After nearly a year away, I’m finally back! For those who remember me, you’ll know I’ve got three amazing (and occasionally chaotic) boys—12, 5, and nearly 2. I absolutely love being a dad, whether it's creating fantasy stories with my eldest, weaving "choose your own adventure" tales, or trying (and sometimes failing) to harness the creativity of the little ones. Parenting is an adventure all on its own… but one of my kids decided to take things to the next level.

You see, my 5-year-old has always been a bit of a nighttime terror. A champion of unnecessary midnight invasions, he’s spent years sneaking into my bed, tossing, turning, and generally thrashing about like a fish on land. Unfortunately for me, his chaotic sleep gymnastics had some unintended consequences. Over many months (and probably hundreds of accidental headbutts, kicks, and wild flailing limbs), he managed to knock out my two front lower teeth. One at a time. I swear, if there were an Olympic sport for stealthily breaking a parent's spirit (and dental structure) while asleep, he’d be a gold medalist.

Now, I’ve never been the most self-conscious person, but walking around looking like a hillbilly horror show did a number on my confidence. A trip to the dentist confirmed my worst fears—without intervention, my lower teeth would slowly shift and eventually just… fall over on their own. Fantastic. My options?

1: Remove all my lower teeth and get dentures, which would be free-floating, prone to falling out, and make eating steak a distant memory. Cost: $6,000+.

2: Go all in on "All-on-4" implants—four titanium screws drilled into my jaw to anchor a permanent set of teeth. A 6-hour operation, and oh yeah, an eye-watering $32,000 price tag, including an extra $7,000 just to be put to sleep so I wouldn’t sit there for 6 hours dreaming of a cigarette.

So, after raiding my superannuation (because, let's be honest, I wasn't waiting for my teeth to fall out one by one like a grim countdown to self-destruction), I just had the surgery two days ago. My face currently feels like it doesn’t belong to my body, I'm doped up on pain meds, and I’m probably not forming words properly yet… but hey, I’m back!

With that said, I have a couple of small trains. Get your tickets, checkpoints here - With no defined order, or significance, cos I couldn't be bothered:
I've prob screwed something up but they should be up for a week. -Yep, screwed up, I have an odd cart. 1 2 goes for two weeks. Oh noes, anything goes ^^

Train - Level 0
Train - Level 1
Train - Level 2
Train - Level 3
Train - Level 4
WL Train - Level Over 9000

1 day ago*

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Nothing micro about this! Hope your new dentures bring you new adventures ;)

9 hours ago

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That's domestic violence! ^^
Save the photo of your face for when he'll ask an expensive gift ;)

9 hours ago

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That's gotta be painful

9 hours ago

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Thanks for these trains and welcome back!

I hope you will be able to sink your teeth into SG from now on :p

9 hours ago

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Welcome back!
And sorry for what happened to you. If you have the money, i'll say go for option 2. But if dont, then option 1 is fine as well. But i guess you already choose option 2, right? So hopefully you'll get used to it soon!

8 hours ago

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8 hours ago

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Knocked out one of my mums teeth when I was one. She never let me forget it XD

Hope everything works out. And thanks for the train.

8 hours ago

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Ouch! It hurts a lot just reading...

Good recovery!

8 hours ago

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oh wow. hopefully it works out in the end and your teeth look as good as new

thanks for all the trains

8 hours ago

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Welcome Back!!
Thank you for the train!!

7 hours ago

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Welcome back. It's a shame they couldn't do a bridge or implants for you, but glad you got it all sorted ^_^

6 hours ago

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thats crazy!!!
as an american
my plan is to just drop dead if i ever need to pay for something that costs that much

View attached image.
6 hours ago

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Was, a side contemplation, of a plan, if I couldn't access my superannuation to get the funds together lol Not sure if you know what Superannuation in Australia is so I'll explain it briefly, feel free to completely ignore the below if you already know ^^

In Australia, employers pay staff their wages, obviously changes person to person and place to place etc. Hypothetically, for convenience and ease, let's say an employee earns $1,000 for the given pay period. The employer will pay the allotted amount to the employee, minus governmental taxes. However the employer is also mandated to pay Superannuation and is paid from employer to the employees superannuation company (Given the fact they aren't being dodgy and paying staff in cash). Superannuation is calculated before taxes come out and I think it's currently 11.5%. So the employer is then made to pay the employee in 3 different ways.

$1,000 gross wages for the pay period + $115 Superannuation (Total $1115.00)

  • Superannuation gets paid direct to the nominated superannuation company
  • Taxes (from the wages) get removed from the total and paid to the tax office directly
  • Net balance then paid direct to the employees bank

Superannuation is meant to be a tool to assist with retirement and technically can't be accessed. It can only be accessed early for certain reasons and the hoops you go through are nuts xD

6 hours ago

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I'm glad your back. I hope your new teeth last for a very long time. Does your son still sleep violently like that?

6 hours ago

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My points! My dear points!!! :D :D :D

Here is hoping you can feel your face and bite hard on those juicy steaks as soon as possible.

Bump, thank you, and cheers!

6 hours ago

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Welcome back! ^^

6 hours ago

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Wowsers, and to think I'm having kittens about having to save for a new measly phone, I can't imagine being faced with a bill so huge! I truly hope this is the end of your health problems and have better days ahead......less said about the financial hit the better I suppose given that the little terrors vandals darlings are still's hoping the 5 year old develops a new hobby soon :)....with smashing skills like that maybe he could be put to work tunnelling the Snowy Hydro or something :D Cheers for the giveaways nonetheless!

6 hours ago

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My Power It's Over 9000!

4 hours ago

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Thanks for the train! Bump

4 hours ago

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You're a superhero to spend part of your recovery gifting back to the community here. Such an intense procedure. Thanks for all the giveaways! Maybe one day in the future when your sons have grown, this will make for a good tale to reminisce on. For now, you shall be... the Gob Father. sorry for the bad joke May you rest up and heal quickly! Until then I suppose... steak smoothies?

3 hours ago

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Gob Father, Gummy Daddy, Baby Shark ... eww baby shark. Eh they all work ^^ lol
Contemplated steak smoothies, feel like it's gonna be a bad path to go down but ^^

3 hours ago

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I hadn't even considered the details of it. But now... would you want it rare or well done? Bloody or greasy?? Haha, maybe grossing out on the idea of steak is one method to survive for the next few months!

3 hours ago

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sorry about your teeth, and thanks for the long train.
the 5 year old will definitely brag about knocking teeth out at 5 later in life lol

3 hours ago

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Wow, welcome back! Sounds like you’ve been through the wringer. Here’s hoping for a quick recovery and maybe a little less nighttime WWE from your 5-year-old haha

2 hours ago

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Glad you went to the dentist on time. Hope you recover quickly 😁

1 hour ago

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Ive only had experience of anesthesia after surgery on tongue, once. And the post op feeling was just awful. After it wore off, it pained like hell!
I cant even imagine what a teeth makeover would feel like...pheww...
Best wishes and hope you find the strength!

1 hour ago

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