I've never played a space sim before and I'm getting very curious about it, so could you recommend me a good space simulator game? To be more specific I'm looking for something that's good for getting into the genre. By that I don't mean I want something simple, I heard that many of these games can get very complex, which is fine, it's part of the charm I suppose. What I'm trying to say is recommend me something that represents the genre very well, let it be about complicated economic system, exploration or space battles, whatever is there to it.

It doesn't have to be on steam and it can be an older game too.

Thanks in advance!

10 years ago*

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If you can find it, this was my favorite a few years ago.

10 years ago

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Been trying to get my hands on this gem for a while. Feeling nostalgic lately.

Also, try this. Bought it but haven't played it. Quite a positive review.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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+100 best game of these genre in last decade

possible candidates:

  • starpoint gemini 2 (havent tested it yet, reviews mixed)

  • star citizen (not released yet)

10 years ago

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+1 my favorite game of my childhood, played it and finished it even without understanding a bit of the story 10+ times

10 years ago

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i can really reccomend X3-Albion Prelude, it's one of the best IMO,
it can get pretty complicated but it's also good to start with since you can decide what you wanna do and how fast you wanna step forward

10 years ago

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I would also recommend one of the X3 titles.

10 years ago

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galaxy on fire 2 HD

10 years ago

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It is fine if you want to play space sim-ish game on your phone/tablet but not a good example of genre.

10 years ago

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also... Battlestar Gallactica

10 years ago

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Other people recommended Freelancer already so I will go with 2 of my favourite space sims(apart from Freelancer):

Darkstar One

Galaxy on Fire 2

Galaxy on Fire is quite generic while in Darkstar One you dont need to buy new ships(in GoF and freelancer you have to).
In Darkstar you have to look for artifacts in order to upgrade your ship.

10 years ago

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loved darkstar one. forgot all about. thanks for reminding me... now just need to wait for sale/bunddle

10 years ago

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I heard Elite: Dangerous was meant to be good...

10 years ago

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How has nobody mentioned the Homeworld series yet?!

10 years ago

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I for one wouldn't call any of the Homeworld games space sim. Outstanding space RTS, absolutely, space sim, don't think so.

BTT: Privateer 2 is still good fun, grab a copy on GOG or elsewhere, if you don't mind the mid-90ish look.

10 years ago

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I would recommend it if it was easy to get. Unfortunately it isn't at the moment. Although the HD remake coming soon shows promise.

10 years ago

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We're trying to get it on gog.com right now, it's probably still my favorite space RTS, especially the mods.


10 years ago

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Remastered. Hope they can find Cataclysm though! Good storyline, underrated imo.

10 years ago

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search star citizen

10 years ago

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Star Citizen! FTL! Fallout 3 DLC!

10 years ago

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FTL is SOOO good, one of my favorite games ever, one of the few 10/10 in my book.

It's just $10, but if you are unsure you can easily pirate it for testing purposes, do a playthrough and then buy it! Believe me, 1 playhtrough is never enough with this game.


10 years ago

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FTL is great, one of my favorite games of recent years. Has that "just one more turn/jump" feel.

10 years ago

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Freespace 2

Lots of mods also upgrade pretty much everything about the game and a fair number of fan made campaigns. Good one is Blue Planet.

Do not get it from Steam since the Steam version does not work. The GOG one does.

10 years ago

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Limit Theory (in development)

10 years ago

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Endless Space!

10 years ago

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Freespace 2, Freelancer, and the upcoming Star Citizen are my suggestions xD

10 years ago

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Thanks for the tips, I'll start with Freelancer then, and after that I'll see.

10 years ago

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You may have trouble finding a copy of that game.

10 years ago

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It's already on my hdd :)

10 years ago

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Good man, get discovery mod if you get the chance.

10 years ago

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Good, Freelancer would've been my suggestion. There are a lot of ship mods too, although I'd suggest waiting to use mods until you either beat the game or give up on it. Having an awesome ship too early would be game-breaking (and probably make it pretty boring).

10 years ago

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Yeah, I never add mods for the first time I play a game. Maybe the HD textures but that's it.

10 years ago

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Escape Velocity Nova is what you're looking for. I'll tell you why.

  • It has a free trial you can play for 30 day's which is freaking awesome and almost entirely unheard of. Outside of unfinished "betas".
  • It has a great economic system that allows you to shape your own future. Whether you would be a trader or a pirate. You could follow any of the 6 storylines the game has to earn money that way as well.
  • Combat is one of the best I've seen in the Space Sim series. Here's a video if your curious. That guy's taking the long approach, but the gameplay is there.
  • As far as exploration goes, the game gives you over a hundred planets to visit, buy supplies to outfit your ship with, buy shipments to trade with other planets to make a profit and to eventually take over if you have the fleet to do so.
  • You're a ship commander and as one you can build a said fleet of almost any ship in the game to be at your disposal.

I love this game. /endsalespitch :D

10 years ago

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I learned something here too, thanks.If I didn't already have several genre titles yet to play I'd give this a shot.

10 years ago

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Lots of good suggestions so far. Here's a breakdown. Most of these you can find on gog.com if not on Steam.

Space Flight Sims:
The Wing Commander series, especially 3 and 4.
X-wing and TIE Fighter, two of the finest examples of the genre.
Freespace 2 has been mentioned, I will just echo the suggestion.
Freelancer has been mentioned, for very good reason.
Privateer 1 and 2.

  • 4X Space Strategy games
    The original Master of Orion 1&2. They're certainly old but when people talk about the classics of space sim games, this is on everyone's lips for good reason. Still some of the deepest gameplay for the genre you will ever find. You can get it free here.
    Galactic Civilizations 2, after getting it on release day years never played any other space 4x games for years until...
    Sins of a Solar Empire came out a couple of years later. Rebellion seems to be the version to get nowadays, I've never tried it since my interest in 4x/space rts isn't what it used to be.
    Sword of the Stars 1. I haven't spent as much time with this game as I would like to, and have spent less time with this game than it deserves. Cracking good entry in the genre, often bundled and often discounted so maybe look for it on the cheap. The sequel was a sad affair, by all accounts:Very buggy on release and still problematic.

  • Other Space RTS, TBS, hybrid strategy games
    Star Wars: Empire at War is probably one of my favorites simply because of the subject matter, the fact that it's easy to get into but still provides a tactical and strategic challenge, and that it holds up well, graphically and mechanically, after several years. There are lots of mods as well to increase the value, including other SF settings such as Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, and Star Wars expanded universe.
    Star Control 1&2, or the free version The Ur-quan Masters.. This ranks up there with Master of Orion as best space game series. Again though, it is old and outdated-looking but the enduring gameplay set the bar very high for similar games to come.

That should be a good list.

10 years ago

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Aquanox 2 ... just pretend it's liquid space :P

10 years ago

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Wingcommander. an oldie, but good.... i'm pretty sure you can get it in some abandonware sites, or gog.com

10 years ago

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If all you're interested in is space simulation, how about Kerbal Space Program?

10 years ago

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This exactly, I can't believe KSP wasn't the first suggestion. You can also mod it to fit your preferences and expand the stuff you can do in it

10 years ago

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Space Engineers.

Played it a few hours and it was fun.

10 years ago

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One of best sims I played: Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos.
Ships do have inertia (and it feels you are flying heavy ship) and thrusters on all 3 axis
Also has pretty good story.

10 years ago

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I would recommend that you start with one of the following:
Freespace series (some of the best games in the genre, and not overly hard to get into either)
Tachyon: The Fringe (Bruce Cambell lends his voice to this excellent space sim)
Wing Commander series (Prophecies is probably the best for beginners, excellent stories and Mark Hamill is in this series)

10 years ago

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First episode(10-20 hours of game play) of Squadron 42(optional singleplayer{and co-op if you want} campaign of Star Citizen) will released for Star Citizen backers this Fall. Its dogfighting module(testbed for flight and vehicular fight mechanics) is released last June and it is quite fun. But SC is not completed yet nonetheless I would recommend backing it before next winter -expected release date for alpha Persistent Universe(aka. alpha of the full game not just its modules.)

Elite: Dangerous released 24 days ago. Its many necessary features isn't in the game yet, they released the game premature- not as severe as X: Rebirth but ED is not a complete game. Its most standing out feature is 400 billion star systems but most non-colonized star systems are buged and almost all of them aren't colonized yet. Do not start with this game to genre, play another space sim first.

X: Rebirth was failure at release, most of us still call it X: Stillbirth. Its economy is better than E: D and we didn't see the SC's economy yet. You can create your own trade empire, build stations etc. but only thing X: R better than older X games is its graphics.

X3: Terran Conflict and its expansion X3: Albion Prelude are good space sims with a bit outdated graphics. I would recommend X3 if you don't want to wait for PU alpha of SC or fixes for ED.

If you don't mind old graphics Freelancer, Starlancer, Privateer/Wing Commander serries and X-wing/Tie Fighter serries are very good games and you can download Elite the first game of the genre from Elite: Dangerous store.

10 years ago

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