Kinda like machinarium
smart and simple
it can be android game too if there any good ones.

9 years ago

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Lilly Looking through
The Silent Age.

9 years ago

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Samorost from the same dev seems ok, but short.

9 years ago

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I highly recommend Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube
Though it might be a different style than what you're asking for.
I liked it better than Portal.
Please don't hurt me.

9 years ago

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not what i would want i have portal 2 for that kind of games more machinarium like if you it.

9 years ago

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I suggest trying out World of Goo. Not as simple as a point & click but still really easy to pick up.

9 years ago

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Lumino City.
I really like the art design. :)

9 years ago

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I can't say, as I have never played Machinarium, but graphically, the Deponia series looks alot like Machinarium. I have just started playing the first, so can't say how well the puzzles are in the game.

I also recently finished off Frankenstein: Master of Death and Dracula's Legacy, which were fairly good Puzzle games with some find the hidden item games in it as well.

9 years ago

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Spacechem and Hexcells!
Neither are really very Machinariumesque... But they are the best puzzle games ever made.
You're not really playing a puzzle game until your brain starts hurting.
That stabbing pain above your left eye is how you know you're having fun.

9 years ago

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+1 for SpaceChem. It's probably my favorite of all time. (HexCells was good too, but I didn't like that trial and error could be used to solve things so easily.)

9 years ago

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Although I haven't played it yet, Unmechanical reminds me a bit of Machinarium in that it's puzzles with robots. Violett Remastered is more of the 2D puzzling like Machinarium, and somebody above mentioned Samorost 2 made by the same devs.

Oh-- and The Tiny Bang Story was also Machinarium-esque. It's also currently 60% off on Steam.

9 years ago

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idk if its counted as puzzle but I do recommend the game the treasures of montezuma

9 years ago

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did you play braid? it's not similar to machinarium but it's also awesome.

there's also winterbottom if you like puzzles.

9 years ago

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I play a lot of puzzle games, but not usually point and click so our tastes may be a bit different. My favorites are:
Portal (1and 2)

For Android I like Trainyard, and LYNE isn't bad.

9 years ago

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Bik is a nice adventure game with a cute story, more comedic, varied puzzles and fun achievements. It doesn't have the luscious artwork of Machinarium, though. It's on Android, too.

I also adored Botanicula from the Machinarium devs. It has a different style of puzzling, with collectibles, but much better than Samorost imo.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by PC2400.