Hi everyone, sorry to bother you but i'm here to announce that i opened my Steam Group and my Twitch Channel, a place to talk, play and share my giveaway of Steamgifts. I know that maybe it may not matter or even if this isn't against the discussion rules...if so i can remove this.
Anyway i'd appreciate if you wanted to join me in this "adventure" and help to create a bigger community for everyone.
They will be content and live mainly in italian but you are all accepted for giveaways.
Thanks in advance for your time and have a nice day.

Ciao a tutti, mi dispiace disturbarvi, ma sono qui per annunciare che ho aperto il mio Steam Group e il mio canale Twitch, un posto dove parlare, giocare e condividere i miei giveaway di Steamgifts. So che forse potrebbe non avere importanza o anche se questo non è contro le regole della discussione ... in tal caso posso rimuoverlo.
Comunque ti sarei grato se tu volessi unirti a me in questa "avventura" e contribuire a creare una comunità più grande per tutti.
Saranno contenuti e live principalmente in italiano ma siete tutti accettati per i giveaway.
Grazie in anticipo per il tuo tempo e buona giornata.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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It's not directly against the rules, but recruiting to your Twitch channel should be posted to the "User Projects" category. This category is strictly for group recruitment for giveaways on SG.

4 years ago

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Perfect, thanks for the info, I changed the subject.

4 years ago

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good luck

4 years ago

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Thank you very much mate

4 years ago

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You can't promote your Steam group in User Projects. If you want to post giveaways in this category it will need to be a private giveaway.

You can write on your twitch that you have giveaway group, but not here. At the same time if you decide to make proper Group Recruitment thread - you will not be allowed to post there information about your social media.

User Projects should not be mixed in content with Group Recruitment.

4 years ago

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So i need to make 2 thread? 1 here for twitch and 1 in Group Recruitment for the steam group?
And why some other thread here can promote their steamgroup?

4 years ago

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That would be best. Just make sure to describe your project etc. Don't just post link and write "check it out!". Same for the Group Recruitment.

4 years ago

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Ok perfect, thanks for the info. I close this one and create 2 different thread

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by AtroX369.