Inspired by this german blog entry
I unlocked my inner silent room of fear and found some for-kids-TV experinces I maybe should have made some years later...

Incomplete and unsorted list of childhood (4-10 yrs) TV scares

I'm curious what TV experience screwed your childhood (partly)
or what you recommend not to be seen by kids what seems to be for kids

And for all you fellow whiners some lvl 1+ GA: Hypt Curvatron Monumental

don't worry, I'm fine now :)

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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OMG The Peanut Butter Solution
I still somtimes remember this crazy shit :) Time to review!

8 years ago

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Peanut Butter Solution was the first thing that came to mind for me.. Second was Return to Oz.

8 years ago

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What I saw on tv as a kid was wholly inappropriate, but didn't mess me up. It was escapism from real life, which messed me up.

I guess the news fucked me up the most, a lot of bad dhit happens in the world, if you choose to pay attention to it.

8 years ago

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I'm somehow glad, that non-cartoons didn't attract me back then...

8 years ago

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hugs Tree

8 years ago

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Don't watch Grave of the Fireflies!

8 years ago

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Well, I have to now, don't I?!

8 years ago

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my spouse is still pissed at me over having watched that movie

8 years ago

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Oh, that bad? Maybe I'll skip it then...

8 years ago

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it's subject to events that happen. look it up if you want to spoiler yourself.

8 years ago

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No, it's very good
Its just not a happy movie. The complete opposite, actually

8 years ago

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It is often considered one of the greatest cinematic/animation masterpieces. Also often called the greatest movie that nobody wants to see ever again after the first time. It kinda destroys your soul…

8 years ago

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cries in a corner ;~;

8 years ago

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That was a FANTASTIC piece of artistic work. And based on actual events. One of my personal favorites.

8 years ago

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After watched
No...Why... '``(QAQ)ˊˊ'

8 years ago

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That was the very first thing that came to mind when I read the OP.

... and now I think I'll research the second thing, I never knew how that one was called ... I'm not even sure about how much of it was real and how much is just my blurred memory. It wasn't so much gruesome-scary as rather twisted-contorted-waaaaa?-scary.

8 years ago

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Hmm... I think it might have been Les Maîtres du temps, although that does not look scary at all. I remember something about giant mosquitos that would suck people's brains (memories?) out? ... well yeah ... really blurred memories.

8 years ago

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BFG by Roald Dahl?
They suck childrens dreams...

8 years ago

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Hmm. Perhaps two memories blurred into one? ... Anyway, this (1:40, in case that YT link doesn't work) looks scarily familiar ... the boy was bitten in the head by those mosquitoes / hornets ... and I think he'll get a metal patch for that wound or sth ... supposedly so his brains don't fall out. ... yeah.

8 years ago

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Oh yeah, thats pretty frikkin scary for a kid.

8 years ago

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Silly me, replying to myself. Oh no, to you, ugh, just got up. Oh well!

8 years ago

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"Read all about it"

It was supposed to be an educational program for kids around the 6-9 year bracket (I think) but it scared the s**t out of me.

8 years ago

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I very much enjoyed The Last Unicorn when I was very young.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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I thought I was the only one that was afraid of E.T. as a child XD Thanks for letting me know I wasn't alone!

I think the empty suits of armor are from the movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

8 years ago

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Oh, totally forgot the one were death was put into a sack and nobody could die. Forgot the name. Maybe some Jim Henson thing...
That moment when death was standing at the bed. shudder
Not that skull face guy. More a pale round face, from what I remember.
Any hint?

8 years ago

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Found it.
The Storyteller: The Soldier & Death

Death was more creepy back then...

8 years ago

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these kids movies/cartoon somehow scared the hell out of me
it will give you a real nightmares
Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure
The Secret of NIMH
The Dark Crystal
Something Wicked This Way Comes

8 years ago

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Happy Tree Friends
Episode 1
Let the cover fool you and you will regrets it.

8 years ago

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Him from the Powerpuff Girls always freaked me out as a kid.

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8 years ago

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There was this one certain episode which i faintly rememeber where he was a lot scarier than usual.. Like I think he was purposely haunting the PowerPuffGirls and his whole face was on the screen or something? or did i dream that???
In any case,that one sure messed with me heh. But normally I didn't find Him scary, only weird

8 years ago

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My little sister used to be really scared of Spirited Away, i always loved it though.
Nowadays that movie is one of my little sister's close favorites :)

8 years ago

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courage the cowardly dog

8 years ago

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That one is my child's favourite, is that normal ?

8 years ago

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Yeah it's normal I loved it too despite how freaky it was, one of the best childhood tv show ever.

8 years ago

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I live in ex-USSR country, so we had those super sweet Russian cartoons like Hedgehog in the Fog - that owl around 1:30 is damn creepy... sorry IovoI if you happen to read this. :P
Edit: just checked the whole thing again, since I had forgotten what was it even about... the whole cartoon looks like a bad trip or PTSD flashback. D:

8 years ago*

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'I wonder,' thought the hedgehog, 'if the horse lies down to sleep, will it choke in the fog?'

The wonderful upbeat thoughts Soviet kids grew up with...

8 years ago

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Hell, that whole thing yells "don't watch me, I'll scare you" o_O
going to remember my russian friends about there childhood horrors :)

8 years ago

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ANYTHING by these guys. Some of that stuff with screw you up for life.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Under the Mountain and Children of the Dog Star freaked me the hell out as a kid.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Freddy Krueger.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Hmmm... Interesting... Can't really remember anything too scary... I vaguely remember The Wind in the Willows (1983) as weirding me out a bit, but no idea what specifically. (At least I think this was it... there are a lot of movies by that name)

8 years ago

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Ahhh, totally forgot about this.
That was really strange stuff. And aired on sunday afternoons far to often in Germany :)

8 years ago

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While The Wind Blows was never meant to be watched by children (even though it was a cartoon). While not nearly as bad as ones like Heavy Metal and Fritz The Cat, it was a pretty dark story for sure. I am hopeful that it will have a proper DVD release someday.

8 years ago

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ah Fritz the Cat, probably the most wtf cartoon I have ever seen

8 years ago

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I'm not even sure if I've ever seen the entire movie. I was pretty young (too young, lol) when I first saw it.

8 years ago

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I basically only got to the part where a freakin nazi tank is chasing Fritz in the street and that was the point when I was like: "okay, i think I had enough"

i thought the beatles cartoon movie was like a drug induced tripping, well this takes the cake.

8 years ago

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I might have to check the movie out now. It's been so long, I can't remember any of it.

But you're right, however. That does sound seriously messed up! LOL!

8 years ago

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There are two Fritz the Cat movies. You watched the second one, which was just strange. The first one was raunchier.

8 years ago

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was there two version? wow, didnt even knew that

well, theres always something new to learn every day I suppose

8 years ago

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Yeah, the first one is simply called "Fritz the Cat", the second one is called "The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat". Last time I watched those I was 13, so my memory might be a bit foggy here, but I think it's the second one where he just sits down to smoke a joint and starts dreaming about different time periods. He sees Hitler naked in one of those parts, and that's where the tank comes in.

8 years ago

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yep, exactly

the latter is actually fully uploaded on youtube as far as Im aware. Ddidnt remembered the naked hitler part, holy hell. And to think that certain Walt Disney cartoon that featured Donal working in a nazy factory got banned, they would have ripped a new one for this XD

EDIT: and indeed:

8 years ago*

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There's a difference in target audience though. Fritz is clearly aimed at adults, as it deals with sex & drugs and has plenty of nudity in it, while the old WW2 propaganda cartoons (the Nazi factory one is one of those) were aimed at kids.

That link only leads to some shady download site, I'm afraid, the whole move is not on youtube.

8 years ago

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ouch, im a dumbass for not having checked the link, sorry about that

8 years ago

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There's a VHS copy laying around somewhere. Gotta hide it from the kids :D

8 years ago

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Alas, I don't even own a VCR anymore.;)

8 years ago

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That old animated version of Lord of The Rings messed me up a little as a kid. For years I was creeped out by the dark because I thought Gollum could be lurking around somewhere.
I think the reason for that is that he is a double-edged character, because the ringwraiths appear as well and those didn't leave a very deep impression on me. Pure evil isn't very hard to understand, even for a child but Gollum was something else.

8 years ago

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I wish I could find the exact episode (I can find later ones, but not the one that matters). It was a live action adaptation of Mumintrollen. Apparently the masks the actors had to wear got unbearably hot, so in order to make it nicer for the actors they came up with an idea on how to make it possible for them to be without their masks. In one early episode, they tied the head of one of the characters with a strong to a door, and slammed the door. The head flew off and under it was a human head (the actor). Then they spent most of the remaining series without their big heads, but still had the rest of the costumes on.

It did not scare me, but the TV station got a lot of complaints from parents who's kids were scared.

8 years ago

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When i was 10 years old , my father told me "hey! do you want to watch Alien and Predator movies?" me: "yes of course!"(never seen a horror movie before exept....goosebumps series?) ..... I was terrorised but I like it..... and after that my father (damn he had a lack of caring at this time XD) let me watch the movie " It " and for 2 month I was afraid of the canalisation and the toilet flush .... now, I love horror movies but I can't watch " it " anymore

8 years ago

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AvP is not that bad :P I watched Aliens when I was 8 or 9 (I think it was a few months before I turned 9, if I've pieced things together correctly). Loved that movie and quickly went on to watch the other Alien movies as well. I would actively seek out any monster movie I could find for the next 10 years after that.

8 years ago

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Yep they're good , sometimes I watch them again . Just that stupid clown who screwed-up my childhood ;_; for AvP I think I've seen it at 12, it's not that bad, true, but AvP 2 .....uuuur

8 years ago

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I tried to watch AvP 2 when it was on TV recently, and I could not see what was going on. It was so dark. I guess had I had a better TV, things might have been a bit clearer, but still, never had that much problems distinguishing what was actually going on in a movie before.

8 years ago

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Watched Aliens (with an s, that is, the second one) with my mother when I was ... 12 I think. There's the scene where Ripley has made a barricade at some door and her blip-gadget shows the aliens on the other side of the door and then on her side of the door although they aren't and then you realize they are in the ventilation(?) shafts above her and then my mother tips a cussion off the top of the couch so it falls on my back and that is when I died of a heart attack.

8 years ago

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The original GI Joe series seriously creeped me out in the few episodes where the Synthoids show up.
All's fun and games until the good guys melt into grey goo

8 years ago

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That's what you get, when grown ups create the stories :) always

8 years ago

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it may sound strange but I was mostly scared by PSA-s shitless when I was a kid

wanna see a good example, here you go:

I kid you not, this ad had a localised version if I can remember correctly and holy moly was this and still is creepy.

8 years ago

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I'm afraid there is too much truth in it. Now I'm sad and angry!
Keep your eyes open!

8 years ago*

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