Hello my question is i play the game wink that i win and unlock achievements too in a way that not broken rules of yoour group but i was banned by user\moderator morikalina because your group say i not play it (that is false\wrong comment\opinion and ban) i would like to enter with option 1 if possible.
p.s. anyway i noticed that i can enter many PA giveaways also if i has been banned\not member (with your group error) i dont know why
anyway if your reply is no thank you anyway and happy new year 2023.
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You may have changed your name but I still know who you are. Please do NOT comment on this thread ever again or message me in any way. You are not welcome to ever go anywhere near this group ever again.
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First my steam account\name\id it's the same since i start many years ago here on SG so nothing change.
second i comment here by explain to you who i'm (i say also game wink) so i not change my name or hidden nothing,
your group already accuse me of false by say i not play the game while instead iplay it,so do not accuse me to change names for you or your group when is false too,i change only nickname on sg and i do it many days ago and reason is beause it was not appropriated not related to today or your group,you create this discussion 20 minutes ago i change the nickname many days ago...so you are wrong opinion and false accuse too.
third This said not worry as i said already i cant enter already pa giveaways so i dont care bye and now that i see how your group reply (very negative and not respectful) don't worry i'm sure i will avoid it in future,is very bad toxic maleducate way to reply and i dont like.
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Please do NOT comment on this thread ever again or message me in any way.
Last warning or I will involve SG support.
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Let's give this another shot, as I've won more desirable games that im willing to play. To join the group, I would love to play The Walking Dead: The Final Season (if not possible, my alternative would be Popup Dungeon). I have played a little bit of the game if that is not an issue (around half an hour of afk time as I forgot to close the game while taking a bath). Looking back for an answer as I already kinda feel awkward applying for a second time as I feel like, personally, that the first time was an embarrassment along with a failure.
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Hi aerostatik, don't worry about it. You are still more than welcome to join the group, we just need to find a way that works for you to join.
The game needs to be unplayed before the comment and from what I can tell The Walking Dead: The Final Season has 1,5 hours of playtime so if you idled it for half an hour that is still an hour of playtime you got on it which is way too much. I will accept Popup Dungeon however so if you want to do that one it is fine by me.
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Alright, let me know once you beat the game or if there are any issues!
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I'm afraid to say that I'm running in quite a few issues, making my will to play the game dwindle. The game gets stupidly hard at floor 4 and onwards and due to this game not being documented much (characters, strategies etc) on websites like Reddit or the wiki (the wiki does have some stuff but it doesn't change the gameplay a whole lot). A lot of the disadvantages can be found on the wiki, along with all of the floors one has to go through in the main story (https://popupdungeon.fandom.com/wiki/The_Wizards_Tower). I have uploaded some screenshots to prove that I've actually been playing the game though, achievements are quite lacking since by the looks of it they're based on the things you select in the story (dialogues, some actions).
On a side note, I have won Bridge Construction Medieval a while ago and only played through the first episode of levels (there's 4-5, each containing 5 levels) and I could also play that but I am pretty sure the game is wayyyy too short to fall into the rules of the group to enter.
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I am afraid I haven't played the game (nor do I own it anyways) so I can't help with any suggestions what would make it easier. But the game needs to be beaten for it to count I am afraid.
Bridge Constructor Medieval would actually not be too short, but it wont count because it has already been played and the game needs to be unplayed.
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Well, all hope isn't lost because I just won Quantum Break, a game which I'm excited to play. I can 100% do it, as it's more of my style of game, but you'll have to be a bit patient with me, as today I won't be home till 3am and tomorrow I won't be home till a unspecified amount of time.
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Quantum Break is a great one! There is no hurry, but this one is gonna be the last one I will approve because I can't keep going forever so I hope it will indeed work out :)
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Got home, have till 7:30PM some time before I need to go again, definetly finishing this, the game is amazing so far, just in the beginning!
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I have completed the game :)
Third time was the charm!
In the process I have uploaded some screenshots to Steam to prove that I've played it and I can upload a few more if needed. Steam achievements also show that I've progressed through the game till the end.
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Patiently waiting for a reply.
I don't think sending a 2nd message 20 hours after the first one counts as patiently. I am not ignoring you (or anyone who has messaged me) I have other things to do in life as well, I didn't get around to do PA related stuff yesterday.
That said, congrats on beating the game! Glad it worked out in the end. Join request approved, welcome to the group!
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Fair enough, got a bit scared, considering my past history of not being able to complete the first 2 games.
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Hi there.
I made a PA giveaway for Strange Bridage Deluxe Edition a few days ago. Link here: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/LzxBI/strange-brigade-deluxe-edition
This is a Steam bundle for the game and its DLC, and while it appears on the giveaway won/created for the winner/me respectively, it does not track the progress (in the Progress of Created giveaways page). Is this a bug, or is this intended behavour for Steam bundles?
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Hey Filipi, thanks for reporting the issue!
Basically what the issue is that since the Steam store page for the bundle doesn't exist the website doesn't know which games it should be tracking since well, it has nowhere to get that info from. I can't fix it myself, but Reforced can manually add the games for it to be tracked for a certain bundle. I will message him to fix it, but it will take a little bit of time to sort it out so please have patience. Will update you when it gets fixed!
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I was kicked because I didn't played Shadowrun: Hong Kong enought within a month.
Now I completed it. Also completed Shadows: Awakening that I won after Shadowrun.
Also, I completed ALL games that I won on PA before. (except Dungetris. not sure if I won it there tho. didn't liked it much but played over 3 hours)
Can I come back to group?
I will make maybe 8 GA's from HB montly.
because after previous GA's I Just don't want to give those games to bots
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Hi vidokas, I took a look and approved both games so you are welcome to rejoin once more. I have sent you a friend request on Steam so I can reinvite you. Please send me a message when you accept it so I don't forget to invite you.
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Hi Spamente, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Cook Serve Delicious 3 is such a good game, I hope whoever wins it will enjoy it :)
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Hi, I am very new to joining groups like this, but I hope I read everything right :)
Can I join with option 2? Then I would like to give away: No time to explain remastered
Also just curious, when playing a lot does this mean complete the game, or "just" play it a lot? (I consider my playing skills here) sorry if it's a weird question, just dont want to do something wrong ^^
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Game considered being played enough depending on time spent in it and amount of achievements obtained (amount of both varying from one title to another). More detailed explanation can be found in FAQ: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/playing-appreciated/discussions/0/133256959381015741/
You can also check the statistics of currently played games by the members of the group here to get a better idea: https://www.playingappreciated.com/tracked.php?show=played
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Hi Jekofob, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can!
As for your questions I see AndyFrost already answered you. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask!
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thank you, as soon as I figure out how to do it within a group I will do it :D
Oh yeah and a note, how soon before I will be in the group to enter giveaways etc? I was just checking the site out with all the giveaways and notice I cant enter yet (because I havent had a giveaway yet maybe?)
Edit: When I make a giveaway the group is not on the list over groups that can enter, am I missing something?
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In case SG hasn't automatically done it by now: you need to go here and click "sync account" so the site actually knows that you have joined the group. That should fix both the issue of not being able to make a giveaway for the group and seeing the current giveaways :)
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Oh don't worry about it. It is generally not something most people are aware of till they actually need it :D
Looks good to me! Thank you for sharing :)
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I think I would like to apply using option 1.
However, before applying/selecting the game, I would like to re-ask these questions:
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Hi aklgupta, you really never run out of questions.
When you say "comment again when you finished playing it", does it mean playing it to the level that the group/website considers good enough, beating it or 100%ing it?
Beating it.
Should I wait until I finish the game to apply to the group?
Doesn't matter, either is fine. Only option that is not fine is requesting to join without commenting here.
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Got it. Thanks for the clarification.
I would like to enter with Pumpkin Jack | GA.
However, if for some reason I can't enter with that game, here are two other option I am open to:
Thief | GA
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons | GA
Please let me know if these games are too short or not acceptable for some reason. I'll pick something else.
PS: I'll be installing these games just to save time. This might make them show up in my recently played games with 0.0 hours. Not sure if that is normal or just some bug on my end.
PPS: Sorry. I did tell you last time that I am holding back. Somehow whenever I encounter something new, no matter how minute, questions start popping up like crazy in my mind, specially if I have to make a decision regarding it.
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Pumpkin Jack will do fine. Let me know once you beat.
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Completed. 100% achievements.
Achievement page
I have request to join the group now.
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Congrats on completing the game. Join request approved, welcome to the group!
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Thank you!
Another question 😅
I noticed that I have two wins from several months ago These were multi-group GAs and I won them before I joined PMPA. So, these are not counted as PM PA wins. Will they be a problem in the future when my stats are checked?
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Don't think so. Found a sample of won giveaway with zero progress. It looks like in the attachment.
By the way, according to SG stats you won just 0.6 gifts within the group. Just found it interesting )
I'm sure that there shouldn't be any problems with your previous wins as reasons are clear and you have done nothing wrong.
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Don't think so. Found a sample of won giveaway with zero progress. It looks like in the attachment.
Thanks. I tried doing the same but couldn't find any. maybe because I just visited the site for the first time today.
By the way, according to SG stats you won just 0.6 gifts within the group. Just found it interesting )
That is because those GAs were shared with other groups too. Each won is divided by the number of groups the GA was shared with.
I won 2 GAs. 1 is shared with another group, so it is counted as 1/2=0.5, while the is shared by 6 other groups, so it is counted as 1/7=0.1428. The sum, 0.6428, is rounded to 1 decimal place, 0.6.
The value, $10.35, is calculated the same way.
I'm sure that there shouldn't be any problems with your previous wins as reasons are clear and you have done nothing wrong.
I hope so too :D
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I assume you mean PA not PM. And no, that would literally make 0 sense. Nor are they tracked on the won giveaway progress page.
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No worries, if you would ever like to rejoin just leave a message on this thread. Good luck!
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Hi BB9E, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can.
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Hi Shamdoo, I am afraid I am gonna have to decline. You are not welcome to join.
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Because there is way too many red flags I see when I look at your profile that give me no confidence you will actually follow the group rules.
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Hi imiri, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can.
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Hi Mugmoment, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can.
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Hi nudzj, yes, you can join. Let me know which option you want to pick :)
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Option 1
Could you choose for me between these two?
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I haven't played either of the games so that is a bit hard for me to pick. I would say the Batman one simply because that is one I have heard people talk about it before but either of them will do fine, so if you don't like one you can do the other one. Just let me know when you beat either:
Batman™: Arkham Knight (note: 6,5 hours of idle time)
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Congrats on beating the game! I have sent you a friend request so I can invite you to the group. Please send me a message when you accept it so I don't forget.
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Hi Ultimasta, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can.
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Thanks, done. Please let me know if there is any issue with any part of my giveaway:
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Hi! I was once in a group, but unfortunately i was kicked for not playing a game in time. 2 times, actually. I hope you remember me.
I already asked this but i'll ask it again in case if anything changed. Can i get back somehow? Maybe by giving away some games?
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Hi yourshk, no it has not changed and it will not change in the future. You can't rejoin.
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Hi there,
I read the rules and would like to join the group. Because i haven't won anything until now, i would like to enter via opiton 2.
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Hi Hulumulu123, since you don't have any win you can pick any unplayed game with achievements from your Steam library to play instead for option 1. Let me know if you would prefer that! But either is fine, I just need to know :)
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Hey MouseWithBeer,
If that is possible i'd like to opt in via option 1 :)
I'd like to let you choose: Yoku's Island Express or Mark of the Ninja?
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sorry, I just give my personal opinión, im not part of the staff of the group, but a member.
both are great games, play both when you have some time, you wont be desapointed
yokus island I played it until 100%≥ really loved the mechanichs, how you're meeting new characters, and the desing of the map/world.
hope you enjoy it too
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Yoku's Island Express
Mark of the Ninja
will do fine.
I haven't played either of the 2 games (both on my to do list) so its hard for me to pick one. I guess I heard more good things about Yoku's Island Express so I would suggest that one? Let me know once you beat one of the games :)
Edit: I had this thread open for a while as I was busy doing other things before I replied, so I see now that you already made your mind. Let me know when you beat the game!
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Hey MouseWithBeer,
i've been a little bit confused by Ivans reply and actually thought hes part of the staff XD
Finished Yoku's Island Express and uploaded some screenshots. Great game, enjoyed it a lot (Thanks Ivan ;)).
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Sorry about that, I can't really control what other people write here. I think they just wanted to give their option on the games and didn't think at first it might seem that they are a mod of the group, especially from their 2nd reply. For future reference you can see the list of admins of the group up top here or on the Steam group page :)
uploaded some screenshots
I can't seem to see those, did you upload them as friends only?
Either way, congrats on beating the game! Join request approved, welcome to the group! :)
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I'd like to join via option № 1. The game I want to play/beat would be either Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition (preferable, but I have some idle time in it) or Evoland 2. Thanks.
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Hi Derpsley, as long as it is just idle time it is not a problem. So you can play either Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition(note: 2.8hours of idle) or Evoland 2. Let me know once you beat one of them.
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I'd like to join via option 2.
I only know this group because of the gift problem of this game. I think after joining, it should be given away without a hitch.
Question: I see people who joined earlier via option 1.
They all choose to play in 2 games, is it their own or is it given by the group?
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Hi, Pferdmenge. I am honestly a bit confused about what is going on with that giveaway. All I can gather is that someone recommended you to give it away as a group game instead of just public. But that giveaway ended and it has a winner that the game should be delivered to and since only support can see tickets (what you have linked) I have no idea what is going more than that. And I am not comfortable letting someone join with option 2 unless they can make a giveaway for a game for 100% sure.
They all choose to play in 2 games, is it their own or is it given by the group?
They pick one game to play from the wins they have won on SG. Only if they never won anything they can pick something that they already own in their Steam library. And once they beat the game they are allowed to join the group.
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Hi Andrewski, since you left the group on your own and don't have any unplayed group wins you can rejoin no problem without having to do option 1/2. I have approved your join request, welcome back to the group! :)
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Hi Foxpile, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can :)
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hello greetings!, I would like to enter with option 1, the only game I have won is Dungeons 3 I have already advanced a couple of missions including the tutorial and I have found it entertaining I have dedicated a little more than 7 hours to the game
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Hi Bako0ne, the game to join with option 1 has to be unplayed before you comment on it so Dungeons 3 will not work.
Option 1: Showing your commitment by playing a previous won game on SteamGifts that you did not yet play.
Since you have no other win you have 3 possibilities:
1) pick and beat any unplayed game from your Steam library that has achievements. You need to let me know what game is it going to be before you start playing it.
2) wait till you win another game
3) join with option 2 instead.
Let me know what you decide.
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I never said you have to stop playing the game. I said that you can't pick that game to join the group with because you started playing it before you commented that you want to join the group here and therefore it doesn't count. If you want to join by playing a game, the game can't have any playtime on it before you comment here and say that you want to join the group by playing that game.
Since you don't have any other wins you could play you can pick any game that you haven't played yet from Steam and play that instead. You just need to let me know what game it is going to be before you start playing it.
Or indeed join with option 2.
I hope you understand what I am trying to say now, let me know what you decide.
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aah ok 😅, anyway I could enter with option 2 I have a game in the inventory for a raffle the game is "Breach & Clear: Deadline Rebirth (2016)" let me know if it is possible and I could also play a game ideally another of the saga commandos that I'm finishing the first 😁, thanks
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Alright, lets do option 2 then, that game will do fine. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Pleas make the giveaway as soon as you can.
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Hi LeDeNew, not sure why you would pick a game you know you wont like (or enter for it at all) but sure you can join by playing The Walking Dead. Let me know once you beat the game. There is no time limit as to how quickly this one needs to be played but keep in mind that once in the group "being busy" doesn't count as a valid excuse why a group win hasn't been played in time.
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Yeah, i picked it to force me to play it because i really want give it a try after all (maybe i used the wrong words, i just never played any of telltale games). Anyway, i'll go play it.
About the "busy" part, i just have one question to make sure, i need to FINISH the games i've won on the group? i have my time on weekends but i would stay away from longer games if that's the case
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Yes, i really enjoyed it, considering to buy the sequel too.
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I am glad you ended up enjoying it! I have played all of them and I can say I have enjoyed them all but The Final Season which I found disappointing (you can tell that it was rushed).
Join request approved, welcome to the group!
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Hi cerenara, you are welcome to join by playing Fury Unleashed. Let me know once you beat the game!
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It seems some people only learn the hard way. So be it.
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296 Comments - Last post 58 minutes ago by raydotn
The group is currently closed for new applications. If you apply anyways I am gonna assume you can not read and therefore I have no hope you read the group rules so you will be unable to join the group when it reopens.
Playing Appreciated is a group for members that like to play games they win and for giveaway creators that like to see their games getting played. This sounds simple, yet requires commitment and dedication from members by filtering out games they like to play from all group giveaways and when won playing those within one month. In return members will get higher chances of winning games they want and creators will know their giveaways have a high chance of getting played. The group has more than 1000 members and over 25000 historical giveaways.
Group rules
More information and detailed rules please see the FAQ.
How to join
You can't join at the moment, we don't accept new members.
Final notes
Requesting to join without leaving a comment bellow will result in an automatic rejection.
More information and the FAQ are available via the Steam group.
Current group giveaways on SteamGifts
Group website where all playtime is tracked
Old application thread
Feel free to comment below if you have any questions!
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