I made a puzzle including this image : http://i.imgur.com/YwzJ7kt.jpg

My puzzle ended, and someone complained that I had added misleading subtext to the image. I had no idea what it was about, but it turns out that if you remove parts of the url, you can the the image in another context : http:/imgur.com/YwzJ7kt

Now, you will probably notice that it says "[Specific] Can someone play with the background and check if there is no hidden text? (grayscale maybe?)"

So, some random person managed to add this text to my upload, in an attempt to get some help from... I don't know, any viewer ?

Are you familiar with imgur ? If you are, can you confirm that a random person can add this piece of information to someone else's upload ?

8 years ago

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I do not see what you are referring to

8 years ago

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The first link was the one I was using, it just shows the image. The second link, without i. and .jpg, shows the image in imgur' interface, with a text seemingly asking for help about the image.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I don't see it on mobile

8 years ago

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Nah, noone can modify your upload. Nor change anything like captions, ect. I know... Two years on Imgur, Glorious notoriety :P

EDIT: To clarify - someone can take your image and reupload it with their own title/caption.

8 years ago*

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Yet it did happen. Surely there has been occurrences of an user arriving on a website, only to find out that they were logged in with another user's profile ?

edit : this was edited within my upload, just the text was added.

8 years ago

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Ah yes, if you refer to that, then it might have happened. Someone could log into your Imgur account and edit description/title of the image.

8 years ago

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However, if there would be a situation when you upload a "wild" picture, without logging into your account, and then provide someone with the link to that picture... Well, then that person could press "Share with the community" button, login to their account, and "claim" the link as their own, adding a title.

8 years ago

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Dammit. It looks like it. But would I have been able to upload without an account ? And how come I am now able to access it and manage it - including editing out the text that was added ? Is it compatible with your theory ?

8 years ago

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Well if you can edit it, then no, my theory isn't applicable. The only explanation is that someone had access to your Imgur account.

And yes, you can upload without logging in. (I logged off to check it, to be 100% sure, first log out in months...).

8 years ago

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I don't know of any way someone could modify it without your account info. But screw the guy complaining about your puzzle, it's YOUR puzzle! Obviously it was doable if other people solved it :P

8 years ago

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Indeed but that part is really weird, it makes me look like an idiot, that's why I'm looking for an explanation.

8 years ago

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Someone made a topic about your imgur upload on Reddit here (archive). Maybe someone was trying to cheat on your puzzle? Heh.

Imgur can link Reddit posts to uploads. I'm not familiar enough with it to know exactly when it does, but I think that happens if you upload anonymously since it assumes there's a good chance the person who uploaded the image is the one who created the thread.

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot. Time to report the fucker.

8 years ago

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Ahahaha if they were stuck there I sincerely doubt they finished the rest <3
Question though! Given i didn't get to finish your puzzle i was curious on all that i had missing, did you post the solutions? :)

8 years ago

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Yes, it's all in the thread :-)

8 years ago

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