What's the best Tomato Game on Steam?
nah, I just craved for tomato ramen, so you know, I needed those (t)(o)(m)(a)(t)(o)(e)(s)
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no idea what for :) but you forgot the Tomato Jones Adventures! and everyone know, that Polandball is best tomato game!
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Was afraid I'd overlooked a Tomato Game, but checking on Steam reveals Tomato Jones Adventures is just a bundle of Tomato Jones + Tomato Jones 2 ... :)
I doubt Tomato can into space, either. Suppose it's a Portal 2 spoiler to wonder if Potato can... Oh well... And it was his sled! :)
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Steam AIDS! Not intended to offend or make light of the situation for anyone that has the disease, it's just a joke.
As far as I know there aren't any real consequences, the only thing that could happen is that the key gets revoked. I'm just one of the very few people here who likes to only add games that I want to play. I even dislike if things get added by Steam to my account for free because of that reason. But no disrespect to collectors, I simple don't see the point in it, but if you take enjoyment from it, all the better for you :)
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Don't think I've ever seen a collector of Steam games, maybe it's just semantics but the word I would use is accumulator... :) Since there's no curation, decision, saying hmm no, I don't want that one. Just every random thing in the store, no matter what it is... :)
Like "removed game collectors" - that used to be a big deal, having games people could no longer buy. But the way Steam is today, you can hardly buy a single bundle without getting a new piece of soon-to-be-removed garbage in your library. :)
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Hmm, I see what your saying but I would disagree, in my opinion most collectors do not curate as long as the item is related to the thing they're collecting. Even though the dictionary says accumulating and collecting are synonyms I feel like accumulating is more related to collecting the same item (e.g. wealth). But if it makes you happier I'll call you an accumulator instead.
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Hmm, you're probably right... :) It's just that I don't feel like I'm collecting anything when I add one more piece of bundle garbage to my account. :) It feels more like... Hmm...
Some person with a house completely filled with random things, packed to the ceiling, that you can barely walk in. :) If that has a name. :)
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Also this puzzle, I don't get it (again) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Probably bundle trash anyway. This is a joke, yes another one! OP is just that lucky!
Also is A0ZQL-R55TH-RP5(O)(O) supposed to be R0ZQL-R55TH-RP5(O)(O)? I hope that's not a hint to a puzzle, if there even is a puzzle ;)
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I'm going to feel terrible if you don't manage to find this thing, it sounds like you're thinking too hard... :(
Someone had a clever idea: just give up. Don't try to figure it out, just guess every game in your wishlist. If it doesn't work, then who cares what the game is since you'd never play it. :)
But that would only work if your wishlist is "the only games I want to play on Steam" - and I suspect most people don't use it that way... Oh well...
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Ah my mastermind has cracked your ingenieus code! Yeah I only use my wish list for games I'm certain I will play at some point, I try to keep it as small as possible because I want to cut back on my gaming. But there are other games I'm interested in which I enter GA's for or could buy at some point, though not necessarily.
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I believe there was a Steam group called 'Glitter and Gold', or something like that, which is exclusive to level 9 and 10 members.
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It's a subset of unicode characters called "emoji". You even don't need any tool for that, because you can easily just google it like "tomato emoji" and just copy&paste.
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I must be stupid or missing some kind of inside joke for the puzzle.
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No problem, I mean either way someone's going to win the giveaway. :) This isn't what I'd call a "real" puzzle, it's more of a lazy thing since making real puzzles is too much effort... :)
And feel free to try your luck if it's your sort of game... :) Can't have too many tomatoes! :)
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I think that I'm making it too hard.
I see the thing. No, really, I see the thing. But every pattern I try to apply to it fails.
Well, forget this. I'm going to just go play one of my gazillion games. :D
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I like tomatoes!!! :D
(No, seriously, I cannot get enough of them. I have a theory that I can eat an infinite amount of tomatoes and never feel like I've eaten enough. Unfortunately I still haven't gotten the funds for the swimming pool full of tomatoes to test that theory.)
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I don't intend to swim in the swimming pool full of tomatoes, silly- it's just for storage since where am I gonna find a dish big enough for that many tomatoes.
But, yeah, I guess you're right- who knows how dirty a swimming pool is. I need to find a better way to store all those tomatoes that keeps them nice and clean. :D
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Wow, that looks terrible... Or, I would have said that a few years ago... :)
Maybe we will see an update to Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar, something like Steam Greenlight: Burning the Bar with Fire and then Burying the Bar in the Depths of the Earth...
Thank you! :)
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Well, yeah, this puzzle has one specific game in mind, since that's the one I made the top secret puzzle giveaway for... :)
Oh, I hope there's no mistake in the puzzle, wouldn't want anyone to spend 3 days working on an impossible one... :( I suggest always checking someone's profile for the Invite Only giveaways, since that reveals if anyone's managed to solve it.
Good luck if you keep going on it, but maybe wait for some random brain wave or a new batch of pity hints or something... :) Or maybe do something fun instead, and screw dumb puzzles... :)
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The puzzle is too hard for me, hahaha. Thanks for the tomato GAs!
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One last edit:
Ok, so there was one new Near a Tomato giveaway hiding in this most recent batch of leftover bundle keys.
Also, just for fun there were Pink Floyd lyrics on the first and last characters, it didn't mean anything:
- there's no U in Steam keys, sorry about that.But the double-struck i.e. funny-looking characters spelled out
--> "Maybe these keys are hiding one more tomato giveaway 6541343134" --> 65 41 34 41 34 -> eA414 --> One More Tomato Giveaway. The was no secret encoded in the position of those funny-looking characters, that's just where they ended up. If you have enough Steam keys you could certainly use that method for something in one of your own puzzles! :)Thanks for playing, and good luck next time! :)
Yeah, I forgot to explain where the tomato giveaways were hiding. Sorry about that.
But first, for the people who don't care about explanations, here's some junk I was too lazy to make a puzzle with:
Bayonetta, Level 3
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Level 4
Gal*Gun: Double Peace, Level 5
House Party, Level 6
I had more stuff in my cart, but the Humble Store didn't want my money until after their Winter Sale had ended, so that's all you get. And you thought Steam support was a disappointment? Oh well...
Ok, time for the puzzle explanation? Hmm, yeah. But before that, since nobody reads explanations, why not race the bots to redeem this fresh batch of consolation bundle leftovers:
Ok, guess that's enough stalling. If you really want to know, I cleverly deleted my notes for this puzzle, so umm... Let's see if I can remember... Fortunately it's not a complicated one or I'd be screwed...
Hints and stuff were hiding in the keys. The first batch had 2B, then 9S, then A2, then NEARRA, then some ascii thing, then NEARRA, then some ascii thing again, then NEARRA, then NEARAA. Anyway, NEARRA / NEARAA were supposed to give you a hint to the itstoohard thing, i.e. Near A Tomato. Ha ha. If that didn't work, 2B, 9S and A2 are characters in the game, which means if you already owned the game you probably got it right away. And if not, umm, I dunno. So, http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/Vc7KnXax -> https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/e7TVU/nierautomata - hooray!
The ascii thing was hiding the second giveaway, i.e. 64 6f 6b 59 37 -> dokY7 -> https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/dokY7/nierautomata - dunno how you were supposed to notice that. Guess it was a dumb puzzle...
Good luck! :)
Original description:
What are you doing? Making another dumb puzzle? Guilty... :)
Turns out reaching "Level 10" on Steamgifts accomplished nothing. I couldn't find the secret clubhouse, the "Click here for a free pony, courtesy of cg" button, the cake, or well, anything. Guess I should have used that money to buy gift copies of removed games for profitz. Sigh...
Sooooo, since making giveaways would be pointless now, how about making a dumb poll instead. Everyone loves those! Screw giveaways! And don't forget all those memes and things. You can't go wrong with that crap.
And, to distract you from the puzzle, here's a pile of leftover bundle keys! Parentheses to slow down all those clowns with their thousands of bots...
Oh, and all of them are sure to be used before you notice this discussion, so don't waste your time looking at them!
And, as a secret bonus for people who can read all the way to the end of the page, here's some bundle giveaways! Woohoo!
Tomato Jones, Level 1
Tomato Jones 2, Level 1
Tomato Way, Level 1
Something else... Hmm... Oh, you know, it's a puzzle... You have to figure it out...
Good luck! :)
p.s. Umm, don't tell anyone, but I've never actually played any of those Tomato Games. If you have, and want to talk about them, that will let me disguise bumps as replies to your comments, so that's cool. :) Just don't expect me to know anything about the games... :( Maybe I'll check them out over the weekend, though... :)
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