Let me make clear first that I never did this. I wonder if it's allowed though. The idea is to exceed the maximum of 300P by buffering the points. That can be done by entering GAs that end a month from now. So when I run out of points, I can remove myself from those buffer GAs. The result would be a very high number of points in the buffers.

Is this allowed?

11 years ago*

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300 points limit. You can't get more unless a giveaway is removed/deleted.
[EDIT] Nevermind, I misread your post. I think you are allowed to do it... Nothing in the rules about this.

11 years ago

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Banking it is fine, I think they fixed/changed being able to go over 300 like that though (or it might fix itself back to 300 the next time you get any points)

Just try to 'withdraw' your points early enough before it ends, if only to save a bit of trouble to the giverawayer in having to reroll something if you don't actually want it.

11 years ago

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You can enter whatever you want and leave whenever you want.

If you or someone else is creating fake giveaways to store the points, then you'd probably end up getting in trouble.

11 years ago

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I see nothing wrong with that. You can't exceed 300, but you can leave "storage" giveaways if you need points for ones closer to their end. I think it's a common practice, or at least I've read it quite some times.

11 years ago

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By using buffers, you can end up with thousands of points. Sure, they don't show in your account credit, but you still have them.

11 years ago

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In theory, but the more games you have, the less giveaways available and the less points you can store.

I only have about 150p worth of giveaways left before there are none left!

11 years ago

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I think that the limit is because if someone joins the site then leaves for a long while they would be able to join every giveaway. If you are actively storing your points I think it is fine.

11 years ago

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If you took the time to enter, leave and then enter more. When would you have time to play? Don't get me wrong I love steamgifts but that would just take way too much time. I doubt most people have time to use all the points they obtain now.

11 years ago

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I tend to just keep going onto the next page until I run out of points but if a short give away pops up & I'm short on points I'll leave the giveaways with the longest time but I wouldn't really call that storing/banking for I'm entering giveaways that I want to win.

11 years ago

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It would be absurd if it WASN'T allowed! There are plenty of fake giveaways which appear only useful for this purpose!

11 years ago

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Not only is it fine to do this, but even if it wasn't how would they regulate this? You think the mods have the time to monitor every GA you enter/withdraw from for every user? :P

But yeh, if you want to juggle your points like this in order to maximize the amount of GAs you can enter, go for it!

11 years ago

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I'm guessing only way to regulate it would be disabling "remove entry" option?

11 years ago

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They could make it so that you only get half back, having no remove option would be very annoying.

11 years ago

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This would suck if you had won a game, successfully received it, and wanted to cancel entries in other giveaways for the same title.

11 years ago

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Yup, one of biggest (if not only) fault in this system. But I guess it could be worked out - like when you click "giveaway received" SG automatically removes you from giveaways for same product?

11 years ago

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Been doing and advocating it for years, never had issues.

11 years ago

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Eh, I do this all the time, and really, there isn't anything wrong with it.

For me, it's more of a strategy for spending my points. Do I want to spend most of my points on some abundant lesser games that I may be interested in, or do I try to build up some points to save for later on, when some rarer, more important games may come along? Or maybe try to spend them on a mix of lesser and important giveaways?

It kind of helps to make the site feel a bit fun, too. =P

11 years ago

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I always do this ._.
it's just a clever way not to waste points, I see nothing bad in it

btw, if you have 290P and exit from a 50P ga, you'll always end up with 300P cause that's the limit..

11 years ago

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The only possible way that you can exceed the 300 point limit is if a giveaway is deleted that you're entered in.

It's rare that that happens though.

11 years ago

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I exceeded the limit only a couple of time.. but that was a sign of an imminent crash of the site XD

11 years ago

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It's perfectly acceptable.

If you have too many points, go to a bunch of giveaways that end in like 2 weeks and enter all of them, then leave them when you need to enter something you actually want.

11 years ago

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I suppose it depends on how highly you value your time, and how many giveaways you plan on entering.

300 points seems more than enough. It's been a long time since I ran out of points on here...

11 years ago

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I don't think there is a problem with it but ask Support.

11 years ago

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It wouldn't be gaming the system, since everyone receives an identical number of points. You can choose to spend those points now, spend them later, or let them expire by staying at the limit. By storing points in giveaways, a user would simply be choosing to spend their points at a later date. It's actually for the best if a user decides to wait for a giveaway they're interested in playing, instead of spending their points just for the sake of it.

11 years ago

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I see cg's responded, but even if it wasn't allowed, there isn't anything we could do about it, not without negatively affecting the site. We could go the Playblink route, where you can't remove your entry, but what if you get a private 2 entry giveaway for something you REALLY want and you have no points? If you can't take it out, you're boned there. We couldn't enforce this being not allowed even if we wanted to, not without changing the system for the worse.

11 years ago

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True. But you could just spend 150 points on shit and keep 150 points (max. required) for stuff you really want.

Only one really affected would be people in plenty "private monthly giveaway groups", since you wouldn't be able to enter all the giveaways they drop at start of month.

11 years ago

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I hardly run out of points myself but this is a nice way to bank some points. I dont think there is anyhting wrong with it.

11 years ago

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I don't have time for this and most of the time I can't even spend 300 points.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by RealNC.