And mine are very simple, I just color, but I'm too perfectionist, so that takes my time.
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Yep, I'm slowly gathering strength to do that with little things, like, when I post threads now, I don't care about the time anymore, I just hit the button without looking at the clock. Before, I only posted threads on times ending in 0, 2, 5 and 8. But for some other things I just can't seem to let go yet. :P
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I first had my statue of liberty here as well, so deleted that one. :)
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I like it like this! And it's great to see you with a manual work :). I hope you'll do some more!
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Why, I'm only bumping the thread.
Ok, maybe I should've specified the something(an idea), that wouldn't get your hopes up. But then again, don't get your hopes up for my ideas in general. :P
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At first I tried a 3D-model version, but the lines are just a bit off, so no matter how I tweaked and turned it, I couldn't get it to match the image. So I had to scrap that idea. Instead I went with the style of gradients and a ton of overlay layers. Was quite fun doing the reflection. Because it's angled the way it is, you can't just mirror the image, so I got to play around with a tool I haven't used before to fix that. :)
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Wow really great one, I love the color scheme you picked :3
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This is the first and last time I try to do both challenges in a week!
Idea sounded nice to me:
Easy, right? ..NOPE!
As I was fearing, time wasn't enough to complete both. The statue of liberty is a masterpiece compared to this submission :(
Dropped original plan to make an old-style banknote and quickly did this crap, which could at most be an 100P voucher =P
Sorry, everyone -_-
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A 100P voucher is disappointing, I'm almost constantly at 300P...
The striped overlay is a nice touch. :)
You still have 15 hours to improve if you so wish.
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With time and practice (which these challenges will give you) things goes faster. Don't give up "on your dreams" of one day doing both challenges again. :)
It's nice to hear the story about it, it might not have made sense otherwise, but knowing what you just said it really explains it. I like the security strip added on one of the lines. :)
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Not disappointed anymore, I could use that voucher right now. :P
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Was helping out with a wedding this weekend, so had less time than normal... And decided to do something more adventurous than normal. Instead of sleeping. Sometimes I just can't help myself...
And, who would have guessed? I'm not entirely happy with it. Some things never change...
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Shading could have been way better, but it's out of my current abilities, and I've spent too much time on this already (more than 15 hours...) But at the same I'm kinda proud of myself because it's my second pixel art attempt - the first being my avatar :D
Drawn on a canvas 1/16th size of the original image, and enlarged afterwards. I also included a version with the dots and lines superimposed (which doesn't look half as nice). Click on the images and zoom in to see it in full glory :D
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The sky or the fog? The sky is a watercolor texture i found online, while the fog is just some white brushing
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Welcome to the seventh week of the Connect-the-dot and Coloring event lasting 12 weeks with each week 2 new connect-the-dot challenges!
Previous Weeks: Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, Sagrada Familia, St Marks Square, Bridge of Sighs, St.Peter's Basilica, Neuschwanstein, Parthenon, Kizhi Pogost, Taj-Mahal, Pyramid of Khufu, Great Wall of China
Voting and Leaderboard Thread is here.
This week the landmark for this thread is:
The Golden Pavilion in JPG format
The Golden Pavilion in PDF format
Simply print the jpg or pdf (or use paint programs) and complete the connect-the-dots and submit your finished picture in this thread! For participating you will be invited to a special Steam group for GA rewards!
Here is an example:
Example of completed Dot-to-dot -St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia
Example of COLORED Dot-to-dot -used colored pencil, adding some detail
If you want to accept the ultimate challenge then add some coloring to your picture for next week voting will be done on colored submissions for winners and special GA entry!
Check HERE for details on your submissions and the event!
And don't miss out on the other challenge this week of Statue of Liberty!
Countdown Timer to the end of submissions.
The Golden Pavilion Challenge!
Where: Kyoto, Japan
What: Kinkaku-ji (金閣寺 - "Temple of the Golden Pavilion") or Rokuon-ji (formal name - 鹿苑寺 - "Deer Garden Temple") is a Zen Buddhist temple in northern Kyoto, Japan.
Interesting facts:
The pavilion is three stories high, approximately 12.5 meters in height. Top two floors are completely covered in approximately 48 kilograms of gold leaf, inside and out. Each floor represents a different style of architecture: The first floor is built in the Shinden style used for palace buildings during the Heian Period. The second floor is built in the Bukke style used in samurai residences. The third floor is built in the style of a Chinese Zen Hall and is capped with a golden phoenix.
The building's first purpose was to serve the retiring Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1409) as a residence. The gold-leaf-adorned building was converted into a Zen temple shortly after his death.
It has burned down numerous times throughout its history including twice during the Onin War, a civil war that destroyed much of Kyoto; and once again more recently in 1950 when it was set on fire by a mentally ill monk. The present structure was rebuilt in 1955.
The pavilion extends over a pond, called Kyōko-chi (鏡湖池 - "Mirror Pond") set in a Japanese strolling garden. The pond contains stones that are symbols of the Buddhist creation story. Location of the garden implements the idea of borrowing of scenery ("shakkei") that integrates the outside and the inside, creating an extension of the views surrounding the pavilion and connecting it with the outside world.
Golden Pavilion is one of the key historic sites in Japan that attracts a lot of tourists every year.
You can see Kinkaku-ji live on it's official website here.
One more thing. If you'd like to Learn Japanese, try solving the Golden Pavilion Mystery.
GOOD LUCK on the challenge! Create for us some breath-taking Pictures of the The Golden Pavilions for some awesome GA wins!
Cool pic of landmark (that I took myself during my trip to Japan earlier this year):
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