implying that someone would like to see him naked on the cam
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You're right, but I was projecting myself there.
Low self-esteem? Maybe.
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HEY. Get your facts straight. The good looking and successful do those thing and they aren't bald either. Us fat, disgusting sweaty guys worship our perfect 2D girls. Unlike you real perverts.
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Would white mayonnaise from my willy wonka do the trick?
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why ;-;
I wish everything was free
its bad enough being born in a poor family
and with social anxiety
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In my country you can only work/get a job when your +18
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Yes but im not even age 18.
and i have more than social anxiety going
im not going to name everything that is wrong with me
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Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. Regardless, this guy just keeps making excuses for everything. His motivation to actually do something for his money is zero. All he wants is to get money without actually doing anything. If people call him out on that, he suddenly has social anxiety, even 'severe'. Oh noes. If you call him out on that, he suddenly has even more than that.
Yeah, seems legit. Someone with social anxiety, especially severe, would never admit it on a forum like this.
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Welcome to my world. Born in a poor family, but these days I'm enrolled at a great university, and come autumn, I'll be an engineer. The trick to doing well is simple, just work hard. Make sure that your grades are good enough to enroll at a good university.
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you can create a paypal account with fake birth date etc
join some PTC site.. look for some reviews before joining any particular PTC site because there are too much scam.
once you join them.. click adds, earn very little money daily.. after sometimes rent referals which would click ads for you in other way it would double your income or even triple... the more refs you got the more money your earn.
then you can cash out to your paypal account and use your money to do whatever you would like to do.
PTC= paid to click
I hope I help...
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I'll add to what Sinful said.
Idle TF2 for drops, make refs, sell refs/trade refs for keys.
Sell keys for money, or be daring, and use the keys to open crates and hope you get something worth a lot of money.
You need TF2 Premium to be able to trade items, if you don't have premium, buy the cheapest item on TF2, don't have 50 cents for the item? Idle some games for it's card drops, sell them card drops so you can buy a TF2 item.
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Gift Wrap is actually 1.69€. I think you mean Giftapult, but that was removed from the Mann Co. Store a while ago.
However, there are still some easy ways to become premium for free. Before you buy an item, check the market and see if you can sell it for a high enough price to get back what you paid for it. Believe me, there are a lot of these items, thanks to the new 7-days trade lock. Search for paints, wrap, new keys etc.
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Problem is, I can't sell anything because i haven't bought a single game on steam out of the 73 games that i have
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I counted and i could get 65 cards if i wanted,but i have no use for cards :/
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You use the card to sell for money.
If you can't sell any games, then buy a game so you can sell. Cheapest game is bad rats/fortix.
They become cheaper, but there is no sale right now. So you'd have to wait.
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I don't have any of these so called visa or paypal cards so i can't buy anything
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Didn't say it was the best way to make money. lol
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TF2 is rather poor source of money this days (if you don't have your own farm).
You need at least 12 refs for key, not sure about current price, but that's what they wanted around Xmas
AFAIK You can get around 9 weapons every week, while you need 18 weapons for one ref.
So, around 24 weeks for one key.
Easier in CSGO I guess - especially now, when you have around 20% chance to drop €1 Chroma Case.
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Then you don't know your law? Unless something changed in last years, 16+ old have full right to get a job (ther are some restrictions on some positions). Younger than 16 can also get work, law allows that and lists requirements to do so. I'm not saying that it will be easy, only that it's allowed, if someone wants to work
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Its winter theres no grass to cut, too young to babysit,nothing to lift,definitely nothing to clean
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if you're too young to babysit (under 14?) then you're too young to need money for anything really anyway. Ask your parents for more pocket money, or if you can do extra chores round the house for a little more cash.
There are -always- cars to wash, and people's houses always need cleaning. It might be pretty horrible work and you'll only get paid a little, but if you're desperate for money then it is a solution.
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I don't really want to ask my parents for money when we borrow money from other families such as cousins and such.
I also have severe social anxiety so i won't ask anyone for work that way
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I don't like attention. Im a person who likes to be alone. but if its on the internet then i don't realy mind/care
i have social anxiety thats why i rarely go outside.
I have no life and i just sit my ass with this 10 year old computer 24/7
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You're a kid, that's not your job. Go to school, play with your friends, make the most of what you've got.
You're not going to make enough money to make any significant difference to your family, especially with all the things you're not willing to do. And you mentioned above that you wanted to make steam wallet money too, lel, which definitely wouldn't help out your family. Just yourself.
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Im home schooled
I have no friends because i have social anxiety and im afraid to approach anyone/i hate people in general
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Theres mostly ice.
After it snows the snow goes away in 1-2 days
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I think im going to close this discussion that i started in the first place.
I can't explain/People don't understand The situation im in so ill just move on to find new people that have the same conditions as me and talk with them.
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Im mentioning it because it is severe. It interferes with my life in every way
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dude, it's a gaming community. At least half the people here will be in exactly the same boat. You're not any different.
Thing is, it's not a genetic problem. It does have solutions (at least partial ones). You can learn to work through it, learn ways to cope, ways to feel scared and yet do it anyway.
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We'll id like to meet these people that are like me ;-;
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I have god in my name so i won't be crushed so easily. bye
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Bullshit, you can always do little side jobs for example mowing the gardens of you neighbors,(in winter you can remove the snow from their drive-way) babysitting, if you are good at something at school you can teach other kids for some cash, there's planty to do. Besides how are are you?
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Im bad. attempted sucide resulting in breaking a bone. im being home schooled. i was born with psychological problems that only showed up now in my teen years. theres mostly ice and the snow melts away. i can't babysit for shit.
Im pretty much a human that can't do anything.
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You cant have genetic psychological problems, and I think that the fact that you'r homeschooled ain't helping, you dont have any contact with other kids which isn't healthy in childhood, beside you don't have accest to teachers and school shrinks, how do you expect to make thing better if you aren't trying to improve? And I dont even start about that sucide stuff at your age...
Comment has been collapsed. pays bitcoins (very few bitcoins, like you might make 5 cents a week) but it pays~
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From what I have seen, assuming that you are not going to start your own business. There is taking your cloths off in a cam show or playing games in a cam show. Number two is pretty much a tiny elite who makes more than they spend. It is far far easier to make money in teh real world doing any number of easy kid jobs than to do so online.
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Here's a serious response, hopefully it helps.
I'm under 18 as well, and I briefly used this site for a month or so to make a bit of money to buy some games I wanted:
It's run by Amazon, so it's just about as safe as you can get with an online workplace. Basically what you do is accept "HITs" that users put up, and once you complete the "HIT" (basically a short job that they assign you), you'll get paid shortly after. The work can be pretty boring, though some of them are more interesting than others. I particularly liked a few psychological studies conducted by some large universities that I participated in, and they paid decently too, about $0.25 for 5-10 minutes of my time. Speaking of that, many of the HITs take just a few minutes to accomplish. Honestly I don't understand why people pay for some of them, but whatever, money is money. It's not much, but if you work diligently you can make at least $5 per hour if you pick the right HITs. Just try not to pick the HITs that are <$0.05. I think I did mostly the $0.10+ ones and I made a decent amount of money to spend on games.
Oh, also they MAY have changed their system to require more documentation. I remember when I joined they didn't ask for anything much really, but after a month or so they changed their policy to require a social security number so I haven't really visited it since then. I'm not sure what you may have to give them depending on where you live, but oh well.
Good luck, hope that helps maybe.
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Check out The fact that you are under 18 might limit your options though.
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Tell that to the banks. They print enough of it out of thin air each day.
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Is there any way to make money online for someone who's below the age of 18? (something that doesn't include a person clicking on your link)
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