What's your take on this bundle?
Thanks for posting this. Looks like a good block of games. A decent bundle and for a very good cause.
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Prob gonna get this just for the big names as I don't have any of them. I need to check the charities though to see which ones I should maybe leave out of the split. You can still choose 1 to donate all to or split it other ways through the custom slider menu.
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I can imagine the conversation they had in the Humble office.
Ok, what do we put in this bundle?
There seems to be a tiny glitch. It says "Pay €30.58 Or More" in the description and you can set a price manually to match that and proceed, but the checkout screen will not acknowledge that. The minimum price is as listed.
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The polls aim to cover all ranges of people, so that everyone can have a chance at expressing their opinions in an anonymous way.
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I don't know what the other guy said. But I have always thought it's amazing how you can in seconds combine in the poll all possibilities.
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Note that if anyone has a problem with one (or more) of the charities, for some reason that I can't think of (no need to reply why), they can always use the Adjust Donation option to direct that portion of the funds to the other charities instead.
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Good bundle if you didn't sign Humble Monthly for the past ~year (so many repeats from there), and/or if your Steam account is new (most "big name" games in there that haven't been in a bundle recently have been heavily discounted, so if your Steam account isn't new and you wanted them, you probably already have them).
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I got this (ME/AFR) for back4blood https://steamdb.info/sub/638758/history/
update: dumping the token now.
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IRC charity site:
Your gift allows us to deliver comprehensive help to people affected by humanitarian crises and will be used where and when most needed. And, when combined with those of other donors, your gift becomes a powerful means to support our vital work, including education, health care, emergency support and job training for families in crisis worldwide.
Can't link where quote comes from due to SG Rules but here's the main site: https://help.rescue.org/
Medical Corp:
Help International Medical Corps relieve suffering of those affected by natural disaster, disease and conflict, such as the current war in Ukraine. Your generous gift today will help deliver vital healthcare services and training. Together, we can help devastated populations recover and return to self-reliance.
Press the donate button to see: https://internationalmedicalcorps.org/
Direct Relief:
Seems trustworthy but can't find anything about where the money itself goes. https://www.directrelief.org/
EDIT: again this is just from their sites donate page so idk if humble has a different deal. Also, pls tell me if linking the charity itself is allowed as I'm not linking donation pages.
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Direct Relief looks like a very good charity. Rock solid, almost all money goes to the actual causes:
International Medical Corps have some issues with liquidity and growth but give most of their money to their causes:
The same thing with International Rescue Committee. They give most of their money to their causes, liquidity is an issue, and growth isn't as high as it should be but it's better off than the IMC on those counts:
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Yes, not saying any are bad, it's more about if someone wants their money to only go towards Ukraine. Just wanted to share where the non-Ukrainian charities' money went to.
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I didn't think you were saying that. Was just including some more links for people to look at. I couldn't find Razom on Charity Navigator but it looks like a solid charity.
The more I look at Direct Relief, the more I like them. They have already dropped off more than 30 tons of medical and other stuff in the Ukraine.
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Looks like they added The USB Stick Found in the Grass to the bundle.
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Gamedev.tv sealed it for me here. I've bought their Blender and Unity RPG bundles and they're really damn good for learning in a structured environment, sadly though I don't have their introductory courses. If you're even slightly interested in learning game development, just go and redeem the Unity 3D course.
Then there's the games, just holy crap. I'll have to look through it more thoroughly to see what I want to redeem, the rest goes to my Poop Container project.
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Thank you!
Any idea what the Metro Exodus sub is, or what other items are included (OST / Artbook / Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition - there are various subs that mix these).
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Metro Exodus
i got https://steamdb.info/sub/330256/ - Status: OK/NoDetail | Einzelheiten: [330256, Metro Exodus (WW)]
from austria
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Stand With Ukraine Bundle
1 Tier, 86 Steam keys + many other items
18 Mar 2022 - 25 Mar 2022
Russia, Belarus cannot purchase this bundle
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Back 4 Blood
Metro Exodus (gift link notification)
PGA Tour 2K21 (gift link notification)
Kerbal Space Program (gift link notification)
WARSAW (gift link notification)
Book of Demons (gift link notification)
Shing! (gift link notification)
{sub/434293}does not receive the game, nor any replacement (confirmed)Soulblight
Lust for Darkness
ΔV: Rings of Saturn
Tooth and Tail
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Orbital Racer
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Everyone receives ROW keys, but a few days ago the publishers decided to not allow redemption in Russia and/or Belarus any more:
Older keys will also not be redeemable any more for Russia and/or Belarus.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
We are alright
🔑 Full list of subs
⭐NEW 24 Mar 2022: Ryse: Son of Rome added
Several games are TEMPORARILY out of stock. These change on a daily basis and depend on the region of purchase.
Amnesia: Rebirth is a separate key from the above.
40 USD | 36.39 EUR
🔑 = key redeemable on other platforms (non-Steam)
📚 = e-book
🎶 = music album
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games
🔞 - Adult-content / requires age check
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RaChart™ Enhancer SG Thread (web.archive.org)
Thanks to luckz for the poll.
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