what do you think about it ?
As I always say: If you're making the giveaways just for the sake of CV, you're doing it wrong.
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But that is part of the problem, SG was meant to be a giveaway website. People shouldn't really be thinking, oh this is 85% off and unbundled so it will provide me with the best ratio of money to CV so I can get into higher tier giveaways to get the games I actually want... Seems more like a trading service and seeing how you can the most out of the trade. You might as well just buy the games you want instead.
If you look at Fallout 4, people were creating giveaways prior to launch before it received heavy discounts. They weren't worried about the ratio of money spent to CV earned. They cared about giving away a much desired game to the community, which is the right attitude.
psvan91 said he cared because he wanted to give out unbundled games, but why does that even matter? The main reason I can think of is private groups. Some groups require unbundled game giveaways from each member, again working as a trading system. Others give points based on giveaways and provide more for unbundled, again a form a trading. I would be more concerned with providing games that I could afford and would be wanted and enjoyed over any bundled/unbundled concern.
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I don't know - I create giveaways almost exclusively for bundled games. Yes, that's largely an economy-based choice about how much CV I will get for the money I spend, but it also results in more giveaways on SG, and more winners, which helps to grow the community. Sure, some of these bundled games are truly garbage, but many of them are actually great games to the right audience. If CV suddenly went away as a concept and giveaways were only created by people who bought extra copies of top-quality games solely for the purpose of giving them away (discounts and value be damned), I imagine SG would quickly die, as the volume of giveaways would drop to a trickle and the community would soon follow.
I enjoy giving, and that's how I found SG in the first place - looking for something to do with my extra keys from personal bundle puchases. However, without any incentive (beyond the joy of giving) to give more, I would choose to give less often, and to people I know, as every gift would mean a lot more to me. On SG, that would mean group/whitelist GAs only for many people, which I again think would lead to the death of the site.
To the OP - if the game's so good that it's worth complaining about it being added to the bundled list, just buy it! The devs obviously deserve your money! Your chances of winning such a game in a public GA are minuscule anyways, even if it hadn't been bundled, and unless you're a leech with a horrible ratio (you're not), you're spending plenty of money making GAs yourself, and could just use it to buy the game outright instead.
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This (first paragraph). But if the majority is ok with the CV system and people gaming it to level up... whatcha gonna do?
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Because people don't have money?
I'm level 5 now, and I get here mostly thanks to bundle games. I don't know if I would do better if I would GA games like GTA V of F4, but the fact is that at the time, I had 2$ to spend from time to time but I didn't had 60$ to spend it at once.
Also I somehow prefer giving more games, especially when bundle is really good, instead of one game.
BTW, I think some games are actually somehow protected. All Fallout games are avalible to be given, none of them are bundled. Some key shops (and I mean legit shops, not this platforms that are often called shady) create nice discounts that allow to exploit CV on F3 or F:NV yet they are full value.
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Yeah but that's not the point here. A lot of people do it for the CV, and nobody is going to give away a better game just because it's better, if it costs a bit more but gives the same CV as, idk, Crash Drive 2. That is the problem here. The only places where you can see games like Lords of the Fallen, Dark Souls 2, Far Cry 3/4 or whatever are whitelisted giveaways or super secret groups with <50 entries.
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there have been so many public fallout 4 giveaways. did you all miss them? there were many, really. i believe the last one i saw ended yesterday.
groups and whitelists are kind of a reward for being an active member here and giving away lots of games. is it wrong to reward the people who invest a lot in this site?
i give away better games, because they are better. sometimes i buy a game despite knowing it's listed as bundle game, just because it's a good game and i want to give it away. there are people here who do that. just not the majority. and that won't change, no matter what we change here.
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And arguments like yours are flawed. Whether you like it or not, there is an underlying system (CV) and OP is suggesting an improvement to this system. People like you always say 'We don't like/need the system at all, therefore all attempts to improve it are pointless' which barely has anything to do with the actual issue. Fair enough, you have your opinion (which is to abolish or limit the system, I suppose) but don't act like that opinion enables you to contradict logical arguments.
Let me give you an example to drive the point home. Let's say the CV system completely broke down and any game you gave gave €0.01 CV no matter the cost. Someone came to the forum to point out that maybe this was less than optimal. Then he is met by your rather universal reply. Is this fair to the OP? Does it serve any purpose? Sure, in this scenario the outcome might be beneficial to you (assuming you didn't like the CV system in the first place). Does it make OPs concerns any less valid?
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People aren't necessarily making giveaways just for CV, but they're choosing what giveaways to make in order to maximise CV. Many people would choose to buy a shitty non-bundled game over a good bundled game for this reason. SG is a game, not a charitable giving site, and that's part of the game.
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judging the region of people who entered is a good way to control that...
(edit: but I think this is part of another idea - the "region lock bundle list")
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I think steamgifts* knows what region we are because we only see our region lock gibs, not other regions. I think, somehow, they have this info and can easily control it.
let's say that if more than 50% who entered are people from the same region inside a group, the gib will receive the bundle value, not full, even if it is marked as row because the region lock version was bundled.
kinda complex... not sure if I express myself right.
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exactly! explained it again below... I think this will fully solve the groups region-lock/row/cv issue.
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But it wouldn't matter for closed groups created for the sake of leveling up. Like AboveAverageJoe mention, 5 Russian friends could just be passing the games to each other and level up real fast.
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but 5 russians with only 5 entries is 100% russian. this will make the gib russian, even if it is marked as row...
in other hand, if 5 entries only 2 are russians and 3 are brazilians, the "row" status is acceptable.
you will judge the region inside groups considering who enters, not what is marked.
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This would work on random Russians. My point was, that 5 Russian friends could just regift each other crap games 100 times in private giveaways and level up without actually giving anything away to other people
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steamgifts checks if the game is activated. if you mark as received and the game doesn't appear on your library, you will be suspended and it will be on your won history.
the problem you raised, actually, is no problem at all in actual system and will certainly not be in amy other.
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First of all, it would still be a problem. Let's say there are 5 friends. A new HumbleBundle is released. They all buy it and then give it to each other in a private giveaway and mark as received. Easy!
And can SG check if a game is in Library if profile is private?
And how come there are so much regifting?
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steam doesn't check private profile. there's no sync when profile is private. test it by yourself.
about regifting, people are simply dumb. same people get suspended. just you don't see suspension happening till they come out. there are so many users permanently banned becaise of this that I can't even count. this cv abuse is old... very old...and have nothing to do with region lock.
I'll close my case here because this problem is already solved a looooong time ago.
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Because this suggestion is basically "this game is wanted so it's ok to exploit it, go crazy and make 5 copies giveaways"
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"if a game is added to the bundle list, it's there to avoid everyone using it to quickly get cv. "
but this is exactly what happens,people that are given to CV purpose only use bundled games
the ones that give AAA games or even Lord of the Fallen as mentioned for generosity are the ones that get punished
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And who would moderate such a list? We already have not enough people in Support. Plus what's the point? Person A buys popular ROW game for GA for 2$ on 90% sale. Person B buys some niche indie ROW game for 2$ on 90% off. game A gets whitelisted, game B does not. Person A gets 20$ CV person B gets 3$ CV. How is it fair?
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And the way it is now, Person A would get 3$, and would much rather give away a niche indie ROW game, rather than the game that was 90% off, because it is cheaper. Hence, too many niche indie games, and too little games people may actually want.
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If you only care about CV and want to get your level up, why would you buy a 90% off 20$ game (2$) and get 3$ of CV, if you can bulk buy cheap bundles/bundled game keys on G2A, Steamtrades or somewhere else, and get the same amount for less money?
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A lot, I would hazard. The really big AAA games, especially the long ones have a somewhat lesser value in the eyes of many, simply because they don't have that much time to invest in a single game. This is one of the reasons that cRPG is such a niche genre now, even if some games, rarely, gain public interest. (The Witcher is… almost a good example, although it is closer to ARPGs than cRPGs.)
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Good indie games don't come for 2-3$ either, probably main reason there aren't as many of them given away.
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To be honest I think it's up to it's discount. Spelunky had almost no copies given away before the HB monthly.
Also: Flame Over 20 giveaways, lowest $2.39
Snakebird 9 giveaways, $3.49
Darkness Within 1: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder 15 giveaaways, $0.95 historical lowest, $2.5 on most sale at steam
These are just a few examples, but all of them has very postive ratings based on a decent amount of reviews, yet the reportedly bad Trine 3 had more than 65 giveaways only in the past 2 months.
I've seen your later replies that you really meant the bad-bad games, and I'm really happy about that. But being in a world where a well-know series' bad game has much more giveaways than a few original and good games combined, OP's suggestion about protecting the most often given away ones are straight-out silly.
Yes, all 4 examples are from my wishlist :D and will give away D.W 1 soon to balance it out a little better. It's just see how the shovelware smothers steam
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Yeah, the problem aren't the good indie games, the problem are the trash games that people give away just for CV. Example, you have a guy who has enjoyed Shadow Warrior/Serious Sam 3 or other "good" games that are added to the bundled list. He gives away 10 copies that he bought from the Steam Store with his own money, and gets roughly the same amount of CV as a guy who spent less on Joe's Diner keys.
Wow, I'm really clinging onto the whole Joe's Diner thing here. Give me another trash game example! :P
But yeah, I love indie games, I dislike the trash games that people give just for CV.
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Corrected my post so you get it. Both games cost 20$. Both are 90% off. But game 1 may not even be very good but is from popular franchise so a lot of ppl have it WLed, while game B is a debut title, some niche genre etc - so not many ppl have it wishlisted. Both games should give the same CV - if they fall into 95% off in russia they give 3$ (15% of 20$) if threy don't they give 20$ CV. with what OP proposes one will be giving 20$ CV while other will give 3$ CV.
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Then you are thinking wrong. on SG bundled means anything that is on this list. And did you even read OP? He is saying about games that were never in the bundle aka on bundle site - but got added to bundle list because they price dropped below 95% in some region.
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But those are bundle games. Heck, Deponia is so bundled that it is even on the prevent list because it was given away for free. Deponia is one of the most given away games here too, it was so easy to get bundles (I mean I still have keys left for the trilogy and I've been given them away or traded them left and right for months). So is BL 1/2.
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Where Borderlands in a bundle?
As for good games from bundles, there were dozens of good games. Deus Ex, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Mirrors Edge, Metro, Stalker, Dirt and many more.
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What about Indie games, which tend to be bundled much sooner than AAA games?
some of us like indie games cough the cough guy who actually cough played bad rats
Don't like the voting idea either. People will always vote to their own benefit, not the "greater good."
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Oye have I have the game installed. Playing is a different thing though. Its Hard Man!!
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Some parts. It's a somewhat dull game, I have to admit, and frustrating for being so random for a puzzle game.
Still, if anyone asked, I'd rather replay Bad Rats than LIMBO or The Misadventures of P. B. Winterbottom. Or Rooms. My gods, that game was bland and dull.
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I believe the site has, or at least used to have, a running list of how many SG Users' wishlists each game appeared on. I'm wondering if something could be done based off of that, though I'm still thinking about exactly how that might work. It would be easier, both in that it's automated and I believe already exists so wouldn't require as much work, and is also more difficult to abuse than a voting system might be.
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Top wishlisted games on the site will always be:
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This would add just another layer of confusion and we will still get a ton of qq over it :/.
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I like the idea of rewarding giveaways for games that are in high demand. If people are "abusing the system" by giving away massive quantities of Fallout 4 and Witcher 3, how is that a bad thing lol. However determining a formula for how this would work would be complicated and it will probably never happen.
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I guess the poll result is enough to say why this is a nonsense.
Because this suggestion is basically "this game is wanted so it's ok to exploit it, go crazy and make 5 copies giveaways"
In order for your suggestion to be valid, it should:
You miss 3/3 points, sorry.
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Are you serious? I can't tell lol.
Nightfall:Escape is in the current IndieGala humpDay Bundle :X
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I have some sympathy. The current system does very much almost entirely put a stop to certain giveaways even though I had no regional access to the exploited discounts that caused the bundling which does kinda suck. And even though I don't pay that much attention to CV the bundling system has kept me from making at least some giveaways that people would have liked (for instance I kept a Wolfenstein New Order gift for myself that I was going to do a giveaway with because after I saw it bundled I figured I wouldn't see many more opportunities to win it for myself).
But at this time I think all of the alternatives I have seen proposed to the current system are just so exploitable that they would cause even more problems. The only real solution is to pay less attention to CV, it generally doesn't make any real difference at the end of the day...
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I don't like the idea but i also don't like the current system in use for this website, it was already built towards elitism in the previous website and i didn't like it, with this new website it seems to complement even more of an elitist community with all the perks added. This is one of the reasons why i quit gifting and occasionally quit this community entirelly, alot of people gift for the sake of CV or some other minor reason, not "charity" or "karma".
This website should have no level restrictions, if anything the CV has to be cosmetic. The moment you make CV tied with profile levels on this community, people will try to increase their e-peen by gifting things that are cheap with alot of value. There are very few people i see in this community that make giveaways with the real meaning behind the giveaway, which is a sad thing in the end.
I understand that some people want to weed out leeches or serious rule breakers. This could have been done the old way of making a group and inviting people worthy of being in the group. Or make a private giveaway and share the link with people you think are worthy of having. Anything else just seems like stuff that shouldn't be here...
I know this comment will likely get me on peoples blacklists or even suspended for some reason. Not that i care much honestly, just got back recently after quitting for 3-4 months, but if anything did happen to me, it just shows my point about what i just said in this comment.
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Whitelisted! Okay not really, but I do agree with what you say. It seems so obvious: if there is an incentive/benefit to having more CV then people will exploit it. Of course removing the incentive altogether might lead to a decrease in giveaways but what do you expect? People cannot be forced into making giveaways for altruistic reason. Either you genuinely enjoy being generous and unselfish, or not.
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I appreciate the joke, i was expecting the first reply to be "blacklisted", some people are weak at heart and just do stuff like that on the fly because they were given the power to do so.
Now to the actual reply to your comment:
Thing is, the only incentive here should be purely "gifting", not "e-peen". Alot of people here do it for the "e-peen".
Of course when e-peen is involved, people will stop caring about the actual meaning of the word "gifting", something that is included in this websites name. This is a bad practise, newcomers who join the community will follow the e-peen train to whatever place it may go. Some people will even try to outsmart the trains conductor once in a while and get caught.
"Give a man some power and you will see his true character", "e-peen" could be associated with power in some ways, the true character depends on the mindset on each person.
Simple solution: remove CV tiers, leave it purely cosmetic for the eye, gives people less of a reason to care about farming CV for e-peen and actual gifting for generosity or any other reason they have in mind that doesn't ring a bell on the word "attention" or term "show-off". If people want to be elitists, they can do so in their own groups, which by default are away from publics eyes which is something CV fails at achieving.
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the real meaning of giving away could differ for each person, even someone creating GAs just to get cv. in the end, everyone contributes.
and the elitism you mention tied to levels, do you think it will get any better if there's no cv?
most people will move to closed groups and whitelists, leaving unrestricted public GAs to new users and a handful of contributors that don't mind them.
level restrictions are used mostly to filter out rule breakers and abusers.
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Understandable that some people could potentially use that to weed out rule breakers and abusers. This can be achieved other ways, without using CV. The SG tools for example, i returned recently and saw this being a common practise in alot of giveaways made in the forums. This sounds alot better than using CV on giveaways.
The problem with CV is that it's set to both public and private, groups on the other hand are mostly private, they aren't directly public. So "elitist groups" are less of a problem when compared to CV, which is often used in public giveaways. CV being used as it is right now is a bad practise for this community and should be dispatched or changed into something purely cosmetic.
Also between a good practise and a bad practise, what would you rather see? I do consider the use of CV a bad thing for the community, it's rather pointless that such thing even exists. Elitists can do their thing with closed groups, like you said. Keyword here being "closed", aka not set to the public eyes.
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what jims said.
if i make a whitelist/group ga, i share with friends.
a leveled public ga is aimed at contributors.
anyone can give away games to raise their cv, it's easier than getting into groups or whitelists.
and i don't use sgtools for reasons i won't discuss here. i don't condemn it, but i prefer to use sg built-in options.
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So though you currently (over a year) give nothing, and even when you did it was pretty much "elitistly"( I know, not even a word) group give aways...Yet you have no issues with entering/winning. Clearly you, yourself don't give for "charity" or "karma", so why toss bricks from your glass house?
Gotta Love it.
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it might be simpler to put everything on the bundle list, eventually everything ends up as bundle stuff anyway, the majority of stuff gifted is bundle leftovers or dev promos which will happen anyway regardless of cv amount. having low cv will help discourage re-gifting and reducing the number of premium games will help discourage bots.
people shouldn't be paying full price for games anyway, they mean well but the economy is bad everywhere,
alternatively they could just block the creation of ga's for non-bundled games unless it's a dev promo.
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I think the bundled games that haven't been bundled (or discounted for more than 95%) for a long time, have their cv decreased to about 40-50% instead of 15%, the quality of giveaways on the site will increase a lot.
Not everyone get their games from bundles.
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But, you're paying $12 to get AI, which isn't 95% of the retail price. If the bundler is making the assumption that the overall discount of the entire bundle will be 95%, I don't think that's right. They haven't done such a thing, that I know of, with the other bundles. Seems silly to me.
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Never ask. I have a game or two that dropped me over 500 dollars in my CV, but I just learnt to accept the fact that some games miraculously end up there. Sometimes with a year+ retroactive date. On the other hand, it taught me to consider EVERYTHING to be a bundled game that is within my wallet range.
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The only thing that matters for a game getting added to the list, is if it's value drops below 95%.
In bundles, that's calculated by dividing the tier cost by the number of games.
spintires was in an expensive enough tier that even after dividing by games, it didn't reach below 95%- Alien Isolation did.
Generally high tier/humble monthly games don't make it onto the bundle list, but Alien's high retail value worked against it.
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I like this idea of rewarding people for giving away wanted games, not the pricey ones. And when almost everyone get the game - it becomes bundled to prevent exploitation. This is probably the first idea of CV-improvement that I really like. And it can be automated, too!
I think it should work on percent basis. For example, a public giveaway of a game have RU/CIS restriction, and limited for 6+ level. Site database have information, of how much 6+ users from RU/CIS there is, so if giveaway gets certain percent (10%? 20%? we need to set the limit) from this users - leave it unbundled.
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I still vouch for bundle list replacement. Instead of attaching it to the discount value (as it is), attach it to the number of giveaways in the site. So game gets bundled when the number of successful (marked as received) giveaways reaches number X (need data to find solid number for this). This action is retroactive. Otherwise people who rush to gift new bundle (bundle as in from bundle site) games would get full CV and the rest not. Pros of this are:
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But... why do we need this? Topic creator propose to reward for GOOD games, and you propose to reward RARE games? Even if it's cheap and very bad? Even if it is unplayable? Just because it's rare? Are you a collector of games removed from steam, or something like that? Otherwise I don't understand, why would you want such a strange thing.
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The underlying problem lies with current bundle list implementation which is somewhat commonly regarded to be broken at the moment. It has some major issues like Russian discounts. How common the gift is a good indicator if the game could be considered as "bundled". Hence my proposition uses it as a metric to determine which gifts are given such label instead of using outside source of all the sites in the world. Any implementation (even the removal of bundle list and/or CV) will have also negative effects. So does this one.
How would define what games are good? You could use Steam's user review value or number of entries in giveaways as an indicator but they both have their flaws. Some game might be good for others and garbage to rest.
And no, I am not a game collector. Quite opposite of that in fact.
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How so? I stated that the bundling effect will be retroactive. Aye, users rushing creating new bundle games will get higher CV but that would last only limited time (few days likely). The con of this that there would be no longer protection against bundle status for anyone. Now you get full CV if you make the giveaway before bundling date. With this system that would be no longer case and everyone's gifts get bundle status after number of giveaways reaches required point.
Also, I could add that there is already difference between regional store pricing and some regions are paying more than others hence getting more or less CV per buck than others depending on their region.
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Look at any bundles and the amount of games from them. The majority is made in the first few hours, then another bump as the next continent wakes up/arrives home, then the next large time zone, but mostly within the first 24 hours. After that, mostly some stragglers or late arrivals.
So if you give enough time, you essentially give everyone full CV, but if you limit it to an amount of GAs, you limit it to those who are in the best time zone to be awake at the start of the bundle.
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I think you misunderstood me. I'll try to make an example. So game ABC gets in a new bundle, is valued at X and people rush to gift it. Lets consider that the number of giveaways requires to meet bundle status is Z.
1) People who make the early giveaways (before giveaways reach Z) will get full value X.
2) People who make giveaways after count > Z will get bundled value X times 0.15.
3) People who made the giveaways in point one will now also get bundle value X times 0.15 from ABC even if they made it earlier. The game now only gives bundle value X times 0.15 to everyone no matter when it was gifted.
The people who get more CV will only have it for short period of time so I do not see it as an issue because the same happens already (CV gets checked when Shobo adds it to the list which does not happen instant).
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Well, but how would it differ from the current retroactive bundling then? o.O
Plus, I don't know, if it is retroactive, it will cause even more drama. I wouldn't mind a full value for the first X amount of GAs ever made for a game and adding them to the bundle list instantly when they appear in an actual bundle though. This way even some indies could get a decent release boost.
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In some ways better (gift is no longer added to the bundle list years after some sale) and in some ways worse (no longer protection from retroactive bundling). For majority of giveaways, I think the effects would be around the same in both systems.
I though about the first giveaways getting more CV too. It has both positive and negative implications, as usual. It is a matter of what kind of behavior and effects are desired. That would likely lead to quick rush of one hour giveaways when new bundle gets released. And some level of bitterness from people who arrived couple hours too late.
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To some degree yes but I would consider game getting high discount on Russian store to be also unpredictable. Or sales in some other sites.
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But the problem with that is that it creates a dependency on outside source. The bundle status is SteamGifts's own. We already have games in bundles that do not get the bundle status. The site labels certain gifts as bundled to reduce their effect on user's CV. This is done to keep CV in balance as otherwise it would be too easy for users to reach CL10 which in turn would make the whole system almost pointless. In my opinion, the bundling status should be only related to the data that is generated within the site. To some degree it is a mechanical/design view but also partly a philosophical if such term could be used here.
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If it'll improve the quality of giveaways, sure. I'd rather have better giveaways even if it means some people can more easily gain CV.
Off topic question. Is there a reason why the only other language the SG FAQ is available in (other than English) is Russian?
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The only way I can see there being no issues when it comes to bundled/unbundled games is if SG could somehow see how much a person paid for a game and give them that amount of cv, that way it doesn't matter if it came from a bundle or was paid for at full price, they get what they pay and can't complain about it. I don't think it's possible he though so no matter which way the system is there's always going to be some flaws and some complaints.
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How about adding 50% less point earning for regional games?
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Guess who would vote for "don't make that game bundled" ?
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796 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by GKD
i was reading both psvan91 topics
this and thisand i saw people saying things about how the actual cv-bundled system disencourage people to create GA for some games,like LotF/Trine3 etc, and thats why we rarely see some games being givenaway even if its a good game that a lot of people wants and instead we have hundreds of giveaways for some other games that less people cares about
I have a sugestion about this,we should have a whitelist protection for games.We could ̶v̶o̶t̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶h̶o̶w̶ or better just use the average number of entries that a game gets when theres a public row giveaway for it, and the most wanted games would be protected from getting their CV dropped to a maximum of 50% or even full CV,instead of 15% even if it was bundled or cheap in russia or whatever region
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