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Alright, I see. Any game that's ever been in a bundle doesn't count after 25 bucks or something along that lines regardless of if I bought the game at full price before it was bundled. What a crock of crap, makes me not want to do any giveaways on here actually. Kind of no point in working with developers and publishers for this site that I have lined up for the Xmas run. Yea I'm giving them away to raise awareness of the games and help them out but intentionally gimping my contribution efforts because a game was in a bundle at some point in time for some short period of time is just asinine. and other sites do exist. I'll just limit the amount of games I giveaway on here to a very small number, meh.
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I don't have to give anything away. I don't care for the snobbish attitude of a majority of you leaches on here to be honest. You act like people have to give games away, no, we don't. Believe it or not games that have been in bundles still have value. I know because I've traded for them and have traded some myself. You ungrateful worms act like you're entitled to a game because it's been in a bundle, good luck with that.
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You care so much about CV....getting upset you don´t get the CV you think you deserve, maybe this place simply does not meet your special philosophy of giving....
Believe it or not, here are people giving away bundled games, and they know it does not raise their cv, but they have fun to give those games.
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...also will point out I can do other things to inflate the value of game I give away if I really wanted to or cared, like buy games with 90% off coupons. Or, buy games on steam seasonal sales, yet still get 100% value for the game while paying less than the cost of a bundle. :) Stupid system is stupid.
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Uh, where do you think most of the non-bundle games come from at this time of year? Fail troll is failing...
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You sure do fail at trolling. You missed the point completely. They're getting full value on here for games that cost around what a bundle costs or less. So they need to also reduce the value of all games that have been on huge discount during steam sales. Why should someone be able to pay 1 dollar for 20 dollar game and get 20 dollars credit on here? No consistency genius.
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Games that get discounted for 95% off the US Steam store price will also be handled as a bundle game.
This has happened to games that were for exaample on sale for 90% on Steam, but the RU store price dropped so low that it was 95% off the US store. That was also the fate of some games that had a price glitch or were heavily discounted on other sites.
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You mean next to 90% of the games. lmao You see my point? I think I'll just giveaway games at places where giving them away is their own reward instead of here where you're treated like you're doing something wrong for freaking giving games away. Y'all have fun here though. Policy was made 2 years ago when bundles weren't popping like that really. Now you're hard pressed to fine a game that hasn't been in a bundle even if it was in the bundle as a full price bonus!
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Pls. Just giveaway them in other sites, nobody is going to change rules for you.
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actually, this rule was introduced 2 years ago, because it was totally forbidden to give away bundle games on this site until this rule was made, please check your facts :P
btw, you can still give away games "as their own reward", you will just not be able to increase your CV above $30 by only giving bundle games, so either you're fine by giving away games "as their own reward" or you want to be additionally rewarded by increasing your CV - but don't make up excuses that don't fit together.
I can assure you that this is a very friendly community most of the time, but there are a few things that will bring some kind of hostility (it's proabbly not the right word in this context, but I'm no native English speaker, so bare with me, please), for example asking questions that have been asked a lot of times and could be found by reading the FAQ or using the forum search (like "Why does my CV not increase?") or suggesting that you bought bundle games at full price.
If you wish to increase your CV, feel free to do as you wrote (using 90% off coupons or other means).
By the way, a new version of Steamgifts is on it's way and the CV system will be changed.
You can have a preview of SG V2 on
Cheers =)
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" I think I'll just giveaway games at places where giving them away is their own reward instead of here where you're treated like you're doing something wrong for freaking giving games away."
The people here who are gifting games are not doing anything wrong, nor are they being treated that way.
The only people who complain about this are the people who want to be rewarded for their generosity, but if you're expecting something in return that's not gifting.
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It's stuck at 30 bucks, anyone know why?
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