Report the user and actions will be taken. Making gifters pass some long process for the system to verify they actually have the game is kind of depressing and would throw people off. Besides it's not possible to verify things like retail keys.
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Wait is it allowed to giveaway games with retail keys?
I read in the FAQ it was not allowed, unless you can prove it's in your steam inventory.
Is for key explotion. But you can verify the games that are in your inventory if it's public. But with Hundle indie bundle for example you can't. So there should be a option to get something from your steam library or something else.
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You can use retail keys except Dead Island and Dirt 3 keys are not allowed.
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Because I don't think gifts owned can be accessed. Or not in most cases, as I know default the setting is that it remain private.
If its been more than a week report the giveaway, or if the creator said he doesn't have it report him. He will be banned.
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Out of curiosity, when he does report him, will he still get his game or will the gifter just be banned? If he doesn't receive his game, well then ... the site admin should probably rethink this system. Maybe have the person gift it to a bot Steam account?
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There's no way to force a "gifter" who doesn't have the game to conjure up a copy to gift, so no, the winner will most likely not get the game. And no, that doesn't necessitate rethinking the system, since there's really no way around it. Just report the user for an undelivered gift and leave it at that. That feedback mechanism is there for a reason.
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It'd probably be good just to have some extra clarification when making a giveaway. Some kind of disclaimer saying "You are offering to give away a game and have to actually have a giftable copy" etc.
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I think if someone was to win a scam giveaway, and by that I mean win nothing, then they could almost just win back the points it cost to enter the giveaway. Kind of like a, it sucks that it was a scam but you sort of win something. Anything beyond that would be far too extreme.
Also would it beyond the system to have two options for giveaways? Steam or retail. And the giveaway owner chooses Steam then it verifies and states so on the giveaway page, while if it is a retail key then it states on the giveaway page it is a retail key. That way people could know that a person does for sure have the game in their inventory and if they feel unsafe by the retail keys then they could avoid those giveaways. This would be a fairly simple solution, if it is possible to verify a steam inventory item, and would easily cut down on some of the scams. Not that scams are abundant, but scams down from 1 in 200 to 1 in 210 is still worth it.
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Just report him. Nobody should create a give away for a game they don't have or can't get.
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I won a Skyrim giveaway, the giveaway creator never sent it. Best you can do is tell support and mark it as not recieved.
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I just won a giveaway 2 hours ago from a guy that registered 4 hours ago.
My possibilities of recieving the game is low since his steam account was created on December 24 and he has played 30 minutes those days.
I think that in order for someone to create a giveaway he must somehow sent the gift right away to steamgifts and then when the winner is drawn steamgifts will sent the copy.The way the system works now is stupid with guys registered 1 hour creating false giveaways.
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I did that just a couple of days ago. Created a new account.
I registered an account and gifted Darksiders. Then later a copy of Alien Breed 3.
I know people will automatically assume - OMG a new acc - its FAKEEE.
but some have to just accept that new people are coming on to this site with good intentions.
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This is about gifts and people being nice, maybe hoping for a bit of karma to win something they want in return. Even if you don't win something you should've won you haven't really lost anything except for a few points you'll get back anyway. Putting up high hurdles for good intentions is much more harmful to the whole thing than some douche now and then making a fake giveaway.
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Something that'd be interesting would be a section of the site where everyone who got burned by a Grinch could be listed and what they were supposed to receive, and give a option for a more classy fellow to step in and gift it themselves.
Definitely still ban the Grinch, though.
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I won a giveaway of CoD: Black Ops and now the creator says he can't give it.
I don't understand why everybody can create a giveaway even if he doesn't have the game.
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