I heard that you can have multiple games open and still get your trading card drops for all the games, so umm, I sorta just.... did this....

UPDATE: After about 20 minutes of idling I have already gotten four drops from a random handful of the games I'm idling. I don't know if there's a drop ratereduction, but if there is, it can't be too bad.

UPDATE 2: It's been another 30 minutes and I haven't gotten a single additional drop after the first four. I think I hit a glass ceiling...

1 decade ago*

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I just use the valve trick to avoid downloading games. People have said the rate drops too much with SAM.

1 decade ago

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What is this 'Valve trick'?

1 decade ago

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Just ask Valve to get the cards instantaneously, easy & simple.

1 decade ago

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Is that working?

Would save me alot of time .. :P

1 decade ago

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You change appid. Single game on SAM is easier though.

1 decade ago

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Did't know that you can multiple drops at the same time and this tool also works with card drops. SAM I AM COMING FOR YOU!

1 decade ago

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You will get banned 4ever.

1 decade ago

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About your updates: Don't worry. Card dropping takes time. Just be patient.

And well...it's really just idling. Not worse than what some others too. It just comes with additional advantages. You don't need to download the game if you don't have enough HDD at the moment, plus it's a lot friendlier to your system as you don't actually have to run it.

SAM might be a tool used for cheating, but hey the day I can disable those stupid achievements I'm happy to stop using that tool.

1 decade ago

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You can actually get achievements with that thing? That sucks so much :/ I wish Valve somehow disabled the use of this software...

1 decade ago

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Why? Achievements are cosmetic.

1 decade ago

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Achievements are exactly what it says: achievements. You have to achieve them, earn them, it's some sort of a trophy. Some people don't even like them. I do. I think it's cool to have game maxed out in achievements. It's discouraging to think that what you did in 30 hours they can do in one minute.

1 decade ago

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Maybe for some people, but some like to hunt them because they like the challenge, others just to collect as many as they can. Whatever the reason for getting them is, it's no fun if others get them without doing the work. Gear in Guild Wars 2 is also cosmetic, people still would be angry if someone got the rarest gear without lifting a finger.

1 decade ago

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I like collecting all of them in games I really like and if they are reasonable (sadly, in most games SP and MP achievements are combined and I don't like MP).

I mean, if that's the case I certainly won't stop doing this because I know I did them honestly and without cheating (I sometimes look into guides but that's not cheating IMO, I like to know what I have to do when it comes to certain achievements, I don't have that much time to do everything I can and hope I'll get an achievement) and that's an achievement in itself for me. Besides, you can pretty much tell if someone got achievements by oneself or not by the "get time". You get every achievement at a certain date and hour and if someone got like half of them at the same time then it's obvious this person's cheating.

1 decade ago

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Just like the cards.

1 decade ago

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Except you can get money from those. You can't sell achievements.

1 decade ago

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I agree it sucks but it's not true for all achievements, only those that are client-side. But unfortunately most of them are. And SAM has been around for a long, long time.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I usually keep 3-4 games open at a time, better if they have a launcher (you can idle on i.e. Skyrim or Borderlands 2 launcher and still get the cards)... it kind of hangs sometimes, so you might want to restart the game after a while...

1 decade ago

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Meh, I just have a second game actually open while I play CSGO. Yesterday I had Red Orchestra 2 minimised on its title screen while I happily blasted my way through hoards of terrorist scum.

1 decade ago

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I just opened all my games in their main menu, then minimised them

1 decade ago

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Same here. But I do it one game at a time.

1 decade ago

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How come? I open all the games which I have drops left for, and which are installed xD

1 decade ago

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I don't know. It just seems over the top to get cards from a few games at the same time :)

1 decade ago

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This is the way everyone else is doing too. Enjoy your trading cards.

1 decade ago

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why so many idlers these days

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

1 decade ago

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It's not like Steam can ban you for cheating with the achievements. It's just achievements, who cares? Nobody's stealing money with it. I found this program useful since I hadn't gotten the last achievement in The Walking Dead because the game froze, so now I have the whole set of achievements.

1 decade ago

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well, he isn't using the program for achievements. he's using it to gain the trading cards which can be sold in the market for real money or crafted into items which can also be sold in the market for real money.

1 decade ago

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not for real money. for steam wallet money. It's a little bit different. That, and Valve gets money with every sold card. So Valve has zero vantages on blocking this.

1 decade ago

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... and where does Steam Wallet money come from?

1 decade ago

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and? It's still not "real money". You cannot use it to buy things outside of steam.

Next time you will tell me that EVE online currency is real money too.

1 decade ago

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it doesn't matter if you can't buy anything outside of steam. it's still real currency.

1 decade ago

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It's a exclusive currency for one service only. Its not real money. It's this simple.

Nex time you will tell me that when a shop gives you a 5$ discount coupon they are giving you real money.

1 decade ago

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you know you can actually buy steam wallet gift cards and trade them in real life right? so therefore, you can actually buy things outside of steam. do you know the difference between a coupon and a gift card? the $5 discount coupon is irrelevant, how can you even compare that with this? wow.

1 decade ago

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You cannot convert your current wallet for real money. The gift cards are completely irrelevant until activated because it's not really wallet money until it gets activated and converted.

So nope, no, and nay.You CANNOT buy thing outside of Steam. You are not making any kind of sense. Do tell how can you buy things outside of steam with the money you get on your wallet from selling cards?

From someone accusing me of faulty comparisons, you seem to have some pretty bad of your own.

1 decade ago

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we're not talking about if you can purchase things outside of steam with the cards-selling-steam-wallet, we're talking about can steam wallet money be considered as real currency. true, you can't convert your current wallet for real money but the point is, if you purchased it with real money, it's still considered as real currency because you are still able to purchase items that are being sold "exclusively" to real money.

as for how can you actually purchase things with steam wallet in real life, you can purchase the steam gift cards in real life, they actually give you codes where you can either activate it yourself or trade them. and how about the steam wallet money from selling cards? trading. you can always trade, you just need to get someone who is willing to do so. i, for one, sold my GW2 account to a friend for steam wallet money. he purchased a game of my choice for it.

1 decade ago

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lol +1

1 decade ago

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Have you considered, you know, playing the games? I know, I know, that's practically blasphemy to some, but really, the cards should be the cherry on top of the cake. Eating nothing but cherries is gonna get you tired of them sooner or later, and it's a waste of perfectly good cakes.

1 decade ago

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The problem is the speed they are adding the games at.

1 decade ago

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I just want to use this to idle a single game at a time and get card drops I just tired of downloading all this big games so is there a chance I will get some kind of ban, did anyone encountered some problem with steam achievement manager?

1 decade ago

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There is the theoretical possibility of a ban, but to the best of my knowledge it has never happened. From my fairly anecdotal understanding of things, Steam is very nice about not banning people very much.

1 decade ago

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the drop rate is much slower when you have multiple games open at the same time. a valve employee posted that somewhere on the forum.
i don#t really think it matters if you have all the games open, or if you are using sam to do it. it doesn't give you an advantage over opening them one after another (except that you can go afk for a long while).

didn't read the entire thread, sry if someone already posted that.

1 decade ago

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The advantage in my mind was not faster drops, but peace of mind. If that setup had worked out, then I wouldn't have had to worry any more about always having a game open. It seemed like it would be easier to open all the games at once and never give it a second thought, as opposed to having to switch games every few hours. I dunno I'm lazy :P

1 decade ago

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Or you could actually play your games. Shocking I know.

1 decade ago

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Playing video games? That's a thing I can do? I thought they were only for show!

1 decade ago

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i think SAM it's the problem. i have tried to keep it open just for a single game but i only got one card drop in the first 30mins and after another hour of not receiving nothing i've closed SAM and opened the game and i got a card drop every 30mins.

1 decade ago

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No, it's like that even if you run the games normally now. I ran 4 games at once, completely normally, minimising them, and got a drop for each one after about half an hour. Then I didn't get anything for 2 hours. I found out that if you maximised a game, clicked around the main menu a bit, then minimised it, you would get your drop soon after. Once you get your drop, remaximise the game, and click around the menu again

1 decade ago

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Sorry about that. D:

1 decade ago

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Systems were made to be cheated, rules were made to be broken.

1 decade ago

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No they were not. The fallacious nature of that should be quite obvious. Who would design something with the intent of it being broken?

If you are going cheat, have the backbone to do so because you choose to, not because you think you can manufacture some justification for it.

1 decade ago

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I honestly didn't read OP's post. But I do honestly believe rules were made for people who can't think for themselves. Sure, there are some rules/laws I believe in, but I know those things are wrong on my own. I don't need someone to tell me how to behave, and I refuse to behave a certain way because it's expected of me.

1 decade ago

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Many, if not most, rules are not as intuitive as you'd like to make out.

Which side of the road to drive on, how many free samples you are allowed to take, what percentage of money you have to pay in taxes each year, no trading on the Steam Gifts forum, etc. None of those are obvious things that people would arrive at just from thinking for themselves.

1 decade ago

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you don't need rules for these, just mutual agreements derived from common sense and decency

1 decade ago

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That is quite true.

1 decade ago

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Actually it's not. "Common sense" and "decency" are two highly subjective terms that most people would not agree upon the meaning of, especially if the meaning in these contexts were not spelled out (i.e. by rules). Also, how do you expect to arrive at a mutual agreement with every new driver that gets on the road, or every new shopper that comes into your shop?

1 decade ago

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I am almost positive that every new driver doesn't want to be killed, and every new shopper (AKA children who aren't actually shopping, but learning how to shop by watching experienced shoppers [I can't believe I'm having to type this shit out like this, by the way. I guess we know who's lacking what we consider common sense.]) doesn't think stealing is okay. Otherwise they wouldn't try to hide it when it's done. It's bad, mmkay.

1 decade ago

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Every new driver doesn't want to be killed, but that doesn't mean they would all immediately think that driving on the right-side of the road (or left-side if you're not in the US) is the right way to go. Now, it might seem obvious to do so today, but when driving was just starting out there would have been conflicting opinions, and even some people who would just do whatever felt right in the moment.

Not too much unlike that is how reckless quite a few drivers are today, despite there being rules in place. Plenty of people on the road think they're capable of driving way too fast, and making way too close lane changes. They also often don't feel the need to use signals, or put on their headlights at night or in bad weather. Imagine how much worse these problems would be if there were not rules.

As for thieves, young or old, there are plenty that hide their crimes not because they think they have done anything wrong but rather because they just don't want to get caught. They know they will get a punishment from their parent or from law enforcement and want to avoid it. That doesn't mean they think stealing is wrong, or that they won't do it when they can get away with it.

If you pulled your head out of your ass once in awhile and looked around at the world you might realize that not everyone has the same values as you do nor does everyone subscribe to the same "common sense".

1 decade ago

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Very well said ... The concept that rules were made to be broken is simply asinine.

There are some rules which need or beg to be broken, especially older laws that no longer really apply in the current world we live in but you don't just throw all rules out because not every one of them are perfect, you work towards having new laws passed and bettering the system.

Without rules (laws), crime would increase exponentially and going into public would be a nightmare, especially with everyone this day and age seeming to have this attitude that the world is theirs and owes them and who cares about anyone else. The corruption we see in business would be out of control, government wouldn't exist as taxes would be optional, no more social services, no more federal disaster assistance, nobody to repair the roads, keep the red lights working and on and on. Things that you take for granted like the garbage service would cost you many times what it does now, same with water and sewer and power as they would be private entities who are free to monopolize and charge whatever they want. Fire, Medical would now be fully volunteer based and without any guaranteed funding which would take us back to fire companies refusing to put your fire out if you can't pay.

I won't even get into the amount of stupidity it takes to try and insinuate that driving would be safer without rules, the results of a wrong way driver on the freeway should make it clear how inadvisable such a thing might be.

Chaos != Freedom.

1 decade ago

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I LOVE YOU ALL , especialy GABEN

1 decade ago

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Why cheat? if you like the games you will end up getting the cards anyway, it doesn't take much time to get all the drops.

1 decade ago

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Enjoy SAM, beware the possible (but unlikely) VAC BAN.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Also sounds fun

1 decade ago

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well i got a new idea :D
got bored and decided this idea needs to much effort.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by oxguy3.