Taking sides?
Night in the Woods Steam page is getting review bombed now.
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Rip Alec. A mental patient that probably got accused falsely just for getting press, and ended up dead because of it. It's a real sad story.
Hopefully we all learn from it not to start witchhunts on unverified cases or not to make these kind of accusations on blogs or Twitter but through proper channels where actual validity will be verified.
But I am somehow doubt that.
And also this'll make it harder for abused woman to find validity and justice. There are no winners at all, everyone loses.
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Saying 'mental patient' is misleading, please don't do that, and 'probably got abused' is a big stretch. I get you're pissed off. I mean, me too, but we're all outsiders in Zoe/Alecs past relationship and we can't let ourselves turn into just another salt golem in this whole ordeal.
Everyone gets fired up on these subjects, and the intense backlash and divided opinions feed into why 'known figures' find it hard to speak up. That includes people like Alec. I honestly had hoped that Alec would have given some kind of statement about the whole thing, but after taking his own life I'm left wondering what he might have said if he felt able to speak out to the public in a manner similar to as Zoe did. Once the hateful crowds start their avalanche there is little you can do. Truth takes a distant second place.
The worst part is that the people who applied all this pressure likely thought of themselves as justified, mistaking "believe the victim" for "attack the accused", never once giving consideration to the fact they are just as clueless as anyone else, nor how they are mirroring the actions of the very people who swarmed Zoe back when she first entered the public eye. Then to top it all off, now Alec is gone, the other side is doing the exact same thing, totally oblivious.
I feel you, but c'mon.
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I don't think probably got abused is that much of a stretch, as his own sister said is so in her tweets before going private.
Wiki summary I saw myself in her tweets before her account went private:
According to his sister, who posted to Twitter about his death, Holowka had been "battling mood and personality disorders" through his life but "was a victim of abuse". She explained he had been trying to correct his own disorders in recent years through therapy and medication. She also stated that Holowka "said he wished the best for Zoë and everyone else"
Let her words, and some of the words Alec passed on to her in his final days speak for him.
Here are full tweets below.
Eileen Mary Holowka -
"Those who know me will know that I believe survivors and I have always done everything I can to support survivors, those suffering from mental illnesses, and those with chronic illnesses," she wrote. "Alec was a victim of abuse and he also spent a lifetime battling mood and personality disorders. I will not pretend that he was not also responsible for causing harm, but deep down he was a person who wanted only to offer people care and kindness. It took him awhile to figure out how.
"Over the last few years, with therapy and medication, Alec became a new person—the same person he'd always been but without any of the darkness. He was calm and happy, positive and loving. Obviously, change is a slow process and it wasn't perfect, but he was working towards rehabilitation and a better life. In the last few days, he was supported by many Manitoba crisis services, and I want to thank everyone there for their support."
In a separate tweet, Holowka referenced the accusations against her brother: "And in case it's not fucking obvious, Alec specifically said he wished the best for Zoë and everyone else, so don’t use our grief as an excuse to harass people," she wrote. "Go outside, take care of someone, and work towards preventing these kinds of things in the first place."
Source: https://www.pcgamer.com/night-in-the-woods-developer-alec-holowka-has-died/
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I know that, but what Hassat said was "probably got abused falsely just for getting press", not "had previously been a victim of abuse". That's an important distinction, and it couples with their use of calling him a 'mental patient'.
Funnily enough I was actually discussing that tweet you linked at length with someone on the first page of this thread a few hours ago.
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There's no clear indication that said abuse was caused by Zoe, or unrelated previous cases in his life, or refering to the hatemob.
I was refering to "accuse" but in my sleepriddled (it was 3AM when I learned this) wrote the wrong word. Sorry.
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Before his suicide several people including the developers of this game mentioned he was having mental issues and was seeking out threatment for it. So that would make him a mental patient, no? And they willfully attacked him knowing this state of mind.
As for the second line that was supposed to read "accused", not "abused". I've corrected it now. Sorry.
I do see somewhat of a difference between commenting and hating on an accusation and commenting on an actual factoid of what has happened, for sure. But yes, hate, threats or attacks are never the way. But neither is shrugging it all off. We need to learn from history, not make the same mistakes.
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Ah, no worries. I've made plenty of mistakes when making posts at late hours.
I think there was also a slight language barrier aspect too, because usually 'mental patient' refers to more severe issues or disorders that mean a person can't properly function without an assistant or a care-home of some kind. Though when english is not your primary language that can be a very subtle difference in wording (I took a peek at your steam profile, because your english is strong enough that I can't tell just by looking at it).
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Preface :
Feel free to skip the main bit of my post if you want Robilar5500, it's just my general sighing about the situation and I don't mean to spam you on top of poking holes in your thoughts.
Previously, that lack of surprise only seemed to indicate they knew he was a volatile person. Some people are a bit of a mess. Drama magnets, or like wifi extenders that transmit their internal turmoil onto their surroundings in creative ways. That's pretty much how I thought of Zoe too. The fact a lot of people seem to believe the allegations can just as easily be attributed to mishandling of the "believe the victim" concept, and with what we started out with, it was an unreliable hop to go from a character witness of "they're a mess" to "actual credence for abuse" fuelled only by pre-emptive anger. And then Alec's own history as a victim of abuse could be guessed to be at the hands of Zoe by the same metric used to say Zoe could have been a result of Alec's previous abuse. Such speculation may seem to form a realistic pattern, but with enough pause to angle our perception, we can justify an awful lot of narratives whereas only one is true. Now the guesswork is levelled at a dead body it is especially and unnecessarily sour .
Main bit :
But thanks for posting that link, though.
That's the first link that begins to actually lend any credence to the thoughts against Alec, as all others have been from unreliable sources or required too much creative interpretation or suspension of disbelief to line up. Even while Zoe had previously said "people are coming forwards and sharing their experiences about Alec", they were either shared in private and therefore unverifiable (and from the mouth of an unreliable narrator in regards to a truth worth actually turning into hateful pursuit), or they were lost amidst the tidal waves of other messages and strangely never caught and circulated, which motivated masses tend to do extensively. So seeing such a post from his co-workers does finally offer up the first actual measurable step that doesn't require excessive projection or guessing. It's the second stamp on 'people came forwards in private'.
While in one hand, they do have a vested interest in protecting themselves (and their IP) especially after Alec died, as their severing professional relations could have been damage control as much as a conscientious decision from morals and exposure to other accounts. Yet in the other hand, they took the time to go into details that are presented in what at least seems to be an ernest fashion, whereas all previous speakers on the matter could not be taken solely on their word for various reasons. We still shouldn't take anybody absolutely on their word when in small numbers and invested parties, but their account here appears, at least IMO, to track closer and more realistically to the subject matter despite their position. Less hyperbole-ish. Sadly the tweets they linked to as an example of what they learned are part of a locked account now, which are no doubt from having recieved an avalanche of hostile attention. :/
Though this is all just my thoughts on it. In the end, no matter what I try to fathom out, other than poking holes into whatever strong assertions people make, I'm no closer to the situation myself, and prone to the same degree of "it looks this other way to me". I just hope that whoever got burned in whatever the true ordeal was can find their closure, and whoever wronged others and is still breathing has to face up to it, whatever that reasonably entails. As far as Zoe and Alec goes, who knows, but I feel we can safely say now that Alec was as volatile as Zoe has proven to be in the past, and such people have this awful kind of gravity towards one another, where their relationships tend to either run hot and cold, or catapult the particpants in opposite directions with a weird explosion of social chemistry.
It sucks no matter how you try to tilt your head at it. No matter who you want to believe. No matter how it seems to stack up. Believing one and being right, regardless of which one, means that there is (or was) an abuser out there with mob support. Believing one and being wrong, means that you helped compound the suffering of a victim dealing with spammed toxicity, and someone you wanted to trust was shown to be a secret social equivalent of a slasher villain. And no matter how this was all going to have the dust settle, a vocal, vindictive mob was going to remain.
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Thanks for the link. It was an interesting read. If anything it got me interested in Night in the Woods, which I must have missed or ignored on Kickstarter. Added to the wishlist (though I hardly play anything outside of the Oculus Go or co-op games with my son).
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Yeah, there have been a slew of people who stepped forward to corroborate, or say that either they'd been warned to stay away from him or heard from other anonymous victims, but no one—even his sister, though she's clearly grieving and believed he had it in him to be a better man—has said they doubt the accusations. When the people closest to someone believe this kind of thing, I'm inclined to as well.
What's sad (aside from the simple fact that people have been abused, obviously) is that everyone, Zoe included, also seems to have wished him the chance to recover and change, but now that's impossible.
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A big part of this though, is the degree to which even the corroborating stories hold up. The difference between being volatile / creepy leaning and being an overt abuser is pretty big. The whispers, rumours and anonymous accounts can be doubted, but they do stack the deck when his sister acknowledges it as possible. Though without specifics, it could vary anywhere from innocently being chronically garbage at flirting and ending up creeping people out, up past the degree of inappropriate remarks when nobody can hear, and all the way up to what Zoe was alledging which was phrased in a manner to suggest being knowing and systematic.
I'm... going to break my gritted attempt at neutrality here (and I'm painfully aware that this makes me a total hypocrite after my massive posts on maintaining neutrality and being careful about fuelling anger, but I'll swallow that pill), but Zoe has been caught in lies of ommission before, exaggerating for the sake of what seems to be just making it more juicy, even when the target of the omission was seemingly on otherwise good terms with her? I'm referring to the photography incident here, but again this assumes the photographer isn't exaggerating too.
With the confirmation of Alec being a victim in the past, his therapy and personal work, and the hushed accounts Alec being someone to avoid, it's fairly safe to say he was also a 'volatile' person. I feel it's entirely possible his relationship with Zoe was not linearly 'abusive' so much as mutually destructive, and was subject to exaggeration or mischaracterisation by Zoe as per her previous behaviour (but also because people tend to naturally write themselves as the hero even they also actively took part). Aghhhghgh. Shiiiit, even this is all just my own thoughts and is based on fuck all.
Christ why does this situation bother me so much.
I mean I know I try to see the best in people but systematic abusers are rotten as fuck, and it's a hell of a thing to get tagged with. I suppose the suicide doesn't help. :U Don't mind me, I'll probably come back to this post after I've had a gaming session to blast the fog out of my brain to delete it. :P
Maybe. I dunno. Fuck.
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I like the general philosophy of "believe victims," in the sense that the best reaction to these situations is to offer support to the people coming forward, but never to harass anyone on either side, including the accused. That way, even if an accusation turns out not to be true, you're letting other victims know that they'll be supported if they come forward, without potentially hurting someone falsely accused.
(Which I think is generally unlikely, given the statistics and how much victims have to lose when coming forward about rape. But even in the case of a true accusation, piling onto someone to harass them wouldn't help. Two wrongs don't make a right.)
Anyways, you sound pretty exhausted. It's easy to get sucked up into drama like this, but it's important to remember that it doesn't affect you personally and you can step away at any time if it's making you feel crummy. I hope your gaming session helped. Take care of yourself. <3
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That's pretty much what "believe victims" is supposed to encapsulate, but the internet and its quasi-anonymous sense of security brings out the worst in people. Safeguarding never required slaughtering the accused, even if it meant erring on the side of caution and making sure others aren't left vulnerable with them.
Generally speaking, you're right. Though there are also trends of people having little to no repercussion for making false claims even within the public eye. It's crap no matter how you look at it. A ton of people get thrown under the bus for coming forwards to the police, whereas others get off without a slap on the wrist when admitting they made it up, even after the accused had served jail time as a result. On the flip side, you have abusers using their status as a shield from accusations as "its just because of my name, they want a slice of what I own", etc.
We really need to approach these things like a bomb defusal technician, because any wrong twitch in either direction contributes to a payload that's detonating in someone else's garden.
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"everyone, Zoe included, also seems to have wished him the chance to recover and change"
If that was the case, why, out of the blue, make public accussations and crucify him with a hatemob. Seems an odd way of giving someone a 'chance'.
The words and actions do not align.
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I thought it was because of Jeremy Soule being accused of rape by Nathalie Lawhead and Aeralie Brighton. I've never played Skyrim, so that didn't shake me quite as much, but I follow Lawhead's work and I was sad to hear she'd been through something like that. (I hadn't heard of Brighton before, but apparently she's worked on Minecraft and Ori.)
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" Zoe included, also seems to have wished him the chance to recover and change"
considering that we are talking about someone that was part of Helldump, who has doxxed and bullied people, it would be very out of character for Zoe :P
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Do you have a source on the doxxing / bullying thing? I googled 'Helldump' and only learned it used to be a subforum on Something Awful. Being part of a place with a bad reputation and engaging in the worst of its reputation are pretty different (see also : 4chan, etc).
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why would you be part of a community, if you are not there to engage in the only thing the community thrives for.
There was at least one person i remember that accused Quinn of doxxing him
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Matthew Rappard, the founder of The Fine Young Capitalists, also comes to mind. I think it was later revealed that neither Quinn nor Maya Kramer were the ones who had actually dug up his personal info, but it was they who boosted the original dox on their respective Twitters.
On the bullying front... Brad Wardell?
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Oof. That link has some gravity to it.
This trend is starting to get heavier than just "volatile person" and... really is starting to undeniably look more like "knowingly hostile for little reason".
Damn, if only I read into that one before making my reply to UlverHausu. :P
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(after-edit : A big post, but I made it before reading into Svipur's link above. While I still find it better to err on the side of neutrality, it's hard to deny the surfacing pattern of intermittant revenge-like hostility from her.)
Thanks for the links, btw. It's always great having sources.
Before I get into the blog post linked, I have to admit I checked their home page and give a heavy side-eye to it. Where a blog is primarily about political talking points that lean heavily to one side, it throws the neutrality of their claims into scrutiny. A flick of the scroll-wheel and I saw a blogpost headline of "The Media Push to Normalize Pedophilia Begins", and their overall blog subheader still mentions GG. Pinches of salt are on red alert here for the guys account.
The article about the case with Alex Lifschitz does alledge some heavy stuff, moreso when you consider Alex was a co-founder of Crash Override which was born at least part out of Zoe's experience with harassment, but then if that other article I've linked in this thread is to be believed, subsequently screwed a number of people out of due payment, and showed little interest in helping people who didn't have a platform to reciprocate by boosting the name of their org. Full disclosure here, that article I linked is long, and I didn't get through all of it, so it's worth scrutinising the validity of its claims there too. That just adds further indication of Zoe either being an unreliable narrator, or at the very least a volatile person.
On to the screenshots : Assuming that this adds up in the manner you suggest, and isn't the result of sarcasm ("crippling helldump addiction" after accusations), this still just comes back to the "but she's a bad person" or "she was a little shit on the internet". That doesn't say anything about deliberately sending hatemobs at people, only that she engaged in shitty self-righteous catharsis and groupthink, and that she has seen what people can do. But neither of those things were in question to begin with, most of us have witnessed her self-indulgent gloating and snide remarks as per all activists from all sides, and she was the target of extended harassment in GG so she obviously understands what groupthink (misled or otherwise) can do. There is a difference between "I don't care what happens to him, I want to talk about my shit" and "I secretly want him to be attacked". One is a passive "fuck him, he wronged me and I want to let it out", and the other is "FLY MY PRETTIES FLY". But we just end up back at the notion I keep pointing at. Even bad people can be victims. Even good people can do nasty shit behind closed doors. Even the habitually awful like a violent drunk, is not necessarily the perpetrator in every incident they're involved in, and those with great self-control can still snap in unexpected and twisted ways. Yes, Zoe is a bit of a trainwreck, I'm in no way denying that, but I still maintain that her intentions cannot be asserted as fact. If anything, her status as 'a bit of a trainwreck' speaks to her potential innocence, in having underestimated the degree of response she would get, or believing that "my side of the politic won't goo too far".
As for why a person would attend Helldump without being there to engage in the worst of it? A modern equivalent of such a place is... shit I can't remember what it's actual name is, just pieces of its address. Kiwifarms / Vivisector forum? It's entirely possible to hold an account with such a place and be a commentator without being an active doxxing participant or cheerleader to the efforts. Cesspit with a heavy leaning towards the judgemental / hateful or not. I mean, Something Awful isn't exactly a low profile site either, and while there was a paywall to get into a good number of threads (the last I checked was many years ago, so uh, maybe that changed?), it was still a place people got linked to. Part of the screencaps you provided literally says "it makes no damn sense that gg is making shit up about me being a helldump poster when the truth is so much more embarrassing and pathetic". That suggests the truth is less flattering, but more harmless. Given the time coincides with the GG stuff, she could have just as easily been watching it out of paranoia for her own harassment status, as in, getting a heads up of any extra incoming stuff. It stands to the same scrutiny, doesn't it? In your screenshot she also says about laughing about how "stupid and garbage" all goon projects are. Then the remark about "quinn was part of this" is just as likely to assert only 'she was part of Helldump', not 'she was directly part of driving a girl to suicide'. Even then, screencaps of random posts on chan boards aren't really reliable given the amount of deliberate spin GG got up to when Zoe first entered the public eye, they should always be taken with two pinches of salt.
I mean, I've dropped into imageboard-style places before when following a specific link, and stayed after getting into the thick of things regarding some drama or other. One particular place was focused on drama with furries, and I ended up going there semi-regular even long after a bunch of overt stormfront-style people moved in and caused the majority of decent people to leave. My presence there wasn't in agreement with their weird-ass neo-nazi mentality, but as a critic and detractor (planting the seeds of doubt without being obviously combative, make some of them re-think their approach and potentially move away from the hatemob mentality, a form of revenge for having turned the already shit place even shittier).
What you have is certainly a stable hypothesis. You have established character, a familiarity with mob mentality, and underlined how her relationships tend to end badly (and I'll admit, learning of another partner that was accused of abusing her, who was a co-founder of an very flawed anti-harassment org with her is particularly new to me), but this still only serves as hypothesis. Being a trashfire of a human being doesn't mean everything she does is instantly the most hostile iteration of what could have been intended. I certainly won't bat an eyelid if it turns out to be exaggerated and her 'coming forwards' was a petty act of revenge for something far less than what she alledges, but I refuse to add into the feedback loop of self-confirming hate. Even if most of us on this forum aren't out there joining the hate-katamari, even by presenting our opinions as fact we tangentally fuel it. A lot of people read into these threads without responding, and behave differently based on their company, degree of anonymity, and what they can lose by being caught out. There's a ballpark of difference between "I think this is most likely" or "I feel this way", and "This is definite" or "This is fact". Consider that what applied the most pressure to Alec was people stating he was a rapist as 'fact'. The truth is, Alec himself is very much a blank actor to us in all of this, as he wasn't in the public eye or scrutinised nearly as extensively as Zoe was, and a lot of that we owe to GG, which have had years to drum up a very lopsided narrative, but ultimately turned up so little that is actually concrete.
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Not the first scandal of this cunt Zoe...
Idk what's real, but now his death is reality!
Is she happy now or enough attention or what it's wrong with that disgusting person...I hope she would get what she deserve.
RIP Alec..
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What's real is that she said all this stuff only to gain popularity again, because we all know what person she is.
Also she probably would have been happy if he didn't kill himself, as soon as she heard that she could be sued for instigation to suicide she deleted her twitter (like she always does after she does something horrible) because she knew her plan backfired But sadly nothing will probably happen to her, she will only gain more popularity like all the other times if she doesn't get found guilty. Nothing happens to women who falsely accuse someone most of the time, while the falsely accused always get their life robbed.
Edit: got a blacklist from this comment. For whoever it was, if you're offended because of what I wrote know that you're on the wrong side of justice and you should rethink your life. Blacklisting me for what I said it's only immature, and that counts for future blacklists too. Feel free to do so if that helps your pathetic life tho, good day.
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You cannot read minds. You can only guess, which is subject to bias, no matter how well-informed you try to keep your thoughts. Yes, she is probably an unreliable narrator, but saying she only did this to keep herself relevent is an assumption. No, it's not a baseless assumption, but you are stating it as fact.
The truth is, the threats of being sued would likely amount to nothing. She said she did not want him attacked, regardless of what she knew would happen, or whether she wanted catharsis of seeing him squirm for what he may have done. Her tweets were up long enough to be archived, and were quoted and screenshotted extensively due to internet media coverage, so deleting her account would do nothing to protect her from legal repercussion. Alecs family stated they didn't blame her, so are almost certainly not going to pursue her in this regard. Your assertion of deleting her account as a means of hiding or protecting herself from the law is pretty empty.
And what someone blacklists for is their own business. People make giveaways on this site quite often to rehome unwanted keys, and given the amount of stretching you're doing in a pretty grim subject, it's appreciable that they would prefer not to have you as part of their prize pool. That may seem immature or petty to you, but this topic deals in abuse, and has a fatality involved. They could equally call you the same things given your stance. Anybody can say "you're on the wrong side of justice" but confidence in ones own opinion is not enough to be a reliable moral compass. I would instead suggest you do what you ask of them, and rethink your stance and your approach. It's okay to have an emotional response to subjects like these, because we're all human, and where harm to innocents is concerned that's a normal (and good) thing. But when forming our conclusions and stating them as fact, if we don't take steps to shave off the surplus opinion, we run the risk of empowering accidental falsehoods. "I totally believe I am right" is not the same as "I have found the truth", and mistaking the two is kind of a big deal where passing judgement is concerned, especially where mob justice / hateful tirades en masse are concerned.
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It's not much of a guess, it's the only possibilty. She had a lot of popular moments where the media claimed her as a good person that fight against the injustice in which she could have easily said what happened to her multiple times. But she didn't. Maybe she was uncomfortable, or like some abuse victim she was scared of talking about it...except that it's not plausible knowing what she did in the past.
I am stating it as a fact because the other dev already apologized a long time ago, and there was no reason to say all this stuff in a public site like twitter. It was clear what she wanted, if what she said was true and I am mistaken about her intentions, that would mean she would just have gone to the police, or made things clear to her group of friends. But no, she did it on Twitter. You know why.
I didn't say she deleted her twitter because she wouldn't be sued if she did, but she did it because she feared being sued and wanted to avoid as much people telling her what person she is. I said "as soon as she heard that she could be sued for instigation to suicide she deleted her twitter " because her plan backfired, you read too much into it to find a wrong statement in my discussion. Also there could be more evidence in there that would go against her, but I don't really know since I don't follow her on twitter, and this is just a baseless claim, only this part only tho.
Also I know she won't be sued, that would be pointless too because the child who scream wolf usually doesn't usually get punished in this modern society, and her sister and group of friends are pretty much feminist so...she will be not be punished like the kickstarter money she took, the lie claims she did, and all the other horrible stuff she did, she knows how to avoid backlash.
I know how blacklist works, and I tell you it was not because of giveaways, but only for spite. If they checked my account they would know I'm not into winning games and this site in general for a long time, but whops they didn't, they only saw my opinion.
Also that whole last statement that may be correct in theory, but in practice we have to take a stand on important matters. Empowering accidental falsehoods is something that was done the whole gamergate scandals because everyone started covering for Zoe Quinn and she didn't get what she deserved, even on 4chan she got covered. if you want to prove me I "could be on the wrong side of justice", then prove it with facts, and not with general stuff you can use in every other situation to cover someone's ass.
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What you said was :
What's real is that she said all this stuff only to gain popularity again, because we all know what person she is.
That is quite definitive. The only thing that is clear is what your interpretation is. Consider for the briefest of moments the possibility that what she came forward with is true. This kind of stuff can eat you up. Eventually letting it out, even as catharsis, is one natural outcome. It is possible to want to air your grievances / discuss the subject without wanting to have a persons career ruined, or your own boosted. My point is that when we start projecting or overlaying our own interpretations as fact into the public space, we are adding momentum to the rolling boulder of various narratives that ultimately lead to angry mobs. The current state of the situation has a suicide, and many locked social media accounts with hate flying everywhere. Unless an opinion has substantial merit beyond "I feel this way" then I strongly feel it is worth taking a step back. This is the reason why I'm being critical here (despite how douchey or judgemental I may come across). The fires have been lit. The boulders are rolling. Guesses on the motivations of volatile people are just blind shots in the dark and the avalanche doesn't need the extra momentum. Maybe that's meddlesome / policing of me, but with the state of the subject I just can't see it as anything other than in bad taste. :/
I know how blacklist works, and I tell you it was not because of giveaways, but only for spite
It's entirely possible that a person can disagree with your stance on this issue to the degree that they don't want to cross paths on giveaway matters. Some people do it out of spite. Some people use it as intended. You feel attacked / blacklisting is petty and thats fine, but it was a bit of a reach IMO. I've gotten a number of blacklists for getting into this subject too, but that could be anything from a disagreement of my babbling long-winded posts (which can admittedly seem like just plain browbeating or bullying), or they think the points I make are off-base and harmful in the long run, or yes, maybe they just don't like me and blacklisted out of a bitter tribal mentality. If blacklisted due to idiocy, they won't listen to your anger. If blacklisted for something else, they're just going to roll their eyes and feel justified. But eh, I'm getting way off topic now.
if you want to prove me I "could be on the wrong side of justice", then prove it with facts
You're human, you're not related to the incident, and you're only acting on opinion (no matter how rational you feel it or otherwise). That's how you 'could' be on the 'wrong side of justice'. These are facts. Unless I'm wrong, in which case I would wonder why haven't you stated your actual relation to the involved parties. It's actually why I try to make a clear distinction while debating this stuff, that no matter how strongly I assert certain things, I'm on exactly the same level as you. The only thing I'm evangelising here is caution against being caught up in ourselves, because in the end none of us have to pay that tab.
and not with general stuff you can use in every other situation to cover someone's ass.
I will, when you add something to the mix that isn't just 'general stuff' you can use to accuse anyone in any other online drama sitaution. Until then you only have assertions fuelled by your stance as someone watching from the sidelines.
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While blacklists aren't important per se, they show how much there are many people that go against common sense just to defend their ideals, so it's very sad to see this many blacklists flying. I even got blacklisted from Uroboros that defended blacklisters with "eh they could do it for stopping you to enter their giveaways only and not because of the discussion" but I don't even enter giveaways anymore since I just use this site for checking free games and he knows it. So yeah, there are a lot of hypocrites here that would say anything to defend anyone even if it goes against what they do, just to prove a point.
But you know what's important? Spreading the truth, showing what true colors a person has, because if you don't speak up in times like this, more people will just believe that everything that Zoe does is right and will do it themselves when they have the occasion, or defend her with buts and if making her get away with it. If you get 10 person to hate you for what you say, and 1 person to think "hey...he may be right" then you're already doing something good.
Of course if you convince someone of something bad then it's the other way around, but on the topic Zoe it's hard to go wrong.
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Nice guess. You're actually right. I did blacklist you, though I can't remember specifically what for (it's been a long few days and I've chugged through a lot of posting and material, it was likely for something in this thread), your behaviour now certainly warrants keeping it that way.
I never said it wasn't because of the discussion. I said it's not necessarily solely the discussion or some weird attack upon you. People blacklist on things like attitude as well, and not everyone treats blacklists as a random "mark of shame". They're a way to scratch people off the list of who can enter giveaways, and they're mutual in that respect (you can't enter the giveaways of people you blacklisted), and as a way to bookmark people they'd rather not deal with for even when they've forgotten the threads. People usually take time to clear out their black/whitelists on occasion once they fill up with enough names they can't remember. None of this is exactly new or cryptic stuff. You're really kinda overreacting.
I just use this site for checking free games and he knows it
Again, you're not a mind reader. You're just projecting 'enemy bogeyman' in my direction, and it seems to be because you can't reconcile with the points I brought up, so have taken the dishonest shortcut of constructing a convenient saturday morning cartoon villain persona for me.
But you know what's important? Spreading the truth
Your concern does not lay with truth, only with spreading your interpretation. Being utterly convinced of something is not the same as having found the truth. This is the danger of falling in love with your own evaluation, which is admittedly easy to do given it comes with all the emotional trappings, but that is exactly what drove the hatemob that chased Alec. Remember that, while you declare yourself holier. You use the same weapons and the same mentality. Consider also that in failing to come to anything conclusive with me, you are now seeking to affirm your belief with someone who agrees, not on merits, but by pointing at someone who disagrees with your evaluation and muttering about them being a bad / lesser person. Do you really see yourself as any different to the mobs?
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"overreacting" says the guy who writes long comments thinking that the longer it is, the more he wins the argument. And again, your comment can be as long as you want, but if there's no reason or meaning behind it, it's useless. You just said in a long comment how blacklist works like I'm an idiot and you did it because you didn't like me...which was clear?
Nice phrase that one, you can cover your ass that way, showing everyone "hey he treats me like a bogeyman, so he's wrong". Nice.
You can continue using that word all the time, but I just used you in an example, the comment was about hypocrisy, and you're the only one with a name I know who is doing that. If I knew other people who did the same thing as you I would have cited them. You're, again, grasping at straws.
"You aren't right about this subject because you believe too much in it, like the other sides does, so you're probably wrong". Are you serious? That's your point in all this matter, a subjective point in a objective matter? Ridicolous
Do you really see yourself as any different to the mobs?
Well, do you? You seem like someone who is superior to the mobs it seems. I never declared to be outside of them, but you seem to be superior to mobs if you say a phrase like that. Pathetic. You either don't say anything and don't take a stand, or you say something, and pick a side. That may be a "primitive" concept in your mind, but that's what how the worlds goes, there's no true neutrality, because we're humans.
All your "points" are a joke dude. Look at the reality, you're just going in circle.
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"overreacting" says the guy who writes long comments thinking that the longer it is, the more he wins the argument.
Are you even conscious of the fact that once you go so far beyond baseless accusations, you enter the territory of the knowing liar? You are deliberately trying to misrepresent everything being said, and all while remarking about 'the truth' and hypocrisy. Don't you feel any shame for acting in this manner? Take a step back, take a deep breath, and look at what you're doing.
I never said that you're wrong because you believe in your evaluation, I said that there has to be more than just belief for an opinion to have merit, let alone be correct. If you actually read what I wrote, you would know this. So either you're not actually reading what I write, or you're deliberately misrepresenting me so you have something to bluster about. It's hardly 'grasping at straws' when I have to constantly correct you with "I didn't say that" and "I don't believe that" at every turn. Maybe I should have taken the shorthand approach and just said : Whatever did that poor strawman do to you?
You have yet to address anything I have actually said, and the energy you're wasting on this slapstick scoffing routine could be better spent. Though I suppose your behaviour now does have the nice side-effect of underlining my points about why we should be careful not to get too enchanted by our own rhetoric. Seriously.
Unless you have anything to add about something I actually said or believe, then I'm done dealing with you.
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Wasn't you who said "Instead of trying to deconstruct my points, you have instead opted to deliberately misportray my intentions"? I did it multiple times, I addressed you on everything except in one comment. You're still being an hypocrite.
But yeah, you're right for once. The time I can spent could be better than wasting my time at someone looking at straws (haha make another quirky comment like "Either way, my response is : Whatever did that poor strawman do to you?") and telling two different things on the same subject. Goodbye, I hope to never talk to you again, unless you have a change of hearth. And don't bother responding to the other comment, I won't read it.
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You can't control the hate mobs.
Zoe said as part of her coming out that she didn't want Alec to be attacked, just as Alec's sister / family said they don't want people to use his suicide to justify attacks on others. Even if Zoe exaggerated or embellished the details of what she came out with, that's a natural thing when abuse is a very personal and can be extremely deeply effecting. If she exaggerated to the point that it was never actual abuse, but mere give-and-take in a mutually destructive relationship, then that's a whole different thing, but we are all just external onlookers, and hating a potential victim "just in case they're lying" is absurd.
If anyone deserves anger, it is each and every individual who consciously chose to go beyond safeguarding Zoe, and instead attack Alec. It is one thing to demand investigation and comment from the accused and their associates, but another to join the perpetual hate parade. Just as they took Zoe at her word to the point they were willing to spread a lie through omission (stating he is a rapist / abuser / abductor as a solid fact, spreading it without context), these kinds of replies like yours are a similar kind of sentiment.
I get it. I feel you. I really do. But we can't just perpetuate this bullshit and pretend our shit doesn't stink.
What is left now is to watch how it unfolds, and maybe try to tame the shit-heels who are doing the exact same bullshit to Zoe as was done to Alec.
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Oh please. I generally have agreed with your posts in this thread, but perpetuating the notion that Zoe didn't know exactly what she was doing by going public on social media with a years old accusation, rather than going to the cops, is giving this sociopath a pass.
Telling the internet hate machine, and especially her followers (who are already radical cancel culture types) that someone, particularly a white man, was abusive, has guaranteed results. Tucking in that comment about not wanting Alec to be attacked is just plausible deniability for herself, and you are eating it up.
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That is not how abuse, abusers or victims work. Being abused, or hell, even being raped, does not immediately default in people going to the police, no matter how rational and obvious that may seem. The weird thing about trauma is that it can effect your judgement by introducing a severe emotional response. and if you are already not a very confident person, doubts can very easily win out. Even if the person who abused you doesn't have status that will cause extra scrutiny (eg : "Does this person stand to gain something by accusing this person?"), there is the immediate questions of how much you can prove. The police have to go on evidence, and unless you literally stand up and walk straight to the cops within a short period after a rape, the evidence is frequently inconclusive. In the case of Zoe, how do you prove that someone is financially manipulating you to remain at a property that they can't just deflect with reasonable doubt? How do you convince someone that the sexual contact within a relationship was non-consentual, or that you are only in the 'relationship' by name only, because you are afraid to challenge the other person on it (either physically, or due to the trapped situation you find yourself in?). It's similar to what I said about Alec, as much as I wanted to hear his side of the story I had previously said that I couldn't imagine what he would say that could be convincing to anyone who had pre-established opinions. Any version of "I didn't do it" would fall flat, and the only real counter with weight is "Zoe is a liar", or perhaps the more patronising version which is "Zoe has the wrong idea / misinterpreted it" which may have the opposite effect of pulling him even more surely into the crosshairs.
The abuse paradigm is nasty in that everything a victim can say, so too can an abuser. While a victim may be genuinely trapped in a situation due to financial / social manipulation, an abuser can also claim the same things to project guilt upon an innocent parter who did no such thing. As I mentioned before, hard evidence is an unreliable metric as it places a massive burden upon whoever the actual victim is, as anything cited without a reliable array of witnesses or extensive live recordings can be waved off fairly easily. Hell, as a child I got to watch the dissolving of my parents relationship in which my mother was largely the abuser, but my father gradually became a 'volatile' participant after extended emotional/mental abuse. The mechanics of these such things, particularly where it is not a pure victim/abuser role, where there may have been some give and take or even if the roles reversed after one snaps, gets so muddied that even where one party may have an honest case for going to the police, it is not even remotely that simple. I've read articles of people trying to go to the police, and how it was severely mishandled (and how they swore that if they ever got raped again, they wouldn't even try the police).
And yes, while there are obvious repercussions for revealing (or fabricating, depending on your stance) what Zoe did, that is not necessarily her goal. It is entirely possible to want to talk about something you buried, without caring about how much it may hurt the other party, whether it is considered a bonus or a side-effect. And intent is a massive part of this, IMO. Yes, her remark about not wanting Alec to be attacked could easily have been a simple ass-covering token gesture. People in such situations make them all the time. I am well aware of that. Your assumption that I am simply so naive as to have believed it without scrutiny shows just how easily an opinion can form a convenient narrative. My point is that what can be attributed to hostility can just as easily be attributed towards a volatile person being hamfisted. If you survived a shitty situation like that, you may not necessarily wish harm, but you wouldn't give too much of a shit about whether they were effected or not. Even if you did wish direct harm, if the founding event occured as described then such bitterness is not out of the question. We can draw all the narrative conclusions we want to, but the fact of the matter is that we don't know Zoe, and assuming malice is the easy option. We can acknowledge trends in honesty, we can be mindful of character witnesses, we can factor in what they stand to gain, but nothing is conclusive. I said before, even 'bad' people can become victims, and even 'good' people can be doing things behind closed doors. Patterns can be compelling, but we cannot pretend they alone are conclusive.
I have my own opinion on the matter, but I'm doing my best to suspend it in a weird kind of stasis because at the end of the day, we only have assumption, and there are already very loud and active hatemobs in action. Where matters of volatile people with histories of bad relationships are concerned, conventional logic on the course of actions doesn't always apply. Just as every fucker keeps chanting "if it was real she would have gone to the police", but people with actual experience with abuse know how that is far from an iron-clad rule. If you operate from the assumption that everyone acts in a grounded, rational way befitting a high-functioning person with solid self-esteem, then you are overlooking the simple variable that not everyone is at that level. Scarred histories cause a lot of behaviours and attitudes that do not make sense to those who haven't walked a mile in those shoes. I feel that's a very important thing to keep in the forefront of our minds before being swept into it. Each voice, no matter how muted, lends momentum. Perhaps that is just my own opinion, but I see the velocity of things and am loathe to risk adding to anything.
Am I just committing my own logical sin and in the presence due to the shadow of the hate-mobs? Am I leaning too heavily towards 'agnostic poverty'?
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Please don't imply that Zoe didn't know what she was doing. She probably didn't think that Alec would take his own life, but this isn't her first rodeo. In her past, she created multiple internet mobs using either outright lies or exaggerations. At this point, she probably could write a scientific thesis on the subject.
This is exactly why no matter what really happened I have a hard time believing anything she says unless she provides some kind of evidence.
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"You can't control the hate mobs."
That is why generally... people don't initiate a hatemob. Zoe has been in enough cases (she started GamerGate for crying out loud) to know this, yet still named someone and send her very frantic mob after him as a result.
You cannot excuse her on this part. She knew what she was doing unleashing the horde. After all, it wasn9t her first rodeo.
If she didn't want him attacked she wouldn't make a superpublic post, with names, and after the guy apologised and tried to make aments for whatever he may have done (we still got no details on that yet). Yet she did. Actions speak louder than words.
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The language barrier seems to be cropping up again, so I'm going to underline it just for clarification :
You said Zoe "started" GamerGate. Being the target of a hatemob does not mean you 'started' the hatemob, or even that you did anything worthy of the mob response. If my memory serves me right, the only thing Zoe did was cheat on someone. While that's definitely a shitty act, it doesn't justify total strangers gathering in the hundreds to specifically target them and then continue to escalate, and it certainly didn't justify the length of time their actions continued to occur. While some slices of GamerGate then tried to move on to criticism of gaming journalism, its constituents kept returning to that subject over an extended period.
Criticism? Fair game. Projections of 'sleeping around for review scores'? A stretch, but whatever. We're external to the situation and we only had her wronged partner / ex as narrator to that effect. Harassment? No. Just no.
Yes, she did sit on the info for a long time, but she stated that she brought it up after reading about someone else abusing their position of authority within the gaming industry. Deciding to not to speak up out of some sense of respect for an old issue or whatever, that's entirely optional but not at all required. If Alec did what she said, then she is free to come forward with it whenever she wants to. Yes, this does once again hinge directly on the veracity of her claims, but the simple fact she chose to speak out at all doesn't make her words untrue. It only meant that she didn't care about the backlash it would cause. Yes, the goal could have been to sabotage his career or smear his reputation or cause harassment, but that's purely down to guesses and projection. Victims are not responsible for the wellbeing of their aggressors, whether present OR past. Unless someone is suggesting she deliberately timed her reveal to coincide with a particularly bad time in Alec's life in a genuine attempt to hurt him, it doesn't seem what you're saying has merit. It's a completely different matter if what she said was exaggerated or outright false though, but we shouldn't default to 'guilty' as a default assumption.
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No, definitely no barrier here. She slept with some devs and journo's, it got out and instead of admitting corruption GamerGate was born, the battle of them to suppress all dissention and to protect Zoe at all cost, and somehow convince people it wasn't about being dishonest, gamers just hate woman. And for some reason, it succeeded, and many think that way. You still find plenty of people thinking geeks just want woman out of their hobbies rather than, you know, be a part of it.
Being part of this she should have learned quite a bit about hatemobs on the web (and with her apparent other forced-people-to-suicide attempt I read on but didn't know about before), similar with several other controversies she sters.
There's absolutely no way that you cannot know about the power of hatemobs after wielding the power of hatemobs. That's like if the Americans kept using the nukes after '45 claiming they were somehow unawares of their destructive capabilities.
Yeah, and shocker, the details are surprisingly similar. VISA, in another country (Canada!) that is so alien. I mean with all her background it wasn't really surprising elements of the Soule story turned up in Zoe's. Didn't make it more trustworthy.
Also, it just happens to be when she was broke and needed some new victim-money she suddenly remembered this. No, not suspicious timing at all. And she made bank, so like the good woman she is she deleted her Patreon to not have bloodmoney, wait, no that's not it, let's try again. So like the good woman she is she donated the money to Holovka's family. No, that's not it either, oh yeah now I got it... Like the 'good' woman she is she hid her Patreon income to hide she makes a ton of money over this incident. Classy. And people wonder why everyone hate her. Back to the post.
(Also they were in a relationship apparently, so no abuse of authority that much there)
If Alec did what she said he did, right I agree. That's why I reserve judgement on the Soule case. I don't know the people, I don't know the circumstances. I just know someone posted accusations and 95% of it is complaining about her boss instead, which is weird to me but whatever.
In this case it's different since Zoe is shown to be utterly unreliable, fabricated accusations before, knows the workings of hatemobs yet used them, gave absolute no evidence despite that, offered some "questionable" things happening (that finger thing still confuses me and many others how that would even be actually possible).
Her speaking out doesn't make it likely her words are untrue, all her words being untrue makes it likely for these to be untrue. Just like we don't expect Todd Howard, Peter Molyneux or the Gearbox guy to speak the truth. But while they just talk about game stuff that isn't much important we can shrug it off and laugh about it. Zoe however likes about very serious issues. Boy crying wolf and all.
Which brings us to Scott. Apparently this didn't surprise him, yet they state it was much more serious than it appeared. Seems slightly contradictive. Then he tries to weasel out of being told he "fired" Alec going with "we aren't a company, just three people working together, Alec is a freelancer working for us, so we just cancelled his contract so teeeeeechnically he's not fired."
Ehm yeah, be pedantic all you want, that still means you fired him however you wish to call it. Trying to weasel out of even the slightest responsibility doesn't help me trust you though, especially if later on you totally expect us to trust us on other important things. I'm really trying but you're not helping Scott.
So then the others come in, who heard stuff they apparently didn't for 6 years. Yeeeeah, seems odd. And all they say is they heard "stay away", "don't be with him"... so... hearsay not actually their own accounts. So why should we trust them again. I'm just wondering who told THEM to stay away and why and what's their story, rather than trusting these people which are completely untraceable and not even have any encounters themselves with Alec. This is proof how? 6 years of fearmongering that's worse than you somehow ever heard even if others heard and they only heard it from... we don't know... and this is proof something happened? I mean... what do you want me to do with this info?
All we still got is Zoe's worth (unreliable) and apparently people hearing stuff, which we don't know what about. Who told them to not stay alone with Alec? Zoe? If so we once again return on a single point of this, which is proven to be the most pathelogical liar out there.
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No, definitely no barrier here.
Then you sir are being dishonest. As I said, being a target of a group does not mean she 'started' it. GG started itself, but aimed at her. You wouldn't say Alec 'started' the hatemob against himself. If not a language barrier issue, then you are being disingenuous and trying to make her appear more guilty through your word choice, and is totally unnecessary.
GamerGate was not a pure and honest group solely concerned with revealing the truth or holding people accountable. The original case was that they were incensed at someone 'sleeping around for review scores', and were primarily (at least initially) concerned with just voicing their disgust. There were absurdly high numbers of GG members engaging in mere open insults with little concern for actual integrity or chasing gaming journalism matters. Dissent and criticism are great things, but at no point did those concerned with such things need to associate themselves with a name overwhelmingly tarnished with constant and ongoing open hatred. If the ultimate goal was to uproot corruption within the associated journalism, then it would have served them far better to not be associated with such mob behaviour, and yet they chose to do so. Once the first waves had passed, and others joined GG under the assumption that the harassment was exaggerated and just an example of 'fake news', they gained members who were genuinely interested in the journalism / truth aspect, and had that whole dynamic of 'the good ones' offering a partial shield from scrutiny to 'the bad ones' who only cared for shouting at a person of interest. If anything I'm pissed off that GG absorbed so many decent people in its later stages, as it ultimately cannibalised their credibility to shield its lesser half. It's weird, because usually such groups start out with good intentions but then devolve over time, rather than the other way around. Don't get me wrong, the opposite side of this equation were also aware of some of these factors, and rather than engage with the few honest speakers that appeared, they discarded them due to their chosen affiliation (which to be honest, I don't blame them for, for similar reasons I don't take 'just patriots trying to make a point' seriously if their chosen affiliation were white supremacists).
Yes, she is definitely familiar with the workings of hatemobs, or how any mob can gain momentum and veer out of control. But now we're just going around in circles. I have already covered at length the 'timing' issue, and repeated myself over and over regarding how even a boy that cries wolf can still meet one. I definitely understand caution and doubt towards her given her history, but that is a far cry from claiming to know her intentions (hate / harm / etc) and the actual events as fact.
And yes, I am wholly aware that abusers that use manipulation rely on that benefit of the doubt to operate, because these kinds of abuse are serious shit, so people don't want to go off half-cocked. That's part of why this shit fucks with me so much. My own opinion in this incident leans against Zoe, but I refuse to be just another nugget of thrown poop in this zoo until there is more certainty, because the alternate is feeding the narrative that it's okay to hate on or believe someone based entirely on their popularity or reputation (or lack thereof),and that's exactly what fed into the pressures that led to Alec's suicide. The faithful believers of Zoe exist primarily as a reaction to the hate that GG generated. The hate towards Zoe is primarily a continuation of what GG started. How many people who lined up to throw profanity at Zoe in the opening hour of the drama do you really think did any research or dug into any sources to validate her guilt or persona, and formed opinions based on the "court of social media" that was similarly leveled at Alec?
We need to dismantle that mentality. And maybe you don't hold the same values as me, that's fine. Abuse and toxic liars is an emotional subject so you're forgiven for that, heh. But I'm willing to at least try suspend my own opinion in pursuit of disarming the faulty weapons that keeps this bullshit pattern going. Even if it's just a tiny drop in a heaving ocean of piss. I can only appeal for you to do the same, but evidently that isn't going to happen. I just hope that the coin-toss of fate just happens to land in your favour, because if you're wrong and Zoe really did get abused, then we're that bit deeper in the cesspit.
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It's the one benefit of wonky ADHD tendancies. I have the free time while transferring stuff out from a hard drive I worry is aging badly (low transfer speeds now), and once I get focused on a subject I go full ham on the details. Just, like, don't get me started on stuff like vg dev design stuff or character motivations in stories. I go from 'tenaciously level headed' to 'oh god would you just shut up already' pretty damn quick. :P
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Well, not solely, but GG started when the story got out and the journalists and Zoe instead of owning it, started manipulating stuff and the entire industry went in to cover her ass, making it very clear how corrupt it was. Why? I still don't know. Not only one group attacked her, she and the journalists also started her own mob. Which should give her quite the detail on how hatemobs work, which was the initial response; "She damn well knows how mobs work."
I'm pretty sure (though no expert, I only heard of all this long after it's over as much as journalists keep dragging up it's dead corpse every single time) that they started it before retaliation, so the targeting at Zoe isn't the start of it.
Interesting. Even if the journo's "won" and as the saying says "History is written by the winners" I can find little about that abuse. I can however heard many a detailing of people opposing GG being convicted (not accused, CONVICTED) of rape, sexual assault, assault and similar.
You might point out this is because I only heard of it from people after the fact, and that may be true, but their actions compared to, say, Zoe's, makes me give them a lot more credibility to them.
Yes, and as much as the timing of the Soule story is real, the timing of her losing at Female Frequency, having debt, getting sued over her Kickstarter failure and needing cash is also there. It just depends which timing you want to look at. And she knows she can get money by playing victim, and has, as can be seen by her Patreon pledges (somehow) before she made those private.
So on the "timing" front I give her a 'suspicious'.
"That's part of why this shit fucks with me so much."
That makes two of us then.
Not okay to HATE on. But yes, definitely it's okay to not believe a known liar. It's not popularity at that point (the hatemob is), but yes, it is reputation. The reputation of being abusive, a liar, a cheat, a manipulator. IMO that should REALLY factor in, and that it seemingly hasn't and that so easily it's believed and someone can lose everything despite that is very appaling and shocking to me. If you are 98% unreliable you should not be automatically believed in cases that can ruin someone's live. Take it serious, yes. But don't insta-believe. And as much as Scott likes to tell otherwise, when the only defense is completely unvariaviable "just believe me" stuff I cannot do else but go under the assumption Alec got fired over just this accusation.
"The faithful believers of Zoe exist primarily as a reaction to the hate that GG generated. The hate towards Zoe is primarily a continuation of what GG started."
Of which most is fabricated. And no, Zoe has done plenty of other stuff after the whole GG event that makes her reviled. If it was just sleeping about, nobody would remember her name right now.
I'm not going to absolve a lying manipulator solely on trust. If they want to be believed, they damn well better earn it with proof, with actions. The act of making me trust her would be on her, not me. If someone is lying her way around she should go the redemption path, not me... that's upside down. You sleep in the bed you build and if it's a burning wreck you better well put it out yourself. And if people scrutinize you after, good, that's what you caused yourself. That doesn't mean you deserve bad things happening to you, not that.
There might be odds that I win the lottery, sure, but it's so small that I'm not going to spend millions now for when that happens. We'll cross that bridge once we get there. I think about the same here. If she tells the truth it would shock me, it would shock the internet she's capable. But until that happens that bridge is just as imaginable as the lottery one and I'm not going to take my time crossing it. Let's just say her first steps (like obfuscating her Patreon) already started to break the fundamentals of said bridge.
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if only people wouldn't take a sociopaths word as means to defend their cause.
Zoe is a serious manipulator, often seems "they" surround themselves with fragile or problematic people, for personal use.
i cant imagine whatbeing their friend, i wouldnt want to oppose her, out of fear of mob punishment.
The patterns are there, just because she asked not to threaten the devs, doesnt mean that it wasnt her final goal.
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If only EPIC could make drama exclusive on their launcher
taken from steam forum:
-Whats your favorite part people???
-The part about friendship, truly make me tear up
-Yes, nothing like standing up for your friends. The best feeling!
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Not only did the Steam mod ban me for "disruptive posting" (cannot defend Alec I suppose, or make people aware of his sisters donation to Zoe)... THET DELETED ALL MY POSTS.
What the heck, that's not standard behavior even when banning someone. What is this powergrab. For real Steam, why go dull Epic on us?
Here's the topic, as you can see thoroughly scrubbed: https://steamcommunity.com/app/481510/discussions/0/1636417554426759493/#c1636417554429951522
Also seems anti-review bomb activated so they can nicely wipe this all under the rug. No care someone DIED. I am dissapointed Steam.
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Han or Greedo?
It looks like Greedo this time.
"Who shot first?" It's a Star Wars thing.
In this case it's about 2 unstable people dating. In my language we have a saying that translates to 'birds of a feather flock together', meaning like-minded people tend to find each other, which can be nice, unless you are both unstable black holes.
Quite often two unstable people will end up in a volatile relationship and bring out the worst in each other, but they don't give up on each other easily so it goes from bad to worse.
I've seen plenty of situations where both parties were abusive, but only one weaponized it to keep doing harm long after the fact, while the other just tries to move on or wants to forget.
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That's a perfectly good analogy, except in this case, the who didn't speak up, the one who wanted to forget also continued to exhibit self-destructive behavior, to the point where he exhausted the goodwill he had left from people around him. It's still not as cut and dry, and while we can judge certain actions from a distance (because everyone has their own opinion), assigning blame is another thing. We tend to be wiser about these things as we grow older, but clearly in some cases, there's some pettiness and vindictiveness left over that can generally guide us to some disastrous results, part of what happens afterwards is reflection, but I guess depending on the situation (especially in this case where everything is needlessly brought out in public) you also have to deal with the shame of seeing people's takes on your personal situation. That may be an overwhelming thing to handle. At the same time, you really can't expect people you've wronged before to be considerate of any given situation. Either way, it's a crapshoot. One of the trickiest parts of being in a relationship is the cleanup afterwards if / when it fails, and clearly both have a lot of unresolved emotional issues from their relationships. These two clearly were not bringing out the best in each other.
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They both continued to exhibit self-destructive behaviour, only Zoe's has more public visibility and was logged on a number of occasions, whereas the exact degree or veracity of the incidents with Alec have yet to be determined or made entirely public. Overall this just feeds directly back into m3rc's point about "Han or Greedo?"
I agree that if Zoe was really wronged, then she has every right to speak up on her own terms, regardless of when or where she chooses. The trouble is that the more I've discussed this matter, the more bits and pieces people have linked stuff about Zoe's history. I learned about what her supposed support organisation got up to, and even that she used it as a point of organisation when rallying to attack someone apparently without basis Link provided by Svipur. She then later accused the co-founder of this org of abuse, and had... well, check the article link attached to the post. Then there was the photography incident which suggests even those not on bad terms can still be subject to her 'creative phrasing'.
And like Han and Greedo, you have two people who are equally as likely to be up to no good. The only difference is who actually 'drew first', but as onlookers, we can't even go beyond remarks on their character. Alec's stuff is non-specific and unrevealed. Zoe's stuff hinges on being an unreliable narrator with a certain modus operandi.
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I don't think you'll find anything redemptive in how Zoe has acted publicly. People might argue she is hurting the movement she's supposed to represent more than she's helping it. I'm not sure if Zoe's or Alec's failings need to be publicly scrutinized as it has at this point. Clearly, there's a failing in how these things were handled. I don't believe that Zoe deserved the hate she was getting at the height of gg (on the opposite side of the fence, I will also argue the same for Alec - the only person/s he owe an explanation / apology to is the people he abused and whatever communities he was part of), but part of me also thinks that any support she received might have empowered her in a way that no one intended. Maybe it's also the way we handle celebrity in general that's the issue here. The public discussion around this as a whole needs a lot more nuance and understanding
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You know, it's so relieving to find a post that I don't feel the immediate urge to post 15 paragraphs in reply to.
If I had more than a can of pepsi max at my side, I'd say something akin to "Now that's something I can drink to"
Jesus, all this posting has made my posting style weirdly specific and overly verbose. Just look at it. Pardon me, what I meant to say is "+1". :P
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You don't feel the need to reply because he said that in the most neutral way possible, and in the way you think and are arguing the whole time. He basically said "yeah both sides didn't deserve to be hated C:", and If you really think that way that's actually pathetic, because thinking like that it's what made Zoe the Zoe she is now, you feel like you're neutral but you actually took a side the whole time. The wrong one, like I continue to say and you continue to deny in the most "maybe not" way possible.
This is the last time I will write because I'm honestly sick of all this white knighting you're doing, for someone like her no less. You should feel ashamed, and I honestly feel tired of someone like you going in circles just to sound smart and neutral. And don't worry, I won't blacklist you like you did out of spite for me, I'm not that immature. And stop commenting on every single post, because you will just create more horrible people that think like you do, and that will make only people who like to ruin life run even more free.
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Except that my actual opinion is that that Zoe is likely grossly exaggerating, and I'm angry at the hatemob that formed against Alec. Advocating caution and warning people to not feed into the hate cycle comes above my own opinion though. Maybe there is an element of 'agnostic poverty' there, but given the subject has led to a suicide due to a witch hunt, not locking down on my shit feels like it would be in major bad taste, especially after Alec's family asked people specifically to NOT weaponise his death in hounding others
Instead of trying to deconstruct my points, you have instead opted to deliberately misportray my intentions, attack my manner of speaking (which I'll grant is clumsy as fuck while I try to be really specific), and accuse me of bias via throwing a disposable buzzword at me. You're saying again that you're "not that immature", but look at exactly what you're doing in that very same post, Narga. If the size of my replies are too exhausting to keep slogging through, then I can appreciate that. That one's on me. The subject is draining enough without having to read a novel every few hours. If you think I've just come to a false compromise? Well, I suppose I could see that if you hadn't followed the other reply chains, but there were examples of at least one other account about Alec that lended credence against him even when up against my erring on the side of caution.
But right now you're at a point of just throwing accusations, and justifying it with tribal rhetoric. "White knighting" is an easy (and and in this case dishonest) buzzword to throw out, but in trying to use it against me you're only further diluting its meaning. You are so consumed by your own evaluation at this point that it is just as well you're taking your leave, because short of total agreement, you would likely only continue to see me as a convenient bogeyman of your 'enemy'.
So whatever. You do you I guess :p
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Ok I said I won't respond but I actually will because I don't really get it what you're actually doing.
You can't say "my actual opinion is actually what everyone else is thinking minus the important stuff" while going up against everyone who thinks like that. There's not even a point, you're not making sense you know? In one comment you say something, in the other it seems you say something else, you're trying to be "neutral" in every subject, but everytime someone tries to say that zoe shouldn't deserve something you seem to agree. If a criminal does something, he needs to be punished. There's nothing else to say, and that's what everyone said, except you who are clearly against everyone who seems to have understood what's going on. There are people who defend Zoe, there are people like you who try to be neutral and end up defending Zoe, and people who go against Zoe. There's only one right path to take, and it isn't making everyone calm down in a situation where people should say something. You know Alec's "family" it's actually only her sister? Who's a feminist who believes that whatever Zoe did was right? That doesn't mean anything.
Also every criminal who tries to escape the law while people are angry about him it's called a "witch hunt"? Didn't know this buzzword, but I get it, Zoe a poor woman who only exaggerated and that's her only flaw, right?
I tried to deconstruct your points MULTIPLE times, like everyone else did. But instead of accepting that what you said was wrong in this case, you tried to see this SPECIFIC situation in a GENERAL situation, like it would change something. That doesn't prove your point or invalidates the others, it just means you try to stay in the subject without actually responding to it, it's something that most poilticians or orators do. You're not objective, you try to make the argument subjective only to prove your point, which is probably "don't go saying things about this situation because nobody knows what actually happened" or "there's probably a language barrier because I intend something you said like this and you don't", which is what Zoe wants you to do. And what everyone else said in the other comments, but you again continued to ignore the FACTS about what she actually DOES, and trying to talk about all of it just being possibilities. The only big IF is if he actually raped her, but nobody is talking if that guy actually did it or not, but the intentions of what Zoe intended to do.
I started saying "buzzwords" because what's actually what you're doing, you can laugh all you want at the phrase "White knighting" thinking like you aren't doing it, but what's what everyone can understand reading the comments. If you aren't, then you will have no problem saying that Zoe was and is a criminal, who should be punished for everyting she did in the past (because you know what she did right?) and everything that she did now, including volunterly ruining a man's life because she knew that accusing someone on twitter would make that person lose his job and then gain popularity herself while making money on patreon. What's your point now, the same as before? that the things that happened are unclear? you can say that how much you want in all the comments you did, but this won't actually change what she did. You can lie to yourself and others, "you don't know why she did that, you don't know what's true or not", but you know what? Facts prove otherwise. Also I don't even like Alec, so I don't have a reason to go against Zoe for a personal reason or something, only to get justice.
I am tired of decostructing your points, like I already said, because your points are useless, and you will claim them as correct, and you won't actually change your mind about what I say. THAT'S why I didn't want to reply, but I'm actually baffled at how much mental gymnastic you are doing everytime someone replies to you, while everyone else has a clear and true idea on mind.
What's that? You wanted to comment how much thinking like this is detrimental or something? You want to make the argument subjective again? You're in no position to do so, looking at all the things you said about others.
I don't see you as a bogeyman or my enemy, you're just someone who creates problems like this.
I am also not a native english speaker, so talking about this stuff in another launguage is difficult to me, I have other things to say but I'm honestly both tired and dissapointed by this. I know that you will continue talking about this, I know Zoe will only gain what she wanted from this, and I know that more people in the world will suffer for this. But I did what I can. You did not, but you won't make the world better like this.
And I will end this comment with another quirky phrase like you since you think you won saying that.
We aren't talking about what she wrote and if Alec is innocent or not, because he isn't, but what she wanted to happen and why. And you can't understand that, hilarious :P
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Oh, there was a bigger post. Didn't see that in my message notifications.
Well you already swore off talking to me elsewhere because I'm a "white knight" and a "hypocrite" and whatever. Might as well address it.
In one comment you say something, in the other it seems you say something else, you're trying to be "neutral" in every subject, but everytime someone tries to say that zoe shouldn't deserve something you seem to agree.
I only seem to be neutral in every subject because I am responding to posts that claim definitive answers that place blame heavily on one side or the other, or think they have found deciding factors that are actually far less simple than they seem (the old "why didn't the victim instantly report to the police?" chestnut, for example). My opinion is not neutral, but I try to be neutral in my handling of what sources and talking points are brought up. The alternative is letting my personal bias dictate what I see. The end result is actually that thanks to the links of other people, I got slapped up both sides of my head with fresh info. Someone came forward about Alec, but vanished from public view when they locked their account (the wayback machine caught it though). Someone else brought up that Zoe was part of a notorious SA subforum, and the co-founder of Crash Override was accused of abuse also. Opinions are not meant to be static, they're meant to evolve, even if in the end I still can't (personally) find it compelling enough to damn Zoe. Lacking any solid conclusion and failing all else, I still wanted to somehow caution against the mob mentality, because that's exactly what took the situation and multiplied it further.
If a criminal does something, he needs to be punished. There's nothing else to say, and that's what everyone said, except you who are clearly against everyone who seems to have understood what's going on.
Except that is the very point of contention. Nobody knows what happened previously, and if the claims she made are not exaggerated beyond a certain degree, then that totally reframes the legitimacy of her actions. As we are outsiders, we only have guesses based on character witnesses, which as I mentioned, are entirely unreliable at discerning whether specific incidents occured. Character witnesses establish patterns and help draw the most likely conclusions, but they do not create said conclusions on their own. By that very same token, it was revealed Alec has a similar reputation regarding women, though the degree (and reliability) of which is largely unknown.
There's only one right path to take, and it isn't making everyone calm down in a situation where people should say something.
According, of course, to your opinion.
So, in this 'only one right path to take' belief, what exactly is the end goal, and what is the method through which you hope to achieve it? How does it differ from say, the 'only one right path to take' that people took when 'speaking up' against Alec, many of which operated on a similar degree of opinion? The people who hunted Alec used exactly the same mentality that you are using now. That 'now is not the time to be quiet', and that 'people should know', and so they stated their belief in Zoe's account as if they were verified facts, and in their numbers they applied substantial pressures that undoubtedly contributed to Alec's fatal choice.
You know Alec's "family" it's actually only her sister? Who's a feminist who believes that whatever Zoe did was right? That doesn't mean anything.
Do you have a source for that? After you had a little meltdown and began progressively projecting more intentions / thoughts / beliefs at me in the other comment chain, due only to disagreeing with you, this claim doesn't really stand up just on its own.
Also every criminal who tries to escape the law while people are angry about him it's called a "witch hunt"? Didn't know this buzzword, but I get it, Zoe a poor woman who only exaggerated and that's her only flaw, right?
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Haha, I hear ya. It's a break that's well deserved, even if it's just a sip of Pepsi Max!
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Well, thats certainly puts a lot of things into context.
As a victim of abuse in the past, it makes sense that Alec would (unintentionally) echo some shades of abuse upon others due to his unresolved and ongoing emotional blowback / paranoia. The pattern of emotional blackmail by threatening to commit suicide coupled with the constant feeling that people were out to get him and made light of his thoughts/feelings. The efforts to resist it and work through it with the therapy and meds. The relapsing. And the gravity between similar volatile individuals. I'm getting really sick of saying 'volatile' but I really can't think of a better word.
I mean, it all fits into place with that.
The reason why people warned against him, and why his actions may have never been abusive to the knowing and deliberately hostile degree that people would want to press charges (or reasonably be able to contextualise even if he did something bad enough). Emotional abuse isn't something that the law really touches on, unless it is incredibly overt like exposing PTSD sufferers to obvious triggers (most often seen when assholes try to trigger military PTSD sufferers with sharp noises, etc). I can only imagine how such a person would interact with another volatile (albeit a different kind of volatile) person in Zoe, and the resulting trashfire and fallout there. After it came to light, his suicide lines up directly with what Scott describes. Not out of guilt over 'I got caught being nasty' nor admission of 'everything Zoe said was totally accurate', but at seeing his internal nightmare take full form and his coping strategies not holding out. It's... fucking rough to put it all into context.
I'm sure Zoe did her usual of embellishing the details and omitting key context in various aspects, but in the end, if she was caught in a closed environment with someone who suffered and projected these issues onto others, and she had to deal with being caught in the negative feedback loop of a self-destructing person? In one hand, it's not hostile cartoon evil grade stuff of locking people away and strangling them with the entrails of puppies, but it's almost worse that it's the archetypal "abused becomes abuser" situation and that even the people affected by it believed he was trying to get better, and it wasn't his 'real self' when he was acting like that.
It's kind of important to stop others being caught in that situation (I dread to think what may have happened if a more vulnerable person was caught in one of his negative cycles). Maybe she should have tempered her shit somehow? But if she suffered through it, then its her story to do with as she pleases. Sure it was a clumsy reveal but... ugggh. Shit. It's not like each industry has an insiders equivalent of a 'buyers beware' to peer-review associates conduct in a respectable non-public manner, is it? I mean jesus.
I still feel the urge to make excuses to find in favour of "but we don't know for sure" here, but with Scott's account that's another one stepping up to verify aspects of Alec that seems to track together, especially with the most common sentiment of "it doesn't surprise me, but parts of this are worse than I thought / remember / experienced".
I don't even know what to do with this now. I've gotten whiplash from the various stuff links brought forward in these last few days of posting, with sources that painted all kinds of bad pictures. Starting to feel like a yoyo on a fucking overstreched bungee cable. Oh well, I'm sure the next wave will be people calling everything Scott says as a lie to cover his own ass for severing ties, with less focus given to the still-smouldering embers of the hatemob that actually applied the heaping pressures.
Unless of course someone comes forward with yet another article or source that puts a whole new fucking spin on the flavour.
You couldn't intentionally write a daytime drama like this. Oof.
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Well, for once, we can fully agree.
I got some objections with Scott's story though (the fire thing again for one, and his 'woman got it worse' [citation needed]), not sure if you would file that on "everything Scott says is a lie to cover his ass".
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It's hard because it sounds like he's the kind of person who wants to make people dependent on them, then use whatever form of dependency that was built against those same people. Unfortunately, I doubt this article will really change a lot of minds on either side to tone it down. People are already complaining that he shouldn't have posted this while Alec was yet to be buried. Those same people were the ones who kept demanding Scott answer the accusations that they turned their back on Alec without caring about the truth
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(I'll respond to your response on me when I get on my PC. Tablet isnt great for big posts)
On this one though: Agreed.
It's odd people want the full story, they GET the full story then they cry he's terrible for bringing out the full story. Like, seriously? Mindless hatemobs all around on all sides, it's terrible. I hate this world. So much confirmation bias all around, rational thinking thrown out the window.
I, for one, am happy to hear this side, and will wait a few days on other news that may e changes it, read NitW on my wishlist.
Still don't believe a word of Zoe's story though.
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You don't need to go through much of what's happening at any given time with Zoe to find she's done something that appears shady. (including her handling of this particular situation) so it's understandable if you have strong feelings against the stuff she said. She has been consistent talking about abuse she went through in canada, well even before GG. See this screenshot of a convo between her and eron:
It does appear like her negative experiences in Canada before colored her handling of the situation now. Nothing is really an excuse for bad behavior though, and I say that with regards to everyone involved in this situation
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Manitoba and Ontario provinces are right beside each other, so it's entirely plausible that they visited Alec in Winnipeg but was ultimately wanting to stay in Toronto, since Toronto is a major city. And again, Zoe mentions 2 people there who abused them. While I agree that speculation isn't conclusive, I don't think it is much of a stretch either, since they said they were also looking for people to live with.
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Thanks. Interesting read. Seems Alec did some emotional lashing, an added with Scott giving up his job, working long on this game and feeling abandoned (which he was) led to his issues. Which ARE clearly Alec's fault, though exhaburated (sp?) by him trying to 'fix' Alec. Threatening to commit suicide if else definitely is emotional abuse.
And he says he would never want to work again, specficially stating it as "why it's not firing"... then mentions recently working with him on a epilogue, the one also mentioned on Twitter which was put on indefinite hold with Alec leaving the project. Scott, if you tell your story please don't lie at any point, it harms your believability.
Overall the story paints me as Alec being a terrible boss and having issues with attachment. Using emotional abuse to try and get his way. Enlisting devs than dropping them like a bomb and them picking up the pieces of dropping their life on a dreamproject and see it scattered in pieces.
If this was the story I could see why they would have let him go from the epilogue. Then again if so much harm I also wonder why they signed up together to work on it.
But it isn't. The story is about physical abuse, and nowhere in that story does it rise that's a valid possibility. It seems the only person that was in danger of physical harm was himself. Scott even states himself he isn't afraid of Alec as a person. Every piece of abuse is mental, and while terrible I don't disagree it doesn't stream with the current allegations. Then again he doesn't explain why he was kicked out from the loft, that seems about the only point aside from GDC2015, which also isn't very clear what harm would be.
Scott did mention woman got it harder, but then only explained that by him hiring woman then if they didn't like him he dropped them... but that was the same treatment men got so... what are we supposed to do with that? We learn woman are afraid of him, but once again so are the men in this story (cause of the "I'll kill myself" threats mostly).
It seems that the abuse he did (from this text) was making people drop their life to work on a game, then making it very hard on them to develop the game, then drop the game leaving the people involved scattering the pieces and most likely fall appart with the damage having wasted a year or so of their life would be. And that's terrible. But that's still quite a jump from there to sexual predator or rapist. It also doesn't help for me he states woman got it harder than just mentions things he mentions Alec did to everyone, seemingly trying to make a point that isn't there to make the story true in his head. And it just pulls me away from believing it instead. If you try real hard to stuff sexism in there, maybe, just maybe, there's no sexism there. He would treat everyone the same bad way. But still Scott felt the need to add "But I'm a MAN! Woman got it WORSE!" there.
What should have been a cautionary tale, maybe mental help for Alec, and justice for those he affected turned into... this... by what still seems to be someone malicious using the facts they know to fabricate something seemingly believable to those affected to get money. As someone on Steam said;
"how is anyone going to believe Alec somehow trapped her in a house for a week, that numerous other people were living in at the same time?"
If the truth is bad enough, tell the truth...
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I don't think we get to decide what the story is about, and the accusations lobbied against Alec wasn't (and isn't) limited to just physical abuse. There were other people who spoke. Including someone he was currently working with as her boss. My take on this is women got it harder precisely because of Alec's lack of social skills. People go into a professional relationship with him usually taking the role of the mentor (because he has experience, and most likely, because he bankrolls them to start with), but with women (and since he rarely meets them outside of a professional setting), he can also be wanting something physical, romantic or both, and that usually complicates things. Knowing that he has some professional or financial power over someone might lead to him wanting to exert unwanted dominance in other areas as well, and again, people other than Zoe talked about this.
If you focus solely on the alleged sexual or physical assault as stated by Zoe, I agree there is little we know publicly that supports that, but you can't discount the fact that a lot of people have spoken out about emotional abuse at his hands.
I also want to state again that personally I don't really agree with how Zoe handled outing Alec (or how she's been handling things publicly in general), but really, Zoe isn't the most important takeaway in this for me, it's that abuse (whether, emotional, physical or otherwise happens) and we have to find a better way of talking about these kind of situations, addressing them, and holding the people who committed the abuse accountable.
PS I think this being associated with Zoe Quinn is actually hurting the other people who came forward. No one is even talking about Nathalie Lawhead and Jeremy Soule at all, relatively speaking
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The story Zoe told was full on physical though. Rape, kidnapping, the fingers thing.
There may have been others that "spoke", but just to Scott, nothing public. These people made no accusations, just Zoe. So we have to go with her 'story' as to the charges. Only till this story came out we got other things mentioned, which do not seem to collaborate with the initial accusation made.
But having this many parties all with their own stories does make it hard to discuss. I see a lot of it on the Steam forums where people talk about Scott's experience and Zoe's accusations criss-cross in one topic and then the responses get tangled, it all gets a mess and in the end you just got people shouting at each other about entirely different things than they were even talking about. Fortunately that does not seem to have happened here so far, as far as I can tell.
I agree with your assessement about "finding a better way of talking about these kind of situations, addressing them, and holding the people who committed the abuse accountable" which we might have gotten if Scott's story came first, but with Zoe's first it instead turned into this twisted game of 'true or false' with all sides being angry at each other and having no conversation. And in the end, nobody learns nothing.
Also, once again, agreed with the last part. I haven't even heard anything at all about the 3rd accusation done that day, and Nathalie definitely got the worst possible "support" ever for her case with this.
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The kidnapping one would be addressed if a) they had some sort of agreement that Alec would pay for Zoe's round trip tickets (which, presumably, they did) and Alec for whatever reason decided he would not pay for Zoe to leave and b) If Zoe felt that Alec was in any way manipulating him to stay, he didn't have to physically restrain her. see Canadian kidnapping laws below
(1) Every person commits an offence who kidnaps a person with intent
(a) to cause the person to be confined or imprisoned against the person’s will;
(b) to cause the person to be unlawfully sent or transported out of Canada against the person’s will; or
(c) to hold the person for ransom or to service against the person’s will.
Forcible confinement
(2) Every one who, without lawful authority, confines, imprisons or forcibly seizes another person is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding eighteen months.
(3) In proceedings under this section, the fact that the person in relation to whom the offence is alleged to have been committed did not resist is not a defence unless the accused proves that the failure to resist was not caused by threats, duress, force or exhibition of force.
The law is clear with the non-resistance part. If it went to court, it is on Alec's burden to prove he didn't . As far as statute of limitations go. Here is what Canadian law has to say:
2.1(2) An action for assault is not governed by a limitation period and may be commenced at any time if
(a) the assault was of a sexual nature; or
(b) at the time of the assault, the person commencing the action
(i) had an intimate relationship with the person or one of the persons alleged to have committed the assault, or
(ii) was financially, emotionally, physically or otherwise dependent on the person or one of the persons alleged to have committed the assault.
I believe the way Zoe said it (i) and (ii) were satisfied. If chat logs or phone records can be subpoenaed from that time, they can easily see if there were any circumstantial evidence that could prove that Zoe was prevented from leaving (through traingulating geolocations) and again, Alec would have to explain why he didn't buy Zoe a ticket back if we are assuming that Zoe went to Winnipeg at his request and on his dime.
The rape one is more difficult to prove, but if the circumstantial evidence were against Alec (say, he also got convicted for kidnapping) it would maybe tip the scales if it were decided by a jury. Again, this must've weighed on Alec's mind as well, regardless if he was guilty of everything or just partially
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It seems that the abuse he did (from this text) was making people drop their life to work on a game, then making it very hard on them to develop the game, then drop the game leaving the people involved scattering the pieces and most likely fall appart with the damage having wasted a year or so of their life would be. And that's terrible. But that's still quite a jump from there to sexual predator or rapist.
Scott does address that in his post. He says that apparently when Alec wanted women to work with him, he also wanted them to have sex with him. And when they didn't agree he'd get angry.
Now, that doesn't mean he got physically abusive or raped them, but it certainly means that women were abused at a sexual level, where men weren't. I can't say what's worse. For a woman, that's an immediate warning flag, and there's a chance that many of them left his company much sooner than men, and therefore didn't get the amount of abuse over time. But it certainly is sexual abuse that didn't happen to men.
Also, I think you're getting the abuse aspect wrong. The issue isn't that he raised hopes in people then shattered them. It's that he made people feel responsible for him, lashed out at them, threatened to kill himself if they didn't do what he wanted, that kind of thing. It's not the waste of time or money, it's the ruining of another person's psyche.
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The quote is
"When it came to women, it turns out he often wanted something in return from them, perhaps more than they would or could give him. It was a cowardly way of approaching relationships. Childish. Abusive. And when he didn’t get what he wanted, he dropped them and their game dev dreams by the wayside on his way to find someone else."
I see how it can be read the way you say it but myself I am not fully convinced relationships in this sentence is actually meaning romantical or sexual relationships, more akin to working relationships. Maybe I misread it or misinterpretate it too, that can be a thing. Especially seeing how this is how all the other working relationships worked as well and 'something' is pretty vague. But yeah, perhaps done intentionally to make it seem less offensive.
I think the "feel responsible" was something Scott said he did on a personal level due to his own past wounds, and not something specifically in effect for others. But yes, you're right on the lashing and threats. There's that.
But from Scott's words, as I read them here, the biggest attack on his psyche was the abandonment and left to fend for themselves on working on the game. Which is also Alec's fault aswell, hence basing my words mostly on that since others might not be so receptive to threats but everyone would suffer from a loss of work and income over a project that'll never come to fruition.
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That stupid thot needs to get her dumb mouth shut already. Her false accusations all the time are actually hurting people.
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I just heard about the update today. That's just awful, no other way to say it.
I'm not gonna play detective or pick a side. I don't know either person from Adam, nor will I ever. No support I could offer would make either (well, only one now) feel better in any measurable way, I think only family and friends can help with that.
The best thing that could come of this is teaching us to offer support to distressed people and to not tolerate known instances of abuse (including false allegations), and the worst is enabling the voyeur and shame culture by spreading unknown allegations.
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Like the article itself says, the new "evidence" isn't really exculpatory, we don't know what was going on behind closed doors or what was being discussed between them and other people privately. I don't doubt that there were embellishments in quinn's statements, but you can't fully discount them either
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Only one thing is for certain, Zoe's unfounded accusation led to Alec's suicide and that's unforgivable. It's defamation. It should lead to an involuntary manslaughter charge. If she could prove what she's saying, things would be different. But she can't. Apparently she was already caught lying according to thepostmillenial's article
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That depends on what actually happened. Even where there is exaggeration or character assassination in play, there can be a founding degree of truth. It does repaint the picture with severe doubt and can erase some of the claims she made, however in hostile relationships it's not unusual for people to deliberately project a sense of normalcy to mask what's actually happening (re: the controlling stuff). Consider : In past generations, a beaten spouse would have a story handy for how they acquired substantial bruising, and may even spread the story ahead of people actually witnessing the damage to make their cover more believable (mentioning it over the phone to someone even if you may not be seeing them soon, just in case, etc). Now in the digital information age with its frequent social media usage, I wonder what kind of patterns migrated over to the new format.
Don't get me wrong, as I said before, Quinn is a volatile person so pinches of salt need to be kept on standby, but I'm loathe to discard everything so quickly. The nature of the subject and our position as observers means everything we go on is tenuous at best, and controlling-type abusers (mindful or otherwise) are adept at stacking things to look a certain way. And yes, I do realise that also applies to Zoe. That's more the point. Though thankfully I had more luck discussing this stuff in this forum than I did trying to talk down the people launching at Zoe/Alec on twitter, heh. That was real ugly.
Just as Alec was known to be a volatile person, his sister confirmed it was because he was abused in the past, and fell prey to the whole "the abused becomes the abuser" pattern, but he was fighting it and trying to be mindful. Those he has hurt (or perhaps just scared) have every right to be angry / worried / disgusted, but it doesn't erase the origin of his patterned actions, and why empathy should have been shown. It seems it was even one of the deciding parts of why people he messed with in the past never made a big deal, because they either believed that wasnt the 'real' Alec, or they believed he was genuinely fighting it. It makes me wonder about whether Zoe has a similar (genuine) event in her past that drives her to feel she has to exaggerate. As a total guess on my part, I can imagine a genuine fully-fledged abuse/control scenario in her past that she tried to report / talk about but was instead labelled a fake, and so learned to lean heavily into anything she raises against others to make them 'stick' and not just be weaponised against her. Again, total guesswork on my part, but trying to see into the holding pattern. Like with Alec, it doesn't excuse what she did / does, but as with certain volatile people, mindfulness of their (potential) background goes a long way into seeing through the shenanigans and finding a way forwards. I have no doubt that had Alec not taken his life, his own holding pattern would have extended on, also. With Alec though, a major component of his issues was paranoia, or the feeling that his thoughts/feelings were mocked or ignored (hence why he manifested in anger / moodiness / manipulative behaviour), and the situation with the social media hatemob was essentially his greatest fear / paranoid nightmare manifesting in reality. I wonder if the severe saturation of negativity / hate that GamerGate did towards Zoe just fed her volatility via her past triggers, and caused her to become more destructive. I don't know. A lot of things taken on their own and without some hypothesis don't add up in a satisfactory way. It really could just be a summary case of "Zoe bad" but it's extremely rare that a person is just a bad apple without due influences to 'mutate' them.
As for the involuntary manslaughter? Eh. I really don't know about that. It assumes too much.
Plus it also comes with the premise of echoing criminality upon those who harassed Alec, which is unreasonable. If not in the scale of work to draw all said people in, then in determining if suicide is a reliable conclusion to angry barking on social media. Then again, law could use to adjust itself better to the digital information age, but who would make such policy? Most lawmakers are notoriously out of touch with such things and would be grasping futilely at something they barely know the outline of.
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how dare you posting something that questions the whole #believewAmen thing?
SJWs be eating you alive for your insolence!
indeed, the opinion police is on patrol again. if you can't even handle words then what in life can you handle? pathetic.
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opinion police
There's kind of a grave subject going on here.
Maybe save the tribal strawman dance for another time?
Here's a timestamped video for your consideration for a small note on the tribalism thing and how your posturing / totem worship about 'SJWs' is just feeding the radicalisation that enables deaths such as Alecs to happen in the first place. The whole video is worth a watch to be honest, but at 7 minutes the timestamped bit I linked is a handy little visual reference about echo chambers / tribes.
Also consider what makes a 'social justice warrior' bad. Resorting to hostility / mockery as a first choice, trying to use weight in numbers to shun/shame others to fall in line with their own thinking (rather than the merits of their actual position, often misportraying the opponent). How they come to normalise hostility, provide ammo to their detractors, damage the image of the movement they claim to champion, and hinder meaningful dialogue. Consider that by trying to use the exact same strategy, you too are in fact taking this subject (and the death of Alec) and using it as a source of cheap catharsis at the expense of being yet another voice in the ocean of Zoe detractors that projects the image of being detached from reason, ultimately only helping devalue those who critique her genuinely.
Consider : You act this way because you believe your opponent is problematic, and should be shouted down. You want to alter that course, and you do it with hostility. By definition, this makes you a SJW also. You use needless hostility as your default choice when enacting your sense of justice on the realm of social norms. "SJW" is more than a cheap slander-buzzword that can only be launched leftwards, it is a descriptive derisive towards people who behave as you are right now.
My words aren't just simple lashing out, i'm hoping this might give you pause for thought, so we can get a -1 on the millions of circlejerkers that are upholding the overall problem.
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There were also some developer friends that knew Alec and while it always paints towards him being an unpleasant guy at his lowest, they don't really believe Zoe´s allegations.
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Can you recall what those sources were?
I know it's been weeks, so I'm not expecting miracles, but something to cite directly might help. Unless it was inferred by the choice of wording (which while not a concrete statement, can still be valid as far as character witness goes).
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Sometimes I wonder if people understand that "innocent until proven guilty" is a concept that exists in the COURT OF LAW, not the court of public opinion.
Very few #metoo allegations are false, and yet every single one has thousands of men who come out of the woodwork, "Probably false! But what about his reputation?" etc.
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at the same time a lot of women came out of the woodwork yelling "yeah i was abused, too".
turned out they were touched at the knee for half a second 15 years ago and such jokes.
crap like that makes it only harder for actual victims of real harassment and abuse to be heard and taken serious.
also women argue for women, men argue for men.
i wonder if there might be some sort of bias at work?
or is it just that latest gender war fueled by SJW NPCs?
you know the one that actually made people deliberately not hire women for certain jobs because they are not willing to take the risk of being accused of anything.
a male senior employee and a female trainee / junior travelling on a two person business trip? impossible in 2019!
talking about backfiring...
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at the same time a lot of women came out of the woodwork yelling "yeah i was abused, too".
turned out they were touched at the knee for half a second 15 years ago and such jokes.
crap like that makes it only harder for actual victims of real harassment and abuse to be heard and taken serious.
Yeah, I'd have to see some actual credible news reports on this. Never heard a single case of that.
Speaking of bias, it's quite clear that you're coming from a place of extreme bias.
Tell me, are you the sort of person who is now scared on how to approach women you are interested in?
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I admit to not following that one. Aziz kind of came off as a creepy dude, so I was inclined to believe it. Although, I do admit that I try to remain skeptical when a person only has one accuser.
The thing with people who do this sort of thing is that they never do it "just once." It's a pattern of behavior. So, maybe I assumed the worst of Aziz when I shouldn't have. That said, I also didn't join any campaign against him.
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Basically, (and as far as I could make out from the various stories), he went on a date, and afterwards she accompanied him back to his place, where he got a little forward and tried to have sex with her. He didn't force himself on her, but he moved too fast, and tried several times, before he ordered a car home.
Having recently reread the article, it was a bad date, but certainly not #metoo
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"Very few #metoo allegations are false"
Citation needed.
Also, "innocent until proven guilty" is a standard that people should strive for in and out of courts of law. It is a rational, just, humane standard. Just because it tends not to be the case in the "court of public opinion" does not mean that that is commendable or acceptable.
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Citation needed.
Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.
Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.
As far as innocent until proven guilty, "innocent," "guilty," and "proven" are all legal terms. You can't reasonably apply them outside of a court of law.
Regardless, very few of these allegations "ruin lives." You'll find most men are able to escape them relatively unscathed.
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wow, you seem to come from a place of deep hatred and vigilante fantasies
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by defending such acts of unproven ofenses with "You'll find most men are able to escape them relatively unscathed."
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Ah. So, your opinion is what, exactly? If they can't prove it, don't say anything?
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My opinion is that you understand that false accusations exist. yet, devalue its seriousness with an incredibly dumb last statement
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Everything exists. The question is whether it exists to a degree that is relevant for the amount of worry that straight white men are putting into it.
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Also, it's not very clear how defending their right to name abusers is some "deep hatred" or "vigilante fantasy."
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The study you cited occurred in 2010, long before the #metoo trend as well as the general trend of making allegations on social media instead of or well ahead of going to the police.
Making an allegation on social media gets around the problems of having your claim investigated by professionals and running the risk of being found guilty of filing a false police report or worse. Meanwhile, making allegations on social media often garners a person more attention, support, and they gain the sense of being part of a movement larger than themselves (something important to many humans).
Additionally, the sense of "us vs them" across many categories, including women vs men, has only grown stronger in the last 10 years.
There's every reason to suspect that social media claims of the last couple years are likely to have a larger percentage of false claims than reports to the police.
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Old study aside, do you have a more recent study that says it's no longer accurate?
Some allegations made on social media are old allegations that are past statues of limitation or just not easy to prove at this point in time.
Is it that outrageous to think that the patriarchy that sexualizes and exploits women would be perpetrating these acts?
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"innocent until proven guilty" is a concept that exists in the COURT OF LAW, not the court of public opinion.
also you:
statements are facts until they're proven wrong
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Belief that "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't exist in the court of public opinion necessitates the simultaneous belief that either:
1) public accusations should be considered true and should be acted upon until and unless they are proven false; or
2) public accusations should be initially considered neither true nor false, and should not be acted upon until or unless a sufficient amount of hard-to-falsify evidence (e.g. signed receipts, recorded video, archived social media content) is put forth, such that the accusation can be safely considered proven or disproven.
Very few #metoo allegations are false, and yet every single one has thousands of men who come out of the woodwork, "Probably false! But what about his reputation?" etc.
Going on that sentence (which might be an example of the Prosecutor's fallacy, I'm not entirely certain), it seems like you lie in the #1 camp. While well-intentioned, the problem with the "listen and believe" line of thinking is that, in most cases, it's the accusation itself that does the most damage to the accused. As such, no matter many or few false #metoo allegations occur, those falsely-accused still suffer damage.
And even in the cases where falsely-accused are shown to be innocent, the damage done to them is rarely reversible. If their reputation was destroyed, it doesn't just repair itself instantly. If they were fired, they don't get their jobs handed back to them. If relationships with colleagues, close friends, and/or family were broken, those bonds don't just reform as if nothing happened (if they even reform at all).
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For the record, I, PERSONALLY, fall into:
3) public accusations should be initially considered neither true nor false until a corroborating account appears.
In most of the #metoo accusations I am personally familiar with, there has been corroboration.
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And that's why "court of public opion" (read: Twitter hate-mobs) are absolutely terrible. The online variant of violent hooligans. Do you support those too?
Yeah, from what I am seeing, most #metoo allegations are false. Atleast the high profile ones. When "rape" is a convient weapon (hey, we need Julian Assange? RAPE. Fixed) it kind of starts to lose it's trustworthiness.
I have no idea what-so-ever if Jeremy Soule did those things, but Zoe Quinn joining the battle made me greatly lower the belief it is. Then I load my Steam game (Sunless Sea) and see someone else is also accused by 'many woman' and I am like "Of course he is". All these fake accusations around really harm any potential real victims that exist. Woman are here hurting woman, for money. It's sad.
The fact that you seem to want to throw all reason out and go full on mob on just the word of someone, even someone PROVEN to be a pathelogical liar doesn't make me hold you in high regard either. I expect better from people.
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Yeah, from what I am seeing, most #metoo allegations are false.
Well, that just lets me know A) You can't be reasoned with, and B) You're not worth the time to reply to.
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Depp wasn't a #metoo, and regardless, we all know that one was fake.
Spacey was definitely a real one. Of course you're a Spacey defender. Oh my god... you're hopeless.
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I actually haven't weighed in on this particular case. I admit to not having followed it.
I'm responding to the comments section and the white hetero male freak out that has followed.
LOL. If I'm an SJW, it's news to me. I've CALLED people SJWs. Well, whatever terminology floats your boat.
It's flattering to know you've been checking to see if I blocked you, though.
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If you haven't followed it, why not actually look into it a bit before adding to the conversation? If you kick in the door with #BelieveAllWoman you can't really go back and hide behind "buuuut, I didn't really study this case. I just came here to blanket judge you all."
"LOL. If I'm an SJW, it's news to me."
"white hetero male freak out"
Congrats, you are one.
I generally do a check with people I argue with wheter they can take constructive arguments, and discuss, or just rather qualify me as a villain without redemption. It helps determine if it's worth keeping on talking. Useful stuff.
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I believe with Kevin Spacey, one particular lawsuit was dropped. Other things that were corroborated even by people he worked with did not go through a trial (presumably because of things like statute of limitations, etc), one trial that exonerates him does not exonerate him of all the accusations (some of which were corroborated and proven at the time to be true). We can't say for sure with Alec since it didn't go to court. There are enough people who say that he was at least emotionally abusive in and out of relationships. The projared thing is tricky, because a.) his divorce is ongoing and b.) even if we assume that he didn't solicit minors, he did solicit fans, and even he admits to a power imbalance there. Johnny Depp has a lawsuit filed against his ex wife, and there's enough documentation there to suggest that he plans to contest Amber's version of events point for point. I don't necessarily think Depp is universally condemned either
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From what I hear all convictions were duds, so that leaves said "accusations", so the legal thing fails but the rest stands? Hmmm...
Emotional abuse, or being hard to be around because his threats to inflict self-damage isn't exactly akin to rape though.
Is B) illegal? Far I know fans do not hold the boss-employee legal restrictions.
He lost several movie contracts and of course people of the "public court of law" wanted Hollywood to push him out entirely, all on false allegations. Which makes me very suspect of such courts, especially if they follow extreme unrelatiable personalities (as done here). Her involvement in this also makes me question the other woman in the gaming industry coming out, and I have no idea if those are true at all, but their credibility is harmed by this false allegation. A woman throwing other woman under the bus just to get some press and money and a job. And aslong as those exist, and seem to be, atleast to me, the face of #metoo... this movement does more harm than good to actual victims.
It's a sad thing to see good intentions being destroyed by the sick individuals of society who just see that as a way for revenge or money.
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yes, the rest stands because he admitted to them and it was settled (rather unceremoniusly in some cases), in the case of Anthony Rapp, he said he was drunk. In the case of what happened in the usual suspects, Other actors like Gabriel Byrne confirmed something happened, production stopped and it was settled. Public opinion isn't necessarily about what's illegal, but what we can agree as a society is fair (because a lot of people like to skirt the line between the edge of the letter of the law and what's beyond it), and it isn't necessarily wrong to call out what we think collectively as immoral behavior (Like you call out the stuff Zoe is doing). As far as jared goes, even he admits he crossed a line (and probably won't be doing it again) and is showing at least some form of contrition, which people are responding to (even people who accused him like Pamela Horton) positively
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