I want all types of opinions from this sites, goods, bads, all you think. I know that OPQuest there is a lot of people that hate the site because you have to have in your wishlist "trashy" games.

10 months ago

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Have you tried and worked for you?

View Results
Yeahhh ... It's awesome
It's just a waste of time for almost nothing

Trash sites, trash rewards, scammer/trash owners.
Wasted lifetime and supporting the wrong people that are in the end the ones that earn from it.

10 months ago

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Thanks for your opinion! :)

10 months ago

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I used Gamehag for a number of years but stopped around 4-5 years ago. They were decent at first but then gave me a bunch of problems. I redeemed a game and then they banned me for some unexplained reason and wouldn't fill my order.

I've also used OPQuest. If you want a free junk game every now and again with minimal work, it's fine. I wouldn't do anything on their premium/paid side.

I've had a good experience with GameTame. Their payouts for tasks/surveys is lower than in previous years but I've never had trouble with them.

10 months ago

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Thanks for your opinion! I see gamehag is not good for all the comments. I will try GameTame. Did you know if in OPQuest there is any way to increase your rank from silver to gold? Because in the page they didn't say nothing about this.

10 months ago

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I somehow have Platinum rank. I never spent any money there. It's probably some combination of participating in giveaways and how long you've had an account there.

10 months ago

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Oh thanks for the answer. Well I will just to wait.

10 months ago

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I was never able to earn anything really on GameHag, I gave up.
For OPQuest, just keep doing anything you can for free. I'm still silver, and been using it almost a year. Without spending for tokens, there's not much to do, and when there is, it generally goes quick. Currently for me there was something, I got a free random DLC for no idea what game.
A game that's not in my steam library, so I can't redeem it. I don't know how many tasks it takes to rank up, but it's slow. I was stuck at bronze for months, now been at silver for like 6 months at least.

If anyone wants to try to claim .. whatever the DLC I earned is. Could literally be for almost any game, only thing for sure it's not a game I have.

10 months ago

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21+ Art Collection

Didn't work for me since I don't own the base game either, so no idea if it still works or not.

10 months ago

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How did you figure out what it's for?

10 months ago

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You can open the Inspect Element drawer and go to the Network tab; after attempting to activate a key, look at [ajaxregisterkey] in the list. What the key was for will be in there somewhere.

Much easier, since I suppose you don't mind installing extensions, is the SteamDB browser extension.
If you try to activate a key that is dupe, for something you already own, or a DLC for a base game you don't own, it will tell you what it was for; as well as give you a link to the SteamDB page.

10 months ago

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Ok, I've ruled out Gamehag, thanks for your opinion. About OPQuest, I asked about the ranking issue because there was a situation that seemed odd to me. On their page, they told me that I had unfollowed a group on Steam which wasn't true. When I checked, they fix it, but I thought maybe they did it on purpose so they wouldn't promote me in rank later. I recommend that you use the steamdb extension that allows you to see which game a DLC belongs to. Anyway, they've already told you below which game it is, I don't have it either, so I didn't redeem it. Thanks anyway.

10 months ago

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I added the extension, but it's not actually showing up, but extensions says it's there and on. Do I have to restart chrome for it to show up?
I haven't had that happen about a group, but it probably will someday. I'm back at 1000 groups, gotta clear some. Also 100 creators followed, gotta keep clearing some there too. Between OPQuests, givee/giveawaysu, a few others, they get full and a lot I'm not supposed to remove, but can't remember/keep track of all of them..

10 months ago

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Two things might be happening, one is what you mentioned, closing Chrome and reopening it. The other is that you might not be logged into steamdb; you need to link steamdb with your Steam account. Another great feature of that extension is that you can see the historical lowest price for each game you search for. And it tells you how many times it was at that price. And a tip for the givee/giveawaysu quests, I add them to my favorites to later delete them, since those you can remove after you've already got the game key. And I add the OPQuests to a separate favorites folder, so when I get tired of them, I can delete them all at once.

10 months ago

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My recommendation is to just not use Gamehag.

They're infamous for not crediting you for offers, for one, but there's also a lot of other problematic issues with the site's management and way they handle accounts. Functionally speaking, you're probably better off doing mobile game offers on a normal (ie, generalized and not gaming-focused) offer completion sites like Swagbucks than you are with Gamehag. I mean, the Gamehag concept and approach is far more appealing in theory, but you're often putting in more time to obtain very unreliable rewards, on a site that actively degenerates your accumulated points over time, with infamously poor support.

Well, it's not a site that costs you anything, other than time, unless things have dramatically changed, so it's more reliable than, say, G2A and its forced Shield charges were, so you can just give the site a try yourself without any real risk. I recall seeing a "alternatives to TremorGames" thread at one point as well, you could try searching that up (add site:Steamgifts.com to the end of your google search to restrict it to only searching this site); If there were any useful responses posted in that thread, they might be a bit more suitable for gaming focus than a typical offers site might be.

Basically, you won't lose anything for trying Gamehag, but I highly recommend you look for other options first, given its long history of issues ( in my case, issues included the owner refusing to award credits for any large credit offers I completed, and randomly invalidating parts of my accumulated credits with no explanation; I don't recall having any issues actually obtaining keys I claimed (Blando isn't remotely the only person I've heard having problems with such, however), at least, but when I compared to effort to return, it was much worse than other sites even without the issues effectively making the site an even worse return ).

10 months ago*

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Woww, thanks a lot for all the info. I will search about sites like TremorGames. And from what i see in your comments and others i prefer not waste my time with gamehag.

10 months ago

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I think you are better off picking up one restaurant server shift a week and buying whatever you want with that.

Or maybe just mow a yard or shovel some snow.

10 months ago

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I do see that it is a waste of time to be on those pages but at least I wanted to see if someone had found it useful. Thanks for your opinion!

10 months ago

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Gamehag was ok before, get 4 Games with only daily connexion and some ads before (was 2-3 years ago), get Psychonauts, Guns of Icarus and 2 keys for Shiness : The Lightning Kingdom, all worked well.

Have enought point for get a 5th Game, Kona, but the reward is out of stock since more than 1 year now ... Not recommended anymore because all good and cheap reward (can be get in around 3 month of only daily connexion), are out of stock.

10 months ago

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What a pity I didn't find it when it was good, but thank you for your advice, I basically won't be using it. I hope a site similar to TremorGames comes out; I didn't use it or know about it, but from what everyone says, it was very good.

10 months ago

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The Only think i can recommended from Gamehag, is that old account that have get 500 Souls Gems or more (3 month of daily connexion in general), can get 2 free games with codes send of the forum (Code can be found In Community / Articles / Redeem Promo Codes and don't miss free rewards!)

On my side get Deployment + We Are The Dwarves (We Are The Dwarves worked well, Deployment not tested yet).

10 months ago

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Thank you for the advice!!

10 months ago

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Better time spent on alienware arena to grind points for freeies and future games, or hitsquadgodfather on twitch.

10 months ago

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Thank you for your advice, I use Alienware and I also like it because I get to know games that I wouldn't otherwise be aware of. For example, The Finals and Warframe, I knew them by name, but after installing them, I really liked both a lot. I wasn't familiar with Hitsquadfodfather, I'll check it out.

10 months ago

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Yeah, there are some decent things you can get there if you're into the games being promoted.

Right now i'm just trying to level up, as i keep missing out on giveaways for games at level 3 that i want.

10 months ago

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Hitsquadgodfather is an epic scam. I collected points there for over two years, and suddenly the owner said that "too many bots are taking away prizes" and blocked collection of prizes, adding blackmail in the form of purchasing a subscription on Twitch to collect the prize. Also: he said that users have "too many points and don't spend them" so he increased the prices of prizes by 100-200%, causing our collected points to lose their value.

10 months ago*

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Scam seems over the top, but i get why you were annoyed by that action...

I've started collecting points in their channel, and once you get a bit more than 10k clams there are some decent games you can buy.

Already got several ok games for free from them, for doing a dozen of those join, follow, wishlist requirements. Which i often than just remove afterwards.

10 months ago

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I had over 2 million points there collecting for better games (90% of the prizes are bundled games) when he imposed a block in the form of forcing the purchase of a subscription.
I'm not saying it's 100% bad, but you don't do something like that.
When I suggested that he can confirm rewards himself, he became furious and blocked me.

10 months ago*

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I used site in past before it got worse and managed to grind points for Layers of fear and Shadow of Mordor base game in their store. But than I decided I value my time better, also they started to decrease points to people who were collecting points just for login.

10 months ago

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What a pity all that I'm being told about this page, they should stop operating sites like this, because unfortunately many users spend a lot of time and in the end it is not rewarded. Thank you for giving me your point of view. I value every comment that was made to me.

10 months ago

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Before it was possible to not even spend time on, just use their profile picture and login. Then they started get rid of people who haven't done tasks from site etc to actively farm. But keys I got from them worked at least.

10 months ago

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Closed 3 months ago by Xeton99.