each paragraph, some words are in italics.
4) The words in italics are places through which the journey takes you.
5) Take a map, find the places, re-enact the journey.
6) Last paragraph should precede all others.
7) 7lDV3
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I am going to drown myself :D, i had those map symbols on the first day, but i was convinced that the last one is upside-down L. So I tried almost everything like LIDV3, LiDV3, LlDV3, IDV3L ... I even tried M and W instead of 3, 1 insted of l or to read those symbols from the other side (so 3 was E etc...). About 100 combinations altogether, but not a single one with 7 in it... Anyway, thanks for another nice puzzle which kept me occupied for the whole week :) And I hope there will be more in the future!
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408 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by SirChrisSwan
47,164 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by ogis
41 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by bttr
54 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by Julia92
148 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Bin246
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56 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by Blueaquapearl50
[The solution leads to a 5-character code. Use the code instead of the X's in http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/XXXXX to get to the giveaway page. There is some ambiguity in the code, meaning you may have to try more than one code; it shouldn't be more than 4.
Those who successfully solved my previous puzzle and entered the giveaway before it ended can contact me via Steam to get a free ticket for this one.
So far, 8 entries (1 or 2 free tickets used).]
Dear diary,
I've just arrived from Hogwarts, which is a fictitious place, and therefore is on no map. But I'm here, in the real world now, and I'm enjoying the scenery. I have some time to rest, before I set out on my next journey, starting right here. The scarlet steam (or was it Steam?) engine hasn't departed yet. When I set out, it will be first to the place this guy (or was it Guy?) tried to blow up.
I almost feel as if I can trace his final thoughts, travelling the same path they did: From the prison where he spent the last of his days, to the place where, 332 years after his death, the Reichsadler would be allowed to annex the lands of its neighbor in a bitter act of appeasement. Form there, the thoughts flew to this place, and then here. Or maybe I'm mistaken, and they returned back to his prison cell. It makes little difference in this case.
Maybe a statue should be built in his name. The first that comes to mind is the one with the raised torch. But she looks too... majestic, even with that strange crown. I know it's supposed to be a halo of shining light, but in me, it evokes the crown of thorns. Which reminded me of the second statue, here. But such statue would be most likely inappropriate for the guy or Guy I'm talking about. Maybe I should look for inspiration in a different place. Maybe in the city with the small statue of a peeing boy. Innocence.
But I should focus on the journey I'm planning, diary. The clues are clear: I must start near this tower, and then travel to the remnants of the lost power plant. Why was it lost? How can you ask, how can you not remember the explosion that changed so many lives? After leaving the power plant, I must head to the arena, and then continue to the tombs that satisfy
V = 1/3 * h * a^2
. From there, the only remaining leg of the journey will take me to a place which defies everything I thought I knew about geology. And that will be the end of my journey, that's where I will find the treasure: SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition. I have one week to get there.Oh, but I completely forgot... I forgot to begin at the beginning! First of all, I should have told you about the place where I found the initial clue, the one that preceded everything else. But there's almost no time left, I need to get to the site of the explosion that never happened soon. Well, I'll be brief: It all started at the great limestone lioness with a broken nose. I answered her riddle, and she told me to visit the tallest spire ever erected. Well, calling it just a "spire" was an understatement -- do you have any idea how my legs hurt after half a mile's worth of stairs? But it was worth it. I got to the roof, took the hang glider that I carry around in my pocket, and I glided all the way to the land of those adorable creatures who like to move it move it. They were very nice and made me some tea with herbs and mushrooms and whatnot. That explains everything, doesn't it?
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