I really like this community and I think I'll be staying around for a while. I thought I would say hello.

if I screw up please semi-politely explain and I will correct my behavior. I appreciate your time, if you take the time to educate me, I'll thank you.

I like Rogue type games, Strategy, and Team FPSs. I beat Rogue for BSD in the 1980s, I beat Moria and Angband in the 90s. No savescumming because I didn't know what that was at the time lol. I like games where I can stop and think, slower paced FPS, or a team FPS where I can play a support role and enable the younger people with better reflexes do the fast twitchy parts my old hands and brain can't do anymore. (It will happen to you! Get those frags while you can!)

Favorite of all time? Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead (CDDA) Play for FREE here It is open source and still in very active development. Second favorite is Team Fortress 2. When I was somewhat younger is was a real Force-A-Nature... Also played a LOT of Duke Nukem 3D in the 1990s and also the OG Team Fortress. I play a bit of OverWatch now and then but OverWatch "2" is really in a sad state these days, so I am looking for another squad/team shooter with support roles.

Want to get into roguelikes?

  • Brogue is an approachable starting point that is faithful to the Genre. It's free.
  • A more modern, but still faithful, game is The Ground Gives Way it has some revolutionary ideas that are implemented very well. It's also free.
  • Honorable mention is Dungeons of Dredmorre Which is a Parody of the Rogue Genre but is also a very faithful, if hilariously unbalanced, Rogue game. it's not free, but it is cheap if you look for a deal.

Me? not much to say really. I'm an old Gen-Xer. I'm about taking care of my family, fixing things, carpentry, and playing games.
I am a very patient gamer. I have waited over ten+ years for some games to come down in price. My thinking is that every day I wait, I have better hardware, the mods are better, and the game is more patched I like loud mechanical keyboards, I repair them and other (low voltage) electronics as a side gig. I also do a bit of carpentry, I make all sorts of arcade cabinets (with emulators). I also use vintage tools because they are much cheaper (and usually much better).

And No, I'm not a right-wing crazy. That is my Boomer Dad, I cut him off a long while ago.
My mom was a moon-bat and she raised me right.
๐Ÿด,โœŠ, Trans Rights are human rights, Abolish Slavery, BLM, ACAB, Democratic are centrists they are not "The Left".
I don't plan on getting political here so if that offends you, let's call a truce. I definitely can keep my politics under my hat. But hey if you start it.. I might drop in.

I don't know any of you, but I want all of you to know that you are valid and should experience love.


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Ich kann etwas Deutsch sprechen.

2 months ago*

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Hi, you seem cool! I'm happy you're here.

I love Dungeons of Dredmor, and highly recommend it to those who enjoy Roguelikes and fun indie games. It's more than worth its asking price. DoD is one of those games which I happily come back to, and it still holds up incredibly well. Plus it can be modded via Steam Workshop.

2 months ago

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I wish more of the mods from the OG forum were available. They had some quality of life fixes that I miss.

2 months ago

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Ah a fellow tf2 enjoyer!!
Demo-spy-pyro main here.

I could never get into rogues even tough i wanted- the older ones i could never get past the ascii, but also the brutality of die repeatedly gets to me (even tough i like many rogue-Lites). But i feel like i should- im an older milenial oldschool ttrpg player, love old dungeoncrawls, also text adventures... i dont get why rogues dont click with me. Maybe the lack of a party? Or not much tactics de facto in combat... probably. Im a huge turn based games fan, tactical ones above all... i guess rogues are the only turn based im put off, perhaps the 1 step a time also a thing

Btw being such a big rogue fan have you ever tried your hand with pnp rpgs? D&D etc? I have a feeling you would dig oldschool rpgs or the current gen OSR (oldschool renaissance)

2 months ago

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Hey, if you don't like something. You don't have to do it. it's all good.

Yea, I have played OD&D, AD&D, AD&D second edition, 3rd ed, and fourth ed. Lots of Cyberpunk and Shadowrun as a teenager. Several dozen others.

I'm a Storyteller (DM, Ref, Whatever) My go-to serious system is Fate Condensed.

I am also one of those insane people that still run Paranoia games (The Computer is your friend. The rules system I use is above your clearance level citizen.)

If it's just a game to have some fun and tell a good story, I'll run Powered by the Apocalypse games like (Dungeon World, Apocalypse World, Masks, ect).

If I have no prep time and just want some fun I run "Everyone is John" or "D02: Know no limit". Anyone can play those with zero prep.

2 months ago

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Nice, i dig fate a lot too. My main once in a blue moon table (longtime friends just hard to schedule sessions) i run with my personal pet homebrew system wich took a lot of inspiration from Fate.

I wish i couldve played Paranoia, for a long time it didnt had any version in my native language so i missed the boat. But maybe i will pressure some friends into playing

2 months ago

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I am at the point where I can do just about any settings with fate. You name it really.
I also just straight up stole the idea of "Fronts" from Dungeon World. I call it "Story Aspects" for thematic reasons. But I make them Player knowledge. The players can make it their objective to add one.

I do still break out Dungeon World now and then for new or casual players. It has more structure.

2 months ago

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Not a roguelike game, a Rogue TYPE game! Never heard anyone say a Rogue type game before, sounds unusual to even say it. I'm a big fan of Streets of Rogue and all the sort.

Greetings Dave!

From what I've read from your post, you like strategy and FPS games. If you have good enough hardware you could give Ready or Not a look. It is supposed to be a horror tactical first person shooter experience, that aims for realism in gameplay as well as graphics. I've been playing it with a few buddies and it is gruesome, the intensity of the quiet but deafening ambience fills your ears with silence while the footsteps upstairs dampen your mind, not ready for what horrors you might face next. The game trailers don't do the game justice, so I would highly suggest watching a few gameplay videos. I recommend this one here.

Additionally, forgot to add that it is a multiplayer experience and that there is team strategy involved.

Glad to have you aboard.

2 months ago*

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Hail UnbakedBacon, well met.

I used to say Roguelike. But since the Berlin Interpretation it's a spectrum that applies to a wide variety of things (which I'm not against!). But when referring to games that adhere more strictly to the Berlin Interpretation, Rogue type is a good compromise for me. Don't get me wrong. There are many roguelike and rogue-light games that I love. It's just that the term has become almost meaningless.

My spouse and I play a lot of streets of rogue. I was a very early supporter of that game. It fits into an arcade cabinet pretty good.

2 months ago

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I am very excited for the next release of Streets of Rogue, the sequel. I personally don't enjoy the dungeon crawler aesthetic of the current Streets of Rogue, but I find people enjoy it more than the new look. Perhaps you can't really call the next game a rogue type since the game removes the dungeon aspect of the game entirely--almost, they still plan on adding caves and such to still have that dungeon crawler feel but not quite. I suppose rogue type is a more accurate description for games like such, a true roguelike is something that represents the original Rogue game, with the Berlin Interpretation I wouldn't even call Streets of Rogue a true true roguelike, even though it has Rogue in its name, more of a Rogue type roguelike game. I think I will be using this term in the future, since roguelike is truly supposed to be reserved for those ASCII dungeon crawling roguelikes, although nowadays everything is a roguelike from Hades to Binding of Isaac.

I'm glad you enjoy the game, I love to play it with my brother and it's just so much fun to step out of your comfort zone and try to get the different character's super special abilities. We also just recently bought the character pack for each other and we will plan to achieve 100% game completion, not in terms of achievements but getting all the super specials.

If you took the time to take a look at Ready or Not, what were your first impressions? The game really isn't for the faint of heart since it goes over some pretty nasty and real problems in modern society. It is sometimes bone chillingly real. I personally try to not take it too seriously as to not get sucked into the negatives of this game (and the world) and appreciate the good still left in this world, although there is barely any.

For the faith in humanity, cheers!

2 months ago

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I'm sure it's a fine game, and I don't judge others that might play it. If it's fun for you, play it!

I did look at it. Frankly, I don't like cops so I don't play cop games. Also, the core ideas of a Horror Shooter doesn't appeal to me.

2 months ago

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I love it, almost like Payday but reversed. I played it with a friend and it's an unrivaled experience, something Payday or GTA Online didn't offer. Well they aren't really cop games, more like crime games than anything. The horror aspect especially. The horror isn't something as horrific as something like Outlast but something a little more subtle, just to unnerve you. Of course there is real danger since you can get shot which isn't the most pleasant experience.

I got stranded in a mission once, my entire squadron dead. I felt small, it was definitely a little frightening to go around the compound all alone, knowing danger might strike. The thrill is so different to other games. This might even become my new main game/obsession.

I wonder if there are any other games like this that require very on point team communication, especially in the shooter genre. I really enjoy this type of gameplay.

2 months ago

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Awesome to see another old-schooler here!
Rogue games (Remember building Rogue or Hack on my SGI in the early 90s) that evolved to Roguelike and Roguelite
(Now with less time better to get in and out).
Read the thread and the comments and found some new things to look into (Just recently got into DCSS)
so decided to drop a message to greet you (Don't partake in too many threads here).

Oh and the mention of "Paranoia" threw so many old memories for old school stuff :)

2 months ago*

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"Old memories"? Citizen Druminy-R-Stg, have you had those memories scanned for treasonous or communist content? I think it best if you report to the nearest interrogation booth and confess.

Remember, The Computer loves you.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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You might find this entertaining. I used to occasionally hand out foreign language forms to my strictly English speaking players. Hijinks ensued.

View attached image.
2 months ago

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nice trick... We used similar antics in our AD&D 2nd Ed games at the end of high school (The DM knew some French)

2 months ago

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While most of what you said about gaming went over my ignorant little head. Patient gaming is something I can definitely relate to, and you made some very valid points about it.

Hope you have a nice time here, Welcome :)

PS u can join Unlucky 7 to get to 7 or 8 wins faster. Its a fun opportunity for newbies!

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Wow CDDA looks awesome, big sucker for open-source cross-platform games. Installed it, it looks awesome. I wish I had time to dive in.

2 months ago

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I'm glad. Make sure have the Stable. The experimental version is only for testing.
It has very active development also. First project I ever contributed to.

2 months ago

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Angband. Now there's a game title I haven't heard of in ages!

Also... greetings and salutations. ๐Ÿ‘‹

2 months ago

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Hail ScourgeTM well met!

It's the first thing I played when I built my PC! Lots of fun. Really enjoyed The "Zangband" fork.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Hi Dave,

thank you for that post - it made me remember all the good old times with my Commodore playing turn-based rogue likes. So much fun, even though I didn't grasp all the depth that was involved back then due to age and language barrier. But I really loved playing them all.
In fact, I was looking for a couple of them some time ago to satisfy my nostalgia, but couldn't find the ones I was looking for. Will have to start that little project up again. :P

Thank you for your recommendations, they all look great. And it reminded me that I wanted to pick up Dungeons of Dredmor again. It was really funny and entertaining, and I still remember the first time I cleared a Monster Zoo. ๐Ÿคช

Glad to have you with us. ๐Ÿ˜Š

2 months ago

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