Isometric RPG time (will be my uncreatively named Custom theme). This month I'm planning to beat Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition and Tyranny.
Update: Completed both!
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After finishing Borderlands 2, I guess it's time for me to play the oldest win that remains yet to be played.
Game | Challenge Type | Ach. (Before // Now) | Status |
Tales from the Borderlands | Oldest / Wishlist | 00 of 35 // 35 of 35 | Completed |
Plague Inc: Evolved | Number of days in a month | 158 of 199 // 184 of 199 | 26 of 30 |
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor | Long win / Untouched | 00 of 74 // 52 of 74 | Beaten |
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I got a bunch of achievements this month so I can go with 10. - Number of days in a month:
Game | Achievements | Status |
Business-hooiznes | 25 of 25 | Completed |
Trivia Vault: Video Game Trivia Deluxe | 5000 of 5000 | Completed |
The Norwood Suite | 17 of 17 | Completed |
My Coloring Book: Professions | 40 of 40 | Completed |
Crankies Workshop: Bozzbot Assembly | 5000 of 5000 | Completed |
Math Problem Challenge | 5000 of 5000 | Completed |
Math Speed Challenge | 5000 of 5000 | Completed |
Viki Spotter: The Farm | 298 of 298 | Completed |
Total Achievements: | 20380 / 30 | Done |
I will edit it properly some day when I have time.
January - 2. Most recent wins
February - 12. Random wins
March - 13. Custom theme - VNs
April - 3. Shortest wins
May - 8. Wins idled for cards
June - 9. Wishlisted wins
July - 1. Oldest wins
August 5. Untouched wins
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both pc and me survived august heat, so here I am again! :D
it could still use some maintenance though.. me too.... >_>
Game | Link | Challenge | Status |
OKAMI HD | Achievements - 34/51 - Screenshots | 9 | playing.. (don't think I'll be able to finish in time, should've started earlier.. :S) |
maybe | soon™ | --- | --- |
Total: 34/51 |
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My custom theme is "Unfinished and Oldest Wins." It's exactly the same as the "Oldest Wins" theme, but it also counts games that fall under "Unfinished Wins." That way, I can count more than just Cthulhu Saves the World (which I'm in the middle of playing).
P.S. Cthulhu Saves the World has a really weird aspect ratio (though you'd only notice if you take a screenshot since the game automatically stretches to full screen).
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Next, I'm going to play SteamWorld Heist:
Here's a screenshot showing that I beat Cthulhu Saves the World:
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Game | challenges | Achievements | Status |
Chicken Invaders 2 | Short wins | achievements | Complete(100%) |
Story Of the Survivor | Short wins | achievements | Complete(100%) |
A Hand in the Darkness | Most recent wins | achievements | Complete(100%) |
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I think it's time to play Munin, a game I've avoided because of low completion rates (I played up to the end of the first chapter prior to getting the first achievement). I even gave away a copy of it in my karma train. No particular theme. Playtime will be sporadic as it will be my game to play when I have 30-60 minutes free; I might not finish it this month. My "dedicated" game when I have more than an hour available to play will be Life Is Strange (the first one) which was not an SG win.
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I won a game this month! So I've added that to the list.
Game | Achievements | Playtime | Status |
Modern Tales: Age of Invention | 24/24 | 5.6h | Completed |
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Unfinished wins - So far I have 2/32 achievements in Hammerwatch, not sure I'll go for 100% but definitely want to beat this one
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Well, I wasn't able to complete Frogotton Anne last month due to getting ridiculously sick, so I guess that qualifies it for Unfinished Wins for this month. :)
Game | Achievements | Status |
Forgotton Anne | 22/33 | Beaten |
Now doing a second playthrough to see some alternate stuff.
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More untouched wins for this month...
Game | Achievements | Status |
Epistory - Typing Chronicles | 47/55 | Beaten |
The LEGO Movie - Videogame | 44/48 | Beaten |
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Not sure what I'll end up playing, but I finally started OneShot, which was a gift from a SG Secret Santa here. :) I've been meaning to play it since I received it back in December. Really enjoyed it (especially the "true ending")! Made me tear up, a beautiful game.
7. Neglected Wins
Game | Achievements | Status |
OneShot | 9/11 | Beaten |
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Wins beaten this year (so far): 22
Total wins beaten: 83/105
Didn't participate during the summer due to lack of time and playing other games from my backlog.
September looked like another skip for me but a recent win from the community train and this weekend allowed me to beat another win.
Game | Challenge type | Achievements | Screenshot | Status |
The Metronomicon: Slay The Dance Floor | Recent win | Achievements | Screenshot | Beaten |
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Thanks! ^^ I prefer focusing on my SG winnings, so I'll play Remember Me some more this month. :)
Game | Playtime | Achievements | Screenshots | Status |
Remember Me | 3.0 hours | 1/50 | 1 | - |
Update: given this month I've started working again, I didn't get to playing this game more. Will move it to next month!
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right now i'm playing kings bounty: armored Princess. but what game should i play next?
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I challenge you to play one of your untouched winnings: Call of Duty: Ghosts. I've enjoyed the campaign/story mode myself (and finished it in veteran :3). If you like to try out the Multiplayer mode, which has achievements for Extinction mode, I'd be happy to join you sometime (since matchmaking can be difficult as the game player base got small).
Other alternatives: Bioshock Infinite or Toby: The Secret Mine.
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as King's Bounty: Armored Princess took me longer then i thought, i choosed Toby: The Secret Mine to start with. just wanted to let you know toby is completed at 100% now (was just a small game). will probably play bioshock at next^^
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bioshock infinite finished - hurray
played on easy difficulty as i´m pretty bad in fps^^ hope to complete the cod campaign this month as well xD
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at the beginning i thought toby: the secret of mine would be just a cheap remake of limbo but at the end i liked it. bioshock was amazing. i´m not that fps gamer but the story is amazing
cod was nice as well, i liked the ending (not the typical "american are the coolest and always wins^^" and had also very different missions (tank, space, under water,...) so it was pretty cool
so yes, i managed to complete all games xD was pretty fun. so thank you very much
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Hello, Its my first time that i post in these challenges so i hope that i will do it right!
I choose the challenge 2 : Most recent wins. This month i am gonna play BioShock Remastered
Edit : <<<
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Gonna try again. Been busy with shelter work last month :<
Carrie's Order Up. 4/30.
Bear with Me - Collector's Edition. Started.
Gunman Taco Truck. Achievements Glitched.
Tiny Echo.
Finish up Pillars of the Earth.
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so i did it i played my black swan win. while i am thankful for it it was a broken mess. somehow i finished it with its broken gameplay and multiple crashes. it literally crashed with less then a minute to the end and the end was just lackluster by the time i finally fixed it. but again very grateful for it just SO MANY CRASHES!
i didnt bother going for a challange since its neither my latest or 1st wins. but i said ill try to play at least 1 so here it is. i got enough stuff to do for blaeo already
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Game | SteamGifts/Backlog | Achievements/Screenshot | Status |
Sniper Elite 4 | SteamGifts | Achievements | finished |
Gunlock | SteamGifts | Achievements | finished |
Hidden Folks | SteamGifts | Achievements | finished |
STAR WARS Republic Commando | SteamGifts | Screenshot | finished |
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I can't do this for some games I've won. I only enter giveaways on my wishlist for a while but it was not like that before. I used to enter giveaways due to the game's popularity too but later I realized that game is just not for my taste. So I keep playing other wins but not these games. There are a lot of games like that even in my library. I can't finish them if I can't get into it.
Conclusion, could you make me a special challenge in these conditions maybe?
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Can try that actually.
I made a list out of my wins and it's like this:
Total wins: 41
Finished: 17
Played but not gonna finish: 15
Started to play but didn't finish: 8 (1 of them is too old for modern systems though)
So I have 7 choices for now. I think I can finish at least one of them (One month is too short for others). :)
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Untouched/recent wins - going to see what From the sky is actually like
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This sounds like a fun thing to do. If I ever get my comp back up and running, I think I'll try some of these. I assume there's no prizes involved? It's just a fun personal challenge?
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