Yeah, option 2. Looking at it logically, was the best choice. But it's already had complications ^^ So here goes it. Can't feel the right side of my face at all, like its still numb, and left hand side the whole plate lifted on me, i didn't sleep last night paranoid about what it could mean lol They tightened it all up this morning, seems ok, still monitoring it though as still numb one side and the other feels different now, like I can feel the bolt ^^
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Bump. Thanks for the train, really "cute" how every level starts with train themed game.
My mother had kind of similar thing, she was struggling with her dental health all her life, she got "All-on-6" thing. Doctor vividly suggested going on 6 instead of 4. From her personal experience it was a life saver - the quality of life improved drastically, even tho initially it also felt similar to your case with "face currently feels like it doesn’t belong to my body" but eventually it all made sense, according to her. I understand that it's quite an expensive move...the only thing I can suggest to anyone being in a similar situation - you can go abroad to save up to even 75% on this. I mean, this is what my mom did - she went to Thailand and got it done for 3k$ total back in 2015 (prices back then, but still). Just read online reviews before hand, the majority of doctors are good anywhere in the world, it's all about local economy. fine with gulping down mushed potatoes with minced meat for the rest of my life, hillbilly horror show is my style. Chewing is overrated.
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Hey, long time no see Althalus, glad you're finally back with us :)
And ouch, dental care is really horrific. I had some too, and boy am I glad these are not charged where I live.Hpe all will be fine with you.
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Welcome back, glad to see you here again 🥰
Thanks for the trains 🚂✨
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Welcome back! I was going through a WL cleanup just recently, was wondering what were you up to. Hope your recovery goes smoothly!
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Sorry about your injury, but good to have you back!
[Mental note to send my kids to dental school]
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I am sorry to hear that you have been going through all of these.
May I offer you something?
It will sounds crazy and I know it.
I was watching an interview and a doctor mentioned they started to match some emotions with some organs.
For example fear: kidneys, anger: liver
I made some research on the topic and found a very detailed book.
The Encyclopedia of Ailments and Diseases by Jaques Martel
And it is crazy. If I start to hurt or get sick I consult and it helps me realize my emotions.
I also red this idea is part of the "homeopathic" or "Spiritual" or "Eastern medicine" ideas.
And they say you need to heal the soul (psyche) too or you will get sick again.
So maybe reading that book might help you to discover yourself (There are meanings of teeth too)
Which can lead to healing...
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Have a bump!
I must say I was always lucky to have close relatives that worked with teeth... those are some hefty values.
Also, as someone who wakes up with his 2 years old feet on my face more often than I would like to believe possible, you just unlocked a new fear for me.
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Welcome back, and sorry to hear about your dental issues it sounds awful.
Hope you're doing okay other than that, either way I'm glad you're back :D
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oh goodness, that sounds awful... I do hope it gets better for you! best of luck!
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After nearly a year away, I’m finally back! For those who remember me, you’ll know I’ve got three amazing (and occasionally chaotic) boys—12, 5, and nearly 2. I absolutely love being a dad, whether it's creating fantasy stories with my eldest, weaving "choose your own adventure" tales, or trying (and sometimes failing) to harness the creativity of the little ones. Parenting is an adventure all on its own… but one of my kids decided to take things to the next level.
You see, my 5-year-old has always been a bit of a nighttime terror. A champion of unnecessary midnight invasions, he’s spent years sneaking into my bed, tossing, turning, and generally thrashing about like a fish on land. Unfortunately for me, his chaotic sleep gymnastics had some unintended consequences. Over many months (and probably hundreds of accidental headbutts, kicks, and wild flailing limbs), he managed to knock out my two front lower teeth. One at a time. I swear, if there were an Olympic sport for stealthily breaking a parent's spirit (and dental structure) while asleep, he’d be a gold medalist.
Now, I’ve never been the most self-conscious person, but walking around looking like a hillbilly horror show did a number on my confidence. A trip to the dentist confirmed my worst fears—without intervention, my lower teeth would slowly shift and eventually just… fall over on their own. Fantastic. My options?
So, after raiding my superannuation (because, let's be honest, I wasn't waiting for my teeth to fall out one by one like a grim countdown to self-destruction), I just had the surgery two days ago. My face currently feels like it doesn’t belong to my body, I'm doped up on pain meds, and I’m probably not forming words properly yet… but hey, I’m back!
With that said, I have a couple of small trains. Get your tickets, checkpoints here - With no defined order, or significance, cos I couldn't be bothered:
I've prob screwed something up but they should be up for a week. -Yep, screwed up, I have an odd cart.
12 goes for two weeks. Oh noes, anything goes ^^Train - Level 0
Train - Level 1
Train - Level 2
Train - Level 3
Train - Level 4
WL Train - Level Over 9000
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